Wednesday, 12 February 2020

YouTube should apply Koranic principles of Free Speech and punish malicious accusers of hate speech

1)  YouTube are inciting hatred against Jews by forbidding discussion of Jews and punishing YouTubers for discussing Jews in an environment of rising antisemitism.

2)  At no time did I or either of my guests express hatred towards Jews or anyone else on my video that has attracted a strike. Indeed, we were very careful not to do so.

3) While I was listening to the stream to time-stamp it afterwards, nothing I heard made me uneasy about getting a hate speech strike.

4)  YouTube should realise that forbidding even the discussion of Jews by punishing YouTubers who discuss them will only confirm in the minds of antisemites that there is a Jewish conspiracy, which will provoke even more antisemitism.

5)  YouTube should already know that forbidding someone from doing anything including hating anything or anyone will only make them hate more.

6)  YouTube could give its users even better service by allowing a transparent appeal process against hate speech strikes by

a) telling them exactly what they said at which point that was alleged to be hate speech

b) allowing users to appeal against this decision publicly in a stream conducted by a YouTube Judge

c) creating a points system for users based on the following:
i)  a point for every video made that has a like or dislike
ii)  2 points for every like
iii) 1 point for every dislike

d) ignoring anonymous accusations

e) treating seriously all serious complaints (which cannot be made anonymously) giving a reason for their complaint

f) allowing the appeal if what was said is true, logical and morally defensible

g) defining "morally defensible" as anything commanded or forbidden contained in any arguably morally defensible political ideology including the scripture of the five world religions

h) allowing a discussion on the nature and purpose of morality

7) Punish complainants for making vexatious complaints.  The Koran punishes those who falsely accuse chaste women of sexual immorality with 80 lashes because if convicted, the falsely accused woman would have received 100 lashes. The rule is that the false accuser should be punished with 80% of what the accused would have received, if convicted.

I have more ideas which I am happy to develop, but what users want is due process, not the impression that certain views cannot be expressed even if they break no law and certain topics just cannot be discussed.

My advice and plea to YouTube is RESPECT AND ABIDE BY THE FIRST AMENDMENT (which was derived from!

2:00  Get a transcript of every stream?
Because I discuss politics and politics is controversial, I am being maliciously reported or those who appear on my channel are being maliciously reported. At no point did I incite or express hatred for any group or notice either of my guests expressing hatred. AT WHICH POINT WAS HATRED EXPRESSED?

Vincent Bruno, Gandalf and I discuss partner selection, the eugenics of marriage and family values

2:00 Noahide laws 3:00 Antisemites 5:00 Jewish ideas 9:00 Henry Ford 10:00 Six Day War 11:00 Pogroms on Jews 13:00 Coronavirus Rising | KMN LIVE feat. Christopher Jon Bjerknes 13:30 Scapegoat 14:00 Jews and how they acquired Israel 15:00 Moses 17:00 Jericho 18:00 Getting their country back after 2000 years 19:00 A Register of Jews 20:00 King Solomon and his 300 concubines and 700 wives 21:00 Assimilation and antisemitism 25:00 Herem and Jewish emancipation 26:00 Man is a political animal. 27:00 Fussing over their food 29:00 Shallowness 30:00 The Untouchables 31:00 Status 32:00 Is the American Fascist Party (((controlled opposition))) 34:00 Nazi persecution got Jews Israel 35:00 Madagascar Plan 37:00 Russian Jews 38:00 Register of Jews kept by a Registrar Rabbi 40:00 Death penalties under Judaism 42:00 Israel is not even Noahide. 43:00 Morality 44:00 The Normans 45:00 Religion 46:00 Safety in numbers 47:00 Christianity 48:00 Religion, law, morality 50:00 Monsters of victimhood 51:00 Warehousing the white working class for extinction 52:00 Henry Ford 53:00 Jay 59:00 Is liberalism obsolete? 1:01:00 Rabbi: Jews Should Choose Death Over Allowing LGBTQ Lessons in School 1:04:00 1:05:00 1:07:00 A life of just going with the flow 1:08:00 The birth rate 1:11:00 Social engineering 1:12:00 The next generation of employees 1:13:00 Making a marriage a good bargain again 1:15:00 The joint enterprise of rearing the next generation 1:17:00 Senior male politicians afraid of wives 1:18:00 Eve 1:19:00 "We'd rather die than marry each other!"' 1:21:00 Jokes about marriage 1:22:00 Birth control 1:24:00 War causes technological advancement. 1:25:00 Marriageable men 1:26:00 Degenerates of the alt-right 1:27:00 Echo chamber 1:28:00 Star Trek 1:29:00 Marriage and family values 1:29:30 Utopia 1:30:00 The narrative of the Abrahamic faiths 1:31:00 Secular argument 1:33:00 Unwanted pregnancy 1:34:00 Vincent's Brave New World 1:37:00 Choose your sex partner carefully! 1:38:00 1:38:30 Artificial wombs 1:39:00 The economic environment must allow most men to support their wife and family on one income. 1:40:00 The Equality Act 2010 v 1:41:00 Contraception 1:43:00 Greg Johnson 1:47:00 "Lower class trash" 1:48:00 Reintroducing slavery 1:49:00 Old people could be living exhibits. 1:54:00 GANDALF joins me for tea, crumpets and Koran. 2:02:00 Geisha in tea houses

6:00  Appeal in 300 characters
7:00  The rules of natural justice
8:00  Charge people to use YouTube.
9:00  Talking about Jews
10:00  Are YouTube inciting hatred against Jews?
11:00  Adam Green on Know More News
12:00  Further and better particulars of claim
13:00  Vexatious complaints
14:00  Hate speech
15:00  Forbidding the discussion of certain topics
16:00  Anonymous complaints should not be entertained.
17:00  Are we not allowed to discuss Jews at all?
18:00  Reverse psychology
19:00  Hate speech is speech the person complaining hates?
20:00  Ignorant American alt-right YouTubers who don't value the First Amendment
21:00  YouTube could prevent the fall of Western civilisation by standing up for free speech and the principles of natural  justice.
22:00  The political views of complainants must be taken into account
23:00  False malicious and vexatious accusers should get 80% of the punishment the accused would have received if the accusation had led to a conviction.
24:00  YouTube should operate a transparent process of appeal.
25:00  YouTube should not be afraid of standing up for the First Amendment, which it is their constitutional right to do and prefer sound arguments to anonymous and unspecified accusations of hate speech.
26:00  Can Jews incite hatred against themselves? Should one be prevented from inciting hatred against oneself? We should be allowed to hate anyone for whatever reason as long as we do not incite crimes against them. If we express our hatred for any individual or group, they must be allowed to defend themselves.
27:00  Jews who incite hatred against Jews whether intentionally or unintentionally should be struck off the Register of Jews that I propose in order to protect

1) Jews from members of their tribe who bring their community into disrepute
2) Jews from antisemitic gentiles who deliberately conflate atheist liberal assimilated non-observant Jews who flout the Noahide laws with observant Jews who observe the Noahide laws
3) gentiles from Jews who commit Chillul Hashem

Marginalised Jews say crazy things and are happy to be the object of hatred for the alt-right just to enjoy the attention this gives them, and the alt-right love to hate them.

28:00  Herem
29:00  Just as there are more liberal gentiles than there are socially conservatives gentiles, there are more Liberal assimilated Jews than there are observant Jews. Rising antisemitism is ultimately a failure of liberalism and this must be discussed as soon as possible by public intellectuals facilitated by mainstream media.
30:00  A YouTube points system

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