Thursday, 18 April 2024

The alleged divinity of Jesus Christ

2:00  Why don't I believe in the Trinity?

3:00  The Third Principle of Judaism

4:00  Maimonides was born in the 12th and died in the 13th century.

6:00  If God did indeed incarnate as Jesus, would worshiping Jesus be idolatry?

8:00  Why would God contradict Himself on the question of idolatry?

The Torah and Koran - believed to be the Word of God - trump the New Testament which is not even claimed by Christians to be written by Jesus, let alone God.

11:00  How is Jesus God?

14:00  Deuteronomy 13

15:00  Jesus was convicted of blasphemy.

17:00  The New Testament is only the word of mortal and fallible men.

18:00  The Torah was handed to Moses on Mount Sinai.

21:00  Idols are statues.

22:00  Is God transcendent or immanent?

23:00  Maimonides is the greatest Jewish sage.

24:00  Athanasius

25:00  Constantine the Great was an Arian.

26:00  The Trinity

28:00  IVF and the role of the Holy Spirit

30:00  “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”

37:00  Jesus in the Talmud

41:00  Who were Matthew, Mark, Luke and John?

42:00  Mary

43:00  The New Testament is insufficient as a moral guide.

44:00  Gnosticism

46:00  Which laws was Jesus meant to fulfill?

47:00  What is the Christian position on adultery?

51:00  What is so objectionable about the Koran?

The jizya is a conditional tribute.

53:00  Muslims who don't know the Koran

54:00  Muslims rulers don't want their subjects to know their rights.

56:00  JACQUES AKA Paul joins.

1:00:00  Marcionism


1:05:00  Oliver Cromwell

1:08:00  Dietary laws

1:12:00  Marcion was a schismatic.

1:13:00  PERSPECTIVE joins.

1:19:00  Gnosticism

1:20:00  Unitarian Christianity

1:22:00  The Founding Fathers were proto-Muslim.

1:23:00  It is easier to hold Jews and Muslims to account than it is double-minded Christians.

Christian nationalism

1:24:00  Americans made European monarchies fall like dominoes.

1:25:00  Secular Koranism

PERSPECTIVE rejects sharia.

1:28:00  Protestant

1:29:00  Confession

1:30:00  Christianity was so oppressive that monarchs rebelled against it and eventually the subjects of the monarchs.

1:32:00  Religion and politics

1:34:00  Politics and economics

Communism is a religion for atheists.

1:35:00  TIM DEGRAQ joins.

The Koran would regulate our gender, labour and consumer relations.

1:36:00  Islam is a Noahide religion.

1:34:00  Jews are confused about Islam.

1:38:00  VINCENT BRUNO joins to discuss the Noahide laws.

1:39:00  The First Amendment supports religious freedom and supports the First Amendment.

1:46:00  Islam would not behead non-Muslims for being non-Muslims.

1:48:00  Freemasonry

1:50:00  Paul's beliefs

1:51:00  Vincent questions the lowering of standards by God.

1:52:00  The Koran curses hypocrites whose final destination is hell. Hidden idolatry manifests itself through hypocrisy when an individual gives irrational and irrelevant reasons for not following the principles of his religion. This means the Koran punishes hidden idolatry more harshly than open idolatry. 

1:53:00  It should be obvious to Jews that the Koran is superior to the Torah if they value their lives. 

1:54:00  The Noahide laws are older than the Koran.

1:55:00  Even believing Jews in Israel would have to choose government under Koranic principles than a Torah theocracy.

1:56:00  Even if all Jews converted to Islam, they would still be doing what they were made God's Chosen People to do: being light unto nations leading the traumatised and benighted Christian and Post-Christian Westerner away from the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity towards the correct worship of a Unitarian God.

1:57:00  We must distinguish between righteous and unrighteous Jews.

2:00:00  Chabad

Noahide neutral

2:01:00  "No need for Zionism to support the Noahide laws."

2:02:00  The unofficial Sanhedrin

2:03:00  The Noahide laws

2:09:00  Freemasonry

2:10:00  The Noahide laws are recognised by successive Presidents.

2:12:00  "The Noahide laws is Islam on crack."

2:12:00  Trump signed Education and Sharing Day

2:13:00  Christian nationalism

2:15:00  Trump is viewed as the Noahide candidate.

2:16:00  Secular Jews are heretics,

2:18:00  Neturei Kartaa

2:19:00  Is Trump the Beast?

2:20:00  The antisemite Christopher Jon Bjerknes

2:23:00  Is Paul a Christian or not?

2:24:00  Book of Revelation

2:26:00  Are Freemasonry and Jewry essentially the same thing?

2:27:00  Christianity

2:32:00  ABDELRAHMAN joins.

2:37:00  ABBAS joins.

2:39:00  Isaac Newton was a Unitarian.

2:42:00  The Mystery of the Trinity solved by CK

2:44:00  Jews will not be voting for a Torah theocracy, not even the Ultra Orthodox rabbis.

2:46:00  Secular Koranism

Christian nationalism

Hundred Flowers Campaign

2:50:00  Corrupted scripture

2:51:00  Unitarian Christians are the denomination of Christians closest to Islam. 

2:52:00  Catholic idolatry

2:53:00  The worship of human beings we love and admire

2:54:00  The normalised rejection and forgetfulness of the meat and potatoes of our moral system - its rules and principles

2:55:00  The Trinity

2:56:00  Intellectuals worship ideas, the child and adolescent worship things that give them pleasure.

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.

Eleanor Roosevelt

2:58:00  ALEXANDER joins.

2:59:00  The need for an official moral system

3:00:00  The New Testament has no discernible principles.

3:04:00  "There's no one more moral than Jesus."

3:06:00  "It's a Christian principle to turn the other cheek."

3:07:00  Peter

3:08:00  God's laws for all of humanity are in the Koran.

3:10:00  Catholic Alexander in America never intends to read the Koran.

3:12:00  Why do young men join the army and why are women booty? 

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AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...