Monday, 3 February 2020

Rabbinical rulings on whether Secular Koranism is Noahide-compliant and how I would fare on Luke Ford

Spacetime the Blind Pharisee
​Is Claire allowed back on yet?

Church of Entropy
​who @Spacetime the Blind Pharisee ?

Spacetime the Blind Pharisee
​Your nemesis

Kult Bear
​Clare who???

Spacetime the Blind Pharisee
​you guys should box

Church of Entropy
​sorry but she isnt my nemesis

Church of Entropy
​there are about 7 - 10 people who will be personally offended if i name someone other than them as my nemesis so

Spacetime the Blind Pharisee
​you can only have 1 nemesis

Church of Entropy
​yar matey

Church of Entropy
​and it ain't claire!!!

Spacetime the Blind Pharisee
​she'd make a good one though

Church of Entropy
​i have the unusual problem of potential nemeses being so possessive I can trick them into fighting each other for my graces

Church of Entropy
​but no claire isn't nemesis rival worthy

Church of Entropy

Church of Entropy
​she's a hanger-on

A hanger-on who is magnanimous enough to let her post in my live chat while she hides me in hers.

22:00  Jen and Doooovid fighting about money again.

27:00  Karmatic transaction
Joint stock corporations, voting members, Class A shares, Class B shares, voting shares  - all came form Jewish mysticism.

1:09:00  A science of streaming, a science of karma

1:13:00  Haters

1:15:00  Never too late to improve your cooking skills.

1:19:00  Jen asks "How have I improved?"

1:25:00  Philosophy club

1:27:00  Multiple Truth Hypothesis: is it possible to be Jewish and Hindu? Of course, if idolaters are not executed. However, if all Jewish idolaters were executed without fail as Jewish law requires, then it wouldn't be possible.

1:59:00  Sexual aggression

2:02:00  Vince and Claire are off to a great start going viral with this trying to get rabbis to declare whether Secular Koranism is Noahide-compliant. Doooovid mentions my "Greatest Hits", says I am "an interesting personality". What is Claire's karma? How does she get involved in all this? How does she suck people into these holes of streaming, talking with her hours and hours non-stop? "

"The inconsistencies in her world view" - what inconsistencies?

"She's enough of an exceptional woman to continue streaming and have ideas, understand what people are saying and just networking, and she understand streaming better than a lot of other people so other people new to streaming can go to Claire's boot camp - such as Gandalf and Vincent.

2:03:00  Jen says I am "predictable" but concedes I "have certain strengths in streaming" though "the negatives outweigh the positives overall".  Wow, Jen says I am "a work of art"! Jen loves me! Woo hoo!

2:05:00  If you can't beat Claire, you don't deserve a career in streaming.  So no one in the world deserves a career in streaming? Really?

2:06:00  "Suffering the flames of Claire"
2:07:00  The [alleged] inconsistencies of Claire's argument
2:09:00  Pro-Islamic statements from JF
2:11:00  Adam Green praised by Doooovid for his research on Chabad.
2:14:00  Jen acknowledges her increasing crankiness. That is a good sign of self awareness and I am glad she is displaying this.

2:16:00  Halsey was taken aback by JF's favourable comments about Islam. JF now loves Islam, apparently. Halsey from 28:00

2:18:00  Halsey won't be defending Israel.

2:20:00  Halsey admits to his mistake of putting himself on the frontline by getting involved with the alt-right.

2:21:00  Halsey doesn't feel he needs to defend Israel. Jews and the coronavirus - 12 Jews remain in China.

2:22:00  Halsey admits he is more loyal to his American than his Jewish identity, which is fair enough. Too bad Jen interrupted him so inappropriately and unnecessarily without letting him expand or drawing him out.

2:24:00 Halsey doesn't think Jews need him to defend them and says he wants to discuss political philosophy, but he would rather not argue with Mike Enoch, immediately contradicting himself.

2:23:00  Adam Green is worth dealing with as a Jew, because he is the most high IQ antisemite around and because he actually relies on Jewish scripture.

2:39:00  Jen apologises to Halsey again because she obviously wants to be invited back on again.
2:25:00 He would also debate Paul Neeland but David Duke is such a weak debater and puts all kinds of conditions on Halsey before he will debate him.

2:26:00 Jen wonders about the use of "ad homs". I could tell her a thing or two.

2:40:00 Jen apologises again for her crankiness.

2:59:00  ELLIOTT BLATT joins.

3:05:00  I am mentioned.

3:12:00  A science of streaming, Luke the Godfather of Streaming

3:13:00  Jen does not believe that she is replaceable.

3:14:00  Jen plots to "entropise" Luke Ford.

3:18:00  Claire Khaw as co-host on Luke Ford Show. This triggers Jen into hysterical laughter and Gandalf into denunciation of me as being a one-trick pony.

3:19:00  Luke often loses control of his streams and is the victim of circumstance.

3:20:00  Gandalf wants the job, can't commit to five days a week but wants to be considered.

3:21:00  Jen suggests we take turns. Kevin Grace is a radio professional and can talk for one hour straight. I can do that too.

3:22:00  Do we want to go back to the Bible study classes of Melchy?

3:23:00  I could stream with Luke Ford any time he wants, or he could rotate. What about one person a night? Jen reminds Doooovid that he cursed people to stream with me as punishment.

3:24:00  Doooovid says the question of "Is Secular Koranism Noahide-compliant?"could run and run attracting rabbi after rabbi to weigh in on the subject, raising Luke's prestige. Jen, horrified, says "I hope not. You're way too high if you think that's going to happen." Doooovid can be seen to be smiling happily.

3:25:00  Elliott says Secular Koranism is "so intrinsically triggering to a number of people that it would stimulate passions from the audience that it could be a return to the old days of spergery..."

3:26:00  Who are the potential candidates? Dennis Dale, Jonathan Otto Pohl? The idea of Otto being a candidate provokes more hysterical laughter from Jen.

3:27:00  Babs is considered but is unavailable. Even when he was, his contributions were notably short. Otto and I can easily ramble about nothing for half an hour.

3:28:00  Matt Forney, Melchy and Brundle are considered.

3:29:00  Luke wants it to be easy.

3:32:00  Jim Goad

3:35:00  Jen wants to be producer.

3:36:00  Matt Vei

3:38:00  Daniel Sienkiewicz

3:39:00  Rodney, Vincent, Ecce Lux

3:43:00  Jen claims she has destroyed people, but Doooovid points out that these people she claims to have destroyed had self-destructive behaviour.

3:52:00  Luke Ford generally caves into pressure. He would probably let Gandalf on his show if he was paid.

3:56:00  Bribe, bribe, bribe Luke Ford, says Doooovid.

3:59:00  What does a producer do?

4:03:00  Time differences between Luke and me. Jen says my life revolves around her.

4:13:00  Gandalf fantasises. Jen joins him.

4:16:00  Money

4:18:00  Luke has been demonetised. When he was monetised it was $1000. Now it is probably just a few hundred.

4:24:00  Doooovid thinks I would be a better proposition for Luke Ford ("the optimal metric") than Jen and Gandalf. Lonely old people would rather hear me and Luke talk than Jen and Gandalf, says Doooovid. Jen says that something is going to happen to me in this life. Let's hope success and fame, if I deserve it!

4:25:00  Jen says she won't be able to say no to me. Does she really miss me that much? I am rather touched. Doooovid mentions the morons and vegetables in the chat and says he doesn't care what they think.

4:26:00  Doooovid comments on Jen and Gandalf's "obsession with Luke". It is "mind boggling" how these two are so bullish on Luke Ford.

4:28:00  Joe Rogan or Luke Ford?

4:29:00  Nick Fuentes and Catholic catamites

4:31:00  Gandalf claims I am obsessed with him and may be even more obsessed with him than I am thought to be obsessed with Jen. I have always been fascinated all forms of mental illness. I tag him on Facebook because there is a pattern to our exchanges I think is evidence he is a larper, and I am interested in larping as a Western phenomenon. It is a form of infantilism, mental illness, despair, hopelessness and emasculation, I believe.

4:33:00  The spirituality of Luke Ford

4:35:00  Doooovid cannot see the underlying logic of Gandalf wanting to stream with Luke Ford. Probably because Luke is the biggest streamer he knows and he cannot realistically expect to stream with anyone bigger.

4:38:00  Luke Ford is not serious enough for Doooovid.

4:53:00  I have not been telling rabbis they are wrong, only seeking a range of opinion on whether Secular Koranism is Noahide-compliant.

4:54:00  Cult analysis

4:57:00  "Everyone is a shill for their own ego."

5:01:00  If you want my opinion, Jen, I thought you were cranky and defensive on JF.

5:04:00  Jen and her dreams. I bet I am in them.

The shadow of your smile
When you have gone
Will color all my dreams
And light the dawn ...

5:06:00  Scientific theocracy, blah blah

5:07:00  Brundlefly shit talking Conops because it is his turn to be "it".

5:14:00  OV: "Jenny is mentally ill."

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