Wednesday, 3 April 2024

Islam has the punishment for false accusations of sexual misconduct

1:00  Contributory negligence should be imputed into rape as personal injury. There is no contributory negligence if a woman sleeping in her own home was raped by the burglar. There would be contributory negligence if she willingly entered the home of her rapist after flirting with him dressed provocatively in a singles bar.

2:00  Sex predators would look for low-hanging fruit.

3:00  I am accused of victim-blaming.

4:00  The Ten Commandments factors in envy as the desire to hurt your neighbour.
5:00  Ostentatious display of desirable goods is evidence of contributory negligence.

7:00  I am criticised for supporting polygamy because it is tolerated in the Koran.

8:00  Reasons for polygamy were given to Jimmy by men with American accents eg necessary after war with many casualties, a good compromise for a husband who wants children but does not want to divorce his first wife because she cannot bear him children because of injury or illness.

9:00  False rape accusations

10:00  Independent corroborating evidence or testimony was required for a rape accusation to be tried in court.

11:00  Rape is defined as sexual intercourse without consent. A full defence to rape is reasonable belief in consent. 

13:00  Insurers will refuse to pay out if they think there was contributory negligence. 

15:00  Reasonable belief in consent

19:00  Fornication is not one of the 36 capital offences.

21:00  Progressive

22:00  I am accused of wanting Old Testament punishments when I only want Koranic principles.

23:00  Sichuan Decree

28:00  Eventually a child at school will be found out if it is illegitimate.

29:00  I am accused about being divisive.

30:00  Western failure in Afghanistan

31:00  Imperialism is the highest form of capitalism.

31:00  There are good and bad empires. 

33:00  Imperialism is bad behaviour eg genocide, exploitation, calculated killing.

34:00  The First Emperor and Mao

35:00  Warring States  Period

Qin was meritocratic

36:00  I should look at things dialectically.

38:00  Why national heroes are lied about

The Axis of Virtue

39:00  The technocratic and industrial capacity of China

40:00  5G signal in Himalaya thanks to China.

41:00  The West is haven for sex offenders and corrupt politicians.

42:00  The West is operated by oligarchs.

43:00  The West promotes global Sodom and Gomorrah.

44:00  Identity politics is divide and rule.

Student loans are a financial asset of the US.

45:00  Class war

46:00  Secular Koranism would abolish student loans. 

47:00  Convicted  rapists under Judaism and Islam have the option of marrying their rape victim.

49:00  Far more men than women in China

50:00  One child policy was dysgenic.
51:00  Islam has a track record of 1400 years.

52:00  Russia is also traumatised by Christianity.

54:00  Christianity was snake oil sold to European monarchs. 

The Koran > Das Kapital

55:00  Russia's similarity with the West ie being white and Christian failed to protect Russia from representative democracy.

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