Tuesday, 13 April 2021

What was Spinoza really saying?

2:00  The forefather of pantheism
3:00  Spinoza rejected his Jewish identity. 
4:00  Substance, attributes and modes
5:00  Idolatry is confusing God and His Creation.
6:00  The pioneer of secular Jewish thought
7:00  Pantheism is easier to believe and prove than the existence of the Abrahamic God.
8:00  Emunah and bitachon

Jewish identity and existence affirms God's existence.

9:00  The nature and purpose of our lives
10:00  Spinoza rejected the burden of being Jewish.
11:00  Atheists believe it is imperative to disobey God's laws. 
12:00  Atheists who are guilty of self-worship do not care about idolatry. 
13:00  Atheists and nihilists would believe in an uncreated universe.
14:00  Did the Big Bang create the Universe, or did God cause the Big Bang?
15:00  The Pilgrim Fathers left Leiden to lead a more godly existence in Plymouth colony.

16:00  All political disagreements end in one party accusing the other of being mad, mistaken or evil. 

17:00  The problem of distinguishing good from evil
18:00  The highest authority for our laws
19:00  Post-Christian gentiles found Spinoza's ideas irresistibly seductive. 
20:00  Choosing our legal and political system for rational and moral reasons

21:00  Jews and Muslims who worship the Abrahamnic God are supposed to believe that all good and evil comes from God. Atheist antisemites and Islamophobes guilty of idolatry worship their idols of antisemitism and Islamophobia logically and necessarily raise Jews and Muslims to a higher position than theirs.

23:00  To admit that you are an Islamophobe is to admit that you are being irrational and those who are irrational cannot win the any argument against Islam using reason. 

24:00  Nationalists who identify as antisemites and Islamophobes are supposed to be promoting and discussing nationalism. I define nationalism is government in the national interest. If nationalists are too busy worshiping their idols of antisemitism and Islamophobia to accept or reject my definition of nationalism or what constitutes the national interest, then these nationalists are less fit for the purpose of promoting nationalism than I am. Atheists who are nihilists cannot defend any principle, not even the principle of telling the truth and exercising logic. Liars who believe in nonsense always end up lying to themselves to avoid submitting to Truth, Logic and Morality because they prefer to submit to the god of their appetites, emotions and whims. 

25:00  Spinoza wanted to have his cake and eat it. He wanted to believe in a deity but not the Abrahamic God. He rejected the laws of the Abrahamic God because he rejected the idea of living his life as a Jew, Christian or Muslim obeying what are said to be the laws of God. 

27:00  Existentialism

29:00  Atheism is extinction.  

30:00  Christian existentialism

32:00  Hashkafa

Jewish existentialism

36:00  Islamic existentialism does not exist. 

37:00  The nature and purpose of philosophy

38:00  Measuring wisdom


39:00  Antisemites unconsciously acknowledge the status of Jews above them.  

40:00  Judaism and Islam are wiser than Christianity. 

41:00  Jews have longer been servants of Western imperialism than Muslims. 

42:00   We should judge Jews by their adherence to Noahide laws.

43:00  Spinoza on Islam

46:00  Social conservatism and punishing extramarital sex

47:00  Are we the slaves of God?

49:00  Can we lead the good life without obeying the laws of God? 

50:00  China is promoting its national interest.

51:00  The West no longer has a functioning moral and political system.

52:00  Chou Enlai on the French Revolution

53:00  No responsible adult in charge of Western nations

55:00  Are Muslims Noahides?

56:00  Rabbi Singer 

57:00  Why Spinoza rejected the Abrahamic God

58:00  Church of Entropy is a nihilist and pantheist.  

1:00:00  Pantheists are nihilists, and Church of Entropy has acknowledged that she is both. Nihilists don't care what happens to their society after they are dead so why would you take account of any political view they express? Nihilists are atheists and atheists fall into the trap of narcissism ie self-worship. This means they worship the god of their appetites, emotions and inclinations resulting in the kind of mindless hedonism that will destroy their lives with sex and drugs and rock and roll and those of everyone around them. 

1:01:00  Spinoza is the poster boy of secularism.

1:03:00  We can still do our own thing within the parameters of what is allowed by Secular Koranism. 

1:04:00  The racial snobbery of former-Trinitarians preferring rabbinically-guided Noahidism to sharia

1:05:00  The Koran > The Torah

1:06:00  No point low status people cooking up a religion when they are the most despised group in society.  

1:07:00  Rabbi Singer

1:08:00  Will Jews and Muslims soon be asking the Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury how and why Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy?

1:09:00  Most Western politicians secretly hate Christianity which is kaput. 

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