Saturday, 8 February 2020

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the Greatest Debater of the West?

5:00  Why be a theist rather than a deist? Because there is no point believing in an indifferent God.
6:00  Church of Entropy did not know the difference between a valid and sound argument.
7:00  Chabad and their Jew-administered Noahide religion for gentiles
8:00  Church of Entropy - who has no sense of fair play - has hidden me from her live chat.
9:00  Those I defeat in argument are mostly low status, low information, low education, low mental health people.
10:00  Trying to find someone intellectually and morally respectable who debates in good faith
11:00  Going to the highest status intellectual in the West. This would be rabbis because Muslims are marginal, Christians are idolaters known for using violence when they lose the argument trying to defend their idolatry and Jews remain the world's most ancient and powerful tribe.
12:00  Jay
14:00  Millennial Woes and Mark Collett
15:00  Rhetorician
17:00  A debater from the Western establishment
18:00  Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the greatest rhetorician in the West?
19:00  Influential and affluent

20:00  Deist v Theist
The debate with Church of Entropy everyone said I lost
Can you find a sound argument in this proposition by Church of Entropy?
Are the three arguments I believe to be sound in agreement with your idea of a sound argument?
The stream Church of Entropy deleted which demonstrated her ignorance of the difference between a valid and a sound argument

22:00  We can ultimately only choose what to believe based on our powers of reasoning. What would be the point of believing in a deity indifferent to our existence?
23:00  The morons and vegetables in the chat
24:00  Jennian censorship and her ruthless suppression of the truth
25:00  Reasoning oneself into a one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism
26:00 The existential dread of the childless spouseless degenerates who have wasted their youth
27:00  Short term fun v long term peace of mind of trust in God and confidence in His disposition
28:00  Our innate morality or lack of it will determine whether we choose  Secular Koranism
30:00 The purpose of our lives

31:00  Top five regrets of the dying
32:00 The purpose of our life becomes clear if we believe in the Abrahamic God

33:00  The existential dread of the middle aged of having wasted their youth and their displacement activity in trying to deal with their existential dread eg streaming and forever avoiding introspection to avoid the existential dread of acknowledging that they wasted their youth and can never have that time back again and are even now still wasting time by obsessively doing their "look at me" streams instead of promoting and discussing Secular Koranism.

35:00  What should these childless men and women who have wasted their youth do to make up for lost time? Support Secular Koranism, of course.  This would be in keeping with enjoining good and forbidding evil, the non-violent jihadic religious obligation Muslims are supposed to have. But it is not just Muslims who are supposed to have this, is it? All honest, reasonable and decent people are supposed to interest themselves in matters political in order to fulfil their potential as a human being, rather than merely be units of consumption in a materialistic world whose values are merely  the measurement of what we produce in material terms and what we consume in material terms. This is of course the worship of Mammon we know we are supposed to avoid.

36:00 Forewarned is forearmed.
37:00  Life and death matters
38:00  The link between the laws of physics and the laws of morality - I have answered the question Church of Entropy could not answer.
40:00  The cognitive dissonance of living in a society of sluts, bastards, cowards, hypocrites and larping nihilistic moral degenerates
42:00  Church of Entropy dares not even discuss the definition of morality with me because she knows hers is inferior and mine is comprehensive.
43:00  The definition of religion
44:00  A cult
45:00  Delusions of cultists
46:00  Choosing to believe and making sacrifices for the group
47:00  The purpose of enforcing the rules
48:00  Theocracy creates a more stable and crime free society
49:00  Supranational co-operation of Jewry/Christendom/the Ummah
50:00  Fallen civilisations
53:00  Trinitarianism must be taken out with the trash ASAP to make way for Islam to shorten the period of chaos of the New Dark Age for future generations
54:00  5 - 4 = Islam

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