Friday, 28 July 2023

45 minute monologue then discussing with Terron Poole and Curious Gazelle the Kharijites, Anjem Choudary and my narrative of Western history


1:00  People don't say what they mean.
3:00  Unprincipled men cannot defend any principle.
4:00  Silence is submission and agreement.
5:00  Women despise unprincipled men unable to defend a principle.
6:00  Rabbi Mizrachi on Tisha B'Av 2023 and the heresy of so many ignorant Jews and even rabbis.
7:00  Egalitarianism is interferes with the working of any group people will be constantly questioning the authority of each other creating ill-feeling and creating an environment in which lies are told to persuade people. 
8:00  A hierarchy of siblings
9:00  Becoming parents would make us reject ideas of egalitarianism.
10:00  A hierarchy of legal and divine authority 
The Mandate of Heaven
11:00  Patriarchy is a pyramid.
12:00  The American egalitarianism of Carol
Calling the police is acknowledging the existence of hierarchy. 
13:00  Even absolute monarchs need divine authority to have moral autority. 
14:00  Elites are a minority. 
15:00  Not all atheists are unprincipled.
16:00  Reason and belief tells us how to resolve which conflicting rule we are to obey. 
18:00  Our reputation as wise or foolish people
The story of Jesus
19:00  Is Christian idolatry very unwise?

20:00  African Christians are being murdered African Muslims because they are perceived as agents of Western imperialism.

Israeli Jews are now spitting on Christians. 

21:00  Liberal democracy and globohomo is also white supremacy.

Matters of identity

22:00  Punctuality and reliability
23:00  Identity is status. 

24:00  The problem of America not having an official religion cascades downwards on to its vassal states. 

25:00  Patriarchy v Matriarchy - pyramid analogy
27:00  Abundance creates confusion.
28:00  Abundance creates contempt.
29:00  White people are hated by their own governments who prefer immigrant labour. 
30:00  Western governments cannot be bothered to govern its peoples. 
31:00  Turnout in elections will get lower and lower. 
32:00  Corruption will increase when the rules are widely flouted. 
33:00  Short term thinking will adversely affect society. 
34:00  Proposing that Secular Koranism should Christo-Liberalism
35:00  It is only the place of a prophet to tell an entire country to change their ways. 
36:00  A prophet is without honour in his own land. 
37:00  Unmarriageable men would prefer the status quo of matriarchy. 
38:00  Mike Buchanan won't support marriage because his supporters are unmarriageable. 
39:00  Restoring the patriarchy
40:00  Being platformed by the Fourth Estate is key to the implementation of Secular Koranism. 
41:00  No one else is speaking with clarity and authority.
42:00  Gatekeepers are preventing my access to MSM.
43:00  The genius of Secular Koranism would be difficult for Muslims and Islamophobes to swallow. 

44:00  Secular Koranism would enable the world to start again using Koranic principles under a literal and commonsensical interpretation.  

45:00  Ottoman Empire suffered divine punishment for distorting Koranic principles. 


Non-Muslims want Sharia.

Many men naturally object to the idea of their wives wearing revealing clothes, or exchanging text messages with other men, or spending the evening with male "friends."

These men also don't like it when their wives leave them for no reason, take all…

— Daniel Haqiqatjou (@Haqiqatjou) July 24, 2023

52:00   Feminism and Muslims
53:00  Who controls the interpretation of sharia?
54:00  Changing hearts and minds
55:00  Prohibition
56:00  Secular Koranism begins with a national conversation.
57:00  Are we being divided and ruled?
59:00  Liberals
1:00:00  Middle class neurosis and working class bluntness
1:02:00  A war on the middle classes in the US
1:03:00  Homelessness in California
1:04:00  Boring to blame the government and conspiracy theories
1:05:00  Child sex trafficking
Sound of Freedom
1:06:00  South Americans
1:09:00  Flat earth and moon landings

1:19:00  Secular Koranism
1:20:00  Goofing around with guns
1:22:00  Shabbir Akhtar
1:25:00  Paul Williams and Abdullah Al Andalusi
1:28:00  Muslim politics like LA gang politics.
1:30:00  Stabbed in the back by your friends
1:31:00  The aristocracy need most group solidarity.
1:33:00  No central Muslim authority
1:34:00  Rowan Williams the former Archbishop of Canterbury 
1:35:00  Global Caliph, national emirs
1:37:00  Sharia is a form of arbitration.
1:38:00  Islamophobes want to continue hating Muslims.
1:40:00  Amputation for robbers
1:41:00  UK police
1:44:00  Only Islamophobes would reject sharia if it promised peace, stability and prosperity. 
1:45:00  Snobbery towards immigrants and their religion
1:46:00  Islam helped black Americans.

1:49:00  GAZELLE joins.
1:51:00  "Submarine" Muslim
1:55:00  Andrew Tate and Sneako
1:56:00  People who don't want to engage in dialogue
1:57:00  Abdul Hakin Murad
1:58:00  Why don't I convert to Islam?
1:59:00  Why am I treated better than Ahmadiyyas?
2:00:00  William Breiannis "smoked" by Pelu
2:02:00  William Breiannis declined Terron Poole's friend request
2:03:00  Rob Dufour
Walaa Quisay (rhymes with crazy)

2:08:00  Salafi and neo-traditionalism

2:15:00  Child like appearance of Walaa
2:23:00  Being cancelled as a Muslim
2:34:00  No longer Ibadi, now a non-denominational Muslim.
3:36:00  Egalitarian Kharijites
2:39:00  Sadducees and Pharisees
2:40:00  Essenes and meritocracy
2:44:00  Zahiri School
2:45:00  Interpretation is a function of truth. 
2:46:00  The rule of law
2:48:00  Judges should be paid properly or they will take bribes.
2:49:00  Corruption of the political system
Liz Truss
2:51:00  Samples for opinion polls
2:52:00  Alison Chabloz
2:53:00  Anjem /Choudary
2:54:00  MI5 operative and Begum
2:58:00  MI5 complaining that Twitter took off jihadist accounts too quickly when ISIS was active. 
3:00:00  Police intimidation
3:03:00  Agent provocateur
3:07:00  Being accused of being a state agent
3:10:00  Anjem Choudary would have stayed out of jail if he had been promoting Secular Koranism.
3:11:00  Different government departments might disagree about whether or not to arrest Anjem Choudary.
3:12:00  What I thought happened to Anjem Choudary
3:14:00  Paltalk
3:15:00  Anjem Choudary said he needed a chaperone to be with me. 
3:17:00  Muslim mercenaries used by the US
3:18:00  Israel Defence Force
3:20:00  Booty and women
3:21:00  Daniel Haqiqatjou and Ex-Muslims
3:22:00  Andrew Tate
3:29:00  Andrew Tate
3:22:00  US and UK Islam
3:39:00  Class divisions amongst Muslims
3:43:00  Terron learning and teaching history
3:51:00  Alison Chabloz
3:54:00  Learning Anglo Saxon
3:55:00  Anglo Saxons were barbarians. 
3:56:00  Beowulf

3:59:00  Aryans
4:03:00  Tugendhat
4:09:00  The English benefited from the Roman Conquest by adopting their system of social organisation.
4:10:00  Jutes
Civilisation comes from cives.
4:14:00  Teutons
4:15:00  My version of Western history
4:16:00  Wars of the Reformation
American Revolution
4:17:00  The White House Koran belonged to Thomas Jefferson.
4:18:00  The Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom became the First Amendment. 
The French and Americans have the same Statue of Liberty.
4:19:00  The First Amendment is supported by
4:20:00  Muslims are being punished for disobeying
4:21:00  I am a historical thinker.
4:23:00  Rehabilitating the Kharijites
4:24:00  Origins of Britain
4:25:00  Etymology
4:25:00  The British have been traumatised by their history. 
4:26:00  Sinhead O'Connor
4:30:00  LGBT
4:42:00  Hijab wearing spy
4:45:00  Niqab
Sam Gerrans
4:47:00  Alpha male
4:52:00  David Myatt
4:55:00  Dr Shabbir Akhtar

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Who are the 14 rabbis listed in Rabbi Mizrachi’s blacklist of non-kosher rabbis?

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