Monday, 17 July 2023

Claire Khaw solves the problem of evil

4:24:00  The problem of evil
4:25:00  God is to be thanked even for suffering ie "Blessed is the true judge."
4:26:00  Hamlet: "There is no good or evil, only thinking makes it so."
4:27:00  Natural and moral evil

Isaiah 45:7

These things are sent to try us.

4:28:00  The purpose of evil is to try us for our fitness to secure admission to heaven.

4:29:00  Job's suffering and restoration

4:30:00  Job did not curse God and die, as his wife urged him to do. 

4:31:00  Rabbi Avigdor Miller: 

4:32:00  It's not what happens that matters, but how we deal with it. 

4:33:00  Punishment for sin is kindness from God. 

4:34:00  We are to bear our suffering with fortitude rather than take it out on others. 

4:36:00  Atheists deliberately misunderstand the nature of the bargain with God to justify their atheism. 

4:37:00  Evil is unnecessary suffering inflicted on one by another eg killing babies for fun.

4:38:00  Self-defence is a complete defence to murder. 

4:39:00  The Book of Job
4:40:00  Job was a fence sitter, apparently. 

4:41:00  "Agnosticism is fence sitting."

There is a difference between really having no opinion and having an opinion that you do not express because you fear speaking truth to power. 

4:42:00  Because Job was fortunate enough to be a good man who deserved his good fortune, it was easy for him to praise God. Therefore Job's test was to be able to thank God even as he suffered, as he was required to by God.

4:44:00  Job's suffering increased though he didn't curse God because he was being tested. 

4:46:00  The purpose of Job's suffering was to be the object of the lesson that suffering is to be borne with fortitude and should not be used as an excuse for atheism. 

4:47:00  The purpose of suffering is to teach humanity a lesson of bearing suffering with fortitude.

4:48:00  Once Job understood the reason for his suffering - which was to teach humanity the reason for suffering ie emunah and bitachon - he would have been happy to accept his suffering and its reward - having his name made synonymous with emunah and bitachon. While his wife only had emunah, Job had both emunah and bitachon. 

4:53:00  Job would have passed all the easy tests of virtue because he was already a good man, so God set him a harder test. 

4:54:00  God rewarded Job with eternal fame making his name synonymous with the virtue of patient suffering. 

4:56:00  Israel means wrestling with God.

4:57:00  Abraham argued on behalf of Sodom and Gomorrah. 

4:59:00  The suffering of Jesus can be justified by his blasphemy for claiming his papa was God if it is true that Jesus claimed to be God. However, according to the Koran, Jesus did not die on the cross; it only appeared that he had, nor did the Koran confirm the Christian narrative that Jesus blasphemed. 

5:03:00  Suffering is purification for sins.

5:04:00  If we want eternal life, we must logically and necessarily regard this life as an examination hall. 

5:05:00  Leibniz believed that we live in the best of all possible worlds. 

Heaven would be perfect, but what admits us to be in heaven before we have been tested?

5:09:00  The harm of atheism and nihilism 

The Correspondence Theory of Truth

5:11:00  Don't claim you know better than God. 

It is dangerous not to feel pain. 

5:12:00  We won't stop sinning till we feel pain. 

5:14:00  There are moral reasons for obeying God's laws.

5:15:00  God if He exists rewards the good and punishes the wicked in this life or the next. 

5:16:00  The Saducees became extinct because they did not believe in the afterlife. 

5:17:00  God's laws in the Koran must be obeyed by humanity for the good mankind.

5:18:00  Hinduism and Buddhism are inferior religions to the Abrahamic religions. We know this to be so because Christianity and Islam have acquired greater empires than either Hinduism or Buddhism.

There is no time to create a new religion and no benefits to adopting a new religion when the Koran has already been revealed. 

5:19:00  American republicanism had to logically and necessarily reject Christianity because it supported the divine right of kings.

It is now time for Americans to recognise that their republic represents the catalyst for global Islam. 

5:20:00  While the early Americans were not ready to recognise the Islamic principles of the founding of their republic, it is possible that 21st century social conservatives in America distressed by the policies of Sodom and Gomorrah being imposed on them by their corrupt and incompetent ruling classes will be readier to see Islam as the only obvious solution to challenge the increasingly demented policies of their government.  

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