Monday, 3 February 2020

Jewish convert discusses Secular Koranism Part 2

Judaism is a religion for Jews, Secular Koranism is a one-size fits all legal system designed to accommodate atheists to polytheists guaranteeing freedom of belief with This is a way of saying Secular Koranism is not a religion but would bring about a theocracy because it follows the Book of Rules that is the Koran because a theocracy is a society that is governed by the rules of God. I am basically saying that there is nothing in the rules of Secular Koranism that a reasonable observant Jew should find objectionable.

We have to be clear about what the Koran says and what Muslims actually do.

4:00  Why would gentiles subject themselves to the restrictions of Judaism or Jew-administered Noahidism when they have already received divine scripture from the Abrahamic God?

If there is only one God, then all monotheists are worshipping that God, though different monotheists perceive God differently and some may be worshipping Him incorrectly. If gentiles already have their own revelation from the Abrahamic God, they should use that instead. Which verses of the Koran did you hate so much?

Are you sure that your hatred of Islam was motivated more by your hatred of Muslims?

Are you sure that your hatred of Muslims was not more motivated by you thinking their scripture was inferior but because you regard brown people as inferior?

6:00  You have a relationship with God by regular prayer and God consciousness which Muslims call taqwa.

You are the one proposing that gentiles use the instruction manual for Jews! The Koranic Instruction Manual is universal, the Judaic Instruction Manual is for Jews only.

8:00  Secular Koranism guarantees freedom of belief with With which verse would a Torah-theocracy guarantee freedom of belief?

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