Friday, 7 July 2023

Talking to Curious Gazelle about the sexual mores of Andrew Tate and Western men

2:00  Andrew Tate 

9:00  The comfortably low standards of Secular Koranism

Brokering a marriage for Curious Gazelle

Arranging a marriage 

12:00  Degenerate Westerners who practise casual sex should in theory have no trouble with arranged marriages because they have sex with complete strangers anyway. 

13:00  "Hyper rationalist"

15:00  Brad Pitt

16:00  Intellectual resistance to the idea of an arranged marriage

17:00  Internet stalking

19:00  Andrew Tate quote

20:00  T-shirt of the Andrew Tate quote
21:00  Curious Gazelle is neurotic.
23:00  "vapious" a blend word for vacuous and vapid.
24:00  Why British women have dogs
26:00  Tambourine
27:00  Larry Holmes
28:00  BNP
29:00  Claudia
31:00  Masculinity
32:00  Sexting
34:00  Dick pic in rape culture
35:00  When a woman receives flowers from two men with exactly the same message: one she finds attractive and the other repellent
36:00  Cannot define rape culture
37:00  Wolf whistles
40:00  Dick pic

42:00  Most Western men are sexual perverts. 

Larry Holmes' tweets read out.

45:00  Feminine privilege
49:00  Gender relations
40:00  Andrew Tate
52:00  Ed West is also a PUA like Andrew Tate.
57:00  Grifter
58:00  Doctors, dentists and lawyers
59:00  Women in control of publishing, journalism and broadcasting
1:00:00  Disappointing men
1:01:00  Decline of good men and hidden idolatry
1:03:00  Unprincipled men
1:04:00  I am not a grifter. 
1:05:00  Not asking the obvious question
1:06:00  Middle class neurosis

Gazelle says she is Marxist.

1:07:00  Cattle
1:09:00  Andrew Tate and Ed West
1:11:00  Why the matriarchy is replacing white men in the West
1:12:00  Milo
1:13:00  MAGA
1:14:00  The unadulterated truth

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