Friday, 26 April 2024

Sykes-Picot Agreement, US gerontocracy, the republicanism of Islam and gender roles

5:00  Hamas-Israel War
6:00  Benjamin Netanyahu
8:00  Zionist project
10:00  1968 Protests
11:00  Kent State shootings

12:00  Iran-Israel relationship
14:00  The Shah of Iran
15:00  The Shah supported Israel.
The Shah sent Egypt oil during the 1967 war.
16:00  Iranian Revolution

Were Iran and Israel working together?

17:00  Iraq, Egypt and Syria are the most influential countries in the Middle East.

Normalisation agreements

Iran destabilised these three and Iraq with Shia militias.

Israel used Iran to normalise relations with these influential Arab states.

18:00  Arab states fear Iran.
20:00  Fall of the Ottoman Empire

21:00  Military personnel is not important with nuclear bombs.

Western sanctions against Iran
22:00  Saudi Arabia does not have human resources.
23:00  Gulf States of Saudi, Qatar and UAE do not have much influence.
26:00  Students should be studying. 
29:00  Making people uncomfortable is the goal of protests.
30:00  Columbia University students are the children of the elites.
32:00  It has to be cloudy before it rains. 
33:00  Boomers
Biden is now 81.
34:00  The problem of elderly leaders
Last days of the Soviet Union
Updating the ruling elite


35:00  Average age of the House of Representatives 57.9
Average age of the Senate 64
36:00  Intelligence Services/Deep State
38:00  The Deep State would consist of personnel from Black Rock, hedge funds, lobbyists, corporations, Vanguard.

The same structure and pattern of behaviour

40:00  Another revolution in the US
41:00  Lobbying is bribing. 
42:00  Expatriate Iranians - who are racist, uneducated, uninformed, misguided liberals  - support restoration of the monarchy in Iran. The son of the Shah lives in LA. 

45:00  WW3
46:00  Corrupt politicians
47:00  Gulf State monarchies
48:00  Being cancelled in the Middle East
52:00  Jordanians cannot talk about the monarchy.
The Caliphate
53:00  Iran is the most powerful Islamic republic in the world. 
The Sunnis are the running dogs of Uncle Sam.

54:00  The British put five families in the Middle East whose kingdoms are artificial countries. 
56:00  Demographically insignificant Gulf kingdoms
57:00  Uncle Sam is a robber baron.
58:00  The Ummah even if they are Sunni should acknowledge Iran as the Caliphate and support the Supreme Leader. 

To keep Iranians complicit, keep them hungry. To keep the Arabs complicit, keep them well-fed.

This is true of Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia and Morocco whose kingdoms were established in 1911. 

59:00  Pakistan is a hybrid political system of military dictatorship and pretend democracy.

1:00:00  Indonesia - the most populous Muslim country - cannot help.

1:01:00  Wahhabis and Salafists were created by the British.
1:02:00  T  E Lawrence
1:03:00  The rightly-guided Caliphs
1:04:00  Muslims over the centuries forgot about the republicanism of Islam.

Dislodging and delegitimising the institution of monarchy

1:05:00  Why doesn't Iran - an Islamic republic -  delegitimise Muslim monarchs?

1:05:00  West Asia should not be called the Middle East?

Only Iran, Egypt and Turkey are proper countries. The rest are artificial.

1:06:00  Libya's  borders
1:07:00  Pan-Arabism was prevented by the Sykes-Picot Agreement.
1:08:00  Hizb-ut Tahrir
1:09:00  The Caliphate must be the most powerful Islamic State in the world. 
1:10:00  Iran has an independent foreign policy.
1:11:00  Islamic scholars in Gulf kingdoms would be forbidden from discussing whether Islam supports monarchy.
1:12:00  A Third Position: theocracy or not? Islam or not?
1:13:00  Wars of the Reformation
1:14:00  Shia means followers/partisans of Ali.
1:15:00  Martyrdom
1:16:00  Dying for our principles
1:17:00  The distinction between men and women

1:18:00  Atheists submit to threats and bribes behaving like cattle motivated only by the stick and carrot.

1:19:00  Men being protectors and providers is what is necessary to maintain the practice of marriage. 

France used to be Britain.

Belgium just means "battlefield of Europeans".

1:20:00  Secular Koranism
1:21:00  A binary system is required.
1:22:00  Thomas Hobbes
1:23:00  Frankenstein
1:24:00  Feminism must be challenged.
1:25:00  Buyer and seller analogy

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