Monday, 31 July 2023

Talking to Terron Poole on the Ahmadiyya, the Ottoman Empire and Andrew Tate

7:00  Muhammad Ali
10:00  Ahmadiyya
14:00  Eschatology
18:00  Rapture
21:00  Jews just lolling around waiting for the Messiah.
23:00  Richard Dawkins and Rabbi Sacks

26:00  Light unto nations
28:00  Book of Jeremiah
29:00  Roman pantheon
30:00  Meccan pantheon
31:00  Noahide laws
32:00  Fleeing slaves
33:00  Destruction of the Second Temple
34:00  Sadducees and Pharisees
35:00  The afterlife and Maimonides
36:00  Belief in the afterlife
37:00  The conscience of atheists
38:00  Karma
40:00  Atheists
41:00  The point of marriage
44:00  Shared values and objectives
47:00  Marriage
51:00  Denialism and Nazi Germany
52:00  Antisemitism
53:00  New national narrative
54:00  The liberal order
55:00  Free speech is for the protection of the ruling classes.
56:00  Performance of report
57:00  Laziness of Europeans and democracy
1:00:00  Nothing virtuous in being born working or middle class
1:03:00  Office jobs
1:14:00  Driving jobs
1:20:00  History
1:22:00  Accidents will happen.
1:24:00  Phone in toilet
1:27:00  Secular Koranism
1:29:00  Fall of the Ottoman Empire divine punishment?
1:32:00  LGBT in the Ottoman Empire
1:34:00  Harems are an alternative power base.
1:35:00  Interpretation is a function of power.
1:37:00  The best people in the right places
1:38:00  Moral education
1:38:00  Aesop's Fables
1:45:00  Rabbi Mizrachi treated as if he were a security threat.
1:46:00  Being seen as a security threat
1:53:00  Planned cities
1:57:00  Ticket culture 
1:59:00  Being pulled over
2:01:00  Policewomen
2:03:00  Vehicles on pavements
2:06:00  Swedish hospitality
2:07:00  Peanut butter
2:14:00  Muslim prayer
2:16:00  Red heifer
2:18:00  Hidden idolatry
2:19:00  Andrew Tate
2:21:00  Daddy issues
2:23:00  Candace Owens
2:24:00  Daniel Haqiqatjou
2:25:00  Mohammed Hijab and Ali Dawah
2:26:00  Official religion
2:27:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
Hidden idolatry
2:38:00  Drawing obvious inferences
2:29:00  Shotgun wedding
2:30:00  Fornicators can only marry other fornicators.

Discussing definitions, Venn diagrams, Haris Sultan and my mission to make Gazelle believe in God again

Earbuds and AirPods

Rectangles, squares and Venn Diagrams

While all rapists are men, not all men are rapists. 

10:00  Why it is now Season 3

14:00  Haris Sultan

16:00  Ex Muslim

19:00  DMs between Haris Sultan and Gazelle

30:00  Cookie cutter ex-Muslims

31:00  Ex-Muslims who become LGBT

36:00  "Anal dicks"

37:00  Philomena Cunk

42:00  "Fresh off the boat"

50:00  People who want to party would deny God.

52:00  A witty religious Muslim man

53:00  Bad English

55:00  More interesting men

56:00  "All Pakistanis look the same."

Anthropology and Ed Dutton

57:00  Richard Dawkins' Selfish Gene

58:00  Gazelle's Koran reading

59:00  Definition antisemitism

1:00:00  Focaccia

1:03:00  Debanking

1:04:00  Jews, Christians and Muslims cursed by God

1:05:00  Globohomogenised ex-Muslims

1:06:00  My mission amongst other things is to get Gazelle believing in God again. 

Giving Curious Gazelle relationship advice on Harris Sultan and others

2:00  Shared values and objectives

3:00  Richard Dawkins

6:00  God is responsible for evolution.

9:00  Morrison was divine punishment to Gazelle for leaving God.

10:00  Prayer and supplication

11:00  Ego

13:00  Only Fans

Making men do silly things

14:00  Power trips

17:00  I am kind.

18:00  Gazelle getting men to do sit ups.

19:00  Charlotte and girls' schools

20:00  Resolution cannot be achieved without some conflict.

21:00  Being normal

22:00  Andrew Tate = Superdrug

23:00  I am a calm female voice.

25:00  Gazelle says she would come to my rescue if I were drowning. 

28:00  Why doesn't Gazelle believe?

29:00  Ex-Muslims would be disapproved of by Muslims.

30:00  Ideological compatibility or hashkafa, as the Jews call it

31:00  Men at university 

33:00  Taking the blame

34:00  How things might have been

35:00  Christine Lagarde

39:00  Ego

40:00  The rule on exes

41:00  Pakistani taxi driver

42:00  A man with prospects

43:00  Manipulative

44:00  GLAM

46:00  Going to singing classes to meet suitable men

47:00  Being bossy

48:00  Deducting reasoning helps avoid mistakes.

49:00  Secular Koranism


50:00  Religions are a racket.

51:00  Trivial and frivolous

56:00  Javad Hashmi as husband material

57:00  Doctors' pay and conditions

58:00  Three adjectives

1:00:00  Epistemic issues

1:01:00  CURIOUS GAZELLE is not good wife material.

1:03:00  Harris Sultan and Morrison

1:04:00  Forced marriage

Role reversals

1:09:00  |Hard to impress

1:11:00  Overcompensating

1:12:00  LGBT Muslim

1:16:00  Talking to women

1:17:00  Meeting irl

Jalsa Salani

1:18:00  Parental disapproval and concern

1:19:00  So many changes

1:20:00  Character development

1:22:00  Anticipating the next move of the enemy

1:23:00  Surrender of phone

1:24:00  Prayer

1:25:00  Jews

1:27:00  Muslims


1:31:00  My own TV or radio show

1:32:00  Emily Maitlis and Mishal Husain

1:38:00  Pakistani military mostly Pashtun.

1:39:00  Military dictatorship

1:43:00  Musharraf

1:45:00  Concentration camps

1:45:00  Human rights

1:50:00  Shylock's speech

Discussing definitions, Venn diagrams, Haris Sultan and my mission to make Gazelle believe in God again

Earbuds and AirPods

Rectangles, squares and Venn Diagrams

While all rapists are men, not all men are rapists. 

10:00  Why it is now Season 3

14:00  Haris Sultan

16:00  Ex Muslim

19:00  DMs between Haris Sultan and Gazelle

30:00  Cookie cutter ex-Muslims

31:00  Ex-Muslims who become LGBT

36:00  "Anal dicks"

37:00  Philomena Cunk

42:00  "Fresh off the boat"

50:00  People who want to party would deny God.

52:00  A witty religious Muslim man

53:00  Bad English

55:00  More interesting men

56:00  "All Pakistanis look the same."

Anthropology and Ed Dutton

57:00  Richard Dawkins' Selfish Gene

58:00  Gazelle's Koran reading

59:00  Definition antisemitism

1:00:00  Focaccia

1:03:00  Debanking

1:04:00  Jews, Christians and Muslims cursed by God

1:05:00  Globohomogenised ex-Muslims

1:06:00  My mission amongst other things is to get Gazelle believing in God again. 

On the Ahmadiyyas at their Jalsa Salana 2023

1:52  What Claire Khaw should have said 

“The political side of religion is law and war. The Ahmadiyyas, by forsaking violence, are Western government-approved Muslims with a global presence and an international network. They also enjoy friendly relations with Israel having rejected what is the perceived Muslim obligation to hate Jews and Israel. They are also led by the Muslim equivalent of a Pope who provides them with arguably wiser leadership than many imams who can barely speak English. They are probably the best choice for networking if you are a white convert and even have a male matchmaker. Who is to say their hierarchical organisation is not a better long term strategy for these Muslims whom other Muslims reject?”

Saturday, 29 July 2023

The Secretary General of Hezbollah says globohomo must be confronted

Theocracy is preferable to the Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy

Friday, 28 July 2023

45 minute monologue then discussing with Terron Poole and Curious Gazelle the Kharijites, Anjem Choudary and my narrative of Western history


1:00  People don't say what they mean.
3:00  Unprincipled men cannot defend any principle.
4:00  Silence is submission and agreement.
5:00  Women despise unprincipled men unable to defend a principle.
6:00  Rabbi Mizrachi on Tisha B'Av 2023 and the heresy of so many ignorant Jews and even rabbis.
7:00  Egalitarianism is interferes with the working of any group people will be constantly questioning the authority of each other creating ill-feeling and creating an environment in which lies are told to persuade people. 
8:00  A hierarchy of siblings
9:00  Becoming parents would make us reject ideas of egalitarianism.
10:00  A hierarchy of legal and divine authority 
The Mandate of Heaven
11:00  Patriarchy is a pyramid.
12:00  The American egalitarianism of Carol
Calling the police is acknowledging the existence of hierarchy. 
13:00  Even absolute monarchs need divine authority to have moral autority. 
14:00  Elites are a minority. 
15:00  Not all atheists are unprincipled.
16:00  Reason and belief tells us how to resolve which conflicting rule we are to obey. 
18:00  Our reputation as wise or foolish people
The story of Jesus
19:00  Is Christian idolatry very unwise?

20:00  African Christians are being murdered African Muslims because they are perceived as agents of Western imperialism.

Israeli Jews are now spitting on Christians. 

21:00  Liberal democracy and globohomo is also white supremacy.

Matters of identity

22:00  Punctuality and reliability
23:00  Identity is status. 

24:00  The problem of America not having an official religion cascades downwards on to its vassal states. 

25:00  Patriarchy v Matriarchy - pyramid analogy
27:00  Abundance creates confusion.
28:00  Abundance creates contempt.
29:00  White people are hated by their own governments who prefer immigrant labour. 
30:00  Western governments cannot be bothered to govern its peoples. 
31:00  Turnout in elections will get lower and lower. 
32:00  Corruption will increase when the rules are widely flouted. 
33:00  Short term thinking will adversely affect society. 
34:00  Proposing that Secular Koranism should Christo-Liberalism
35:00  It is only the place of a prophet to tell an entire country to change their ways. 
36:00  A prophet is without honour in his own land. 
37:00  Unmarriageable men would prefer the status quo of matriarchy. 
38:00  Mike Buchanan won't support marriage because his supporters are unmarriageable. 
39:00  Restoring the patriarchy
40:00  Being platformed by the Fourth Estate is key to the implementation of Secular Koranism. 
41:00  No one else is speaking with clarity and authority.
42:00  Gatekeepers are preventing my access to MSM.
43:00  The genius of Secular Koranism would be difficult for Muslims and Islamophobes to swallow. 

44:00  Secular Koranism would enable the world to start again using Koranic principles under a literal and commonsensical interpretation.  

45:00  Ottoman Empire suffered divine punishment for distorting Koranic principles. 


Non-Muslims want Sharia.

Many men naturally object to the idea of their wives wearing revealing clothes, or exchanging text messages with other men, or spending the evening with male "friends."

These men also don't like it when their wives leave them for no reason, take all…

— Daniel Haqiqatjou (@Haqiqatjou) July 24, 2023

52:00   Feminism and Muslims
53:00  Who controls the interpretation of sharia?
54:00  Changing hearts and minds
55:00  Prohibition
56:00  Secular Koranism begins with a national conversation.
57:00  Are we being divided and ruled?
59:00  Liberals
1:00:00  Middle class neurosis and working class bluntness
1:02:00  A war on the middle classes in the US
1:03:00  Homelessness in California
1:04:00  Boring to blame the government and conspiracy theories
1:05:00  Child sex trafficking
Sound of Freedom
1:06:00  South Americans
1:09:00  Flat earth and moon landings

1:19:00  Secular Koranism
1:20:00  Goofing around with guns
1:22:00  Shabbir Akhtar
1:25:00  Paul Williams and Abdullah Al Andalusi
1:28:00  Muslim politics like LA gang politics.
1:30:00  Stabbed in the back by your friends
1:31:00  The aristocracy need most group solidarity.
1:33:00  No central Muslim authority
1:34:00  Rowan Williams the former Archbishop of Canterbury 
1:35:00  Global Caliph, national emirs
1:37:00  Sharia is a form of arbitration.
1:38:00  Islamophobes want to continue hating Muslims.
1:40:00  Amputation for robbers
1:41:00  UK police
1:44:00  Only Islamophobes would reject sharia if it promised peace, stability and prosperity. 
1:45:00  Snobbery towards immigrants and their religion
1:46:00  Islam helped black Americans.

1:49:00  GAZELLE joins.
1:51:00  "Submarine" Muslim
1:55:00  Andrew Tate and Sneako
1:56:00  People who don't want to engage in dialogue
1:57:00  Abdul Hakin Murad
1:58:00  Why don't I convert to Islam?
1:59:00  Why am I treated better than Ahmadiyyas?
2:00:00  William Breiannis "smoked" by Pelu
2:02:00  William Breiannis declined Terron Poole's friend request
2:03:00  Rob Dufour
Walaa Quisay (rhymes with crazy)

2:08:00  Salafi and neo-traditionalism

2:15:00  Child like appearance of Walaa
2:23:00  Being cancelled as a Muslim
2:34:00  No longer Ibadi, now a non-denominational Muslim.
3:36:00  Egalitarian Kharijites
2:39:00  Sadducees and Pharisees
2:40:00  Essenes and meritocracy
2:44:00  Zahiri School
2:45:00  Interpretation is a function of truth. 
2:46:00  The rule of law
2:48:00  Judges should be paid properly or they will take bribes.
2:49:00  Corruption of the political system
Liz Truss
2:51:00  Samples for opinion polls
2:52:00  Alison Chabloz
2:53:00  Anjem /Choudary
2:54:00  MI5 operative and Begum
2:58:00  MI5 complaining that Twitter took off jihadist accounts too quickly when ISIS was active. 
3:00:00  Police intimidation
3:03:00  Agent provocateur
3:07:00  Being accused of being a state agent
3:10:00  Anjem Choudary would have stayed out of jail if he had been promoting Secular Koranism.
3:11:00  Different government departments might disagree about whether or not to arrest Anjem Choudary.
3:12:00  What I thought happened to Anjem Choudary
3:14:00  Paltalk
3:15:00  Anjem Choudary said he needed a chaperone to be with me. 
3:17:00  Muslim mercenaries used by the US
3:18:00  Israel Defence Force
3:20:00  Booty and women
3:21:00  Daniel Haqiqatjou and Ex-Muslims
3:22:00  Andrew Tate
3:29:00  Andrew Tate
3:22:00  US and UK Islam
3:39:00  Class divisions amongst Muslims
3:43:00  Terron learning and teaching history
3:51:00  Alison Chabloz
3:54:00  Learning Anglo Saxon
3:55:00  Anglo Saxons were barbarians. 
3:56:00  Beowulf

3:59:00  Aryans
4:03:00  Tugendhat
4:09:00  The English benefited from the Roman Conquest by adopting their system of social organisation.
4:10:00  Jutes
Civilisation comes from cives.
4:14:00  Teutons
4:15:00  My version of Western history
4:16:00  Wars of the Reformation
American Revolution
4:17:00  The White House Koran belonged to Thomas Jefferson.
4:18:00  The Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom became the First Amendment. 
The French and Americans have the same Statue of Liberty.
4:19:00  The First Amendment is supported by
4:20:00  Muslims are being punished for disobeying
4:21:00  I am a historical thinker.
4:23:00  Rehabilitating the Kharijites
4:24:00  Origins of Britain
4:25:00  Etymology
4:25:00  The British have been traumatised by their history. 
4:26:00  Sinhead O'Connor
4:30:00  LGBT
4:42:00  Hijab wearing spy
4:45:00  Niqab
Sam Gerrans
4:47:00  Alpha male
4:52:00  David Myatt
4:55:00  Dr Shabbir Akhtar

Rabbi Mizrachi's second Tisha B'Av 5783 talk

Thursday, 27 July 2023

Tisha B'Av 5783

Ralph Masilamani challenges me to make Islamophobes like Secular Koranism

1:00  Dr Shabbir Akhtar

2:00  Anglicanism is the official religion of Britain yet atheists like Tony Blair and Hindus like Rishi Sunak get to be Prime Minister. 

3:00  The Fate of Abraham of Peter Oborne

James Baldwin

4:00  American imperialism is global and therefore impressive.

5:00  Shock and awe AKA terrorising your enemies as a military tactic

6:00  Speakers Corner

8:00  Axiology

10:00  Cuisine, culture and power

11:00  Ralph mentions Secular Koranism before I do and the resistance to it is Islamophobia.

12:00  Secular |Koranism would be rolled out by the Fourth Estate.

Beards European and Muslim

14:00  Mosques

15:00  "We have nukes!"

16:00  "Racial white right"

17:00  White sharia

18:00  Western men have no religion.

European identity is subservience to America. 

Europe is an occupied country.

Australia and New Zealand are British territories and so is Canada.

19:00  Religious groups

20:00  The supreme deity of modern antisemites is Hitler.

 21:00  The European Wars of Religion occurred when Europeans were all white and all Christian. 

The French Revolution was a rejection of monarchy and Christianity which supported the divine right of kings. 

Race wars

22:00  White men are literally cowering in fear of being cancelled afraid to stand up for a principle. 

23:00  Anonymous white men terrified of being doxxed

24:00  De Santis

25:00  The problem of the West is because the Western ruling classes do not have a religion they follow. America does not have an official religion, and Europe's "religion" is to submit to America.

26:00  Whites are being lowered in status in their own country. 

27:00  The only significant resistance to globohomo comes from Muslims. 

28:00  Secular Koranism

29:00  Jews

30:00  Substrate blah blah

32:00  What you may dislike may be good for you.

The patient must submit to treatment if he wants to be cured.

33:00  How is it going to be accomplished?

36:00  How will Western Man be cured of his Islamophobia?

37:00  Secular Koranism will make Islam palatable to Islamophobes with the help of the Fourth Estate. 

38:00  Jerusalem

Both Israelis and Palestinians claim Jerusalem as their capital, as Israel maintains its primary governmental institutions there and the State of Palestine ultimately foresees it as its seat of power. Because of this dispute, neither claim is widely recognized internationally.

38:00  Tel Aviv - the real capital of liberal Jews?

39:00  Culture is fluid.

40:00  Western men are mostly unmarriageable degenerates.

41:00  The rebuilding of the Third Temple

42:00  Curtis Yarvin

43:00  Theocracy and the Messiah

44:00  Berlin

45:00  Proportion of sheeple and independent thinkers

46:00  Are there not even ten good men in the whole of the American Empire?

48:00  Christians should be confronted with their idolatry to make them repent.

Christians can only repent by converting to Islam.

51:00  Ralph expects Western gentiles to convert to Judaism.

54:00  The Abrahamic religions include Judaism, Christianity and Islam

55:00  Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics

58:00  The religion of antisemites and Islamophobes

59:00  I do not complain about racism.

1:00:00  Western Man is an idolater.

1:01:00  Teshuvah

1:02:00  I have the cure.

1:03:00  Christianity has been failing for 500 years.

1:04:00  Western men do not understand their own history.

1:05:00  Sheeple have been misled by their own ruling classes.

1:06:00  Idolaters have no principles. 

1:07:00  Cattle have no principles.

1:08:00  My principles

1:11:00  White culture

1:12:00  Secular Koranism on mainstream media

1:13:00  Truth, Logic and Morality

1:14:00  No religion, no principles. Western men dare not define a woman these days.

1:15:00  My principles

1:18:00  The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.

1:19:00  Truth and logic tell me that the Koran is the best available guide to humanity.

1:21:00  A principled Western Man: Jamie Kingston

1:22:00  An honourable and influential man: Jeremy Corbyn

1:24:00  An honourablee and influential American man

1:25:00  Nigel Farage

1:26:00  Trump

1:28:00  Book signing

1:29:00  Anjem Choudary should have been promoting Secular Koranism.

1:30:00  Secular Koranism with American Characteristics

1:31:00  9/11

1:34:00  Western foreign policy provokes terrorism.

1:38:00  JORDAN the dimwitted Jew joins. 

1:41:00  The purpose of religion

Europe's Christian identity

1:44:00  Race

1:45:00  Liberal Jews

1:46:00  Secular Koranism is based on the Koran.

1:47:00  Liberalism

1:50:00  Israel

1:53:00  Restoring the patriarchy with Secular Koranism

1:54:00  BNP were kowtowing to multiculturalism and wanted a foreign London Mayoral Candidate.

1:55:00  Nick Griffin

1:56:00  Fenians

1:57:00  Law degree from Cambridge

1:58:00  Christians are to be targeted because of their idolatry.

White advocate and critical friend

2:00:00  Hated for telling the truth

2:01:00  Pat Richardson

Unskilled manual labour joins BNP

2:02:00  Skilled manual labour in Labour

2:03:00  Sex predators preying on white girls

2:05:00  Christian Europe

Wednesday, 26 July 2023

Curious Gazelle reads the Koran

22:00  The Koran talks about the straight path and not the gay path.

27:00  Those whose hearts are sealed

36:00  Hypocrites

37:00  Plausible deniability

38:00  Hidden idolatry

55:00  God is responsible for everything.

Francis Bacon

1:02:00  Silly questions Muslims ask themselves

1:08:00  LGBT

1:32:00  Gazelle is self-aware enough to recognise that she may be a hypocrite.

1:38:00  Jews

The Butterfly Effect hoped for on Tisha B'Av 5783 on the death of Dr Shabbir Akhtar

Kierkegaard was a Christian existentialist. An existentialist is basically someone who denies the existence of God because his philosophy is that man must find a reason for his own existence and a purpose for his own life. The implicitly denies the existence of God.

"Existentialism is a form of philosophical inquiry that explores the issue of human existence. Existentialist philosophers explore questions related to the meaning, purpose, and value of human existence." Existentialists are by definition atheists. Didn't Akhtar know this?

If Akhtar knew existentialists were by definition atheists and by implication nihilists, why even give Kierkegaard the time of day? A Christian existentialist is an oxymoron, and so was Catholic existentialist Heidegger. They must have been either fraudulent or confused.

If you believe in God, then you know how you must live: by obeying God's laws. If you are a righteous gentile nation - and only Islamic states are righteous gentile nations - then your religious obligation would be to exact jizya from from unrighteous gentile nations.

Existentialism for a believing Jew or Muslim would be entirely redundant, since both Judaism and Islam already give Jews and Muslims purpose as individuals and nations as God's servants. Jews are supposed to promote the Noahide laws and assist Muslim nations in spreading Islam.

Jews are supposed to be light unto nations leading idolatrous gentiles towards the light of Islam which is the most Noahide of all gentile religions. The least Noahide gentile religion is Christianity because of its idolatry and blasphemy ie the Doctrine of the Trinity.

The Trinity requires Christians to worship an executed blasphemer as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah - the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe. Christians claim the crucified Christ to be God whom they also claim to be born of a virgin.

Since Jews were not equal to the task of informing Christians that their religion is in fact the idolatry and blasphemy forbidden by God in His Commandments, God revealed the Koran to making Muslims His Chosen Auxiliaries of Jews.

Did any Muslim national leader obey since the Rashidun? The response so far has been crickets. Perhaps @khamenei_ir will now remedy this omission by tweeting to @JustinWelby asking him how Jesus is God. How shall he defend the Trinity and Christianity?

If @JustinWelby cannot defend the Trinity, will he resign in favour of Charles III, head of the Church of England? If Charles cannot defend the Trinity either, will he convert to Islam, turning Britain into an Islamic Republic? How would Australia, Canada and New Zealand respond?

If Australia, Canada and New Zealand - currently British territories - respond to the conversion of Charles III to Islam by declaring independence, wouldn't the American Empire collapse in confusion? When Americans finally get themselves an official religion, wouldn't it be Islam?

This would be the Butterfly Effect. Tisha B'Av begins today, by the way. 

What is the proper greeting for Tisha B'av? It is customary to avoid greeting people on Tisha B'av, due to the solemn nature of the day. 

Tuesday, 25 July 2023

How to shame unprincipled Western men

You could just ask confirmed Christians: “How would you feel if you were told that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy?”

And then wait for their shoulders to shrug.

If they still don’t get it, you can remind them of the Ten Commandments which forbids idolatry and blasphemy. 

If they still don’t get it, remind of the Noahide laws which also forbid idolatry and blasphemy. 

When they reject the Noahide laws because they are Jewish, call them antisemites but offer them Islam.

If they reject Islam because they are Islamophobes, offer them the Islam Lite of Secular Koranism. 

If they reject Secular Koranism too, remind them of their Islamophobia and ask them if they wish to remain married fathers or have any intention or prospect of becoming married fathers. 

If they are married fathers who won’t support Secular Koranism, accuse them of hating their badly parented children or being afraid of their wives as well as being atheists and nihilists who did not deserve their reproductive rights.

If they are not married fathers, accuse them of being unmarriageable men who do not deserve to acquire reproductive rights.

Make make the point that most Western men are unmarriageable and that those who are married fathers should not have been given reproductive rights. 

Most married Western men do not deserve their reproductive rights because they are hypocrites, atheists and nihilists unable to defend the practice of marriage. 

Western men who are not married fathers who do not want to be or have no prospect of becoming married parents are obviously unmarriageable.

That’s why Western civilisation is dying and why Western men do not deserve to live in an advanced civilisation.

All advanced civilisations are patriarchies.

All primitive, declining, extinct and soon to be extinct societies are matriarchies. 

The only way for Western men to restore the patriarchy would be to adopt Secular Koranism, but their Islamophobia which they cling to prevents them from doing that. 

Monday, 24 July 2023

35 questions for atheists and nihilists complaining about their government

  1. Is Christianity kaput?
  2. Is liberalism for losers?
  3. Is democracy dementia?
  4. Is it a good thing that America does not have an official religion?
  5. What is the unofficial religion of America?
  6. Is Anglicanism kaput?
  7. What is the official religion of European countries?
  8. Is the unofficial religion of European countries unquestioningly obeying the orders of Washington?
  9. Was the American Revolution a rejection of Christianity and monarchy?
  10. Was the French Revolution a rejection of Christianity and monarchy?
  11. Was the Russian Revolution a rejection of Christianity and monarchy?
  12. What was the religion of Malcolm Muggeridge?
  13. When was The End of Christendom by Malcolm Muggeridge published?
  14. Did Liberalism replace Christianity because Christianity was kaput?
  15. Who else apart from Claire Khaw has a solution to the political problems of the West?
  16. Is Western media controlled by the CIA?
  17. Are you surprised that the CIA would wish to suppress Secular Koranism?
  18. Is the reason why Western men are unable to challenge and defeat their matriarchy because they are unprincipled men not interested in becoming or remaining married parents?
  19. Does a civilisation in which most men refuse to support marriage deserve to survive?
  20. Is marriage eugenic and bastardy dysgenic?
  21. Is a matriarchy a society of sluts, slutfuckers and bastards?
  22. Is a patriarchy a society of married parents, legitimate children and strong families?
  23. What does it say about the men of a society if most of them refuse to support the principle of the next generation being raised by their two biological married parents living together in a loving relationship?
  24. Are the Western men who refuse to support marriage also refusing to challenge the dysgenic policies of the matriarchy?
  25. Do you know any man prepared to discuss any of the above questions with you?
  26. Would most Western men be considered sex offenders by the Koran?
  27. Aren't you an Islamophobe if you still reject Islam and the Islam Lite of Secular Koranism even as you know that there is no other rival solution to the political problems of the West?
  28. Is the reason why you do not support Secular Koranism because you know you will be ostracised by your white middle class circles?
  29. If supporting Secular Koranism raised you in status, would you support it?
  30. Is the reason why you refuse to support Secular Koranism because you know your status will be lowered if you do?
  31. Are you an atheist and nihilist with no principles?
  32. Isn't the problem with not having a religion the problem of most men in your country thinking, talking and doing as unprincipled atheists and nihilists despised by women?
  33. Is it not the case that atheists and nihilists are incapable of defending a principle because they have none?
  34. Aren't unprincipled atheists and nihilists immoral men who do not deserve to live in an advanced civilisation because they cannot defend a principle?
  35. Is there a principle you would die for?

Saturday, 22 July 2023

A question for Ann Coulter from Muslims of America and the world

The brothers would like to hear Ann's views on whether she thinks it is a good thing that America does not have an official religion and what the official religion of America should be if it were to make a moral and rational choice choosing the best religion available. Otherwise, the unofficial religion of America would be the pursuit of happiness at the expense of other nations and at the expense of our fellow Americans. 

The brothers already understand a Christian Amendment would be unAmerican considering the trouble the Founding Fathers took to separate the church from their state. It cannot be Judaism because most Americans are not Jews. It cannot be the Noahide laws Jews are supposed to promote because prohibitions against idolatry and blasphemy would conflict with the First Amendment supported by 2:256 of the Koran It cannot be Hinduism or Buddhism because these Eastern religions would be even more alien to American traditions than Islam. We must also bear in mind as Americans that George Washington said in his farewell speech "We must with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion." 

Do you think George Washington our sagacious Founding Father could have had in mind Islam?

If Islamophobes like you find Islam a little frightening, there is always the Islam Lite of Secular Koranism which is also a book by Claire Khaw available at

We hope you will read Secular Koranism and then tell us what you think about it.

Thursday, 20 July 2023

Talking to Vincent Bruno about plebs and patricians, Jews and gentiles

4:00  Reading is better than talking?
5:00  Alan Cecil, Harry Waton etc
6:00  Masonry
7:00  Elijah Muhammad and Seventh Day Adventism
8:00  Luke and Desmond Ford
10:00  Nazi interest in Seventh Day Adventism
11:00  Jehovah's Witnesses tried to court Nazis.
12:00  Christian Scientists not involved with Nazis.
13:00  Moses said to be the first mason. 
14:00  Oral tradition superseded by the written history.
15:00  The Christian narrative
16:00  Council of Nicaea
17:00  Edict of Thessalonica
18:00  Cruel and unusual punishments of burning heretics at the stake banned in America
19:00  Rabbi Yaron Reuven says Jewish history has no record of Jesus.

21:00  Jesus in Islam
35:00  Hypocrisy of Christians
26:00  Muslims not using the Koran to expose the hypocrisy of Christians.
27:00  Archbishop of Canterbury head of the most powerful church in the world

WASP supremacy began after the Spanish American War 1898

28:00  Wars of the Reformation
Spanish Armada
29:00  The British do not take Anglicanism seriously. 

30:00  Confirmation ceremony was the church acceding to the wishes of the Anabaptists who wanted credal baptism rather than infant baptism.

31:00  Chrismation

33:00  The nature of the bargain between the Church and the Christian monarch is that the monarch handed over the souls of his subjects to the church.

36:00  Founding Fathers enlightened men who refused to pretend to believe in the absurdity of Christianity.

Michael Servetus burned at the stake at the behest of John Calvin.

37:00  John Calvin approved of usury.

39:00  The position of Judaism and Islam on usury

40:00  Hitler tried to ban usury but couldn't.

41:00  Hitler's Table Talk

42:00  Caesar's Messiah by Joseph Atwill

43:00  Virgil's Aeneid and Georgics

44:00  Pontifex

45:00  Plausible deniability
46:00  William Tyndale
47:00  Sermon on the Mount
48:00  Jefferson Bible is the Red Letter Bible
50:00  Muslims not that intellectual. 
52:00  Maimonides codified Judaism.
54:00  Christianity is not codified. 
55:00  Unprincipled Christianity
56:00  Principled Islam
57:00  John Calvin

If Americans were Nazis.

58:00  China has an official moral system.
59:00  Anglicanism
1:00:00  50/50
1:01:00  Culture wars
1:02:00  Dugin
1:03:00  CIA
1:04:00  Are the CIA mostly Democrats or Republicans?
1:06:00  Andrew Yang
1:07:00  Richard Spencer
1:08:00  America's official religion
1:09:00  The First Amendment
1:10:00  The Koran addresses the reader in the vocative.
1:11:00  Hindu scripture
1:12:00  Written scripture
1:13:00  New Testament not divine. 
1:14:00  Noahide laws
1:15:00  Twelve Tablets of Rome
1:16:00  Being fair enough
1:17:00  Seceding
Group solidarity
1:20:00  Cooking, festivals and wives
1:22:00  The nature and purpose of religion
1:24:00  Standards of behaviour
1:38:00  Alan Cecil
1:39:00  Teshuvah
1:41:00  The difference between Judaism and Christianity
1:42:00  The Fourth Estate

4 steps of atonement

1:43:00  Atheists already understand the concept of God.
1:44:00  Christianity
1:45:00  Judaism
1:46:00  Questions to be asked and answered
1:47:00  Muslims more intelligent than the alt-right.
1:48:00  Khalid Safir
1:49:00  Immanuel Kant
1:50:00  Accelerationism

Wednesday, 19 July 2023

The case for a theocracy

Is catatonia the best way of describing the state of Westerners and the West?

Catatonia is a state in which someone is awake but does not seem to respond to other people and their environment. Catatonia can affect someone's movement, speech and behaviour in many different ways.

I mean by that their uniform disinterest in having a philosophical discussion about the nature and purpose of religion. Is it genuine disinterest or is it because they have already heard of Secular Koranism and don't want to hear me say it is the solution to their problems?

If it is not the solution to their problems, then what is? The answer is silence. I am to infer from that they would rather die than adopt Secular Koranism. This means that they are saying that they are prepared to die for their atheism and nihilism. Can this really be so?

Not all of them are unmarriageable men. Some of them are parents of legitimate offspring, and still they say they would rather die than acknowledge that they have made some mistake of fact or reasoning or acknowledge that their government has. "Mistakes were made, but not by me."

Curiously, no one cares about them. Is it because they are unfit for employment as well as being dissidents who are unashamedly antisemites, Islamophobes and racists who refuse to correct themselves? If they are racially superior, why does their government prefer other races?

Where did they get the impression they were racially superior? It must have been the imperial privilege they enjoyed. Their imperial privilege came from military supremacy which, as we know, does not last forever because empires fall after becoming a victim of their own success.

Because patricians did not care about plebs, the morals of the plebs rotted in their welfare state. Their morals having rotted away, the white working classes were no longer fit for work. For this reason, foreign workers were imported and the whites silenced from complaining.

Eventually all work will be done by foreigners while whites fade away encouraged to be childless feminists, anti-natalists, gaily married or enticed into sterilising themselves to change their sex in order to masquerade as a member of the opposite sex before committing suicide.

Was all this planned? Wouldn't foreign workers be less likely to put up with this government encouraged genocide because they come from traditional societies with more developed instincts for survival? Of all the five world religions, Christianity is the one most cursed by God.

Christianity is the worst of all the world religions because it is the weakest link to patriarchy. We know this to be so because the Church of England is now feminist, gay and transgender when once it used to be the Conservative Party at prayer. Liberalism replaced Christianity.

While some may wonder how Classical Liberalism - another word for Conservatism - became synonymous with sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting, it is now clear that this was inevitable. Sexual liberation is seen as a badge of individual liberty.

How much liberty ought individuals enjoy? Too much liberty and we live in the law of the jungle becoming free to kill, rob and rape others with the corollary that others are also free to do the same to us. Liberty is what we ought to enjoy after the necessary laws are in place.

What are the necessary laws? Only God - whose opinion trumps the worthless opinions of mortal and fallible public intellectuals and political leaders - knows. That is why I make a case for theocracy to traumatised and suicidal Islamophobes who now await cultural extinction and death.

Tuesday, 18 July 2023

Discussing Jehovah's Witnesses, the national narrative and cultural authenticity with Vincent Bruno

Occultism and pseudoscience

8:00 Jehovah's Witnesses attitude to Jews

11:00  Jews don't talk to Vincent.

15:00  Charles Taze Russell the founded of JW would not be admitted now.

17:00  Lack of divine scripture

18:00  Death changes your legal status.

19:00  Southern Baptists, Mormons, Unitarians and Seventh Day Adventists.

20:00  Divine revelation

23:00  Political activism is changing the narrative #storytelling

24:00  Changing the story about ourselves after a revolution

25:00  Andrew Tate on Tucker Carlson

27:00  The left and Muslims

28:00  Immigrants become Conservatives.

29:00  White tolerance of LGBT

30:00  Racially insecure immigrants

31:00  The poor less tolerant of homosexuals

33:00  Caring about history and abstract ideas

35:00  Vincent on talking to Khalid Safir

37:00  Dooooovid

38:00  My simple ideas and narratives

39:00  Cursed by God

40:00  Memer men

42:00  20 - 50

44:00  SK by Christmas if the media cooperates

45:00  Communism and fanatics

46:00  Jeohovah's Witnesses

47:00  Mormons and Andrew Tate

48:00  CIA

50:00  Unpopular ideas

SK is too good for people. 

51:00  Muslim talking points. from 50:00


"I'm telling you I think Secular Koranism is a little bit too good for everybody. I've told you that before. Nobody's mind is that clear. They're all fuzzy and fucked up and so they don't want something clean and precise. They don't want a clean nice answer. That's not what they're looking for. Most Muslims out there want people want to talk about Muhammad flying to the moon on a horse. Most Muslims out there want to stop people from eating pork. Most Muslims out there don't want a secular state, they want a theocracy. You're not going to find a lot of people that are evolved enough to get involved in something like this. They're stupid people and that's that's the problem. We're not popular because we don't talk to stupid people."

52:00  Conspiracy theories and QAnon

53:00  Showing how much you hate the government by believing in conspiracy theories

54:00  Adrenochrome

55:00  Child victims of evil people

56:00  Rightwing people are too stupid for organised crime.

57:00  Muslims 

58:00  White people who prefer pets

59:00  More social skills amongst Muslims

1:00:00  Jehovah's Witnesses

1:02:00  Community

1:03:00  Online communities

Fussy white people

1:04:00  Over-civilised


1:05:00  Marriage and families

1:06:00  Getting rich

1:08:00  White people not marrying

1:09:00  White people have been dysgenic for too long. 

1:10:00  50 - 100 years from now

1:11:00  Ignoring the moral imperative

1:12:00  People are not worthy of Vincent and my efforts.

1:13:00  Margaret Sanger

1:14:00  Narrow aims of Islamophobes

1:15:00  Sexual liberation

1:16:00  Convert to Islam and go to mosque to become a married parent.

1:18:00  Hitler ignored

1:31:00  Living in a proper country

1:33:00  Gordon Ramsay cooking competition

1:34:00  Fusion food

1:35:00  Authenticity

1:36:00  Our spiritual aspiration

1:37:00  Modernity
Swedish and British culture

1:38:00  North and South Korea

1:39:00  Mental illness

1:40:00  Evil, mad or stupid? Does it matter?


1:41:00  Is it a bad thing that America doesn't have an official religion?

1:42:00  The law is the algorithm of human behaviour and the programme can be changed.

1:43:00  E Michael Jones

1:44:00  Vincent's half degrees

1:45:00  High school diplomas only

1:46:00  Are there graduate jobs any more?

1:47:00  Slavery in Rome destroyed it.

1:48:00  Mercenaries and Africa

1:49:00  Artificial wombs

Monday, 17 July 2023

Claire Khaw solves the problem of evil

4:24:00  The problem of evil
4:25:00  God is to be thanked even for suffering ie "Blessed is the true judge."
4:26:00  Hamlet: "There is no good or evil, only thinking makes it so."
4:27:00  Natural and moral evil

Isaiah 45:7

These things are sent to try us.

4:28:00  The purpose of evil is to try us for our fitness to secure admission to heaven.

4:29:00  Job's suffering and restoration

4:30:00  Job did not curse God and die, as his wife urged him to do. 

4:31:00  Rabbi Avigdor Miller: 

4:32:00  It's not what happens that matters, but how we deal with it. 

4:33:00  Punishment for sin is kindness from God. 

4:34:00  We are to bear our suffering with fortitude rather than take it out on others. 

4:36:00  Atheists deliberately misunderstand the nature of the bargain with God to justify their atheism. 

4:37:00  Evil is unnecessary suffering inflicted on one by another eg killing babies for fun.

4:38:00  Self-defence is a complete defence to murder. 

4:39:00  The Book of Job
4:40:00  Job was a fence sitter, apparently. 

4:41:00  "Agnosticism is fence sitting."

There is a difference between really having no opinion and having an opinion that you do not express because you fear speaking truth to power. 

4:42:00  Because Job was fortunate enough to be a good man who deserved his good fortune, it was easy for him to praise God. Therefore Job's test was to be able to thank God even as he suffered, as he was required to by God.

4:44:00  Job's suffering increased though he didn't curse God because he was being tested. 

4:46:00  The purpose of Job's suffering was to be the object of the lesson that suffering is to be borne with fortitude and should not be used as an excuse for atheism. 

4:47:00  The purpose of suffering is to teach humanity a lesson of bearing suffering with fortitude.

4:48:00  Once Job understood the reason for his suffering - which was to teach humanity the reason for suffering ie emunah and bitachon - he would have been happy to accept his suffering and its reward - having his name made synonymous with emunah and bitachon. While his wife only had emunah, Job had both emunah and bitachon. 

4:53:00  Job would have passed all the easy tests of virtue because he was already a good man, so God set him a harder test. 

4:54:00  God rewarded Job with eternal fame making his name synonymous with the virtue of patient suffering. 

4:56:00  Israel means wrestling with God.

4:57:00  Abraham argued on behalf of Sodom and Gomorrah. 

4:59:00  The suffering of Jesus can be justified by his blasphemy for claiming his papa was God if it is true that Jesus claimed to be God. However, according to the Koran, Jesus did not die on the cross; it only appeared that he had, nor did the Koran confirm the Christian narrative that Jesus blasphemed. 

5:03:00  Suffering is purification for sins.

5:04:00  If we want eternal life, we must logically and necessarily regard this life as an examination hall. 

5:05:00  Leibniz believed that we live in the best of all possible worlds. 

Heaven would be perfect, but what admits us to be in heaven before we have been tested?

5:09:00  The harm of atheism and nihilism 

The Correspondence Theory of Truth

5:11:00  Don't claim you know better than God. 

It is dangerous not to feel pain. 

5:12:00  We won't stop sinning till we feel pain. 

5:14:00  There are moral reasons for obeying God's laws.

5:15:00  God if He exists rewards the good and punishes the wicked in this life or the next. 

5:16:00  The Saducees became extinct because they did not believe in the afterlife. 

5:17:00  God's laws in the Koran must be obeyed by humanity for the good mankind.

5:18:00  Hinduism and Buddhism are inferior religions to the Abrahamic religions. We know this to be so because Christianity and Islam have acquired greater empires than either Hinduism or Buddhism.

There is no time to create a new religion and no benefits to adopting a new religion when the Koran has already been revealed. 

5:19:00  American republicanism had to logically and necessarily reject Christianity because it supported the divine right of kings.

It is now time for Americans to recognise that their republic represents the catalyst for global Islam. 

5:20:00  While the early Americans were not ready to recognise the Islamic principles of the founding of their republic, it is possible that 21st century social conservatives in America distressed by the policies of Sodom and Gomorrah being imposed on them by their corrupt and incompetent ruling classes will be readier to see Islam as the only obvious solution to challenge the increasingly demented policies of their government.  

Friday, 14 July 2023

Curious Gazelle speaks and sings nonsense about Western foreign policy


12:00  Complementary schismogenesis

14:00  Passive men

15:00  Women who make the first move

17:00  Birthdays

24:00  Gentlemen who are honest

26:00  Crystalising your loss

28:00  Globohomogenised

30:00  Celebrities

31:00  Too egalitarian

33:00  Doctors

37:00  University economy

The iron law of economics

40:00  Taboos


42:00  The Fourth Estate

44:00  The most powerful people

The Estates of the Realm

45:00  The Hindu caste system

47:00  The American Empire

CIA and Daniel Pearl

48:00  A divided Western establishment

49:00  Estates of the Realm

Catholic Church supported patriarchy but the Fourth Estate does not. 

The Fourth Estate is now the First Estate. 

50:00  America has no official religion.

51:00  Europeans have no religion.

52:00  She knows a few CIA operatives.

Denies the existence of the American global empire

52:00  Afghanistan

53:00  China

54:00  Communications

55:00  China v America
Owen Benjamin

56:00  No problem or no solution?

57:00  Belt and road initiative

1:00:00  No competition between China and US, says Gazelle.

1:01:00  Gazelle supports debt based economy

1:10:00  Brain drain

1:15:00  Ukraine

1:17:00  Denies war in Ukraine would affect her. 

1:20:00  Singing begins,

1:23:00  WW3 and War Studies

1:24:00  Feminist critique war

1:28:00  Foreign policy

1:29:00  Language network science

1:31:00  Nodes

Network graphs

1:32:00  Pseudo science


1:33:00  Ex-CIA

1:36:00  Mathematical programmes

1:40:00  Data collection of internet usage

1:45:00  Cost of living crisis

1:47:00  Liberal democracy 
The End of History by Francis Fukuyama

1:52:00  Yuval Harari

1:53:00  Japanese class system

1:55:00  The Last Man

1:56:00  Vaginisimus, Hollywood and Anne Hathaway

1:58:00  Instead of sleeping her way to the top, she will sleep her way to the bottom.

2:00:00  MA

Complementary schismogenesis

A victim of the matriarchy

2:02:00  Opportunity cost is not having our cake and eating it.

2:03:00  The grass is greener on the other side.

2:04:00  Call no one happy until he is dead. 

2:05:00  Accept what we cannot change.

Defending Andrew Tate against Hugh Selwyn Mauberley

3:00  HUGH joins.

6:00  Tate should have said Allah instead of God.

8:00  Hugh would choose Islam over Christianity.

9:00  Definition of Matrix

10:00  Tate probably thinks he is in enough trouble already for the antifeminist points he is making without calling for sharia to get him into more trouble. He already thinks he will be assassinated but his death made to look like suicide, which is why he keeps saying he would never kill himself. 

12:00  Tate makes much more sense than Fuentes.

Tate's interview with Tucker was high in content. 

13:00  No money, no love. 

16:00  Western governments used to support marriage.

17:00  Tate probably needs some support and encouragement if he were to start promoting Secular Koranism

18:00  UK MPs are making Tate out to be a national security threat. 

19:00  Tate did not criticise women enough for Hugh. 

20:00  Men and women are unmarriageable because they don't want to marry.

21:00  Making the best of a bad job

22:00  Pearly ThingZ

23:00  Tate is arguably making men take responsibility for the state of society. 

25:00  CK being interviewed by Tucker

What Tate used to do before he became Muslim should be overlooked unless he repeats his behaviour. 

26:00  PUA

27:00  Game is lying. 

28:00  The culture needs to be changed with sharia.

29:00  Making the best of bad job

30:00  Media suppression and demonisation of Tate

31:00  Clip played.

33:00  Tate good at talking in soundbites.

34:00  Leadership skills

Nick Fuentes wastes people time by coming up with nonsense such as it is "gay" to have sex with women. 

35:00  Fuentes would never be interviewed by Tucker because he basically talks nonsense. 

36:00  Tucker is a political thinker. 

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. 

37:00  Anonymous people with no leadership skills don't count. 

38:00  Martinez Perspective

"All whites are created equal."

39:00  "There is nothing redeemable about the American Republic."

40:00  No point complaining without a suggestion. 

41:00  How to begin a national and international conversation on whether it is a good or bad thing that America has an official religion

43:00  Everyone is uneasy at the stupidity of the propaganda.

44:00  Political activism is done through real life conversations.

45:00  Individualism v Islam

46:00  Liberty is what we ought to have after all the necessary laws are in place. 

47:00  The law of the jungle

Thomas Carlyle

William Joyce

51:00  Liberty

We just have to agree which laws are necessary.

52:00  Sexual liberation

Repenting of the errors of the French Revolution

53:00  Christianity imposed monogamy for monarchs too.

54:00  Sex is very political. 

Wednesday, 12 July 2023

Are atheists as easy to control as cattle?

1:00  I introduce myself.

2:00  My book is just like me talking.

3:00  Principle defined.

4:00  Andrew Tate on Tucker Carlson

5:00  Religion is not an accessory but a piece of machinery.

6:00  Religion is safety rails.

7:00  Liberalism

8:00  French secularism bans the burkini.

Bad behaviour of trans activists at Speakers Corner

9:00  Manchester Liberalism began as free trade.

10:00  Liberalism is whynottery turned into public policy.

11:00  Conservatism was a defensive ideology created to protect Christian kingdoms from the ideas of the French Revolution. 

12:00  Conservatism has failed to conserve anything worth conserving. 

Douglas Murray

13:00  Conservatism has no official handbook. 

15:00  Multiple choice tests

16:00  Jordan Peterson

17:00  Body image issues do not exist in traditional societies.

18:00  Romcoms

19:00  In Australia, the Liberal |Party is really the Conservative Party. 

20:00  Conservatives who confuse principle with policy.

21:00  If you have no religion, you have no principles. 

22:00  Personal beliefs have the effect of religion.

23:00  Atheism is worshiping your own dumb opinions.

25:00  Atheism is self-worship.

27:00  Belief in God cultivates humility.

28:00  Truth, Logic and Morality

29:00  Liberalism

30:00  Bringing the law into contempt

31:00  Europeans enjoyed no freedom of belief because they had to follow the religion of their king. 

32:00  Sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting

33:00  Bodily autonomy

35:00  The Koran assumes free will. 

36:00  We are the slaves of God v God is a creation of Man. 

37:00  The quality of the next generation will be affected by current social policy.

38:00  Marriage is being eroded by liberal and feminist legislation. 

39:00  Liberals refuse to see the harm until it is too late, whereupon they will deny it. 

41:00  Liberal censorship and cancellation

42:00  Dealing with a heatwave by breaking the thermometer

43:00  Quotas

44:00  America has no official religion. 

46:00  Easily bribed addicts

48:00  Shopaholics

49:00  Hedonism

50:00  Richard Dawkins

51:00  Atheism

52:00  Entropy

53:00  Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe because they worship the most powerful God. Even if God does not exist, it is still the case that there is something about Judaism that keeps Jews in existence and apart from gentiles. 

54:00  Agnosticism

55:00  Thinking like a believer

56:00  A level politics

57:00  Liberalism is the doings and sayings of the Anglo Saxon Empire.

Victor Frankl and the Statue of Responsibility

59:00  Obeying rules hones our intelligence and character.

1:00:00  Disadvantages of atheism according to Khalid

1:02:00  The worship of Mammon

1:05:00  My last words on armies and refusing promiscuous women

Talking to Curious Gazelle about Muslim attitudes to pets and the delights of Dubai and UAE

4:00  Gazelle feels a sense of freedom when talking to me.

5:00  I am a good conversationalist.

Becoming a counsellor

6:00  Pets and pet owners

7:00  Chugs

8:00  Salukis

9:00  Goat


10:00  Lambeth Country Fair

11:00  Alpacas

Dogs as pets kept by Muslims

12:00  Muslim woman went to heaven for giving a dog water.

13:00  Salukis like gazelles.

15:00  Israel


On the gazelle
One name for the land of Israel was “Evetz Hatsvi”

— Curious Gazelle (@CuriousGazelle) July 6, 2023

16:00  China

17:00  Trains

18:00  The US

21:00  Henry Cavill

Lawrence Fox

24:00  Billie Piper


Will Knowland

Andrew Tate interviewed by Tucker Carlson

Anti-male mass conversion therapy intended to induce suicide at 19.

3:00  Julian Assange

4:00  Trumped-up charges against Andrew Tate

5:00  Human trafficking - court can ignore victim saying she is not a victim

6:00  Pimping  

7:00  5 to 10 years for human trafficking

13:00  Conspiracy theorist

16:00  Prison regime

18:00  Mental health problems in Rumania

19:00  Well-treated in prison

Loverboy method

21:00  Huge US presence in Rumania

22:00  UK Embassy didn't even pretend to care.

24:00  Traditional masculinity

25:00  Weaponised virtue

27:00  Most Googled man on earth

29:00  Vaccines

31:00  The man who doesn't agree

Test from God

33:00  God is the best of planners.

Atheist for a while

34:00  No one with a conscience can not believe in God. 

People who think v People who don't think at all

35:00  People who think v People who repeat

36:00  Covid

37:00  Sweden and Belarus

38:00  Principled people

39:00  Polarisation

40:00  UK MPs against Tate

41:00  National security threat

The law is subjective. 

42:00  The UK has become more authoritarian than anywhere in the Persian Gulf. 

The UK is now a country where people are arrested for praying. 

"A sick country adopts laws like a dying man tries medicine."

The UK is failing in real time.

43:00  Censorship is responding to a heatwave by breaking the thermometer. 

44:00  Migration

Neutering the masculine 

45:00  The great replacement?

46:00  Men live here

47:00  Rumania

48:00  The Matrix

49:00  Covid

51:00  Cheating

Colour Revolution


52:00  Ukraine and Putin

53:00  Churchill v Hitler

54:00  Afghanistan and father who worked in the CIA

55:00  Tate Terrific

56:00  Vested interest in the war

57:00  Crazy and evil

Following the rules no longer works any more. 

59:00  Men's mental health 

Medicate the men.

1:00:00  Cognitive dissonance causes mental illness.

1:02:00  Tate is peerless. 

1:03:00  Tate anticipates assassination.

1:04:00  Depression 

1:06:00  Why are you defending depression?

"Depression is a fantastic way of subduing a population."

1:07:00  Principled and energetic or depressed?

1:09:00  Emotional discomfort necessary for change.

1:10:00  Pain and suffering

1:11:00  Ignore your depression,

1:13:00  Humour and masculine support networks

Honour and principle being destroyed

1:14:00  Men with no friends

1:15:00  Be a man of honour and principle.

1:16:00  Porn

Masculine excellence

1:17:00  Harder for men to find a wife.

1:18:00  Childhood in Luton

1:20:00  If you were a girl, would you choose you?

1:21:00  Tate's mother

1:22:00  Duty to one's surname

"Porn is a coping mechanism."

Self-respect, honour, dignity

"Women are gate keepers and the ultimate judges."

1:24:00  Misogynist

Female promiscuity

1:25:00  Slut

1:26:00  Slapping a woman and edited recordings

1:28:00  Female support

1:30:00  Racial unity of whites and blacks

1:31:00  Racial offence

Slavery not uniquely American.

1:32:00  Kamala Harris

1:33:00  Be an exceptional purple person.

1:35:00  Robert Kennedy Jr

1:36:00  Obama and Biden comparison

1:37:00  "Fuck the suburbs."

1:38:00  Hypocrites

1:39:00  Climate change

1:40:00  Greta Thunberg and Zelensky

1:45:00  Charity work

1:47:00  Biden on Putin about Ukraine

1:48:00  "Hurt people hurt people."

1:49:00  Strong men should always  lead. 

1:50:00  Weak men hurt women and rob stores. 

1:51:00  Weak men attack men of virtue. 

"Women will punish you for being weak."

1:52:00  Unhappy women disappointed with men,

1:53:00  Promiscuous women discourage marriage.

1:54:00  Decayed morals of men and women

1:55:00  It doesn't pay women to be principled. 

1:56:00  "I say this to the mothers of my children."

We are all programmed to believe in something. 

1:57:00  Man married to a porn star

1:59:00  It is not a woman's job to be emotionally stable, but it is a man's.

2:00:00  Slavery is believing things you know to be a lie. 

2:01:00  Tranny "persuading" a young man.

2:02:00  Gender affirming surgery is the only kind of surgery that affirms lies.

2:03:00  Transgenderism is a psyop.

2:04:00  Thai ladyboys don't think they are woman. 

2:06:00  Using language to manipulate beliefs

2:07:00  The Western world is destroying itself. 

"Rome was destroyed from the inside."

2:08:00  Married parents have become breeders for the next generation of gay people. 

2:09:00  Married parents are being deliberately provoked by gay people. 

2:10:00  Tranny privilege not enjoyed by Tate.

2:11:00  Muslims societies deliberately outlaw LGBT.

2:12:00  Why don't women get themselves killed as soldiers?

2:14:00  Choosing the young and vulnerable

Who is more dangerous?

2:15:00  Julian Assange

2:16:00  Utopia

2:18:00  Afghanistan

2:19:00  Gender roles

2:20:00  Ming and the Aztecs

2:21:00  Gender roles in America

2:22:00  Caffeine and nicotine

2:23:00  Lean and hungry and being high testosterone

2:24:00  Digital currency

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

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