Saturday, 17 April 2021

The Noahide laws are the catalyst for political and religious change in the West

1:16:00  Rabbis are misusing the Noahide laws when they use it to create a religion for gentiles. The Noahide laws are for ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws so gentiles can then decide which religion they should adopt bearing in mind their ranking, particularly those whose religion is bottom of the heap as regards Noahide compliance ie Christians in the West whose religion is kaput. 

1:17:00  Why would any gentile entrust himself to rabbinically-guided Noahidism unless they were Islamophobes? 

1:18:00  Even if there were gentiles prepared submit themselves to rabbinically-guided Noahidism in preference to becoming Muslim, they would be most unlikely to do so in significant numbers bearing in mind the numbers of Muslims across the world.  

1:20:00  Christianity is the religion of antisemitism. Both Jews and Arabs are a Semitic race with religions that reject the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity. Antisemitism is both racial and ideological, if you come to think of it.  

There is really no space in synagogues for Noahides, only for converts to Judaisam. 

1:22:00  Westerners reject Islam because a stereotype of Muslims has been created in Western minds of being terrorists and oppressors of women and homosexuals, but the Noahide is a neutral new identity that has not yet taken hold in the Western consciousness. 

1:23:00  Noahides in America are by definition people who have rejected Christianity but have not made the final leap to Islam.  

1:26:00  Jews have not been living in a theocracy for 2000 years while Muslims still operate them. 
Rabbis are afraid of speaking truth to the power of American imperialism. 

1:27:00  Rabbi Singer

1:28:00  Endorsing the Noahide laws

1:29:00  Is the Catholic Church a turkey voting for Christmas?

1:32:00  The purpose of my proposed rabbinical ranking of the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws is to shame Christian Westerners into finally adopting Islam to save their society, nation and civilisation from feminazis and the policies of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Westerners are rejecting liberalism in droves and voting for Trump to signal their rejection and the Western liberal establishment had to commit election fraud on 3 November 2020 to get the election result they wanted.  

Restoring the patriarchy in the West requires established principles of social conservatism now found only in the Koran because Christianity is kaput.  

1:34:00  Secular Koranism is obviously better than rabbinically-guided Noahidism for Western nations because it allows the gentile nation to interpret its principles in their own way. 

1:35:00  The Koran disapproves of idolatry.  

1:36:00  Vincent: "Secular Koranism is less strict than Noahidism."
1:38:00  The American Republic was founded on Islamic principles. The First Amendment was based on

1:39:00  Five of the Founding Fathers were not even Christian. 

5:24:00  Michael Brown

5:25:00  Most Jews gentiles in the West meet are going to be secular liberal Jews rather than Orthodox rabbis. 

The "modern consensus of Jews" is submitting to liberalism! 

5:26:00  Noahide laws

Moses Mendelssohn

5:27:00  "Kike"

5:28:00  Jews forbidden to enter churches but allowed to pray with Muslims in mosques. 

5:29:00  Kosher Jesus

5:31:00  Education and Sharing Day

5:33:00  Trump supporters are treated by liberals as heretics after stealing the election from them. 

5:34:00  The Noahide laws are the catalyst for political and religious change in the West. 

5:35:00  Culture War

5:36:00  Patriarchy v Matriarchy

5:38:00  The litmus test of a believer of the Abrahamic God is concern and alarm about being guilty of idolatry and blasphemy. Christians really don't care about being idolaters and blasphemers. 

5:39:00  Jews and Muslims jointly speaking against idolatry and blasphemy would have the effect of marginalising Christians.  

5:40:00  Michael Brown, Christian Jews, Aaron Amihud

5:42:00  Luis Perez

5:44:00  Jews warning each other not to talk about the Noahide laws to gentiles. 

5:45:00  Rabbinical opinion is not settled on whether Islam is Noahide.  

5:46:00  Removing the kosher certificate from America by disestablishing Education and Sharing Day

5:48:00  Is America cursed by God because it not a Noahide nation?

5:49:00  Gay marriage threatens traditional marriage

5:51:00  Organised religion for national and imperialistic purposes

5:53:00  Why empires decline

5:54:00  America is now a victim of its own success. 

5:55:00  Christianity

5:56:00  Christians converting Jews in Israel

5:57:00  Religious Jews do not accept the authority of secular Israeli politicians. 

5:58:00  Social conservatism relies on God for enforcement. 

5:59:00  The unmarriageable v the marriageable

6:00:00  Nationalists want patriarchy without having to restore it. 

Not having children means you never really grow up.  

6:02:00  An ageing feminised nation

6:03:00  National extinction and China's one-child policy

6:06:00  Mistakes in government policy can be attributed to not following the Koran.  

Female infanticide

6:08:00  Correction

6:11:00  The pill 

6:12:00  Japan

6:13:00  Greg Johnson

6:16:00  Replacement birth rate of two offspring per couple on average

6:19:00  Surplus population creates empires.

6:20:00  History and national identity

6:22:00  Case law on whether America is a Christian nation.

6:23:00  The American Republic was about rejecting the power of the monarch to impose his religion on his citizens. 

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