Friday, 12 April 2024

The Secular Koranist Manifesto, why idolatry is forbidden and the marriage contract

3:00  VINCENT BRUNO joins to say everything is hopeless.

4:00  Adam Green is against Secular Koranism, thinking blaming Jews is enough of a solution.

6:00  Proposing a solution is an assertion of status and moral leadership making oneself vulnerable to the hatred and fear of the envious and Islamophobic.  

7:00  Stephen J James dares not show moral leadership.

9:00  No solutions-oriented person other than Vincent and me.

10:00  Cult of the Messiah Substitute

11:00  Constructing our house of cards

12:00  Eschatology

13:00  End Times

14:00  The Koran says Jesus didn't die on the cross.

15:00  Catching out Christian hypocrisy with the Koran

16:00  The nature and purpose of the Chosen People

17:00  Chabad are stupid.

Sam Samuels thinks his rabbi is the Messiah.

18:00  The Caliph must be the Supreme Leader of Iran.

21:00  A few good men

22:00  George Washington warned against political parties.

23:00  Attitude problem and Circle of Virtue

24:00  Believing God would cultivate a spirit of humility.

27:00  Self-examination

28:00  Andy Nowicki

29:00  We live in a matriarchy run by intersectionality.

30:00  Respecting elders

31:00  Old people are annoying.

33:00  Sexual reproduction

34:00  The wonder of us

35:00  Suicide

36:00  Perfection and ethics

37:00  Politics is a noble pursuit.

Political theory

38:00  Vincent and I are ahead of the game in identifying the problem.

39:00  The evil inclination

40:00  Marriage and rules

41:00  The role of the law

42:00  We are already programmed to follow the rules.

43:00  Choosing the best  moral system

44:00  Following the religion of our ancestors

45:00  Why more people are talking about religion

46:00  Vincent takes a break.


Atheism and wisdom

53:00  Job was wise in not cursing God.

54:00  A Cult of Wisdom

55:00  Catalyst and critical mass

1:01:00  The Noahide laws

1:02:00  The prohibitions against idolatry and blasphemy are for our protection.

1:04:00  Monotheistic idolatry

1:06:00  Worshiping the material cuts off from God's guidance.

1:07:00  Carpenter is not of the same substance as the chair he carved. the sculptor is not the same substance as his sculpture, the inventor is not the same substance as his invention.

1:09:00  God is the ideal form of deities.

1:11:00  The Abrahamic God is the most powerful abstract idea conceivable. 


1:13:00  We need a Hypothetical Supreme Authority.

1:15:00  Secular Koranism and Beyondism

The gods took part in the war as well, affecting the outcome of various battles. Apollo, Artemis, Ares, and Aphrodite sided with the Trojans, while Hera, Athena, Poseidon, Hermes, and Hephaestus aided the Greeks. Zeus might interfere on occasion, but he maintained neutrality for the most part, being fully aware of what would happen.

1:19:00  Atenism 

1:20:00  One stop shopping is an advanced version of shopping in many shops.

1:23:00  One size fits all Secular Koranism v bespoke Beyondism

1:24:00  Sexually liberated people who want their sex free would oppose Secular Koranism.

1:26:00  Children inventing deities

1:27:00  Legal system

1:28:00  Explaining Secular Koranism

1:30:00  Noahide laws

1:31:00  The regime under Secular Koranism

1:32:00  Lists to incentivise and admonish under Jehovah's Witnesses

1:37:00  Dividing people into religious and moral groups

Categorising people according to their moral principles

1:39:00  Manifesto for Secular Koranism

1:40:00  The Administrative State by Dwight Waldo

A three-stage legislative programme to bring America into conformity with Koranic principles

1:41:00  The social, moral and political experiment that is Secular Koranism

1:42:00  The Secular Koranist Manifesto

1:47:00  No idolatry list

1:49:00  Minimum moral standards

Circle of virtue

1:52:00  Secular by Design by Allen Cecil

1:53:00  Positive message for the American Republic

1:55:00  Christendom was about the ruling classes making up the rules as they went along.

1:56:00  The American Republic becoming an Islamic American Republic could be presented as a historical inevitability. 

1:57:00  Islam is the most Christianity-adjacent religion for Westerners.

Caleb Maupin the Communist says he is Christian.

1:59:00  The Book of Jeremiah talks about Jews being the Bride of God who were the openly adulterous wife selling themselves into prostitution.

2:00:00  ABDELRAHMAN joins.

2:02:00  The West needs an official moral system.

2:03:00  Trump does not consider himself a liberal.

2:05:00  How Westerners lost their belief in the Trinity

The end of the Age of Monarchy

2:06:00  The Rashidun were not kings.

2:07:00  Christianity was supposed to have defended the divine right of kings.

2:09:00  If you don't even believe God exists, how are you going to believe that Jesus is God?

2:10:00  There is only one Abrahamic God, so choose an Abrahamic religion that is not kaput. Judaism is only for Jews, Christianity is kaput. What else is there but Islam? It's not going to be Hinduism or Buddhism.

2:12:00  Christianity

2:16:00  The Old World

Unmarried parents

2:17:00  Europe has no white working class.

2:18:00  Europeans will survive.

2:19:00  Reformation and repentance

2:20:00  Marriage crisis

2:21:00  No fault divorce

2:22:00  Mahr

2:25:00  Polygamy

2:29:00  Prenup hardly ever work.

Customisable marriage contracts

No fault divorce

2:31:00  Tribal structure of the Middle East

2:35:00  The 95 year old Shaikh

2:36:00  Wife-beating verse

2:37:00  Matrimonial Disputes Tribunals and marital counselling

2:39:00  The practicality of the Koran

Islam is logical. 

2:40:00  The Koran > The New Testament

2:42:00  What you dislike may be good for you

Fasting has resulted in lower rates of cancer.

2:44:00  Singapore, Monaco and Las Vegas

2:45:00  Manual amputation

2:46:00  The paradox of  civilisations needing more laws and punishments than animals living in the wild


2:47:00  LGBT v polygamy

2:48:00  Tolerating the wrong things

2:49:00  The Crusades

2:50:00  Religion gives you mental stability.

2:51:00  Hypothesising the existence of God

2:53:00  Miracles preferred by Christians over moral guidance.

2:54:00  Patience

Secular Koranism

2:56:00  Malaysia is not Thailand.

2:57:00  Thailand

21 now.

3:00:00  Demand for exotic varieties of sex after vanilla sex is widely available.

3:02:00  WW2 and the loosening of morals because of fatherless homes

3:03:00  Polygamy would have been useful to Europe after WW2.

Europeans never seem to do the moral or logical thing.

3:05:00  Divorce settlements

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AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...