Tuesday, 2 April 2024

E Michael Jones believes a consensus can be reached by righteous Jews and gentiles

"The Holocaust is the hidden grammar of the American Empire."


"The hidden grammar of the American Empire is Protestantism."

2:00  The Jewish Century


3:00  What is the hidden grammar of Protestantism?

Kevin Barrett was raised Unitarian.

Ralph Waldo Emerson


5:00  "Rebellion is the essence of Protestantism."

Paradise Lost by John Milton


6:00  "Puritanism is the essence of Protestantism, and Puritanism is Satanism."

7:00  The regicide of Charles I was signed by John Milton.


8:00  Samuel Huntingdon


9:00  "settlers infected with Calvinism"

10:00  Protestantism was rebellion against the Catholic Church.

It was inevitable that Europeans monarchs would rebel against the Pope.

The Whig Interpretation of History


11:00  Lust and Luther


13:00  The selling of  indulgences


14:00  "You are crazily depraved, and you have no choice in the matter" - Calvinism

In effect, the Hyper-Calvinist becomes an antinomian. He therefore uses the truth of God's sovereignty to justify his sinful behavior. He reasons to himself: “Well, I would not have committed this sin had it not been God's sovereign will.” This kind of reasoning however is madness and blasphemy.


Predestination does not eliminate free will.

16:00  A story about predestination by E Michael Jones

19:00  American identity and Calvinism

20:00  Luther and Calvin


21:00  Jewish Revolutionary Spirit

22:00  Judaisers were gentiles who preferred the Old Testament to the New Testament. 

Puritan theocracy

23:00  Amalek

The Irish and Native Americans were considered Amalek by those who wished to exterminate them.

Ann Coulter grew up in New Canaan, Massachusetts.


25:00  Supersessionism

26:00  "The Catholici Church is the New Israel."

27:00  The Great Sanhedrin was dissolved in 425.


28:00  Judaism is not an organised religion. For this reason, it is impossible to deal with Jews because of the two Jews three opinions problem. You will never get them to agree on anything, not even on choosing a leader. They really might as well be the hippy moevment. 

Cultural Christian

29:00  Roe v Wade

Ben Shapiro

ADL, AIPAC, the World Jewish Congress etc are controlled by gentiles.

30:00  The ADL is an army of the FBI.

The American Jewish Committee collaborating with the FBI in the McCarthy era and handing over the names of Jewish communists to the FBI.


31:00  20th Jewish takeover of America

Morgenthau Plan


32:00  The Marshall Plan


The closest America has to a WASP elite is Tucker Carlson.

33:00  Benjamin Netanyahu

The Biden Jews are objecting to the Likud Jews.

34:00  Europe has never recovered from the Reformation. 

If Europe had been Muslim there would be no need for a Reformation. In any case, Christianity cannot be reformed, only abandoned after something better has been adopted. 

The Turkish Siege of Vienna


35:00  Christianity never had a Maimonides. Even if Maimonides were Christian, he would not have been able to codify the non existent principles of Christianity in the New Testament. 

36:00  Anglicanism is a completely distorted view of Christianity, apparently.

I have inherited  all the anti-Catholic bigotry of the English, apparently, just by speaking English, and it has taken over all my mind! 


The End of Christendom by Malcolm Muggeridge


38:00  Separation of church and state

The moral order is Judeo-Christian morality. 

"Abortion is a fundamental Jewish value."

39:00  Anti-antisemitism is now the political orthodoxy of the West.

40:00  Jews are not liberalism.

41:00  The modern Sanhedrin is the American Jewish Committee.

42:00  Gentiles can take away liberal power by ignoring secular Jewish organisations and dealing only with Orthodox rabbis.  

Rabbi Dovid Weiss


43:00  "If there is no such thing as Christianity, there is no such thing as Conservatism. If there is no such thing as Conservatism, there is no such thing as America. America is based on a shared moral consensus. If we don't have this, we don't have America."

The existence of marriage substitutes

The idol of Westerners is the Idol of Free Love obstructing the worship of God.

44:00  The abandonment of sexual morality and morality in general

Our moral crisis

Jews/liberals/Westerners are a law unto themselves.

45:00  Jewish/liberal/feminist/matriarchal tyranny

46:00  Libido Dominandi - sexual liberation is political control by the matriarchy.

"If Rabbi Smuley didn't exist, Adolf Hitler would have had to create him to make gentiles hate Jews."

Alex Jones

Wilhelm Reich


47:00  TV rabbi and Rabbi Mizrachi

48:00  Whichever popular Jew is the Big Jew.

Jews have no moral authority whatsoever.

49:00  Jews have been made the mascot of the Anglo Saxon Empire who use the tactics of divide and rule. The American Empire deliberately keeps antisemitism at a sinister simmer as an excuse for increasing censorship.

50:00  The State of Israel

51:00  Hegel, immigration, Rochdale and George Galloway

52:00  The matriarchy must be challenged and defeated and the patriarchy restored.

53:00  Moral consensus from A to Z

A is abortion, Z is Zionism

54:00  Secular Koranism with American Characteristics

Rational people must agree on rational principles.

Natural law and moral law

Ralph Waldo Emerson and Nathaniel Hawthorne

55:00  Everywhere on earth is America now.

Western governments must privilege married parents over non-parents and treat unmarried parents as sex offenders with quran.com/24/2

The right to have sex with another consenting adult is perceived by liberals to be a fundamental human right. 

56:00  Are Jews working for liberals?


Lord Byron

57:00  Is it possible to have moral reform without religion or penitence?

58:00  An alliance of social conservatives

The sanctification of marriage

Euripides understood the sanctity of marriage in The Bacchae.


59:00 Blaming Jews/Westerners/Americans/White People/Hollywood for globohomo

59:00  The genius of sexual liberation is that people collude in their own enslavement.

1:00:00  2nd edition of Libido Dominandi

1:01:00  There can be no principled men if immoral women are allowed to go unchallenged. Immoral women would be unmarried mothers and those who refuse to condemn them.

1:01:00  "Sexual liberation led to feminism as night leads to day."


1:02:00  Our culture of casual sex leads to the non-performance of gender  roles.

1:03:00  When the form collapses, you will have violence.

The nuclear family 

A Clockwork Orange



1:04:00  A political decision must be made to accept the moral law. 

1:05:00  George Washington: "We must with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion."

The American Experiment

1:06:00  The Noahide laws

1:08:00  The Bhagavad Gita: "Out of the corruption of women proceeds the confusion of castes; out of the confusion of castes, the loss of memory; out of the loss of memory, the lack of understanding; and out of this, all evils."

Logos is rising!

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