Tuesday, 17 January 2023

God's backup plan if Jews don't do what He chose them to do

Muslims are God's backup plan should Jews fail in their purpose to do as He chose them to do.

If Jews are no longer up to the job of teaching the Noahide laws and refuse to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws because they are afraid of their Christian overlords, they should stand aside for Muslims who were also chosen by God to enjoin good and forbid the evil.     

1.  Islam - most Noahide because it is Judaism Lite

2.  Buddhism because it is an atheist philosophy

3.  Hinduism because it is idolatry

4.  Christianity because Christians worship an executed blasphemer

In the light of three global Christian empires, it cannot be denied that Jews have utterly failed to do what they were chosen by God to do.  

Will Muslims fare better?

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