Monday, 15 April 2024

Improving the quality of the ruling classes of America

3:00  Was Red an incarnation of a bad person who separated her children from her husband?

9:00  Sam Samuels

John Gischala is Archie Bunker.

16:00  Righteousness can be measured by support of the Noahide laws.

17:00  Not all observant Jews are righteous.

18:00  Malthusianism and neo-Malthusianism

19:00  Later marriage and fewer children

25:00  Space exploration

Necessity is the mother of invention.

28:00  Global Secular Koranism would bring about a more stable world economy.

29:00  Population control through Secular Koranism

30:00  Degeneracy

33:00  China

34:00  George Washington warned against political parties.

36:00  Justin Mohn

37:00  Boomers

41:00  No intellectual movement about dismantling Islam.

42:00  Jews afraid to read the Koran.

44:00  Close mindedness

46:00  Disputation of Barcelona

54:00  Humanity is a steward of the earth.
55:00  Sticking by our principles
57:00  The role of men
58:00   The role of women
1:02:00  Consultation AKA shura
1:03:00  Elections in China
1:04:00  Symbiotic relationship between the media and the ruling classes running general elections
1:07:00  Elections in China
1:10:00  National People's Congress
1:12:00  National Party of America
1:14:00  Papal Conclave
1:15:00  Big Brother
1:16:00  The wisest person
1:24:00  Khavian vision of a Khavian Britain
1:31:00  Male Friendship Clubs

1:33:00  ABDELRAHMAN joins
1:34:00  Secular Koranism
1:51:00  Banning usury
1:53:00  Caliph by consultation

The death of Prophet Muhammad called for appointment of a successor who will fill the vacuum. Good enough the Prophet during his lifetime had around him men of high integrities and sterling qualities called the ŞahŞābah (Companions). Those Companions were such that could maintain the glory of the faith and follow hook line and sinker the path set by the Qur’ān and Sunnah of the Prophet. They could exercise both the temporal and secular aspects of the Islamic tenets; and thus the Four that emerged among them as successors to the divinely chosen Master Muhammad were generally accepted and described as Rightly Guided Caliphs.

Unfortunately, the period of the Rightly Guided Caliphs was short-lived due to the characters and 'ambitions usually inherent in human beings. The Ummah only enjoyed their orthodox leadership between year 632 A.H. and 662 A.H. 30 years after the transition of the Prophet Muhammad to the great beyond. Mu‘āwiyah bn Abī Sufyān snatched power and jettisoned the principle of Shūrā which could be regarded as bedrock of appointment to position of authority in Islam. In place of Shūrā, he institutionalized a caliphate which was hereditary among his descendants. He hailed from a Meccan clan called the Banū Umayyad and the era of their reign is 'known in history as the Umayyad dynasty. 


1:58:00  JIMMY CHEN joins.

1:59:00  National People's Congress

2:01:00  Li Keqiang

2:04:00  Jack Ma

2:06:00  ABDULRAHMAN on the Koran.

2:07:00  Prostitution allowed by Koran

2:08:00  I am only going by the book.

2:09:00  I am accused of being dogmatic.

2:10:00  There is only one Abrahamic God.

2:13:00  We have to be logical.

2:14:00  Paper Tiger America

2:16:00  Support is not the same as contribution.

2:17:00  Hypersonic missiles

2:19:00  Houthis blockade

2:21:00  China's shipbuilding

2:22:00  Tesla and EV

2:23:00  Nuclear submarines

2:26:00  Higher quality people on Twitter

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