Tuesday, 25 February 2020

The unprincipled Post-Christian Western Man cannot defeat the matriarchy without the help of Jews and Muslims

The strongest principles we have are religious principles.

Western Man is politically inert because he is Post-Christian. The Post Christian no longer believes in having principles, preferring to be bribed or threatened in the way beasts of burden are motivated by carrot or stick.

Western Man, formerly Christian Man, is unprincipled because the most important principle of Christianity is a patent absurdity, for a Christian is defined as one who worships an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God.

It has been said that Christianity and Hypocrisy march hand in hand. What could be more hypocritical than claiming to believe in the Abrahamic God while practising the idolatry of worshipping an executed revolutionary as His co-equal?

What could be more blasphemous than to claim to worship God who has forbidden idolatry than to be guilty of the Supreme Blasphemy and Ultimate Idolatry of claiming that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of Hashem/Allah?

Once it became legal to deny the Trinity in 1813, the lifeblood of the lies that made up Christianity drained away. 200 years later, Christian faith is now so drained away that it was discovered that the Archbishop of Canterbury himself forgot that he was supposed to believe in that absurdity. He was heard to be declaring that while he sometimes doubted the existence of God, he was sure Christ definitely existed.

When Christians took their faith seriously, they would burn other Christians at the stake for heresy, which was defined as denying the Trinity. Michael Servetus was burned at the stake for this in 1553, but most Christians are not aware of the bloody and totalitarian history of Christianity.

His execution was at the behest of John Calvin who promoted usury which has now ended in negative interest rates to punish savers.

When you point out the idolatry of Christianity to Christians, they would look at you with blank incomprehension or claim they don't care that they are idolatrous, unmindful of the fact that the Abrahamic God that they claim to believe in expressly and specifically forbade idolatry from the time of Moses. Later, God also sent a warner against idolatry in the form of Muhammad, but because no violence was done to them, they thought they had escaped the consequences of their lies. But have they? God if He exists would be infinitely patient and has all of eternity to wait for the lying idolatrous hypocritical blaspheming Christian to suffer the consequences of the sin of idolatry, which is its own punishment.

The chief harm of idolatry is that it leads ineluctably to self-worship and the self-destruction of Narcissus.

The idolater would be so focused on his idolatry that he will ignore Truth, Logic and Morality itself while claiming to support it, so hypocritical is he.

Western Man is politically inert because he has no principles

The Principle of the Thing

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