Sunday, 28 April 2024

Why are Feminists angry? Marriageability classes ep 6

4:00  Having to repeat oneself
6:00  If you hear something repeated often enough, you will believe it to be true.
7:00  Men are not moved  by facts or arguments.
12:00  Working mothers
15:00  Degrees not necessary
21:00   Patriarchy
Indoctrination or education?
24:00  Noahide laws on idolatry
Is idolatry evil?
25:00  Democracy
Nature and purpose of marriage
30:00  Christianity has merged with liberalism.
34:00  Gordon Ramsay
36:00  Being marriageable
38:00  Tinder and Grindr
39:00  Second wife
41:00  Kindness and cruelty to animals
42:00  Accusations
43:00  Hurt people hurt people.
48:00  Being nice
50:00  Being a good listener
53:00  Women in teaching and engineering
55:00  Monoculture
57:00  Equality Act 2010 is the Thoughtcrime Act
1:01:00  Implementing sharia
1:03:00  Pornography
1:04:00  Only Fans
1:05:00  Why are men angry with feminists?
1:07:00  What Western women do
1:09:00  What men mustn't say?
1:10:00  Principled men

Discussing the definition of patriarchy and matriarchy and their different styles of parenting from 41:00

41:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins.

Luke Ford and I disagree about the meaning of patriarchy and matriarchy.

Patriarchy is a society prioritising the preferences of married parents who want to properly parent their legitimate offspring.

Matriarchy is a society prioritising the preferences of unmarried parents who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring.  

Patriarchy is not about the leader of that society being male but whether that society privileges married parents over  non-parents and whether unmarried parents are treated as sex offenders or at least socially ostracised.  

In short, patriarchy is about the marital status of the alpha male leader. In a comfortably functioning patriarchy, the alpha male leader would be a married father with adult children who are a credit to him.  

In other words, there would be no unmarried parents becoming Prime Ministers eg Boris Johnson, Jacinda Ardern, and there would be no bachelor nor female Presidents or Prime Ministers. 

Representative democracy will not be addressing the social problems caused by matriarchy because it operates under indiscriminate universal suffrage. The percentage of unmarried parents in Western nations has now exceeded 50%. This means their numbers are electorally significant. In other words, the problem cannot be corrected under this system of government, but a referendum can legitimise this change from matriarchy back to patriarchy.

44:00  The perfect patriarchy -100% married parents
The perfect matriarchy -  100% unmarried parents

46:00  SKOTO joins to talk about his stuff.

54:00  King Lear has a clown who was allowed to make all the jokes until he was in turn also killed. 
55:00  Autism
56:00  Social retard

1:16:00  Bad parenting and bad partner selection producing degeneracy
1:18:00  A pill for everything eg Thalidomide
1:19:00  Pain may cause us to change our ways.
1:21:00  Alcoholism
1:22:00  Psychotropic drugs
1:24:00  Teshuvah
1:26:00  AA

Friday, 26 April 2024

Mujahid answers some of my 23 questions for Muslims

2:00   Feminism is the corruption of the morals of women bribing men with extramarital sex.

4:00  What does feminism mean?

Using sex to sell products.

5:00  In the animal kingdom, not every individual has the right to sexual reproduction.  

6:00  Degeneracy is the consequence of free love.

7:00  The working mother

8:00  Will atheist feminists admit they were wrong?

9:00  The female preference is pandered to by the political parties of the West.

10:00  Masters degrees

11:00  Democracy

12:00  The Chinese government care more about the Chinese than Western governments care about Westerners. 

14:00  European leaders are just people who get to be in a position to be bribed by the Americans.

16:00  Black Panther

18:00  Joining groups as individuals

19:00  Confidence

20:00  Choosing the best religion for your group

21:00  Africans who convert to Christianity


24:00  Religion, rules, law and politics

25:00  The failure of Christianity

26:00  Islam

27:00  Zarathustra

29:00  Choosing the best religion

30:00  Atheism is dangerous because it causes degeneracy.

31:00  If life is purposeless then self-gratification becomes our purpose.

32:00  Secular Jews have lost their sense of purpose.

33:00  Benjamin Netanyahu

The Abrahamic God

34:00  Jesus

35:00  The Vatican is a lie factory.

Christianity is kaput because it has utterly failed to support marriage in the last 50 years. 

36:00  Atheists competing with each other to worship their own opinions

38:00  Belief in God discouraged at primary school.

39:00  A three day week?

42:00  The purpose of life - whether we are atheist or theist must be to pass the examination of being able to distinguish between good and evil, in theory and in practice.

43:00  MUJAHID joins to expound on the purpose of life.

45:00  Apple trees have a purpose.

46:00  Even  atheists have to ask themselves a purpose and they fall into hedonism and nihilism.

Marriage is an opportunity for advancement for the adventurous and masculine man.

47:00  Parenthood has a purpose.

48:00  The connection between marriage and sex has been broken. 

49:00  We must know what we are supposed to do.

50:00  A bloke in frock with a cock  is not a woman.

The purpose of men is to defend territory, women, children and principles.

51:00  Choosing a spouse

52:00  Intersectional feminism is an inversion of the patriarchal moral and social structure. 

53:00  A matriarchy is degenerate and self-genocidal. 

53:00  White nationalists

54:00  Feminism affects Jews  too. 

55:00  Unmarriageable feminists in their 40s

Our need for a sex and parenting partner

56:00  Nationalists would rather play the blame game than admit Christianity is kaput.

58:00  We worship our own opinions and egos.

Unmarried parents are now the majority.

59:00  The Western culture of casual sex

1:00:00  America is starting a World War it cannto be confident  of winning.

1:01:00  Pornhub is owned by a Jew.

1:02:00  Being a man who cannot say no to free sex

Joseph said no to the wife of his boss.

1:03:00  Did Christians ever believe in God and the afterlife?

1:04:00  Muslims are becoming spiritually stronger. 

Islam is a Noahide religion.

1:05:00  The spiritual power of Muslims

1:06:00  Martyrs in Islam


1:10:00  Judaism is not an organised religion.

The Caliphate and kingship

1:11:00  How Islam is organised in theory

1:12:00  Iran has a supreme leader.

A ranking of Sunni Islamic scholars

1:13:00  There is no Supreme Court in Sunni Islam.

1:14:00  Muslim heretics

1:15:00  Whether Muhammad was really an Unlettered Prophet

1:19:00  Mutazilites

1:20:00  Hizb ut Tahrir

1:21:00  Jurisprudential and theological schools

1:23:00  The nature of faith: you either have it or you don't, or it goes up and down

1:24:00  Is the Koran the Word of God or God Himself?

1:25:00  Does God have eyes and hands?

1:26:00  The omniscience of God

1:27:00  Maimonides, metaphors and Moses

1:29:00  The Caliph is never a king.

1:31:00  Shura

1:32:00  Mahdi

1:34:00  The Caliph represents moral and political leadership.

1:35:00  NATO and the Three Musketeers - one for all and all for one

1:36:00  Hamas-Israel War

1:37:00  The Gulf Kingdoms are illegitimate monarchies.

Mohamed Morsi and Hosni Mubarak

1:39:00  The incorruptible Taliban

1:40:00  The women will follow Dajjal.

1:42:00  "Tie your women to stop them running away with Dajjal."

1:43:00  The right to self defence

1:44:00  Sadat

"These Jews left coloured and came back white."

Western imperialists don't want Jews and Arabs living together peacefully.

1:45:00  Do secular Jews believe in God or not?

1:47:00  Who is a Jew?

1:48:00  Yemeni Jews are not white.

Judaism is now Zionism.

1:49:00  The narrative of the American Empire is to protect Jews in Israel.

1:50:00  Jews


1:51:00  Muslims now being labelled Amalek.

1:52:00  Edomites

1:54:00  Jews can pray with Muslims in mosques.

1:56:00  Allah is the best of planners.

1:57:00  David Irving

2:00:00  The Caliph

2:01:00  Despotic regimes - monarchies

2:02:00  Eschatology

2:03:00  Republic > Monarchy

2:06:00  Rishi Sunak

2:07:00  According to Mujahid, Israel > America > rest of the world

2:08:00  Voting is a sacrament.

2:09:00  Topics:

1.  What Jews were made God's Chosen  People to do

2.  Whether Jews, Christians and Muslim are cursed by God

3.  Whether the curse would take the form of WW3

4.  Whether global repentance would avert it

5.  Are Jews cursed by God because half of them are secular and therefore heretics who should be considered dead to Judaism for breaking the Sabbath but are still called Jews?

6. Are Christians cursed by God because they are  idolaters who worship an executed  blasphemer as the co-equal of the Abrahamic God?

7.  Are  Muslims cursed by God because they have never obeyed

8.  If Muslims claim they have obeyed 18:4, when did any Muslim national leader ever ask any Christian monarch, Pope or Archbishop of Canterbury how Christianity is not idolatry or how Jesus is God?

9.  Is virtually everyone claiming to be Jewish, Christian or Muslim a hypocrite if they refuse to discuss the Noahide laws?

10. Doesn't the Koran say God curses hypocrites whose final destination is hell?

11.  Wouldn't the most powerful Islamic republic in the world be the Caliphate?

12.  If that is the case, isn't Iran the Caliphate?

13.  Didn't the Iranians get their country back with Islam?

14.  Aren't Sunnis the running dogs of Uncle Sam offering no resistance at all to Western imperialists?

15.  Are Sunnis not getting it about the Caliphate if they still support monarchy?  

16.  Do Muslims think a Caliph is a king?

17.  Isn't Saudi Arabia an absolute monarchy whose scholars regularly get jailed for having the wrong interpretation of the Koran?

18. Would any Sunni scholar dare to publicly engage on whether Islam supports monarchy? I know many Muslim countries are still monarchies. 

19.  Haven't Muslims learned from Jews about how God in the Book of Samuel definitely does not support monarchy?

20.  Is it just a fact that Sunnis are refusing to support Iran because they don't want to admit their mistakes  which made them the victims of Western imperialism?

21.  Are Muslims who have heard of Secular Koranism just assuming everything I say about the Koran would be wrong because I am neither a man nor a Muslim?

22.  What makes these Muslims think they are infallible just because they are Muslim when their civilisations have crashed and burned?

23.  Are Muslims refusing to engage with me because I know where the bodies are buried in their history and what mistakes they made as regards their interpretation?

2:09:00  Are Hypocrites cursed by God?

2:11:00  Christians went astray.

2:12:00  Jews

2:13:00  Al Fatiha

Hidden shirk is virtue signalling.

2:16:00  Hidden idolatry manifests itself through hypocrisy.


2:20:00  No record of any Muslim having ever obeyed this verse.

2:21:00  Ahmed Deedat

2:22:00  Justin Welby

2:24:00  Speakers Corner

2:25:00  Lewisham Masjid

2:27:00  What if the Pope, Archbishop of Canterbury or Charles III became Muslim?

2:29:00  The British monarchy is the most famous monarchy in the world.

2:30:00  According to Mujahid, Catholic Church > Anglican Church

2:31:00  The Noahide laws

2:32:00  Islam the most Noahide of all gentile religions.

Jews are not members of an organised religion with a supreme leader.

2:33:00  Heretical Jews should be considered dead to Judaism and struck off the proposed Register of Jews.

2:34:00  Jews attract the death penalty if they are a citizen of a city that has gone astray.

How many Muslims are there to every Jew?


To find out how many Muslims there are for every Jew, we need to know the proportion of Muslims in the global population. As of my last update, Muslims make up about 24% of the world's population.

Given that Jews are 0.2% of the global population, we can calculate the ratio of Muslims to Jews:








So, there are approximately 120 Muslims for every Jew.

2:34:00  Daniel Haqiqatjou is being accused of being an antisemite because rabbis are now too afraid to debate him.  

2:40:00  Why would self-respecting gentiles submit themselves to rabbinically-guided Noahidism?

2:41:00  Moloch

Some people say that Baal and Moloch were actually the same god, just with different names and faces. They say that the word “Molech” means “king”, and that Baal was also called “king”. 

2:43:00  The moral imperative of having an official moral system

2:44:00  Belief in God: fear, love and hope

2:46:00  Noahide laws

2:49:00  The Zohar and the Kabbalah

2:50:00  Balenciaga

2:54:00  Lil Nas

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

2:55:00  Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine and Robert Maxwell
2:56:00  Puff Daddy
2:58:00  Muslims defend Islamic principles.
2:59:00  Married at 20
3:00:00  Virgins before our wedding nights
3:01:00  Free love and porn
3:04:00  protects freedom of belief.
3:05:00  Unity between Christians and Muslims
3:08:00  Rockefellers

The Founding Fathers challenged absolute monarchy and its abuse of power

5:00  Fear levels of Arabs explained by the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi.

10:00  Rules don't work if you don't follow them.
11:00  Absolute monarchy

Caliphs cannot be kings.

12:00  Monarchies are still common in Muslim countries and Muslims still don't get it about the principle of a republic because they are materialists attached to the idea of a human representative of their national group. Monarchy is a kind of idolatry.

13:00  People who want a king, including Americans.

The Book of Samuel challenges the institution of monarchy.

14:00  Abuse of power was the natural condition of an absolute monarchy until the Founding Fathers established their constitutional republic.

15:00  LifeSite news on the Noahide laws

20:00  Education and Sharing Day

21:00  "Our axioms do not agree."


22:00  Changing the meaning of words

23:00  Morality and the definition of an immoral woman

24:00  Does the Torah permit fornication?

25:00  Fornication is a mortal sin and a sexual offence under

26:00  Moral clarity must be insisted on.

Are Vincent and I the only people two people in the Western world capable of discussing of moral philosophy?

27:00  Liam Jarrett

28:00  Albert Bishai and the Groypers he allows on his show

29:00  Alison Weir

34:00  The Anglo Saxon Empire supports the Gulf kingdoms

Not opening a can of worms

36:00  SAL joins.

37:00  90% of Jordanians are Palestinians.

38:00  National Guard brought into Austin to arrest Jewish students?

39:00  Noahide laws

Sykes-Picot Agreement, US gerontocracy, the republicanism of Islam and gender roles

5:00  Hamas-Israel War
6:00  Benjamin Netanyahu
8:00  Zionist project
10:00  1968 Protests
11:00  Kent State shootings

12:00  Iran-Israel relationship
14:00  The Shah of Iran
15:00  The Shah supported Israel.
The Shah sent Egypt oil during the 1967 war.
16:00  Iranian Revolution

Were Iran and Israel working together?

17:00  Iraq, Egypt and Syria are the most influential countries in the Middle East.

Normalisation agreements

Iran destabilised these three and Iraq with Shia militias.

Israel used Iran to normalise relations with these influential Arab states.

18:00  Arab states fear Iran.
20:00  Fall of the Ottoman Empire

21:00  Military personnel is not important with nuclear bombs.

Western sanctions against Iran
22:00  Saudi Arabia does not have human resources.
23:00  Gulf States of Saudi, Qatar and UAE do not have much influence.
26:00  Students should be studying. 
29:00  Making people uncomfortable is the goal of protests.
30:00  Columbia University students are the children of the elites.
32:00  It has to be cloudy before it rains. 
33:00  Boomers
Biden is now 81.
34:00  The problem of elderly leaders
Last days of the Soviet Union
Updating the ruling elite


35:00  Average age of the House of Representatives 57.9
Average age of the Senate 64
36:00  Intelligence Services/Deep State
38:00  The Deep State would consist of personnel from Black Rock, hedge funds, lobbyists, corporations, Vanguard.

The same structure and pattern of behaviour

40:00  Another revolution in the US
41:00  Lobbying is bribing. 
42:00  Expatriate Iranians - who are racist, uneducated, uninformed, misguided liberals  - support restoration of the monarchy in Iran. The son of the Shah lives in LA. 

45:00  WW3
46:00  Corrupt politicians
47:00  Gulf State monarchies
48:00  Being cancelled in the Middle East
52:00  Jordanians cannot talk about the monarchy.
The Caliphate
53:00  Iran is the most powerful Islamic republic in the world. 
The Sunnis are the running dogs of Uncle Sam.

54:00  The British put five families in the Middle East whose kingdoms are artificial countries. 
56:00  Demographically insignificant Gulf kingdoms
57:00  Uncle Sam is a robber baron.
58:00  The Ummah even if they are Sunni should acknowledge Iran as the Caliphate and support the Supreme Leader. 

To keep Iranians complicit, keep them hungry. To keep the Arabs complicit, keep them well-fed.

This is true of Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia and Morocco whose kingdoms were established in 1911. 

59:00  Pakistan is a hybrid political system of military dictatorship and pretend democracy.

1:00:00  Indonesia - the most populous Muslim country - cannot help.

1:01:00  Wahhabis and Salafists were created by the British.
1:02:00  T  E Lawrence
1:03:00  The rightly-guided Caliphs
1:04:00  Muslims over the centuries forgot about the republicanism of Islam.

Dislodging and delegitimising the institution of monarchy

1:05:00  Why doesn't Iran - an Islamic republic -  delegitimise Muslim monarchs?

1:05:00  West Asia should not be called the Middle East?

Only Iran, Egypt and Turkey are proper countries. The rest are artificial.

1:06:00  Libya's  borders
1:07:00  Pan-Arabism was prevented by the Sykes-Picot Agreement.
1:08:00  Hizb-ut Tahrir
1:09:00  The Caliphate must be the most powerful Islamic State in the world. 
1:10:00  Iran has an independent foreign policy.
1:11:00  Islamic scholars in Gulf kingdoms would be forbidden from discussing whether Islam supports monarchy.
1:12:00  A Third Position: theocracy or not? Islam or not?
1:13:00  Wars of the Reformation
1:14:00  Shia means followers/partisans of Ali.
1:15:00  Martyrdom
1:16:00  Dying for our principles
1:17:00  The distinction between men and women

1:18:00  Atheists submit to threats and bribes behaving like cattle motivated only by the stick and carrot.

1:19:00  Men being protectors and providers is what is necessary to maintain the practice of marriage. 

France used to be Britain.

Belgium just means "battlefield of Europeans".

1:20:00  Secular Koranism
1:21:00  A binary system is required.
1:22:00  Thomas Hobbes
1:23:00  Frankenstein
1:24:00  Feminism must be challenged.
1:25:00  Buyer and seller analogy

Wednesday, 24 April 2024

Public order, public morality and public education

2:00  Denmark outlaws Koran-burning.

3:00  Blasphemy laws are now hate speech.

5:00  Public order in Northern Ireland,697323,en.pdf

10:00  Public Order Act 1986 applied to the internet on social media platforms.

11:00  Unprincipled liberals are unprincipled because they are atheists.

13:00  Public order in Ireland

14:00  The First Amendment

18:00  America's noble narrative

21:00  French Foreign Legion

22:00  Western governments don't necessarily care about their citizens.

24:00  Muslims are useful to America.

25:00  ISIS videos

28:00  Conservatives are feeble. 

31:00  Short termism and belief in the afterlife

32:00  An omniscient God

33:00  Buying certain narratives to decrease cognitive dissonance

34:00  Heretic burning

35:00  Paul Van Der Klay

36:00  Robert Tate's antisemitism

37:00  Spiritual Jew

Gentiles have to help Jews help gentiles.

38:00  Israel is an unsinkable aircraft carrier for America. 

39:00  Secular Koranism all over the world

40:00  People are getting stupider.

41:00  Do people pretend to be stupid?

43:00  Applying principles as a minority and majority

44:00  Cognitive dissonance

45:00  The burdens of being married parents

46:00  Vengeance is not constructive.

47:00  We cannot forgive those we have wronged.

48:00  Parental authority

52:00  Machiavelli: 

People should either be caressed or crushed. If you do them minor damage they will get their revenge; but if you cripple them there is nothing they can do. If you need to injure someone, do it in such a way that you do not have to fear their vengeance.

Soft power

54:00  Revenge

55:00  Repellent effeminate men

1:02:00  APOSTATE NATE and ROBERT TATE join.

1:03:00  Trump

1:04:00  Jews

1:18:00  Matilde Ludendorff's immanent deity

1:25:00  White people

Dusty Deevers

1:27:00  Banning porn

1:32:00  When Japanese women on the pill in 1999 

1:34:00  Secular Koranism

1:35:00  Why Apostate Nate  rejected Christianity

1:37:00  Misquoting Jesus by Bart Ehrman

1:40:00  The Trinity

Do you think Britain is a racist country?

4:00  Racist = offensive
6:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins.
12:00  St George's Day
15:00  Gender roles, transgenderism and married parents
17:00  Kind English dog-owning neighbour
25:00  A red rose in the buttonhole of an Englishman
26:00  Ralph Masilamani
28:00  White Muslim Woman
29:00  William Breiannis
30:00  Lack of Muslim support for Secular Koranism
33:00  CK and Ali Dawah
34:00  British values and British culture
35:00  No such thing as Christian principles and values.
36:00  Labour shortage and liberal Muslims
37:00  Immigrant culture
38:00  Marriage 
41:00  Pregnant schoolgirls
Abortion pill
42:00  Sex education
43:00  Nick Griffin on the NHS
44:00  Brexit
45:00  Supporters of anti-immigration parties are invariably unmarriageable bachelors.

46:00  Polygamy

In London people are racist against white people.

47:00  Most tutors are brown.
48:00  Lazy whites are rejected by white employers.
49:00  Women complain more than men.
50:00  Paki-bashing in London
51:00  Racism amongst  non-white people
52:00  Becoming a victim of bullies
53:00  Irish jokes
54:00  Polish jokes
55:00  Child wanting to ban parents from saying "stupid"

The infantilisation of adult men with feminism

57:00  Being the odd one out
58:00  Strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create bad times.
1:00:00  Answering when opportunity knocks
1:01:00  Learning from our mistakes
1:02:00  God consciousness makes us more aware of our mistakes and more prepared to correct them.

1:03:00  The ego becomes the idol of the atheist.

1:04:00  TEDDY joins.

1:06:00  VINCENT BRUNO joins to discuss idolatry.
1:08:00  Is being a football fanatic idolatry?
1:10:00  Vincent's view on racism
1:14:00  Blasphemy laws in Denmark
1:16:00  Burning the Bible to cause offence
1:17:00  Victimhood contest
1:20:00  TikTok algorithms
1:22:00  Transgenderism being pushed on primary school children
1:27:00  Working mothers
1:30:00  Teddy's child is a transgender woman.
1:32:00  Option of freezing sperm not exercised by Teddy's former son.
1:39:00  Teddy's child's father did not object to gender reaffirming surgery of his former son.
1:40:00  The Danish Girl

Blaire White

1:52:00  Do the British government care about the British people?
1:56:00  Police officers

1:59:00  JAY WALKER joins.
2:04:00  Secular Koranism
2:08:00  Treating unmarried parents as sex offenders with
2:09:00  Banning pornography
2:12:00  Flake ad

2:23:00  Racism
2:30:00  Illegal immigrants and asylum seekers
2:31:00  Rejecting the huddles masses  of the world
2:34:00  Theresa May
2:35:00  Football club analogy with the manager of the nation
2:38:00  MSM controlled by the CIA
2:39:00  The end of the wedge and the slipper slope
2:40:00  Transgenderism
2:43:00  Jazz Jennings

2:51:00  Gender reaffirming surgery
2:53:00  How would you feel if your parents told you not to have children?
2:54:00  Tracey Emin
2:58:00  Single mothers
2:59:00  "He isn't in prison at the moment." 
3:00:00  The new converts to Christianity
3:01:00  Fornication is the gateway sexual offence.
3:03:00  Unmarried parents should be treated as sex offenders.
3:04:00  Repentance
3:05:00  STDs
3:06:00  The law regulates our behaviour. 
3:10:00  The next step of madness
3:11:00  Mothers should work in the home being wife and mother. 
3:12:00  Playing with girls
3:14:00  The lowering of standards of sexual morality will always to appeal to the average female voter.

Only 5 French Republics but 27 American Republics

1:00  Vincent's Catholic therapist's view of the Noahide laws

2:00  Therapists are liberal. 

3:00  Acts 15

6:00  The Noahide laws are Talmudic.

The Jerusalem Talmud predates its counterpart, the Babylonian Talmud (known in Hebrew as the Talmud Bavli), by about a century, written primarily in Jewish Palestinian Aramaic. It was compiled between the late fourth century to the first half of the fifth century. Both versions of the Talmud have two parts, the Mishnah (of which there is only one version), which was finalized by Judah ha-Nasi around the year 200 CE, and either the Babylonian or the Jerusalem Gemara.

 8:00  God will never abandon Jews.

9:00  God will not burden a soul with more than it can bear.

10:00  Pope Sylvester convinced Constantine to prohibit Jews from living in Jerusalem, the year before the Council of Nicea convened, and during the council, the Pope arranged for the passing of various anti-Semitic legislation. Some say he is one of the most anti-Semitic Popes of all time.

11:00  The Council of Nicaea in 325 would represent the birth of imperial Christianity.

12:00  Jews would have been removed from Nicaea for raining on the parade of the Christian bishops if they had been  trying to sell the Noahide laws to Constantine.  

14:00  Monarchical Trinity of Orthodox Christianity

16:00  Constantinople, Istanbul and the Bosphorus

17:00  Hagia Sophia

The Persian Empire, Ottoman Empire and the Nation of Islam

19:00  Secular Koranism would serve Elon Musk's ambition for Space Exploration because it would bring about global cooperation.

Are Star Trek values Islamic values?

What are the core values of Star Trek?

Chain of command, innovation, and survival are three core values in battle throughout the prequel series to Star Trek called Star Trek: Discovery. This story follows characters Michael Burnham, Captain Lorca, Captain Saru, and Lieutenant Stamets.

What are the values of Starfleet?

A Starfleet crew values cooperation and liberality. They value the equality of persons and the dignity of life.

What is the core message of Star Trek?

The original Star Trek television series purported to depict a future in which such evils as sexism and racism do not exist, and intelligent beings from numerous planets live in a condition of peace and mutual benefit.

What is the ethos of Star Trek?

In celebration of the "Boldly Be," we're spotlighting the episodes that encompass the Star Trek ethos where our protagonists, in the face of adversity or an alternate path, rise up to unapologetically embrace who they are and/or what they can be.

21:00  Allah is Lord of the Worlds

22:00  Isaac Asimov's Foundation

23:00  Psychohistory

25:00  Is God immanent or transcendent? 

26:00  Science and philosophy

27:00  Jews as a subject of anthropological study

28:00  Humanity is cursed with God.

29:00  Women and LGBTs should strive to maintain civilisation.

30:00  Sustainable growth

31:00  Gay tend not to go for farming,

32:00  Most heterosexual men are not pioneers or settlers.

33:00  Aesthetics - the preoccupation of women and gay men - are the preoccupation of an advanced and decadent civilisation.

34:00  The Secular Koranist Narrative

35:00  Why the descendants of Joseph were badly treated by the Egyptians

36:00  Akhenaten's Atenism

37:0  A new narrative

38:00  Why does the Koran refer to the narratives of Judaism and Christianity?

39:00  The tone the Koran takes on Judaism and Christianity

40:00  Believing Jews in Israel who want to  keep their identity would have to choose to live under sharia rather than liberal democracy.

41:00  Article 31 of the Hamas Charter

42:00  Prenups are uncertain in effect.

43:00  Marriage contracts would reintroduce fault into divorce.

44:00  GDP v other measures of societal success

45:00  Labour relations

46:00  Secessio plebis

Twelve Tables

47:00  Tribunes

48:00  Pater familias

50:00  Baby exchanges

51:00  Paris of Troy

Adoption centres

52:00  Romans began as republicans then became people who worshiped emperors.

53:00  Christianity and WW3

54:00  The New Testament says nothing  clearly.

55:00  Judge not let ye be judged.


In effect, the Hyper-Calvinist becomes an antinomian. He therefore uses the truth of God’s sovereignty to justify his sinful behavior. He reasons to himself: “Well, I would not have committed this sin had it not been God’s sovereign will.” This kind of reasoning however is madness and blasphemy. 

58:00  Becoming a high trust society again

59:00  Koranic knowledge and government suppression of Koranic knowledge 

1:01:00  Lawfare against Trump

1:03:00  Rewarding those who follow the rules and punishing those who don't

Atheism is the problem.

1:04:00  Short term thinking

1:05:00  The Founding Fathers began two regicidal revolutions in Europe.

1:06:00  A Mad Maax world

1:07:00  Arguments can be made

1:08:00  Conspiracy theories are about showing how hatred for their government.

1:09:00  Confirmation bias

The geopolitical importance of Israel

1:10:00  Penal transportation

1:11:00  British Israelism

1:13:00  Greenland and Iceland

1:14:00  Volga Germans

1:15:00  Self-determination

1:18:00  My modest objectives

1:19:00  Israel

1:20:00  The Post-War narrative

1:21:00  World shipping

Choke points

1:22:00  Importance of Gibraltar

In the years after the Battle of Trafalgar, Gibraltar became a major base in the Peninsular War. The colony grew rapidly during the 19th and early 20th centuries, becoming a key British possession in the Mediterranean. It was a key stopping point for vessels en route to India via the Suez Canal.

1:22:00  Swiss neutrality compromised.

1:23:00  The confinement of Julian Assange since 2012

1:24:00  The Gulf Kingdoms are not going to form an army to fight Israel or push back against the US.

1:25:00  US naval bases in Singapore and Subic Bay

1:26:00  Jonah and the Ninevites

1:27:00  27 Amendments

1:28:00  Three-Body Problem

1:33:00  Council of Fifty

1:35:00  Mormon Wars

49:00  Anti-Zionism and its consequences by Lee Kern

1:43:00  Starting a war with Iran

1:46:00  Ukraine

From what were the Noahide laws derived?

Saturday, 20 April 2024

Humanism meets Secular Koranism

4:00  Marriage is for legitimate children who are a credit to their parents.
5:00  Illegitimate offspring are the agents of chaos and criminality.
9:00  Gay marriage
10:00  Marriage ceremony
12:00  Correlation is not causation.
13:00  Teleology
17:00  Marriage is a hobby horse, apparently.
20:00  Religious people take marriage seriously, not so atheists.
21:00  Marriage vows
22:00  Our rapidly ageing and shrinking society
24:00  God facilitates long term thinking.
What do we mean by God?
25:00  God is "being nice", apparently.
26:00  Scottish marriages are mostly humanist.

NRS statistics show that more humanist weddings were conducted in 2022 (9,140) than faith and other belief-based marriages of all kinds combined (8,072). The contrast between humanist and Christian ceremonies was still more remarkable, with over four times as many humanist weddings as Church of Scotland weddings (1,954), and over three times as many humanist ceremonies as Church of Scotland and Catholic ceremonies combined (2,894). Overall, Humanist Society Scotland trained celebrants conducted more marriages in 2022 than in any other year in the organisation’s history.

32:00  "Conscience is the self-accusing soul." 

34:00  Instilling belief in a child

46:00  The nature and purpose of religion is to create peer pressure to promote certain or discourage desired behaviouirs.

48:00  Taqwa is God-consciousness.

57:00  Being lovable is playing your gender role well.

1:00:00  Men are a degree above women being their protectors and providers.

AJ rejects the idea of eternal and universal laws of God.

1:03:00  Gay marriage

1:05:00  Investing in the next generation

1:06:00  Privileging married parents

1:08:00  Free childcare

1:10:00  Humanist marriages in Scotland most numerous in 2022.

1:11:00  Muslims v Humanists

Thursday, 18 April 2024

Why God revealed the Torah to Jews of all people 

9:00  Ahmadiyya

12:00  Political decisions are moral decisions.

13:00  Theocracies

17:00  Pontifex

19:00  Joseph Atwill

20:00  Book of Daniel

Virgil's Aeneid and Georgics

23:00  Vincent's story

26:00  The story of Jews

27:00  Gay and straight sensibility

29:00  Teleology

31:00  Secessio plebis

33:00  Joseph

34:00  Atenism


39:00  Written scripture

40:00  The sin of Moses

46:00  God expects Jews to choose the Koran.

47:00  Muslims distort their own religion.

50:00  God revealed the Torah to Jews first to create a desire for their own revelation in gentiles.

53:00  Hypocrisy is hidden idolatry.

55:00  God will not burden a soul with more than it can bear.

57:00  Ultra Orthodox rabbis don't want a Torah theocracy.

1:00:00  Disputations of Barcelona and Paris

Vincent Bruno's dystopian utopia v Claire Khaw's proposed one-party theocracy

4:00  Married sex is the most expensive form of sex. 

6:00  Margaret Sanger and Angela Franks

7:00  The bread and circuses culture of America

8:00  America has become a victim of its own success.

9:00  Married parenthood

10:00  Patriarchy is a eugenic breeding programme, matriarchy a dysgenic one.

13:00  Vincent's proposed Happyland where all the men are gay breeding more gay males using artificial wombs

16:00  If all mothers were unmarried mothers, then everyone would be a bastard. A society of bastards would be a low-trust society of criminality, under-achievement and chaos. Things would eventually become so bad that eventually, men would organise against the matriarchy and impose a patriarchy. In fact, that was probably what happened before Homo Sapiens superseded the Neanderthals. 

17:00  "Marriage is too difficult".

21:00  Marriage vows in church "for richer or poorer, in sickness or in health, till death do us part"

22:00  A nomadic existence

24:00  Penguins would pair up.

26:00  A sense of entitlement

27:00  The rules keep changing.

28:00  Boomers don't care about the next generation.

30:00  Why theocracy is the best option

31:00  The narratives, beliefs and practices of antisemites and Islamophobes

32:00  The Abrahamic God and the four categories of humanity

33:00  Persuading the righteous that success is probable and imminent and the unrighteous that defeat is probable and imminent

34:00  Defeating Jews, Christians and Muslims in argument

35:00  Will the Messiah Substitute successfully persuade Jews, Christians and Muslims to repent of their hypocrisy, idolatry and blasphemy?

The power of stories

36:00  Whether the Universe was created or uncreated - people take a position on the basis of their willingness to obey God's laws

38:00  The moral necessity of an omniscient God

Even if God were created by Man, there was obviously an important reason for this. 

41:00  Belief in the Abrahamic God would make us more likely to obey the Abrahamic God from generation to generation.

It doesn't matter whether God created Man or vice versa because if Man created God, he would have created God for the purpose of maintaining the existence of his tribe, nation or empire. If God created Man, then we should obey His laws for a better afterlife as well as better laws that would be perceived to be fair enough by most people if followed properly. 

43:00  Sodomites cannot have equal status with married parents.

44:00  People's sexual preferences are on a spectrum with some being more prepared to change their orientation than others.

45:00  God is bigger than the Universe.

47:00  God is greater than His Creation.

48:00  Theology is necessary to construct a divine narrative. 

49:00  Crude materialists prefer to blame Jews rather than to examine the defects of their moral system that causes bad government.

52:00  Adam and Eve

53:00  Messiah Substitute

54:00  God made Jews His Chosen People to make them convert to Islam after the penny has dropped that that is what they were supposed to do all along.

55:00  Why did God create humanity?

Is the global Milgram Experiment being conducted by God or just the CIA?

57:00  The suffering Palestinians

58:00  Muslims are cursed by God. 

59:00  Rules were made to be broken.

1:00:00  Muslims are no better than Jews.

It's not too late for Muslims to obey

1:02:00  Westerners don't seem to have realised that Christo-Liberalism is kaput.

1:03:00  Rules are made to be broken.

1:04:00  The narrative that Muslims are cursed will be easily remembered by Muslims. 

1:05:00  America remains the exceptional and indispensable nation for spreading Islam globally once the American Republic becomes the Islamic American Republic.

1:06:00  Exceptional people will do the right thing just because it is the right thing to do, but most people will only do the right thing if they are rewarded in this life for so doing. Therefore the law must support good behaviour and punish bad behaviour. The government must make the punishment fit the crime.

1:08:00  The Secular Koranist global order

1:11:00  Public corporal punishment in Aceh

1:16:00  Mormon v Monogamists

1:20:00  Government regulation of sexual relations

1:22:00  Vincent's reluctance to be seen to be supporting corporal punishment

1:23:00  ROBERT TATE joins.

1:24:00  The carrot approach to married parenthood of France

1:27:00  Macron has endorsed abortion as a fundamental human right and pushing for euthanasia.

1:29:00  Margaret Sanger

1:30:00  Bolsheviks introduced abortion.

1:31:00  Suffragettes were upper class.

1:34:00  Immigration and paedophilia

1:35:00  Jean Paul Sartre

1:36:00  "Liberalism came out of the soul of the people."

1:38:00  The Fourth Estate and Rupert Murdoch

1:39:00  McCarthy era

1:41:00  Jewish lobby

1:48:00  Segregation and Biden

1:49:00  Thatcher

1:50:00  Georgia Meloni

1:52:00  Hyde Park peace march in 2003

The alleged divinity of Jesus Christ

2:00  Why don't I believe in the Trinity?

3:00  The Third Principle of Judaism

4:00  Maimonides was born in the 12th and died in the 13th century.

6:00  If God did indeed incarnate as Jesus, would worshiping Jesus be idolatry?

8:00  Why would God contradict Himself on the question of idolatry?

The Torah and Koran - believed to be the Word of God - trump the New Testament which is not even claimed by Christians to be written by Jesus, let alone God.

11:00  How is Jesus God?

14:00  Deuteronomy 13

15:00  Jesus was convicted of blasphemy.

17:00  The New Testament is only the word of mortal and fallible men.

18:00  The Torah was handed to Moses on Mount Sinai.

21:00  Idols are statues.

22:00  Is God transcendent or immanent?

23:00  Maimonides is the greatest Jewish sage.

24:00  Athanasius

25:00  Constantine the Great was an Arian.

26:00  The Trinity

28:00  IVF and the role of the Holy Spirit

30:00  “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”

37:00  Jesus in the Talmud

41:00  Who were Matthew, Mark, Luke and John?

42:00  Mary

43:00  The New Testament is insufficient as a moral guide.

44:00  Gnosticism

46:00  Which laws was Jesus meant to fulfill?

47:00  What is the Christian position on adultery?

51:00  What is so objectionable about the Koran?

The jizya is a conditional tribute.

53:00  Muslims who don't know the Koran

54:00  Muslims rulers don't want their subjects to know their rights.

56:00  JACQUES AKA Paul joins.

1:00:00  Marcionism


1:05:00  Oliver Cromwell

1:08:00  Dietary laws

1:12:00  Marcion was a schismatic.

1:13:00  PERSPECTIVE joins.

1:19:00  Gnosticism

1:20:00  Unitarian Christianity

1:22:00  The Founding Fathers were proto-Muslim.

1:23:00  It is easier to hold Jews and Muslims to account than it is double-minded Christians.

Christian nationalism

1:24:00  Americans made European monarchies fall like dominoes.

1:25:00  Secular Koranism

PERSPECTIVE rejects sharia.

1:28:00  Protestant

1:29:00  Confession

1:30:00  Christianity was so oppressive that monarchs rebelled against it and eventually the subjects of the monarchs.

1:32:00  Religion and politics

1:34:00  Politics and economics

Communism is a religion for atheists.

1:35:00  TIM DEGRAQ joins.

The Koran would regulate our gender, labour and consumer relations.

1:36:00  Islam is a Noahide religion.

1:34:00  Jews are confused about Islam.

1:38:00  VINCENT BRUNO joins to discuss the Noahide laws.

1:39:00  The First Amendment supports religious freedom and supports the First Amendment.

1:46:00  Islam would not behead non-Muslims for being non-Muslims.

1:48:00  Freemasonry

1:50:00  Paul's beliefs

1:51:00  Vincent questions the lowering of standards by God.

1:52:00  The Koran curses hypocrites whose final destination is hell. Hidden idolatry manifests itself through hypocrisy when an individual gives irrational and irrelevant reasons for not following the principles of his religion. This means the Koran punishes hidden idolatry more harshly than open idolatry. 

1:53:00  It should be obvious to Jews that the Koran is superior to the Torah if they value their lives. 

1:54:00  The Noahide laws are older than the Koran.

1:55:00  Even believing Jews in Israel would have to choose government under Koranic principles than a Torah theocracy.

1:56:00  Even if all Jews converted to Islam, they would still be doing what they were made God's Chosen People to do: being light unto nations leading the traumatised and benighted Christian and Post-Christian Westerner away from the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity towards the correct worship of a Unitarian God.

1:57:00  We must distinguish between righteous and unrighteous Jews.

2:00:00  Chabad

Noahide neutral

2:01:00  "No need for Zionism to support the Noahide laws."

2:02:00  The unofficial Sanhedrin

2:03:00  The Noahide laws

2:09:00  Freemasonry

2:10:00  The Noahide laws are recognised by successive Presidents.

2:12:00  "The Noahide laws is Islam on crack."

2:12:00  Trump signed Education and Sharing Day

2:13:00  Christian nationalism

2:15:00  Trump is viewed as the Noahide candidate.

2:16:00  Secular Jews are heretics,

2:18:00  Neturei Kartaa

2:19:00  Is Trump the Beast?

2:20:00  The antisemite Christopher Jon Bjerknes

2:23:00  Is Paul a Christian or not?

2:24:00  Book of Revelation

2:26:00  Are Freemasonry and Jewry essentially the same thing?

2:27:00  Christianity

2:32:00  ABDELRAHMAN joins.

2:37:00  ABBAS joins.

2:39:00  Isaac Newton was a Unitarian.

2:42:00  The Mystery of the Trinity solved by CK

2:44:00  Jews will not be voting for a Torah theocracy, not even the Ultra Orthodox rabbis.

2:46:00  Secular Koranism

Christian nationalism

Hundred Flowers Campaign

2:50:00  Corrupted scripture

2:51:00  Unitarian Christians are the denomination of Christians closest to Islam. 

2:52:00  Catholic idolatry

2:53:00  The worship of human beings we love and admire

2:54:00  The normalised rejection and forgetfulness of the meat and potatoes of our moral system - its rules and principles

2:55:00  The Trinity

2:56:00  Intellectuals worship ideas, the child and adolescent worship things that give them pleasure.

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.

Eleanor Roosevelt

2:58:00  ALEXANDER joins.

2:59:00  The need for an official moral system

3:00:00  The New Testament has no discernible principles.

3:04:00  "There's no one more moral than Jesus."

3:06:00  "It's a Christian principle to turn the other cheek."

3:07:00  Peter

3:08:00  God's laws for all of humanity are in the Koran.

3:10:00  Catholic Alexander in America never intends to read the Koran.

3:12:00  Why do young men join the army and why are women booty? 

Tuesday, 16 April 2024

Discussing Bethelites and Boomers with Vincent Bruno

9:00  The case for public executions

13:00  Speakers Corner

16:00  The guillotine
17:00  Dead Man Walking
18:00  The murder of Jamie Bulger

23:00  Justice must not only be done, it must also be seen to be done.

30:00  Proportionality
31:00  Blood money
32:00  Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority
34:00  The age of criminal responsibility
39:00  Vincent's principles
40:00  Bent
43:00  Being a Bethelite
50:00  Stenographer
51:00  Mormons and the Brigham Young University
57:00  How much time a JW spends a week on field service
1:05:00  Repent
1:06;00  Defending principles
1:10:00  The Belly and the members
1:12:00  Our diseased body politic
1:13:00  Status is a motivator.
1:16:00  The Lost Boys of Neverland
1:18:00  The boomers who abandoned their children and grandchildren
1:19:00  Dying a natural death in one's own bed

Adam Green vs. Aarvoll │ Christianity Debate

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

3:00  Why is Islam not considered a "viable alternative" to Christianity when it is closer to republican values than the Christian values of an absolute monarchy?

32:00  Gentiles worshiping a Jew

45:00  Belief in God creates a high trust society.

50:00  Jesus stoned and then hanged on a tree

1:26:00  Truth, Logic and Morality

1:33:00  Christians do worship an executed blasphemer. 
1:44:00  Christian nationalism
1:45:00  Nick Fuentes accusing Jews of killing Jesus.
1:48:00  Adam Green hasn't a better idea.
1:52:00  "You killed God!"
1:55:00  Christianity is controlled opposition to Judaism.
1:56:00  "Can't we unite on anything apart from religion?" Nope.
2:02:00  Zionism
2:03:00  "Pagan" is a Jewish anti-white slur. 
Non-religious agnostic
2:08:00  Catholicism is a corpse.
2:09:00  We need our stories.
2:10:00  Asher Meza
2:15:00  Adam Green denies the afterlife.
2:17:00  China
2:37:00  "Jews killed God."
Judges 11
2:38:00  Adam Green does not think Christianity needs replacing. 
2:44:00  Aarvoll: "Christianity is philosophically defensible."

Can Javier Milei be declared a righteous gentile by an unrighteous Jew?

22:00  Questions for Jews
23:00  What are Western values?
24:00  Trump calls himself a nationalist.
25:00  Are members of the Dissident Right prepared to discuss Western  values?

4:00  Is Islam a Noahide religion?
11:00  Jewish Learning Institute
19:00  Jews have a bad reputation.

28:00  The Messiah
29:00  Sunnis
30:00  Iran should be declared Caliphate.

Vincent is invitted to support me as Messiah Substitute.

33:00  Qataris
35:00  Secular Koranist Manifesto
36:00  Global acknowledging of me as the Messiah Substitute could prevent WW3.
37:00  Vincent would not be going against his principles by supporting me as Messiah Substitute.
38:00  The Messiah ain't coming in Vincent's and my lifetimes.
40:00  Vincent changes the subject.
42:00  Married parents should be privileged over non-parents.
45:00  The law should support marriage and family values
47:00  Ma and Pa stores 
48:00  Self-defence is a complete defence  to murder. 
51:00  The purpose of Vincent's life
53:00  Good and evil
54:00  The principle of reciprocity
55:00  Married fathers want to know their children are theirs.
56:00  Civilisations need laws.
57:00  Mormonism is idolatry.

1:00:00  Secular Koranism is an intermediate step towards an Islamic  American Republic.
1:02:00  Manifesto to the Secular Koranist Party of America
1:05:00  Public decency laws
1:06:00  Status is hierarchy.
1:07:00  Bachelor POTUS James Buchanan
1:11:00  Pleasure and pain
1:12:00  Patriarchy v Matriarchy

Monday, 15 April 2024

Improving the quality of the ruling classes of America

3:00  Was Red an incarnation of a bad person who separated her children from her husband?

9:00  Sam Samuels

John Gischala is Archie Bunker.

16:00  Righteousness can be measured by support of the Noahide laws.

17:00  Not all observant Jews are righteous.

18:00  Malthusianism and neo-Malthusianism

19:00  Later marriage and fewer children

25:00  Space exploration

Necessity is the mother of invention.

28:00  Global Secular Koranism would bring about a more stable world economy.

29:00  Population control through Secular Koranism

30:00  Degeneracy

33:00  China

34:00  George Washington warned against political parties.

36:00  Justin Mohn

37:00  Boomers

41:00  No intellectual movement about dismantling Islam.

42:00  Jews afraid to read the Koran.

44:00  Close mindedness

46:00  Disputation of Barcelona

54:00  Humanity is a steward of the earth.
55:00  Sticking by our principles
57:00  The role of men
58:00   The role of women
1:02:00  Consultation AKA shura
1:03:00  Elections in China
1:04:00  Symbiotic relationship between the media and the ruling classes running general elections
1:07:00  Elections in China
1:10:00  National People's Congress
1:12:00  National Party of America
1:14:00  Papal Conclave
1:15:00  Big Brother
1:16:00  The wisest person
1:24:00  Khavian vision of a Khavian Britain
1:31:00  Male Friendship Clubs

1:33:00  ABDELRAHMAN joins
1:34:00  Secular Koranism
1:51:00  Banning usury
1:53:00  Caliph by consultation

The death of Prophet Muhammad called for appointment of a successor who will fill the vacuum. Good enough the Prophet during his lifetime had around him men of high integrities and sterling qualities called the ŞahŞābah (Companions). Those Companions were such that could maintain the glory of the faith and follow hook line and sinker the path set by the Qur’ān and Sunnah of the Prophet. They could exercise both the temporal and secular aspects of the Islamic tenets; and thus the Four that emerged among them as successors to the divinely chosen Master Muhammad were generally accepted and described as Rightly Guided Caliphs.

Unfortunately, the period of the Rightly Guided Caliphs was short-lived due to the characters and 'ambitions usually inherent in human beings. The Ummah only enjoyed their orthodox leadership between year 632 A.H. and 662 A.H. 30 years after the transition of the Prophet Muhammad to the great beyond. Mu‘āwiyah bn Abī Sufyān snatched power and jettisoned the principle of Shūrā which could be regarded as bedrock of appointment to position of authority in Islam. In place of Shūrā, he institutionalized a caliphate which was hereditary among his descendants. He hailed from a Meccan clan called the Banū Umayyad and the era of their reign is 'known in history as the Umayyad dynasty. 


1:58:00  JIMMY CHEN joins.

1:59:00  National People's Congress

2:01:00  Li Keqiang

2:04:00  Jack Ma

2:06:00  ABDULRAHMAN on the Koran.

2:07:00  Prostitution allowed by Koran

2:08:00  I am only going by the book.

2:09:00  I am accused of being dogmatic.

2:10:00  There is only one Abrahamic God.

2:13:00  We have to be logical.

2:14:00  Paper Tiger America

2:16:00  Support is not the same as contribution.

2:17:00  Hypersonic missiles

2:19:00  Houthis blockade

2:21:00  China's shipbuilding

2:22:00  Tesla and EV

2:23:00  Nuclear submarines

2:26:00  Higher quality people on Twitter

Discussing with Doooovid the sophistication of the Koran which curses hypocrites whose final destination is hell

47:00  CLAIRE KHAW mentioned
48:00  Claire Khaw described as having streaks of philo- and anti-semitism.
49:00  Idolatry
50:00  Christian idolatry and hypocrisy
56:00  Prioritising our religious obligations
58:00  Heresy
59:00  13 Principles of Judaism
1:00:00  Mark Shapiro is not a rabbi, Harvard is not a Jewish establishment.
1:01:00  Rabbi Mizrachi
1:02:00  "Beliefs are not fundamental."
1:03:00  Are righteous Jews at least observant?
1:04:00  "Righteous means free from sin."
1:05:00  A righteous Jew is at least a Jew in good standing with members of his own community who are observant Jews.
1:06:00  A righteous Jew is a Jew who can be included in a minyan.
1:07:00  Belief is assumed unless heretical views are expressed.
1:08:00  Judaism is not an organised religion.
1:09:00  Judaism is a religion of social clubs.
1:10:00  Excommunicated for having a television
1:11:00  Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a very old idea. 
1:12:00  People act on their beliefs.
1:13:00  The government and media are always attempting to change our beliefs. 
Judaism is better than Christianity.
1:14:00  Judaism has lower standards than Islam.
Hypocrites are inferior to those in earnest.
1:15:00  Inferring beliefs through people's actions
1:16:00  The Torah does not condemn hypocrisy.
1:17:00  The Koran condemns hypocrites. 
1:18:00  A righteous Jew is not a hypocrite.
Which Jew would debate Daniel Haqiqatjouo?
1:19:00  Joseph Cohen
1:20:00  Rabbi Shmuley
Judaism focuses on action and not belief.
1:22:00  Some people convert  to Judaism for higher status.
1:23:00  Jews do not have a Supreme Leader.
1:24:00  1956 ban on rabbis against inter-faith debates
1:25:00  Tovia Singer
1:27:00  Rabbi Mizrachi
1:27:00  The long term strategy for Jews is not to have a dialogue with gentiles.
1:29:00  Daniel Haqiqatjou must be on the Top Ten list of gentiles rabbis are not to speak to.
1:31:00  Rabbi Sacks
1:33:00  Intentions
1:37:00  Admiral Nelson
1:38:00  Mens rea
1:39:00  God will judge.
1:41:00  Doooovid says Judaiasm is superior.
1:42:00  Rabbis ranking the gentile religions
1:43:00  The difference between being an idolater and an ethical monotheist is the guidance of the Koran.
1:45:00  Jews are validated by gentiles.

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...