Monday, 10 February 2020

WHITE NATIONALISTS ASK THEMSELVES THE WRONG QUESTION: "Is race an important reality or fiction?"


1)  Is Secular Koranism the only way of restoring the patriarchy?

2)  Is it only patriarchy that would produce enough good strong men capable of defending the national interest?

3)  Should nationalism be defined as "government in the national interest"?

4)  Is Claire Khaw the Confucius of White People?

5)  Is Claire Khaw a great moral and political philosopher?

6)  Should Claire Khaw be hailed as a prophetess for White People because she cares about White People and is clearly more intelligent and effective than any of these morally morally compromised white men who are currently considered the leading lights of White Nationalism?

7)  Should Secular Koranism be discussed at Zagreb instead of that silly question White Nationalists have asked themselves?

8)  Wouldn't it be quicker and cheaper for White Nationalists to stream with me about Secular Koranism than waste time, energy and money flying to Zagreb, the blind leading the blind?

9)  Should White Nationalists be asking their leaders about the viability of Secular Koranism?

It is so sad that white nationalists don't even know their own history and how white people fought each other, even when everyone in Europe was Catholic and white. Then they became Protestant and white but  still fought each other. Then they started, not one, but two World Wars after going to America and fighting the American War of Independence, the Mexican-American War and then the American Civil War before they went on to fight WW1 and WW2. Crazily, they think that after kicking out Jews, Muslims and non-whites their lives will miraculously get better after they regress into polytheism ie the religion Ancient Britons had before the Romans civilised them with their more sophisticated pantheon that they abstracted from the Greeks - a civilisation that fell from an excess of war and democracy.

After Rome fell, Europe was Catholicised under the Holy Roman Empire until that too fell after the Wars of the Reformation ie the European Wars of Religion.

If it's not one thing, it's another, innit?

These things are sent to try us, but with these White Nationalists with no religion, it is always the Jews, the Jews ...

If they would only read the Koran, they would know that it allows only defensive wars. Once America adopts Secular Koranism, we really will have world peace. I just need the Israelis to adopt it first so they can technically be light unto the nations showing the rest of us the way etc. Once they do that, they probably will get Greater Israel, because they will be in such good standing with Hashem.

Taylor whom I have met and won't discuss feminism says "Let's unite around under the power and glory of our magic white skin and our magic white IQ."  E Michael Jones, on the other hand, says "Race is not enough. White people need a religion so let's re-Catholicise the West, conduct another Inquisition, forcibly convert the Jews and even the Protestants, and then wage a Crusade later when we really get our act together. We're gonna have so much fun!"

Does that sound like a good plan to you, Dear Reader?

Not if you have more than two brain cells to rub together.

You already know that Secular Koranism is the answer for *both* ethno-nationalists and civic nationalists but you are all running around like headless chickens in denial going through the Five Stages of Grief: DABDA ie


Hurry up, already.

You can discuss what I have said above with each other when you gather at Zagreb on 2 May 2020. Details are at

I have spoken to Greg Johnson and you can hear us at

Frodi Midjord - Scandza Forum

1:00  When your government obviously doesn't care about you
2:00  Matriarchy and the existential anxiety it provokes
3:00  Jew-blaming and feminism
4:00  Nationalists should really be people with a broad education like me interested in political and moral philosophy capable of discussing what constitutes the national interest capable of analysing abstract ideas.  Calling proletarian antisemites, Islamophobes and racists who are basically just itching to kill and kick people out "nationalists" is really dignifying them too much.  What they really have in mind is a peasants' revolt.
5:00  Ask a silly question, get a silly answer.
6:00  Civic Nationalism v Ethno-nationalism
7:00  Racism = the ideology of judging a book by its cover
8:00  Murder statistics
10:00  Western masculinity
12:00  Religion, morality, social cohesion, group and male solidarity
13:00  Not knowing your own history
14:00  Collective amnesia
17:00  Uighurs in China
18:00  Hui people who are Muslim
21:00  The inevitable question: are Ashkenazi Jews white?
23:00  Three groups of White Nationalists after they kick out the Jews, Muslims and non-whites
25:00  Why I am a white nationalist even though I am not white
E Michael Jones says he would become Muslim if he thought Islam provided the solution
E Michael Jones on St Augustine, Aquinas, sharia in Iran and the logos of theocracy
26:00 What would happen if E Michael Jones became Pope
27:00  WASP
28:00  Damaged ex-Catholics
33:00  The free exchange of ideas and information is necessary to solve and avoid problems and this is what the neurotic matriarchy now forbids.
35:00  Take me to your leader!
37:00  Chabad
38:00  The supreme idolatry of Christianity
40:00  Quicker for Jews to Noahidise the world saying the Koran and Secular Koranism is Noahide-compliant.  I also have a plan to get Muslims to bribe rabbis to say this. 
How my rabbi-only essay writing competition on Secular Koranism would "Noahidise" the world quicker than Chabad
42:00  Proposed joint letter from Jews and Muslims to Christians warning them of the abomination of idolatry
43:00  Chabad
44:00  Rabbi Schneerson and Rabbi David Bar-Hayim   
45:00  Which Jews are more authentic? Surely the observant Jew is more authentic  than the atheist and liberal Jew.
47:00  Chabad seem to prefer numbers (they count anyone technically a Jew even if they are riddled with tattoos, don't keep kosher or observe the Sabbath ) more than whether they are observant. They treat converts badly and put all sorts of obstacles in their way, deliberately.
49:00 Jews have no supreme authority over each other, not even theoretically, unlike Catholics with their Pope who is said to be infallible on matters of Catholic doctrine. 
51:00  Who has authority in Judaism?
52:00  The Greater Jihad is the struggle with oneself.
54:00  Jew or gentile, a beta male will never accept the authority of another beta male. 
55:00  John Major
56:00  A house divided cannot stand.
58:00  Less than 2% of Jews are Chabad.
1:00:00  pozzed
1:01:00  Leadership problems
1:03:00  The hierarchy of a patriarchy
1:04:00  The infantilism of Western politicians
1:05:00  Nancy Pelosi
1:06:00  Thatcher
1:07:00  Theresa May the Maybot
1:08:00  Trump
1:09:00  The alpha male Trump has changed the chemistry of politics
1:10:00  John McCain
1:11:00  Sarah Palin
1:15:00  Boris
1:16:00  Coronavirus
1:17:00  The Coronavirus - Sign of The Coming of the Messianic Era
1:19:00  Coronavirus: Australian scientists first to recreate virus outside China
Legendary actor Jackie Chan offers Dh500,000 reward for coronavirus antidote
1:23:00  The Bubonic Plague
1:24:00  The right kind of elite
1:25:00  Dump democracy
1:26:00  The Chinese eat anything with four legs apart from tables.
1:27:00  Famine and cannibalism
1:28:00  Shintoism
1:29:00  Cutting an animal's throat is the quickest and therefore the most humane way to kill it. 
If you had to be executed and could only choose one of these methods, which would it be?
1:32:00  Vegetarian rabbis
1:35:00  The Mandate of Heaven
1:37:00  Teshuva
1:39:00  Constructive criticism
1:41:00  A nagging wife is showing that she cares.

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