Wednesday, 24 April 2024

Only 5 French Republics but 27 American Republics

1:00  Vincent's Catholic therapist's view of the Noahide laws

2:00  Therapists are liberal. 

3:00  Acts 15

6:00  The Noahide laws are Talmudic.

The Jerusalem Talmud predates its counterpart, the Babylonian Talmud (known in Hebrew as the Talmud Bavli), by about a century, written primarily in Jewish Palestinian Aramaic. It was compiled between the late fourth century to the first half of the fifth century. Both versions of the Talmud have two parts, the Mishnah (of which there is only one version), which was finalized by Judah ha-Nasi around the year 200 CE, and either the Babylonian or the Jerusalem Gemara.

 8:00  God will never abandon Jews.

9:00  God will not burden a soul with more than it can bear.

10:00  Pope Sylvester convinced Constantine to prohibit Jews from living in Jerusalem, the year before the Council of Nicea convened, and during the council, the Pope arranged for the passing of various anti-Semitic legislation. Some say he is one of the most anti-Semitic Popes of all time.

11:00  The Council of Nicaea in 325 would represent the birth of imperial Christianity.

12:00  Jews would have been removed from Nicaea for raining on the parade of the Christian bishops if they had been  trying to sell the Noahide laws to Constantine.  

14:00  Monarchical Trinity of Orthodox Christianity

16:00  Constantinople, Istanbul and the Bosphorus

17:00  Hagia Sophia

The Persian Empire, Ottoman Empire and the Nation of Islam

19:00  Secular Koranism would serve Elon Musk's ambition for Space Exploration because it would bring about global cooperation.

Are Star Trek values Islamic values?

What are the core values of Star Trek?

Chain of command, innovation, and survival are three core values in battle throughout the prequel series to Star Trek called Star Trek: Discovery. This story follows characters Michael Burnham, Captain Lorca, Captain Saru, and Lieutenant Stamets.

What are the values of Starfleet?

A Starfleet crew values cooperation and liberality. They value the equality of persons and the dignity of life.

What is the core message of Star Trek?

The original Star Trek television series purported to depict a future in which such evils as sexism and racism do not exist, and intelligent beings from numerous planets live in a condition of peace and mutual benefit.

What is the ethos of Star Trek?

In celebration of the "Boldly Be," we're spotlighting the episodes that encompass the Star Trek ethos where our protagonists, in the face of adversity or an alternate path, rise up to unapologetically embrace who they are and/or what they can be.

21:00  Allah is Lord of the Worlds

22:00  Isaac Asimov's Foundation

23:00  Psychohistory

25:00  Is God immanent or transcendent? 

26:00  Science and philosophy

27:00  Jews as a subject of anthropological study

28:00  Humanity is cursed with God.

29:00  Women and LGBTs should strive to maintain civilisation.

30:00  Sustainable growth

31:00  Gay tend not to go for farming,

32:00  Most heterosexual men are not pioneers or settlers.

33:00  Aesthetics - the preoccupation of women and gay men - are the preoccupation of an advanced and decadent civilisation.

34:00  The Secular Koranist Narrative

35:00  Why the descendants of Joseph were badly treated by the Egyptians

36:00  Akhenaten's Atenism

37:0  A new narrative

38:00  Why does the Koran refer to the narratives of Judaism and Christianity?

39:00  The tone the Koran takes on Judaism and Christianity

40:00  Believing Jews in Israel who want to  keep their identity would have to choose to live under sharia rather than liberal democracy.

41:00  Article 31 of the Hamas Charter

42:00  Prenups are uncertain in effect.

43:00  Marriage contracts would reintroduce fault into divorce.

44:00  GDP v other measures of societal success

45:00  Labour relations

46:00  Secessio plebis

Twelve Tables

47:00  Tribunes

48:00  Pater familias

50:00  Baby exchanges

51:00  Paris of Troy

Adoption centres

52:00  Romans began as republicans then became people who worshiped emperors.

53:00  Christianity and WW3

54:00  The New Testament says nothing  clearly.

55:00  Judge not let ye be judged.


In effect, the Hyper-Calvinist becomes an antinomian. He therefore uses the truth of God’s sovereignty to justify his sinful behavior. He reasons to himself: “Well, I would not have committed this sin had it not been God’s sovereign will.” This kind of reasoning however is madness and blasphemy. 

58:00  Becoming a high trust society again

59:00  Koranic knowledge and government suppression of Koranic knowledge 

1:01:00  Lawfare against Trump

1:03:00  Rewarding those who follow the rules and punishing those who don't

Atheism is the problem.

1:04:00  Short term thinking

1:05:00  The Founding Fathers began two regicidal revolutions in Europe.

1:06:00  A Mad Maax world

1:07:00  Arguments can be made

1:08:00  Conspiracy theories are about showing how hatred for their government.

1:09:00  Confirmation bias

The geopolitical importance of Israel

1:10:00  Penal transportation

1:11:00  British Israelism

1:13:00  Greenland and Iceland

1:14:00  Volga Germans

1:15:00  Self-determination

1:18:00  My modest objectives

1:19:00  Israel

1:20:00  The Post-War narrative

1:21:00  World shipping

Choke points

1:22:00  Importance of Gibraltar

In the years after the Battle of Trafalgar, Gibraltar became a major base in the Peninsular War. The colony grew rapidly during the 19th and early 20th centuries, becoming a key British possession in the Mediterranean. It was a key stopping point for vessels en route to India via the Suez Canal.

1:22:00  Swiss neutrality compromised.

1:23:00  The confinement of Julian Assange since 2012

1:24:00  The Gulf Kingdoms are not going to form an army to fight Israel or push back against the US.

1:25:00  US naval bases in Singapore and Subic Bay

1:26:00  Jonah and the Ninevites

1:27:00  27 Amendments

1:28:00  Three-Body Problem

1:33:00  Council of Fifty

1:35:00  Mormon Wars

49:00  Anti-Zionism and its consequences by Lee Kern

1:43:00  Starting a war with Iran

1:46:00  Ukraine

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Fear based laws (Noahide) vs love based laws (Jesus) - what stops crime — Real Vincent Bruno (@RealVinBruno)  December 18, 2024 5:00  Antisemites 6:00  Fear or love? 7:00  The beginning of...