Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Chabad and I compete to offer the Post-Christian Westerner a Noahide moral system

11:00  Noahide laws set minimum moral standards are for gentiles not required to abide by the rigorous standards of full-blown Judaism.
13:00  Noahide laws listed.
14:00  Chabad want to control the interpretation of rabbinically-guided Noahidism for gentiles and I am saying Secular Koranism offers gentiles a better deal.
15:00  Vincent asks why I am not against the Noahide laws.

Because even if Chabad won't declare either Islam or Secular Koranism Noahide-observant, I know there will be other rabbis who will. My cunning plan is simply to get Muslims to donate a large cash prize for my rabbi-only essay writing competition on why Secular Koranism is Noahide-observant.

Islam is either above this line, on it or below it.  
Even if Koran-based Islam/Secular Koranism does not satisfy it, it is still the nearest thing to it. 

16:00  1.2 billion Muslims who are arguably Noahides already v c 20,000 gentiles currently submitting to rabbinically-guided Noahidism
17:00  Jews adopting Secular Koranism would be the quickest way for Jews to Noahidise the world and get Greater Israel peacefully in the process!
18:00  What is kosher is halal, but what is halal is not kosher. Judaism is more restrictive than Islam. Islam is "Judaism Lite".
20:00  Chabad and I are competing for the same market, which is why I do not expect Chabad to endorse Secular Koranism.
21:00  Noahide Evangelism
22:00  Noahidism has the agenda of leading the gentile away from idolatry.
22:30  GANDALF spergs.
28:00  I point out that because the standard of Judaism are so impossibly high, in practice most Jews ignore it. There should therefore be a more realistic standard of "Judaism Lite" for both Jews and gentiles.
29:00  I point out that Judaism has more punishments and restrictions than Islam.
30:00  Noahides are allowed to eat pork and practise usury.
32:00  Jews and gentiles who have a problem with Muslims have the happy medium and Goldilocks Islam of Secular Koranism.
33:00  I repeat what I hope rabbis will do which is to declare Secular Koranism as more Noahide-observant than Christianity, thereby raising its status.
34:00  Secular Koranism is for Israeli Jews so they can one day acquire Greater Israel peacefully.
35:00  Jews in Israel are not even Noahide because of gay parades in Tel Aviv.
Israelis are hardly even Jewish now.

This is in keeping with the Koranic prophecy in

35:00  Only the Noahide parts of the Koran will be applied to non-Muslim gentiles eg the punishment for sexual immorality, homicide and theft will be similarly applied to them, but practices that do not infringe the Noahide laws eg eating pork, Islamic inheritance rules will not be enforced against them because guarantees their right not to be Muslims.

36:00  The position of Islam and Secular Koranism on idolatry
41:00  Noahide laws are motherhood and apple pie.
41:30  Hidden idolatry


45:00  My policy reasons for my official position of agnosticism
46:00  If you see the wisdom of God's laws, then you would incline to belief in order to better obey them and make others better obey them.
47:00  Our actions are dictated by our beliefs.
48:00  Our beliefs are the algorithms that programme us.
49:00  Scapegoating Jews for the failure of Christianity
50:00  Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe because of Judaism.
51:00  Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism.
52:00  There is no time to create a new religion.
53:00  There are none so blind as those who will not see.
54:00  Only two religions with divine scripture: Torah/Judaism for Jews, Koran/Islam for gentiles
55:00  Hindu and Buddhist scripture are not even claimed to be divine.
56:00  Shintoism and Buddhism
57:00  Chinese political philosophers
58:00  The stable and just society a one party theocracy - whose laws don't keep changing - would provide
59:00  The rule of law is the basis of any great empire and civilisation
1:00:00  The aristocracy of humanity
1:01:00  Islam is the most advanced version of monotheism.
1:02:00  Submitting to Truth, Logic and Morality

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