Monday, 12 April 2021

Which religion will God's Chosen People choose as most Noahide of all?

1:14:00  Televangelist and Noahide TV has similarities. 
1:17:00  Shituf
1:18:00  Cultural appropriation
1:19:00  Dr Michael Brown
1:21:00  Authentic authority
1:22:00  Secular Jews more powerful than Orthodox Jewry.
1:23:00  Dennis Prager complaining about being cancelled by liberal media. 

1:25:00  Whether Islam is Noahide will be the most important moral, political and philosophical question of our time, to be decided by rabbis. The winner of this two-horse race has already been decided.

1:29:00  Is it possible to be a Noahide and a Muslim at the same time?

1:30:00  Noahide = righteous gentile

1:31:00  The Seven Noahide laws are seven categories of laws.

Islam is "pure monotheism". 

1:32:00  Like Jews, Muslims are triggered by idolatry. 

1:33:00  Muslims are indeed Noahide.  

Jews are not allowed to enter churches which are places of abomination where idolatry and blasphemy are practised but allowed to pray with Muslims in mosques. 

1:34:00  Christians make up all kinds of nonsense about Islam eg that Muslims worship the Moon God. 

1:35:00  "Islam strips away the problems of Christianity."

Muslims reject the divinity of Jesus and do not believe that he died in the cross.  

1:36:00  "the filth of Christianity"

1:37:00  A chapter devoted to Mary in the Koran

1:38:00  Book of Matthew

"Paul was a complete fraud."

1:39:00  Muslims believe in the Virgin Birth only because the Koran accepts it. 


"I had occasion to have a phone conversation with Rabbi Singer a few months ago, and I took that opportunity to specifically ask him about what he said in that video you referenced below.

He said that he agreed with me that he should not have referred to Muslims as "Noahides", because if a Muslim is a follower of Islam, he is not following the Torah's Seven Mitzvot for the Children of Noah.

He also said that he agreed with me that instead of being "Noahides", Muslims who follow Islam are monotheists who reject idolatry and believe in the one G-d. That does put them in a different category than idolatrous or atheistic Gentiles in regard to certain Torah laws, which is the point they he was intending to convey - but which he worded incorrectly - in that video. However, since followers of Islam have a very wrong conception of G-d, and they follow a false religion, they are not authentically pious in G-d's eyes.

"Noahide", on the other hand, is the modern-day term that is used (when it is used correctly) to refer to a Gentile who observes the faith and precepts that were given by G-d for Non-Jews, in the eternal Torah of Moses.

Note that in the TITLE of the video, he referred to Muslims as:

(a) "B'nai Noah" which in the literal translation means "all Non-Jews", since all Non-Jews are "descendants of Noah". And the Hebrew term "Sheva Mitzvot B'nai Noach" literally means "the Seven Commandments for ALL Non-Jews" (since ALL Non-Jews are obligated to observe them). But in modern times, some people use the term "B'nai Noach" loosely (as Rabbi Singer did in that video title), to mean only those Non-Jews who DO observe the Seven Commandments for all Non-Jews. That is how the term "B'nai Noach" gets confused as a synonym for "Noahides". It ["B'nai Noach"] is a technically / literally correct term for Muslims and ALL Gentiles, but that gets confused when it is used in a way that overlaps it with the more limited designation of "Noahide".

(b) "Righteous Gentiles" - As Rabbi Singer explained to me in that phone call, he was only referring to Muslims as "righteous" in a limited way, just in regard to their belief in one G-d and their rejection of idolatry, on account of which Judaism does put them in a different category than Gentile idolaters or atheists. But he did not mean that followers of Islam are pious observers of the Seven Commandments that were given for Gentiles in the Torah, through Moses at Mount Sinai (i.e. "Noahides" in modern terminology).

I hope that this explanation will be helpful for you!"

1:46:00  Rabbi Mizrachi strayedinto the realm of speculation while calling Islam a "fake religion" and Muhammad a "fake prophet". How would he know how God would punish Ahmed and Muhammad? 

1:51:00  The penalty for worshiping Jesus

1:52:00  Both Jews and Muslims believe their scripture to be from God.

1:54:00  Holidays

1:56:00  Dietary requirements

1:57:00  Koran > Torah > New Testament

2:00:00  David Bar-Bayim on gentile religions

2:01:00  Maimonides

2:02:00  How can Jews prevent gentiles from making up their own holidays?

2:03:00  Muslims haven't made up their own religion if their Koran comes from God.

2:04:00  Some rabbis clearly want to keep gentiles under their control by pushing on to them rabbinically-guided Noahidism to distract them from becoming Muslim, but are gentiles ever going to trust rabbis to run their religion in significant numbers?   

2:05:00  Judaism v Islam

2:06:00  The rational choice for Western gentiles after it is finally acknowledged that Christianity is kaput is Islam rather than rabbinically-guided Noahidism.

2:07:00  Because they are only broad principles and supposed to be a minimum moral universal standard of morality, the Noahide laws sound less controversial than Islam. 

2:09:00  Only Rabbi Singer dares to tell Christians that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy. 

2:10:00  Gentiles want a kosher certificate from rabbis.  

2:11:00  Rabbi Singer is on a crusade. 

2:12:00  Western decline has lowered the status of Christianity. 

The Noahide laws represent the casting vote on which gentile Abrahamic faith will be chosen as most Noahide by God's Chosen People.

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