Wednesday, 19 July 2023

The case for a theocracy

Is catatonia the best way of describing the state of Westerners and the West?

Catatonia is a state in which someone is awake but does not seem to respond to other people and their environment. Catatonia can affect someone's movement, speech and behaviour in many different ways.

I mean by that their uniform disinterest in having a philosophical discussion about the nature and purpose of religion. Is it genuine disinterest or is it because they have already heard of Secular Koranism and don't want to hear me say it is the solution to their problems?

If it is not the solution to their problems, then what is? The answer is silence. I am to infer from that they would rather die than adopt Secular Koranism. This means that they are saying that they are prepared to die for their atheism and nihilism. Can this really be so?

Not all of them are unmarriageable men. Some of them are parents of legitimate offspring, and still they say they would rather die than acknowledge that they have made some mistake of fact or reasoning or acknowledge that their government has. "Mistakes were made, but not by me."

Curiously, no one cares about them. Is it because they are unfit for employment as well as being dissidents who are unashamedly antisemites, Islamophobes and racists who refuse to correct themselves? If they are racially superior, why does their government prefer other races?

Where did they get the impression they were racially superior? It must have been the imperial privilege they enjoyed. Their imperial privilege came from military supremacy which, as we know, does not last forever because empires fall after becoming a victim of their own success.

Because patricians did not care about plebs, the morals of the plebs rotted in their welfare state. Their morals having rotted away, the white working classes were no longer fit for work. For this reason, foreign workers were imported and the whites silenced from complaining.

Eventually all work will be done by foreigners while whites fade away encouraged to be childless feminists, anti-natalists, gaily married or enticed into sterilising themselves to change their sex in order to masquerade as a member of the opposite sex before committing suicide.

Was all this planned? Wouldn't foreign workers be less likely to put up with this government encouraged genocide because they come from traditional societies with more developed instincts for survival? Of all the five world religions, Christianity is the one most cursed by God.

Christianity is the worst of all the world religions because it is the weakest link to patriarchy. We know this to be so because the Church of England is now feminist, gay and transgender when once it used to be the Conservative Party at prayer. Liberalism replaced Christianity.

While some may wonder how Classical Liberalism - another word for Conservatism - became synonymous with sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting, it is now clear that this was inevitable. Sexual liberation is seen as a badge of individual liberty.

How much liberty ought individuals enjoy? Too much liberty and we live in the law of the jungle becoming free to kill, rob and rape others with the corollary that others are also free to do the same to us. Liberty is what we ought to enjoy after the necessary laws are in place.

What are the necessary laws? Only God - whose opinion trumps the worthless opinions of mortal and fallible public intellectuals and political leaders - knows. That is why I make a case for theocracy to traumatised and suicidal Islamophobes who now await cultural extinction and death.


What would Jews prefer, Secular Koranism or Noahide Hinduism? — Real Vincent Bruno (@RealVinBruno) January 23, 2025 1:00  Secular Koranism 3:00  Referendum in Israel 4:00  Jews m...