Tuesday, 31 January 2023

Q&A with Claire Khaw

11:00  Banksy
12:00  Prostitutes
Vincent Bruno
22:00  Patriarchy
24:00  Marriage is eugenic.
26:00  Darwinian struggle of the fittest
27:00  No retrospective legislation
28:00  A period of grace
29:00  100 lashes for unmarried parents
30:00  Aceh Province and bastard schools
33:00  Free DNA test for Korean fathers
37:00  Rahab
38:00  Gay parades
40:00  Prostitution
44:00  Kosher and halal
48:00  Jesus and handwashing
50:00  Rabbi Kahane
51:00  Reintroducing slavery
53:00  Natural law
54:00  Satanic Vincent
56:00  Jews and homosexuals
59:00  Suicide
1:05:00  Marginal people of a marginalised movement
1:08:00  IoD and CBI on the education of school leavers
1:11:00  Global majority and minority
1:12:00  Prince Andrew
1:14:00  Demographics is destiny.
1:16:00  Polygamy
1:18:00  Banksy
1:19:00  Inverted pyramid
1:20:00  Keith Joseph
1:26:00  The purpose of religion
1:28:00  Pensioners
1:29:00  Representative democracy v one party state
1:31:00  James Melville
1:33:00  Post hoc ergo propter hoc
1:34:00  China
1:35:00  Democracy
1:37:00  Constitution of the Chinese Communist Party 
1:40:00  Dysgenic one child policy
1:42:00  Tom Harwood
1:50:00  The British changed the racial composition of many parts of the world. 
1:51:00  We are on our third global empire.
1:52:00  Being a victim of our own success eg Rome
1:55:00  David Irving
1:56:00  Slavery
1:59:00  Slave Visitors

Stephen J James reads the Koran, Conops and Vincent discuss Pancasila

5:00  Secular Koranism
9:00  Noahide laws
11:00  Arthur Goldberg
21:00  Doooovid and mortality
44:00  William Breiannis
51:00  Michael Dallen
55:00  Noahide laws
56:00  Education and Sharing Day
58:00  The principle of the thing
1:00:00  Not seeing the harm of something
1:02:00  The attitude of the ruling classes
1:04:00  All civilisations are built on patriarchy.
1:05:00  Rabbi Schneerson
1:06:00  Stop Secular Koranism now! 
1:07:00  Islam is scarier than the Noahide laws. 
1:08:00  50 to 100 years
1:09:00  Muslims are smarter than Noahides. 
1:10:00  Noahidism a not a religion, according to Vincent. 
1:12:00  If you have thoughtcrime, you have a religion, official or unofficial. 
1:13:00  The Religion of Equality


1:16:00  Our new religion and changing our values
1:17:00  Our values and beliefs have changed.
1:18:00  IC3 understands the point I am making that our moral system must be based on a book of rules. 

There is no official religion.

1:19:00  Interpreting the Koran
1:23:00  SCOTUS
1:25:00  Grammar
1:26:00  Statement, command, question and exclamation
1:28:00  The methodology of the Koran
1:30:00  SCOTUS reading the Koran
1:34:00  Bloviate
1:35:00  500 verses in the Koran pertain to laws
1:36:00  quran.com/2/256

1:56:00  Legislative intent
1:57:00  Fornication not mentioned at all in the Torah but mentioned in quran.com/24/2
1:58:00  Abortion and fornication
2:00:00  The definition of idolatry
2:01:00  Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy.

2:02:00  CONOPS joins after a spectacular fall. 
2:14:00  Education and Sharing Day
2:15:00  Chabad
2:18:00  Pancasila
2:21:00  Noahides are a hate group, according to Vincent.
2:21:00  Islam is scarier than the Noahide laws. 
2:25:00  Jews and Muslims are hate groups, according to Vincent. 
2:26:00  America was founded on Jewish principles.
Christianity was founded on Jewish principles. 
2:30:00  Vincent is a double agent.
2:35:00  Vincent propagated the Noahide laws in the last ten years.
2:43:00  I do dawah to Vincent again. 
2:51:00  Theocracy
2:55:00  Secular by Design by Alan Cecil
2:56:00  The Koran > The Babylonian Talmud
2:57:00  Vincent prefers to talk to rabbis than Muslim terrorists.
3:01:00  Homophobia
3:03:00  "Jews are a very small jewel of being special."  
3:08:00  Vincent wants to engage with Jews only.
3:09:00  Accelerationism
3:11:00  Vincent is not really serious about his accelerationism. 
3:14:00  SK USA could be a lifetime benefit for Vincent.
3:16:00  Being good
3:18:00  Choosing objectively the best religion
3:20:00  God supporting morality
3:23:00  Not really an accelerationist, just cruising.
3:24:00  Christians
3:25:00  Demographics in Israel
4:27:00  quran.com/4/16
3:28:00  Patriarchy has been inverted into matriarchy.
3:29:00  Artificial wombs
3:32:00  Noahide laws are in direct conflict with the First Amendment. 
3:33:00  Vincente could help me avert WW3.

Sunday, 29 January 2023

Talking to Vincent Bruno about Arthur Goldberg, Secular Koranism, Emunah, Bitachon, Sunnis and Shias

2:00  Speaking the truth without fear or favour

4:00  VINCENT BRUNO joins.
5:00  William Breiannis's SQ

9:00  Jews, Christians and Muslims
10:00  The Abrahamic God
11:00  Jewish individuals do suffer.
12:00  Arthur Goldberg
16:00  Sex offenders
19:00  Gay parades
20:00  House warming parties for sodomites
21:00  Gay village
22:00  Sexual Offences Act 1967
25:00  Emotion damage
26:00  Arthur Goldberg
32:00  Homophobes are ignoble, says Vincent.
36:00  Judge Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett

Washington's warnings against political parties

37:00  The Founding Fathers were the Caliphs America.
38:00  George Washington's Farewell Speech
39:00   France is on its Fifth Republic
40:00  The 27th Republic of America
41:00   Alan Cecil's supports Articles of Confederation
43:00  Much has to change SK USA is accepted.
44:00  Private clubs are private property.
45:00  The moral hierarchy of patriarchy
46:00  Inheritance tax
48:00  Islamic inheritance rules
49:00  The legislative programme of Secular Koranism
50:00  SCOTUS to list and number the Commandments of Allah
51:00  William Breiannis
52:00  Affirmation Action is in conflict with the First Amendment.
53:00  What is the name of our political orthodoxy?
54:00  Georgia Guidestones
55:00  Environmental lobby telling us to fuck off and die
56:00  It is the job of the government to make the working classes work.
57:00  AI and technocracy

59:00  The free market, oligopolies and monopolies
1:00:00  Anti-trust laws
1:01:00  UBI
1:02:00  Carol disagrees with my proposal of the one party state, slavery and licensed brothels in red light districts
1:02:00  Slavery under Secular Koranism
1:04:00  Slave Visitors
1:06:00  Slaves that no one wants to buy
1:16:00  Buyerless slaves
1:17:00  Liverpool Death Pathway
1:19:00  Quality of drinking water free of estrogen etc.
1:23:00  The purpose of believing in God
1:24:00  Using God to solve moral and political problems
1:25:00  Suffering is punishment for sin.
1:27:00  My evil voice 
1:28:00  Weaponised whispering and hissing
1:29:00  ASMR
1:31:00  William Breiannis
1:32:00  Believing in God is not a command.
1:34:00  Permission to speak
1:35:00  Religion for gentiles
1:36:00  A religion for gentiles to protect themselves from Jews and each other
1:37:00  The Koran > Babylonian Talmud
1:38:00  Heresy to antisemites
Jews don't hurt gentiles violently.
1:44:00  Vincent's objective and subjective antisemitism
1:47:00  Noahide religion
1:48:00  Liberalism
1:50:00  Shituf is a blended religion.
1:51:00  Islam is a counterfeit, says Vincent.
1:52:00  Hidden idolatry
1:54:00  IC3 on an official handbook
1:56:00  Public intellectuals and a period of grace for unmarried parents
1:57:00  U turn on degeneracy
1:58:00  Secular Koranism is the anteroom or bridge to Islam.
1:59:00  Secular Koranism is intended to rehabilitate Islam.
2:00:00  Sunnis are the poodles of Uncle Sam.
2:01:00  Saudi is an absolute monarchy.
2:02:00  Shias are more innovative than Sunnis.
2:04:00  I understand white people better than William.
2:05:00  God willing
2:06:00  Touching wood
2:07:00  Emunah and bitachon
2:12:00  How to win arguments against Christianity
2:13:00  Tovia Singer
2:14:00  Ultimated Judeo Christian
2:17:00  Chinese Ancestor Worship required to produce cannon fodder and labourers.
2:19:00  "Jesus is Lord."
2:21:00  French and Russian Revolutions

Saturday, 28 January 2023

I try to explain the role of religion to people who hate Allah

32:00  Brexit

43:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins to say that whether we are enjoying the consequences of Brexit right now is irrelevant to whether it was the right thing to do to vote for the principle of national sovereignty.

56:00  Complaints without solutions

1:46:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins to discuss theology.
1:47:00  Dialectical materialism
1:48:00  The Abrahamic God
1:50:00  A unique God does not need a name.
1:51:00  Cause and effect
1:52:00  Cultural appropriation of the God of Israel
1:54:00  God and Empire
2:03:00  Science is not philosophy.
Empiricism v Rationalism
2:05:00  You need a moral system to base your laws on.
2:06:00  The divine bargain
2:07:00  How to choose the best religion
2:08:00  We choose to believe the Universe was created or uncreated for lifestyle reasons.
2:10:00  Moral system
2:11:00  Bad laws
2:13:00  How do we know our laws are the best?
2:14:00  The uses of religion to measure the integrity of an individual
2:15:00  Democracy
2:16:00  Intersectionality
2:19:00  One rule
2:20:00  A solution
2:21:00  Westerners are like yowling children more interested in crying than solving the problem.

Selling Secular Koranism to Americans

The best way to sell Secular Koranism to America is to explain it to a Republican in person and see what happens. If enough Secular Koranists approach enough Republicans, the Republican Party will get wind of it. Republicans are easy to locate and approach online and in person. Surely any American can think of a Republican known to them? To save time, the Republican with the highest status should be approached. Doing it face to face would make the biggest impression. 

Trump has a website where he invites the comments of Americans and asks for their zip code. It is suggested that you cut and paste this post in the comments box which is quick and easy. 

Shock and awe is the tactic.


1. One party theocracy 

2. Incorporating the Commandments of Allah 

3. Incorporating the farewell speech of George Washington 

4. Pointing out that if Americans counted their republics as the French do, they would be on their 27th republic which is silly, so back to the drawing board 250 years later 

5. Collectively repenting of pursuing happiness and resolving to pursue justice

Friday, 27 January 2023

Mentally ill men want to be mentally ill women

Nymphomania is a mental illness causing a woman to be compulsively promiscuous.

Such women would be confined to mental institutions if they came from a family that wanted to be considered respectable.

Do most men who want to become women do so to get more sex as women than they could get as men?

Is feminine privilege basically the privilege of having more offers of sex than you would care to accept?

Are people who think they would be happier masquerading as members of the opposite sex irrational and neurotic?

Are mentally ill people who want to behave like mentally ill members of the opposite sex doubly dangerous?

Are governments that facilitate and encourage this evil, mad, stupid and dangerous?

If the men in such a society are collectively incapable of effectively challenging this obviously evil, mad, stupid and dangerous policy, what does it say about them and their moral system?

The shame of Muslim and non-Muslim Western men

Secular Koranism has not succeeded yet because of the Islamophobia of Americans and the fear by Muslims of Islamophobes. In time, believing Muslim men will be shamed that an agnostic non-Muslim female is promoting Koranic principles of governance to Islamophobic Americans harder and faster than they themselves dare.

It is just a matter of letting the shame that they ought to feel catch up with them like a tidal wave and engulf their consciousness, until they find themselves unable to sleep at night or think of anything else when they are awake.

Understanding cause and effect if God is the Uncaused First Cause

If God exists, He would punish idolatry. Most people claiming to believe in God as Christians are so far from taking the idea of God existing and meaning what He says seriously that they don’t even care if Christianity is idolatry. 

If you think Christianity is idolatry, you would cease and desist your idolatry and realise Christians are being punished by the God of Israel who is also Allah who forbade idolatry. 

I don’t know what else to say to a people complaining about their government already suffering to not make the connection between their suffering and their sin. Atheists seem unable to understand the connection between cause and effect if God exists. 

Do they really lack the imagination to entertain the idea that if God exists He would be punishing them or has created a Universe in which the sin is its own punishment?

Thursday, 26 January 2023

Vincent Bruno talks to Josh Shalet and is directed towards the Republican Party

7:00  Why a Jew might care about gentiles
8:00  Jews and gentiles should encourage each other to be socially conservative.
9:00  Problems within the Jewish community
10:00  Education and Sharing Day
11:00  Gay marriage in Sodom and Gomorrah
13:00  No religion for gentiles
19:00  Idolatry
30:00  Nachmonides
31:00  Vincent doesn't think gentiles should be allowed a religion. 
34:00  Kabbalah
35:00  613 laws
37:00  Sabbath
38:00  Jewish joke
39:00  Jews stealing from a gentile
Jews murdering gentiles
40:00  Noahide courts can punish Jews.
44:00  Can Jews become Noahides?
45:00  Islam is a made-up religion, according to Josh.
46:00  Idolatry
47:00  Don't get caught.
50:00  Different standards of proof for Jews and gentiles
52:00  John Gischala
53:00  Alan Cecil doesn't answer his emails. 
54:00  Rabbinical view of Jewish status
58:00  Noahide laws would still apply even if Jews became extinct. 
1:00:00  A nihilist cannot be a righteous gentile. 
1:03:00  A wise gentile and a righteous gentile and their olam haba
1:04:00  Paradise on earth
1:05:00  Chabad are a different kind of Hasidic Jews.
1:08:00  Christianity and Islam paved way the way for Noahidism?
1:10:00  Noahide paganism?
1:12:00  If all land was privately owned, racial tension would cease to exist?

Alan Cecil is a Confederate. 

1:13:00  Slavery and the American Civil War
1:14:00  Usury and a mortgage on the gold standard
1:16:00  Property ownership
1:18:00  Joint venture
1:19:00  Bitcoin
1:20:00  Secular Noahidism
1:21:00  Tautology
1:30:00  Islam replacing Christianity replacing Judaism. 
1:31:00  Bahaiism
1:32:00  Idolatry

1:42:00  The nature and purpose of a Supreme Court
1:43:00  The Doctrine of Papal Infallibility
1:45:00  Henry II threatened to convert to Islam. 
Cuius regio, eius religio
1:47:00  American and European experiences of Christianity
1:48:00  European regicides
1:49:00  Monarchy
1:51:00  The monarch does not enjoy the First Amendment. 
1:52:00  Charles III is a progressive?
1:53:00  The Dutch monarchy
1:55:00  Prince Andrew
1:56:00  Muslims
1:57:00  Monarchy is a form of idolatry.
1:58:00  A republic has a bigger pool of political talent.
1:59:00  Regicide and white identity
2:00:00  White dominions
2:01:00  Gough Whitlam 
2:04:00  Governor General
2:06:00  The Golden Age of Britain
2:07:00  The law
2:08:00  Where does intersectionality come from?
2:09:00  The degeneracy of the Dissident Right
2:11:00  Women favour the left.
2:13:00  International cooperation
2:15:00  Low status social retards
2:17:00  What happens if white men won't marry white women

The fuckless Far Right

2:18:00  Banksy
2:20:00  Patriarchy
2:22:00  Wish list and road map politics
2:23:00  Richard Spencer
2:24:00  Turning Point USA
2:25:00  Dealing with the Dissident Right is like herding retarded cats.
2:28:00  Stuck with the Dissident Right

EA Dawah is not troll centre.

2:30:00  Men who wear masks never won a war. 
2:32:00  The dumb Dissident Right
2:34:00  The unmarriageable alt-right
2:35:00  Mike Buchanan
2:36:00  White people wanting their own reservation
2:37:00  The Dissident Right buying farms and shotguns practising subsistence farming
2:39:00  Peaceful separation in Balkanisation
2:41:00  The Brown shirts of the Weimar Republic
2:42:00  The anti-intellectual alt-right
2:45:00  Lacking nuance
2:49:00  Antisemites pretend all Jews are liberals.
2:50:00  Super Jew, cattle gentile
2:51:00  Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
2:52:00  Alison Chabloz jail time
2:53:00  "Stupid is based."
2:54:00  Trad Worker Party
2:57:00  Mentors
2:59:00  Propagating your ideas in the city
3:00:00  Mao
3:01:00  Women and minorities
3:02:00  The apology I have drafted for Alison Chabloz
3:03:00  The Abrahamic religions
3:05:00  Approaching the Republicans about Secular Koranism
3:06:00  Secular Muslims
3:08:00  Americans not agreeing with each other about Secular Koranism USA
3:11:00  Secular Koranism is Islam Lite.
3:12:00  Republican Party
3:13:00  Jews and Muslims
3:14:00  Noahidism
3:15:00  Spiritual needs
3:19:00  Was the Universe created or uncreated?
3:20:00  Secular Koranism
3:25:00  Noahide Covenant binding on all humanity.
3:26:00  Controlling the interpretation of Secular Koranism
3:29:00  William Breiannis
3:30:00  Reasonable laws in the Koran
3:32:00  Malaysia and Indonesia
3:35:00  Each country will have its own interpretation of the Koran
3:36:00  Knowing what the rules are
3:39:00  Consultation and shura
3:41:00  Antisemites
3:42:00  Oderint dum metuant.
3:43:00  Secular Koranism v Noahidism
3:46:00  quran.com/4/16 and public decency laws
3:48:00  Gay friendly Republicans
3:50:00  To defeat Muslims, use the Koran.
3:53:00  Cognitive dissonance caused by a sodomite promoting sharia 
3:54:00  Capital offences for gentiles
3:55:00  Ir nidachat
3:56:00  Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
3:57:00  Competing religiosity
3:58:00  Speakers Corner
3:59:00  Uniformity of grievance
4:00:00  Blogging Theology
4:01:00  Celibate gay man
4:03|:00 Catholic catamites
4:03:00  Sex offenders
4:06:00  Privileging married parents
4:14:00  Tovia Singer
4:17:00  Making an idol of the Hadith
4:20:00  Education and Sharing Day
4:22:00  The Noahide laws are in conflict with the First Amendment.
4:23:00  Vincent wants revenge on Christianity and Islam.
4:24:00  Muslims could be grateful to Vincent.
4:25:00  Republicans
4:29:00  New Jersey a Purple State
4:32:00  Secular Koranism is on the way to Noahidism.
4:33:00  Antisemites don't want to think of Jews as social conservatives.
4:37:00  The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
4:38:00  Selling Secular Koranism to Americans
4:40:00  Homophobic Hindus
4:41:00  Affirmative action is thoughtcrime.
4:42:00  Winning arguments with Secular Koranism
4:44:00  Using SK to sell Noahidism and vice versa
4:46:00  Making arguments
4:50:00  Handing out flyers in Grand Central Station
4:51:00  Republicans
4:52:00  Jews preferred.
4:53:00  Controlled opposition
4:56:00  Market research
4:57:00  Secular Koranism
4:59:00  Reading the Koran
5:01:00  God caused the Big Bang
5:03:00  Introduction to Secular Koranism
5:06:00  Secular Koranism is playing with fire.
5:08:00  Arthur Goldberg
5:14:00  Noahide laws in conflict with the First Amendment.
5:16:00  Christianity
5:17:00  Religion is a value and belief system.
5:18:00  "Secular Hadithism"
5:22:00  Secular Koranism could help Vincent sell Secular Noahidism.
5:25:00  Cognitive dissonance
5:27:00  Early bird rewards
5:34:00  Official survey
5:36:00  A fun gay life
5:37:00  Learning the Bible
5:40:00  Making speeches about Secular Koranism
5:42:00  A good story
5:43:00  Media personality
5:44:00  Getting Americans to read the Koran
5:46:00  Anti-spiritual
5:49:00  High school dropout
5:55:00  Republicans
5:56:00  Taxes, guns and Christianity
6:00:00  Bad reputation
6:02:00  Radio show
6:05:00  Noahide Radio
6:08:00  The rules of the official handbook
6:09:00  Good or bad person?
6:10:00  Starting a war
6:11:00  Raised in a religious household
6:13:00  Jehovah's Witnesses are Noahides.
6:17:00  Father
6:20:00  Nick Fuentes and Kanye West
6:21:00  Dumb Dissident Right
6:24:00  Trump the dumper
Ann Coulter and the wall
6:28:00  Emperor of America
6:29:00  Campaigning for Trump in 2020
6:31:00  Tulsi Gabbard and Ann Coulter
6:34:00  Sol Invictus with his fake accent
6:35:00  Curt Doolittle's Propertarianism
6:38:00  An American monarch

The group most behind the great replacement of Western men

Most Western men are not married fathers. This explains why it is so easy for the government to indoctrinate primary school children with the idea that gay marriage and transgenderism are sustainable as well as socially and politically acceptable lifestyle options. 

Nihilists are people without principles because they have no moral principles. They have no moral principles because they have no religious principles, and they have no religious principles because they have no religion. 

Most Western men are unmarriageable single men unashamed that they are atheists and nihilists, who hate and fear Western women too much to marry them. That is why female voters of the West are voting for political parties that facilitate the replacement of Western men with immigrant men at least prepared to marry them and sire legitimate offspring with them.

Wednesday, 25 January 2023

Our dystopian future of intersectionality

LGBTQ getting straight people to breed the next generation of LGBTQ people.

The banning of conversion therapy is conclusive evidence.

The reality of intersectionality is the following hierarchy:

1. Transgender people on top of everyone else getting straight people to breed the next generation of LGBTQs

2. Gay people

3. Unmarried parents

4. Non-parents

5. Married parents

Below is the hierarchy of patriarchy when Westerners had common sense, practised marriage and shamed unmarried parents:

1. Married parents

2. Non-parents

3. Unmarried parents

4. Gay people who are in theory capable of becoming married parents after turning over a new leaf

5. Transgender people who are mentally ill/irrational people thinking they are going to be happier sterilising themselves and mutilating their sex organs in order to masquerade as a member of the opposite sex

If married fathers and men who want to be married fathers can no longer fight back, then your civilisation is a dead duck.

Tuesday, 24 January 2023

Two Muslims discuss Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno

1:00  How William Breiannis converted to Islam
2:00  Secular Koranism
9:00  Sexual morality
11:00  William says I should support Noahidism.
14:00  William's question
16:00  State religion
17:00  Idolatry
19:00  Why the Taliban blew up Buddhist statues
22:00  Muslims in India
31:00  Secular Koranism
33:00  Secular Koranism
34:00  Dr Seuss
38:00  William prefers Noahidism to Secular Koranism
43:00  Antisemitism
47:00  New ideology
48:00  The most traumatic form of Abrahamism
53:00  Malaysia and Bangladesh
1:00:00  Tribalism
1:05:00  Question
1:12:00  Jehovah's Witness
1:14:00  The purpose of mankind
1:19:00  Why Muslims might be antagonistic towards me

1:20:00  MUJAHID joins.
1:21:00  Rishi Sunak
1:22:00  Stabbing epidemic
1:23:00  My legal training
1:24:00  Modest dress
1:25:00  Idolatry
1:29:00  China and proportionality
1:31:00  Radicalism and extremism
1:32:00  Mrs Mujahid Udin approves of  Secular Koranism.
1:35:00  Creeping sharia
1:36:00  Segregation of the sexes
1:39:00  Birth rates
1:45:00  Khalwa
1:46:00  Muslims on Epstein Island
1:49:00  Halal meat
1:52:00  Gay children
!:56:00  Quantum Leap
1:58:00  Erections
2:01:00  Laws and moral systems
2:03:00  The stability of theocracy
2:05:00  Low birth rate
2:07:00  Age of consent
2:10:00  Incest and collective responsibility
2:14:00  Inbreeding and cross breeding
2:16:00  Inbred Dalmatians are a bit stupid.
2:17:00  Marriageability is a desirable heritable trait we want to pass on to our children. 
2:18:00  Widespread illegitimacy
2:19:00  The God narrative
2:21:00  Historical materialism
2:22:00  Vincent's Frankenstein world
2:24:00  Feminisation and infantilisation of men
2:25:00  Why men want to be women
2:26:00  Irrational to think we will be happier masquerading as a member of the opposite sex, evil f the government to actively encourage this. 
2:27:00  quran.com/49/13
2:28:00  Matriarchy
2:29:00  Degenerate Western men and women
2:30:00  The female vote
2:31:00  Follow the book is the solution to the problem of not following the book. 
2:32:00  Difference between US and UK Muslims
2:34:00  Daniel Haqiqatjou
2:35:00  What God will do to Muslims who do not enjoin good or forbid evil
2:36:00  Jews
2:37:00  Muslims are being punished.
2:38:00  Patriot Act
2:40:00  Conversion rate

2:41:00  We discuss the Muslims.
2:42:00  Orientalists
2:43:00  Ahmadiyyas
2:44:00  Jesus in Islam
2:47:00  Fatherhood for Vincent
2:49:00  Marriage is a child protection scheme.
2:50:00  Dysgenic
2:51:00  Analogies
2:52:00  LARP
2:53:00  Evil government
2:54:00  Transgender people in government
2:55:00  Married father with children who are a credit to him
2:57:00  A peaceful revolution
2:59:00  A sensible sodomite
3:00:00  Vincent's grandiose plans
3:02:00  Artificial wombs and baby pods
3:03:00  Secular Konraism with Chinese Characteristics
3:04:00  LGBT rights in China
3:06:00  Denig Xiaoping
3:07:00  How to get the ruling classes to do what you want
3:08:00  Changing the law quickly 
3:10:00  Regulating the supply of the pill
3:11:00  Married mothers who have completed their family and registered prostitutes
3:13:00  Christo-Liberalism is kaput.
3:15:00  "Sexual Koranism"
3:17:00  Logical inevitability
3:18:00  Gay Village in Manchester
3:20:00  Gay sex
3:21:00  Demographic is destiny and the link to marriage
3:26:00  Standards of morality can only be passed on through standards of sexual morality.
3:27:00  The pill and the baby pod

Vincent Bruno moves towards Secular Koranism

11:00  Is Vincent is a Secular Koranist?
12:00  Two shops in the same street
13:00  Gradations of morality
16:00  The harm of idolatry
17:00  What are Christian values and principles?
19:00  Noahide laws
22:00  Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
23:00  The nature and purpose of Jews and Judaism
24:00  The only acceptable religions for God are Judaism and Islam.
26:00  A Register of Jews is the answer of the Jewish Question.
28:00  Jewish identity
29:00  Qualified Koranists
31:00  A Supreme Court of Secular Koranism 
33:00  American social conservatives should support Secular Koranism.
35:00  Secular Koranism is the vaccination against extremist Islamism.
36:00  The First Amendment is based on quran.com/2/256
38:00  Free will and predestination
41:00  Jewish festivals
42:00  Harvest festivals
Tisha B'Av
47:00  The weekend
49:00  Sabbath
52:00  Religion
53:00  The rules
54:00  The law of the jungle
55:00  A practice sanctified by tradition
56:00  Marriage
58:00  Ancient Israel
59:00  Noahide laws
1:00:00  Declaring war
1:05:00  Peloponnesian War
1:05:00  Historians could be imprisoned for saying the wrong number.
1:06:00  Divide and rule
1:07:00  The White House Koran
1:09:00  Monarchy v Republic
1:10:00  Ancient ideas
1:11:00  The laws of Hammurabi
1:13:00  From emotion to public declaration
1:14:00  Teshuvah
1:16:00  The rules
1:17:00  Religion regulates change.
1:19:00  Hinduism
1:20:00  The New Testament
1:21:00  The Jefferson Bible
1:22:00  Would Constantine have chosen Islam if it had been an option?
1:24:00  Why Christianity is so attractive to the Chinese
1:25|:00  Chinese ancestor worship
1:28:00  Capitalism and Communism are materialist ideologies.
1:29:00  Islamic footprints on the American Republican
1:31:00  Monarchy is idolatry.
1:31:00  Secular Koranism with Gay Characteristics
1:33:00  Propositions and memes
1:34:00  Binary
1:36:00  Blaming the Jews
1:37:00  Nationalism is government in the national interest.
1:38:00  Bad parenting
1:39:00  Apartheid
1:41:00  Boomers

​ @UltimatedJudeo-Christian thinks the Koran cannot be from God because it does not mirror Genesis

16:00  Grammarly.com
28:00  Absolute
34:00  The attributes of God
36:00  "Temporality"
44:00  Islam
46:00  "Creation point"
52:00  UJC believes a loving God created the Universe.
53:00  Deism
54:00  "Defaultly"
57:00  "Ultimate fact"
1:03:00  Agnosticism 
1:04:00  Evil demon
1:09:00  My summary of his argument
1:11:00  The Koran
1:13:00  The final edition
1:14:00  Galatians 1:8
Galatians 1:9
1:15:00  Muslims have cornered the market in revelation.
1:17:00  Jesus is God - John 15:13
1:19:00  Because he died, Jesus is God?
1:20:00  The Abrahamic God forbade idolatry and blasphemy.
1:22:00  "Genesis mentions Jesus."

1:26:00  Idolatry
1:27:00  Islam is intended to supersede Judaism and Christianity.
1:28:00  Part of God's plan?
1:29:00  Jesus was executed for blasphemy.
1:32:00  Is Jesus is a gatekeeper or a bodyguard?
Was Jesus saying he was God?

1:38:00  My closing speech

Monday, 23 January 2023

Marriage, slavery, sex shows and the Athanasian Creed with Vincent Bruno

5:00  Reform rabbis marrying pet owners with their pets
9:00  Same sex couples cannot have children with each other.
12:00  Chimera
14:00  Dysgenic of enabling non-marriage sexual reproduction
16:00  Marriage is a filter.
17:00  Welfare claimants
22:00  Period of courtship
23:00  Artificial wombs
25:00  Eugenic
29:00  Marriageability is a desirable heritable trait.
34:00  Vincent's complex and high maintenance system
35:00  Supply chains
36:00  Before human's settled
37:00  City-state
38:00  Pederasty and mongamy
39:00  The pill
40:00  Roe v Wade
42:00  Banksy is not marriageable.
43:00  Taxing men with no sexual access to women
44:00  Bachelor tax
46:00  Dysgenic non-marriage way of producing the next generation
47:00  Unmarriageable children

59:00  Feminism is a sacred cow.
1:03:00  Melanated Goddess
1:05:00  Pregnancy can be enjoyed.
1:08:00  Eggs of a female scientist
1:09:00  A rational man who wanted to be a married father would prefer a child bearing wife.
1:10:00  Luddites
1:18:00  Secular Koranism
1:20:00  Vincent's new take on Secular Koranism as the anteroom to Secular Noahidism
1:26:00  Vincent's job application
1:28:00  Global Secular Koranism
1:29:00  The end of liberal democracy and the beginning of Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
1:30:00  How Vincent should present himself to the radio station
1:32:00  Theology
1:33:00  Catholic Catechism
1:36:00  The Athanasian Creed
1:44:00  What a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive.

2:05:00  Radio show ideas for Vincent
2:06:00  Men wanting to be women
2:13:00  The Pillars of Secular Koranism
2:14:00  Gay rights
2:15:00  Abolishing inheritance tax
2:16:00  Reintroducing slavery
2:18:00  Transgenderism drama documentary
2:20:00  Slave actor
2:22:00  Sharia compliant live sex shows
2:26:00  Conscription and transportation
2:31:00  Workfare and UBI

The US franchise for Secular Koranism differs from my recommendations

I want no fault divorce to stay. My idea is all these children from divorce or out of wedlock go to the fathers.(unless he is a criminal)

On my Twitter. Secular Koranism USA is, instead  of Claire Khaw’s idea of punishing unwed mothers, The children should just go to the fathers and no welfare. This would stop a lot of this throwing the seed around without a care in the world and remove the financial incentive for unwed women.



If I were in control of the interpretation and in a position to impose my will over Americans, I would abolish no fault divorce and treat unmarried parents as sex offenders as prescribed by quran.com/24/2

Knowledge and understanding of Secular Koranism UK displayed by Britons

1:35:00  I join.
The Blame Game
1:38:00  Being accused of being a Nazi
1:40:00  Stupid European national leaders
1:41:00  Encirclement of Russia by NATO
1:42:00  Russia really won WW2 against the Nazis.
1:43:00  Why is America so evil?
1:44:00  My definition of nationalism as government in the national interest
1:45:00  The failure of ethno-nationalism
1:46:00  National sovereignty and independent thought
1:47:00  Human groups
1:48:00  Self-discovery
1:49:00  Family groups are the most efficient way of human organisation in a state.
1:50:00  Classes, houses, teams and hierarchy
1:51:00  Warehousing the white proletariat for extinction
1:52:00  They elites don't really have a plan.
1:53:00  America does not have an official religion.
1:54:00  Having a moral system with an official handbook.
1:55:00  Secular Koranism
1:56:00  The rules
1:57:00  Jews
1:58:00  Koranic principles of governance imposed by a one-party theocracy
1:59:00  Adopting Secular Koranism would mean adopting the First Amendment

2:00:00  DAVID joins.
2:01:00  David understands that Secular Koranism would be interpreted by Europeans.
2:02:00  Restoring the patriarchy
The Christian practice of heretic burning
2:03:00  The only people allowed their own religion in Christendom were Jews and a few foreigners.
2:04:00  The New Testament is only the word of mortal and fallible men.
2:05:00  Israeli politics and 50/50 politics
2:06:00  36 capital offences of the Torah
2:07:00  Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
2:08:00  The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.
2:09:00  6 theocracies of Islam
2:10:00  Secular Koranism with Jamaican Characteristics

2:35:00  I am called a "religious fanatic" by Melanated Goddess. 
2:36:00  Melanated Goddess declines to state her principles. 
2:37:00  I have a confusing identity.
2:38:00  A new religion for black people

3:03:00  VINCENT BRUNO joins.
3:05:00  IC3 explains Vincent Bruno's proposal. 
3:06:00  "artificial womb technology before I die"

5:52:00  Banksy talks about virginal and vaginal women

5:53:00  VINCENT BRUNO speaks.
Vincent says he comes from 12 broken families. 
6:05:00  Western women of any race are to be avoided.

Saturday, 21 January 2023

Christo-Liberalism is a broken boiler; our religious and political identity is our moral identity

Our religious identity is our moral identity.

4:00  Damascene conversion
6:00  Christianity in England
7:00  Nobody ever asks us our opinion other than opinion pollsters.
9:00  Asking a few questions
10:00  Tribune of the plebs
15:00  Religion is a working boiler.
16:00  Westerners have already been scarred by Christianity.
18:00  Social conservatism
19:00  It was always meant to be.
20:00  Jumping before one is pushed
25:00  The seductiveness of the Abrahamic God
26:00  The idolatrous twist of Christianity and its failure to prevent three regicide
27:00  Founding Fathers
28:00  Culture
29:00  English Tudors and English Victorians
30:00  There will always be an England.
31:00  Islamophobia
32:00  What happened cannot be undone.
33:00  Jim Jones
34:00  Once you are on the plane to Guatemala ....

Bible Study and gender studies with Vincent Bruno with unexpected support for Secular Koranism

the lower orders
3:00  Jews set moral standards for gentiles. 
4:00  Rabbi Michael Shulman
5:00  Why not use Islam as a homogenised universal minimum standard?
7:00  |Paul was a Jew. 
9:00  E Michael Jones pretending all Jews are liberals.
10:00  Liberalism originated from the French Revolution.
11:0 0 Jay Walker
12:00  The alt-right have no coherent ideology. 
13:00  The malign encouragement of morons and vegetables
14:00  Something is either right or wrong in principle, not whether you enjoy or suffer from it.
15:00  White people adopted Christianity
16:00  How Europe became Christian
18:00  Islam becoming a more convenient religion reaching a critical mass
19:00  The Roman imperial cult was failing before Rome was Christianised.
20:00  Aztecs are an 
21:00  Christianity was used to support the divine right of kings.
22:00  Christianity failed to protect monarchs from regicide. 
23:00  America does not have an official religion. 
24:00  Establishing a court and legal system as required by the Noahide laws. 
28:00  When Jews asked for a king
39:00  Monarchy is a kind of idolatry.
40:00  The Noahide legal system 
42:00  Having a court and legal system prevents people from being victims of arbitrary justice.
45:00  Ancient Israel had the Sanhedrin.
48:00  Monarchy
50:00  The Crown
53:00  Jews and the Noahide laws
53:00  Not all Jews agree with Chabad.
55:00  Alan Cecil
57:00  Noahide ethics
59:00  Why the Noahide laws on sexual immorality are not good enough
1:00:00  Islam has a greater pool of knowledge and legal precedents as well as a longer track record
1:03:00  Rabbi Dweck

2:33:00  Islam is scarier than Noahidism. 

2:34:00  GERALT joins. 
2:35:00  The alt-right
2:37:00  Noahide laws
Antisemitic rant
2:43:00  Intellectual achievement of Jews
2:47:00  Idolatry is inferior to following the laws of ethical monotheism. 
2:51:00  My answer to the Jewish Question
2:54:00  Europe was once mono-religious and mono-racial.
2:57:00  Liberal Jews
3:00:00  Christianity
3:01:00  The problem of liberalism
3:02:00  The solutionlessness of the Dissident Right
3:03:00  White guilt
3:07:00  Political parties pandering to the female voter
3:08:00  Road map politics 
3:09:00  Wish list politics
3:11:00  Divisions amongst white people
3:13:00  There is nothing that binds white people together.
3:17:00  Racial and national revenge
3:18:00  Human nature
3:22:00  Noahide laws
3:25:00  Islamophobic rant
3:31:00  "cultural technology"
3:39:00  Vincent's on off belief in God
3:40:00  Homophobia
3:41:00  Ukraine
3:47:00  Antisemitic gentiles are stupid.
4:10:00  Matriarchy in the West voting against the interests of white men.
4:16:00  Unmarriageable Western men and women
4:17:00  It is finally acknowledged that I understand the position of men now.
4:21:00  How to get people to listen
4:22:00  Populism as a word
4:23:00  Falling into the same trap again and again and again
BNP days
4:24:00  Searchlight
4:25:00  Arriving in the UK in my teens
4:27:00  Alice in Borderland
4:29:00  Snorkelblog and Snorkelog
4:36:00  The sexual mores of Japanese women
4:37:00  Monogamy
4:38:00  Polygamy
4:39:00  Many British women died childless after WW2.
4:41:00  Degenerate white men
4:42:00  White men don't deserve to be on top.
4:43:00  White working class women were the first group of white people to convert to Islam.
4:45:00  Mummies and daddies
4:48:00  Hypergamy
4:49:00  Survival of the fittest

4:50:00  STEPHEN J JAMES joins.
4:52:00  Vincent wants vulgar white women reprimanded by men. 
4:56:00  Noahide laws
4:58:00  Calling Islam a "replacement culture"
5:02:00  "Larp"
5:04:00  Patriarchy is required by all races to remain in existence. 
5:08:00  Crime and punishment
5:12:00  "I don't like, we don't wanna, you can't make us."
5:15:00  Degenerate white men
5:18:00  Behaving like adult men
5:19:00  Larping or autistic
5:20:00  The Dissident Right are despised by women of their own race.
5:23:00  Adult men talking about their feelings
5:24:00  Is the degeneracy reversible?
5:27:00  Abolishing no fault divorce.
5:28:00  Antifeminist men who just want the same rights as women
5:31:00  Women and children are inherently loveable. 
5:32:00  Government afraid of criticising voters. 
5:33:00  Parents afraid of their children
5:34:00  Vincent enjoyed the Rabbi Bassous video!
5:37:00  Feelings
5:39:00  Vincent a Jehovah's Witness
5:42:00  I am not Muslim. 
5:49:00  Millenniyule
5:52:00  Male cooperation
5:52:00  IC5
5:53:00  Islamophobic rant

5:56:00  FRASER HUDSON joins.
5:57:00  Political activism
5:59:00  Parliamentary democracy

6:03:00  SECULAR JOHN KELLY joins.
6:08:00  My solution suppressed
6:09:00  Secular John Kelly understands!  
6:10:00  Moral system
6:11:00  My niche idea but potentially universal solution of Secular Koranism
6:12:00  Ralph and the technocracy
6:13:00  "Emergent phenomena"
6:14:00  Andrew Tate
6:16:00  Piers Morgan

JORD joins and is told I will not be rebranding to pander to Islamophobes. 
6:17:00  50-60k publicity campaign.

6:18:00  VINCENT BRUNO rejoins.
6:19:00  Max Clifford

6:20:00  Vincent says he would choose Secular Koranism if he were a serious person.
6:22:00  Vincent's Patreon account
6:23:00  Jord's business model
6:24:00  Secular John Kelly supports Secular Koranism.
6:25:00  I am very charismatic! 
6:26:00  Spreading SK organically.
6:27:00  Vincent says he will steal Secular Koranism! 
6:28:00  Secular Koranism is the gateway to Secular Noahidism. 
6:29:00  Secular Koranism with American Characteristics could be rolled out globally.  
6:30:00  Secular Noahidism Lite is Secular Koranism.
6:34:00  Secular John Kelly is Christian.
6:35:00  Idolatry
6:36:00  Golden Calf
6:37:00  The penalty for idolatry
6:48:00  IC3 and STEPHEN J JAMES rejoins to defend Christianity
6:51:00  Christianity must be taken out with the trash.
6:53:00  Blasphemy
6:54:00  Is Noahidism a religion?
6:58:00  Is Vincent were a social conservative, he would be a Noahide or Secular Koranist. 
6:59:00  Why Christianity failed
7:02:00  Vincent playing 4D chess
7:04:00  Peak globohomo has not yet been reached.
7:07:00  Why Christianity must be abandoned
7:08:00  Christian fundamentalism 
7:10:00  Culture is fluid. 
7:11:00  English culture
7:12:00  Christian principles
7:13:00  Heritage, heirloom or a working boiler
7:14:00  My recipe book analogy
7:16:00  Licensed brothels of only living prostitutes would be allowed.
7:19:00  Christianity under Secular Koranism
7:21:00  Atheism is not a religion because it has no religious principles.
7:23:00  Difference in behaviour between theists and atheists

Will transgender people lord it over all of us?

7:26:00  Recreational sex and China
7:27:00  LGBT rights in China
7:29:00  Herbivores in Japan
7:30:00  Women have been known to enjoy their pregnancy.
7:33:00  I would ban non-natural ways of conception and incubation,
7:34:00  Gay parenting
7:36:00  Before marriage was invented
7:39:00  Human pet
7:40:00  Established gender roles give heterosexual couples the biological, social and psychological advantage over same-sex couples.

Thursday, 19 January 2023

Inviting Vincent Bruno to Secular Koranism

3:00  The perfect patriarchy and matriarchy
4:00  Marriage crisis because of immature men
5:00  Women are not happy even under feminism. 
6:00  Men know what they want more than women know what they want.
7:00  Having a moral system where the laws are not always changing
8:00  Transgender people should be considered mentally ill.
9:00  Government should support marriage.
10:00  Yin and Yang
11:00  Supporting marriage
12:00  A feminised and senescent society
13:00  Wanting to have sex with people we are not married to
14:00  Does the availability of modern contraception increase abortion?
15:00  Artificial wombs
16:00  Regulating the immune response 
19:00  Is homosexuality "unnatural"?
21:00  Church of England paying reparations
23:00  Political parties pandering to female voters
25:00  Social spending and representative democracy
26:00  Year long Presidential campaign
27:00  The female preference and women pretending to be kind and stupid
28:00  Men can only control society if they marry and live with women.

Western men are now called the global minority.

29:00  The poodles of Uncle Sam
31:00  Western men are unprincipled cowards despised by their women. 
33:00  Alt-right men without solutions
34:00  Gender and marital relations
35:00  Degeneracy
36:00  Gender roles
38:00  Mother a Jehovah's Witness 
40:00  Finding a good gang to join
41:00  Reasons for converting to Islam
42:00  Islam is Christian-adjacent.
43:00  David Myatt
44:00  Jay Walker
45:00  Sadducees did not believe in the afterlife.
48:00  The status of Jews, Christianity and Islam
49:00  Children think of their father as God
51:00  Daddy issues
52:00  Stupid women imitating bad male behaviour
53:00  Europeans led astray by America.
54:00  Love thy neighbour is from the Old Testament.
55:00  102 generations of duped Europeans
56:00  Council of Nicaea
57:00  Origins of Christianity
58:00  White Muslims
59:00  Pink Swastika
1:00:00  Eunuchs
1:01:00  Ladyboys of Thailand
1:02:00  Castrati
1:03:00  Islam does not support monarchy.
1:04:00  Caliphs
1:05:00  Trevor Project
1:06:00  Suicide higher in gay men.
1:07:00  Gay culture
1:08:00  Good parenting comes from good marriages.

Gay commune 

1:10:00  Less group solidarity amongst gay men.
1:12:00  Rohm
1:14:00  Spartan soldiers
1:16:00  Pederasty
1:17:00  Demographics is destiny.
1:18:00  Recreational sex is for married couples.
1:24:00  Did Jewish men really want to be women?
1:25:00  The greater good
1:28:00  Celibate homosexuals
1:29:00  Gay sex is cheap sex.
1:30:00  David Starkey
1:32:00  Married sex is the most expensive form of sex. 
1:33:00  Marriage is the most important bargain of all. 
1:34:00  Heterosexuals would destroy Vincent's gay breeding farms.
1:35:00  Homophobia
1:38:00  Who is allowed to have sex with each other is an intensely political question.
1:40:00  Gay parenting
1:41:00  Secular Koranism
1:42:00  Sodom and Gomorrah
Jackie Chan and his lesbian daughter
1:59:00  Parental authority
2:03:00  Gay people owe their lives to straight people.
2:06:00  Secular Koranism
2:10:00  Transgender people
2:12:00  Religious narratives
2:13:00  Gay Islamophobes frightened by Islam
2:14:00  Eschatology of the Abraham religions
2:15:00  The nature and attributes of the Abrahamic God
2:16:00  God's backup plan
2:17:00  36 capital offences of the Torah
2:18:00  Christians told off by Jews and Muslims for their idolatry
2:19:00  The point of being a member of a religious group
Jen Scharf's pantheism
2:20:00  Trans rights
2:21:00  Fornication was the gateway sexual offence.
2:22:00  Marriage is eugenic.
2:23:00  Sodomites should be above transgender people.
2:24:00  Gay lawyers and Secular Koranism
2:26:00  Is there a married father in Vincent screaming to get out?
2:27:00  Islam is scarier than Noahidism.
2:29:00  Muslim Student Association
2:30:00  Controlling the interpretation of the Koran
2:33:00  Secular Koranism is more likely to happen than Noahidism.
2:34:00  Noahide laws
2:35:00  Jews
2:38:00  Golden Calf and Aaron
2:39:00  Fallible prophets
2:40:00  The harm of idolatry
2:42:00  Christians
2:43:00  quran.com/18/4
2:44:00  Jews living under sharia in Israel
2:45:00  Multiple Truth Hypothesis
2:46:00  Rabbis running away from Muslims
2:48:00  Chosen to be made an example of
2:53:00  British Israelites
2:59:00  Baptism and tattoos
3:02:00  Intactivist
3:09:00  Tradition
3:10:00  Moses
3:11:00  Hannukah
3:12:00  My alleged cynicism
3:15:00  Ranking the four gentile religions 
3:16:00  The Koran is the final revelation.
3:18:00  If Muslims won't do what they are supposed to, someone will be sent to do it.
3:22:00  God's backup plan
3:24:00  God expects Jews to convert to Islam.
3:25:00  Why did God choose Jews?
3:26:00  Kiddush Hashem
3:27:00  Islamophobic rabbis
3:28:00  quran.com/18/4
3:31:00  Rational Jews would convert to Islam,

3:34:00  A period of uncertainty
3:35:00  Frightening sodomites with Islam
3:39:00  Vincent using Secular Koranism to frighten and reassure sodomites
3:41:00  Theology becoming more of an interest.
3:42:00  Frivolity is a sign of decadence.
3:43:00  The lost boys of the alt-right
3:45:00  Islam is scarier than Noahidism.
3:46:00  Khalil and Jacob Faturechi
3:48:00  Why the alt-right hate me and are stupid
3:51:00  Leftists
3:52:00  Social hierarchy
3:53:00  All male environment to develop leadership skills.
3:54:00  Male fragility
3:55:00  Group solidarity
3:57:00  Papal Conclave rules
3:58:00  Spineless Republicans
4:00:00  Boomers and matriarchy
4:04:00  Hitler and Trump
4:07:00  The future is antisemitism
4:09:00  Story of the Jews
4:10:00  Sin of Moses
4:11:00  Written scripture
4:12:00  Prophets are successful revolutionaries.
4:14:00  Jesus
4:15:00  Athanasian Creed
4:17:00  Trinity
4:18:00   New Canaan
4|:19:00  Constantine
4:20:00  Year of the Five Emperors
4:21:00  Edict of Thessalonica
4:22:00  Cardinal = Governor General
4:23:00  Cuius regio, eius religio
4:24:00  The First Amendment
4:25:00  Salem Witch Trials
4:26:00  The point of having a moral system
4:27:00  Education and Sharing Day
4:28:00  Rule system
4:31:00  Envy in the Ten Commandments
4:33:00  Idolatry
4:37:00  America's 27th Republic
4:39:00  The Pursuit of Happiness
4:40:00  California
4:42:00  Noahide laws
4:43:00  The Koran > The Talmud
4:45:00  Islamophobia would be punished by God.
4:48:00  Controlling the interpretation
4:50:00  Why Secular Koranism is rejected
4:51:00  White Sharia and White Secular Koranism
4:53:00  Leadership
4:57:00  Too much stability
5:00:00  "Islam is dangerous."
5:01:00  Dave Rubin
5:04:00  Nietzsche on interpretation
5:07:00  Good faith and bad faith promotion of Noahidism and Secular Koranism
5:08:00  Counting and listing the Commandments of Allah
5:10:00  Supreme Court
5:12:00  Secular Koranism would make Islam go mainstream.
5:13:00  Liberal lawyers in America
5:15:00  Divorce
5:17:00  Becoming famous
5:18:00  Christians
5:21:00  Kulturkampf
5:22:00  Archbishop of Canterbury
5:24:00  Secular Koranism
5:25:00  All the world religions have something to say about we can or can't have sex with.
5:26:00  All empires fall for the same reason.
5:32:00  The power of divine revelation

Wednesday, 18 January 2023

Talking to Vincent Bruno about vulgar alt-right women and concluding that alt-right men are stupid

1:30  My problem
3:00  Sexual liberation and Ann Coulter
4:00  Treating unmarried parents as sex offenders as prescribed by quran.com/24/2
7:00  Cancel culture
11:00  Distrust of the government
12:00  Transgender people imposing their will on gay people
13:00  Gay people should be above transgender people.
17:00  Secular Koranism v Noahidism
18:00  Sadducees v Pharisees
20:00  Israel is a secular state.
22:00  Jewish liberal democrats in Israel are resented by Muslim Arabs.
23:00  Jews setting standards for gentiles is like parents imposing bedtime on their children.
25:00  A range of rabbinical opinion on gentile religions
26:00  Islam is not a man-made religion. 
27:00  Liberalism trumps the Noahide laws in Israel.
28:00  The Supreme Court of each country resolves any litigated matter.
29:00  Accusing your enemy of one of the capital offences of Judaism in Israel
31:00  Rivalry between the Abraham religions
32:00  Messianic Jews and Christian missionaries
33:00  God's backup plan is the Koran after the Torah
34:00  Editor
36:00  The Big Bang and sentient beings
37:00  Time

39:00  Jains and Jen believe in an uncreated universe.
40:00  Jen's pantheism
41:00  Galileo and Copernicus
42:00  Geocentric v Heliocentric
44:00  Facts are political. 
45:00  What are the motivations of those who encourage transgenderism?
46:00  Gay children
47:00  Victimhood
48:00  Ginger mingers
49:00  Declining birth rate
50:00  The pill
51:00  Patriarchy privileging married parents
52:00  Matriarchy
Demographics is destiny.
53:00  Imperialism
54:00  People want to be with their friends and family.
55:00  Homophobia
57:00  Sodom and Gomorrah
58:00  Extinct civilisations and Jews
59:00  Judaism has the more powerful deity.
1:00:00  The idolatry of Christianity
1:01:00  Muddled Muslims
1:02:00  The religion of the pursuit of happiness
1:03:00  WW3
1:04:00  How Vincent could be helping  his fellow Americans
1:05:00  The life affirming message of Secular Koranism with American Characteristics
1:10:00  The narrative of the Chosen People
1:11:00  Conspiracy theories
1:12:00  The Founding Fathers
1:13:00  The First Amendment is based on quran.com/2/256
1:14:00  Cuius regio, eius religio
1:15:00  The Age of Enlightenment was a reaction against the Wars of the Reformation.
1:16:00  If Henry VIII had been Muslim
1:17:00  Salem Witch Trials and a Torah theocracy
1:18:00  America predicted to be Noahide in 100 years.
1:19:00  The birth rate is linked to immigration.
1:20:00  Who gets to have sex with whom
1:22:00  Bonobos v Chimps
1:23:00  The institution of marriage
1:24:00  Stags and their harem
1:25:00  Lions and their harems 
1:28:00  Jews have a conceptual idol of liberal democracy.
1:29:00  Church of England has agreed to pay reparations to black people.
1:30:00  Gender relations
1:32:00  Secular Koranism
1:34:00  The Koran is more subtle than the Torah.
1:35:00  Mujahid Uddin on idolatry
1:37:00  Secular Koranism would incorporate the First Amendment. 
1:39:00  Jehovah's Witnesses
1:40:00  Arianism v Trinitarianism
1:41:00  Edict of Thessalonica

Why Trinitarianism won the debate against Arianism

1:44:00  Abraham and Isaac
1:45:00  Jesus in Islam
1:46:00  Islam supersedes Judaism.
1:48:00  Kiddush Hashem
1:50:00  Secular by Design by Alan Cecil
1:52:00  Islam is an imperial religion.
1:55:00  Noahide gentiles in Israel
1:58:00  Soft kill and hard kill
1:59:00  How to be a good person
2:01:00  Noahidism through Islam
2:02:00  Bullied by Trinitarians
2:04:00  Christianity is paganism.
2:05:00  Trinity v Arianism
2:07:00  America is not a Noahide nation.
2:09:00  America a Christian nation?

2:22:00  God's backup plan
2:24:00  Islam is Noahide.
2:29:00  Disgraceful white people and vulgar alt-right women
2:35:00  Spare by Prince Harry
2:39:00  Battery chickens
2:40:00  Liberal women

2:44:00  STEPHEN J JAMES joins.
2:49:00  "Trad sodomites"
2:56:00  Gender roles 

2:57:00  BIARKEY joins.
3:02:00  White male advice
3:03:00  Secular Koranism
3:04:00  Noahidism v Secular Koranism
3:19:00  Feminism
3:20:00  Christianity
3:31:00  Vincent is ashamed of white women.
3:24:00  White women
3:25:00  Online represents real humanity
3:27:00  Anal sex
3:29:00  Noahide transwomen
3:30:00  Secular Koranism and other good foreign ideas
3:31:00  Jonah

3:33:00  SECULAR SIKHISM joins.
3:37:00 Noahide women
3:39:00  Vincent has 5000 Facebook friends.
3:30:00  Alan Cecil's Secular By Design
3:43:00  Noahidism is not a developed system of law.
3:45:00  Noahidism is not a religion.
3:47:00  Laws against sodomy
3:49:00  Michael Brown and dislodging globohomo with Islam
3:51:00  Noahidism is for peasants/
3:52:00  Alan Cecil
3:54:00  Milo
3:55:00  Arthur Goldberg
3:57:00  Muslims are not God's Chosen People.
3:58:00  Curse of Ham
4:01:00  Torah
4:07:00  Arthur Goldberg and Milo
4:11:00  Antisemites and Islamophobes
4:12:00  Amalekites
4:14:00  Booty and women
4:15:00  John Gischala
4:17:00  Judas
4:20:00  Religious radio station
4:21:00  Carol
4:23:00  Are Jews suffering from senile dementia?
4:25:00  Racial shame
4:27:00  What happened to Jews
4:28:00  God will not burden a soul with more than it can bear.
4:31:00  Idolatry and lashon hara
4:32:00  Sadducees and Pharisees
4:35:00  The Noahide laws
4:39:00  The Torah
4:42:00  Islam is not a made up religion.
4:43:00  Liberal or observant Jews
4:44:00  Lord Sternbuch on Chief Rabbi Mirvis
4:48:00  Cult
4:49:00  White privilege
4:51:00  Noahide women and Muslim women
5:14:00  /First Amendment
5:19:00  Racist white men
5:22:00  Ancient ideas
5:23:00  Chrisitans
5:24:00  Papal Conclave rules
5:27:00  The worst kind of male and female behaviour
5:29:00  The beginning of wisdom
5:32:00  Controlling the interpretation of Secular Koranism in America
5:35:00  The objectives of the Founding Fathers
5:38:00  Feminism and gender roles
5:39:00  Thank God you are not a woman.

5:41:00  JORD joins.
Transgender people
5:43:00  Revenge of sodomites and women against the patriarchy
5:47:00  Peak globohomo
5:48:00  Andrew Tate
5:55:00  Noahidism will defeat the alt-right, predicts Vincent.  
6:00:00  Traditionalism and women
6:06:00  Gay supremacy and housewives
6:07:00  Feminism harms men's chances of getting a good wife.
6:09:00  No white male Supreme Leader comes to mind.
6:16:00  Paedophilia
6:18:00  Religious background
6:34:00  "People who wear masks never win."
6:37:00  Having sex as a 16 year old teenager with a 50 year old man
6:56:00  Western women hate Western men and abort their foetuses. 
7:01:00  Vincent is a country boy. 
Vincent's gay accent
7:26:00  Anti-white

Mexican joins.

7:42:00  Vincent's political manifesto
7:45:00  Malaysia
7:48:00  I am a civic nationalist. 
7:49:00  I am culturally English. 
7:50:00  White people are neurotic. 
7:51:00  I am the only one with a solution. 
7:53:00  Legal has never had underage sex.
7:54:00  Legal and moral are two different standards.
7:55:00  The difference between Secular Koranism and Noahidism
7:58:00  STEPHEN J JAMES tries to explain my ideas to the others.
8:03:00  Power + Prejudice = Racism
8:06:00  Secular Koranism privileges married parents over non-parents. 
8:11:00  Homo boogaloo

Hysterical hatred and blame

8:15:00  Changing the moral system
8:17:00  Christianity is kaput.
8:18:00  America does not have an official religion. 
8:20:00  Races under Noahidism
8:21:00  No idolatry.
8:23:00  Chinese ancestor worship
8:24:00  Chinese birth rate
8:25:00  Sexually frustrated men cause revolutions
8:26:00  War, revolution and drugs
8:29:00  Depression
8:30:00  ADHD
8:31:00  The utility of pain
8:34:00  Hereditary mental problems from mother
8:39:00  When Vincent believed in God
8:40:00  Suicide rate of transgender people
8:41:00  Older brother who is autistic and retarded
8:52:00  Fatherlessness
8:53:00  Biological imperatives
8:55:00  Older women seducing underage males
8:59:00  Age of consent in the Vatican
9:03:00  Pederasty
9:06:00  Milo on statutory rape
9:09:00  Nationalist news and gossip
9:11:00  The Mossad
9:12:00  Based Takes, Patrick Bateman, OV
9:13:00  Ralph Masilamani
9:17:00  White nationalist cluelessness
9:18:00  White nationalists have no plan
9:19:00  The matriarchy
9:21:00  Birth control
9:22:00  Bachelor tax
9:30:00  "All Western men are stupid."

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...