Friday, 31 July 2020

Why married fathers in the West refuse to condemn unmarried parents

People who want to live in a patriarchy would want to believe in God. You would want to live in a patriarchy if you wanted to be a married parent and properly parent your legitimate offspring.

Affluent and high status married fathers in the West do not feel a moral imperative to condemn unmarried parents because they are mostly morally compromised slut-fuckers or afraid of their wives like Lord Rothermere and the Murdoch brothers who have left-wing feminist wives. They are afraid of their wives divorcing them under the rules of no fault divorce and taking half their stuff.

Even Jordan Peterson dares not discuss slut-shaming, but I do.

Because most men are bachelors living in a gig economy and can easily find a slut to fuck, they will not be supporting marriage. Because Western men refuse to contemplate making the sacrifices required of them to support marriage and patriarchy or even discuss it honestly, Western degeneracy continues apace.

While the West slides deeper into degeneracy and dysgenics, they will be blaming Jews, Muslims, immigrants, foreigners and China for their troubles whom they will attack with increasing virulence.

Because they are mostly sufferers of Narcissistic Personality Disorder or are sociopaths, psychopaths and people who would shoot the messenger rather than accept correction with humility after submitting to Truth, Logic and Morality, minorities such as Jews should expect to be blamed, victimised, as well as verbally and physically attacked with increasing frequency and violence.

Are there ten good rabbis in the entire global empire?

Can I persuade enough honourable and influential people of the moral imperative of theocracy now that the West is falling behind China and tearing itself apart about who is to blame?

Are there enough honourable and influential people in the West capable of having an honest and rational discussion about the failure of Christianity and liberal democracy?

God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because not even ten good men could be found.

Are there ten good rabbis in the entire West prepared to say that Islam is the most Noahide observant religion and Christianity the least because of its idolatry and blasphemy?

And if they did, would Western media give them airtime?

Or would they have to go to RT, Press TV or CGTN?

Why Muhammad is God's last prophet

Since both Jews and gentiles have been given a revelation each (the Torah for Jews and the Koran for gentiles), the revelation from the Abrahamic God - who divided humanity into Jews and gentiles -  is now complete.  

What legal/moral/political system should the West adopt to reform itself as China advises?

There are undisputed truths and disputed truths.

There are factual truths and moral truths.

A factual truth is what is or isn't.

A moral truth is whether something should or shouldn't be done.

Most people cannot define morality, but I define it as a system of rules designed to keep the group in existence and apart from others.

Which system of morality we adopt is yet another disputed matter because all religions as well as secular political ideologies are moral systems.

We know that religions eg Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism etc endure longer than secular political ideologies eg Communism, Nazism etc.

If we want laws to stay the same because we want society to be stable, then we would choose a theocracy whose laws are not supposed to change. There are really only two revealed religions ie scripture that is believed to be from the most powerful deity conceivable which is the Abrahamic God: the Torah for Jews and the Koran for gentiles.

We already know Jews haven't lived in a Torah theocracy for around 2000 years. There does not appear to be a demand for a Torah theocracy as approximately half the Jews in Israel are secular. Leave and remain in Britain as well as Trump and the never-Trumpers in America are two other opposing pairings of deadlock.

If it really is 50/50, which side should prevail and why?

If any country in the world should be a theocracy, it should be Israel.

Leave is a male preference and it seems obvious that the male *and* majority preference should prevail.

As for Trump getting a second term, the fact that the Democrats are behaving so badly makes him the clearly lesser evil.

Iran is an empire that currently operates a theocracy based on the Koran. If not for the Iranian Revolution, Iran would still be a US vassal state. It should be noted only countries that do *not* operate a liberal democracy are capable of defying America.

Russia is technically a liberal democracy with elections and even a Liberal Party, but that is still not good enough for America who regularly accuses and bullies Russia.

China is technically atheist but allows freedom of worship as it must because China is an empire that contains 56 ethnicities. It is arguably unconsciously Islamic in many ways governing in harmony with many Islamic principles. It is known for consulting its people (shura). China as a one party state is obeying 6:159 of the Koran not to divide its religion/state ideology into sects.

Perhaps it is time the America took a leaf out of China's rule book if it wishes to escape the consequences of its sclerotic and dysfunctional political system now that the Party of the Donkey and the Party of the Elephant are about to declare another American Civil War.

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Thinking of Wiley and antisemitism on Tisha B'Av 2020

3:00  Wiley

12:00  Chief Rabbi Mirvis leads his ridiculous boycott of Facebook and Twitter for 48 hours. 

15:00  Antisemitism is Deadly Sin of Envy.

16:00  Robbing Peter to pay Jew.

17:00  WW2

18:00  Did the British sacrifice their empire to save the Jews?

19:00  Christian Europe was incorrigibly antisemitic.

20:00  Scapegoating is an ancient Jewish idea.

21:00  Accusations of antisemitism provoke antisemitism.

22:00  The problem with Jews is that they are liberal.

23:00  Jews don't particularly want to be abused by antisemitic peasants.

24:00  Liberalism is "obsolete".

25:00  Immigrants who want to identify with the liberal elite.

26:00  Uneducated plebs suffer most from liberal policies but they do not have the analytical skills or linguistic ability to express their grievances except through blaming those who do better than they do.

27:00  Nick Griffin

28:00  For Britain v Patriotic Alternative


32:00  Who is a Jew?

33:00  Antisemitism is the sin of envy.

34:00  Jews are associated with the liberal elite and the liberal elite are hated and distrusted by the people they govern.

36:00  Muslims are useful to MPs at election time because they behave as a group. If you get their leader to support you, they will all support you as a group at an election.

37:00  Groups behaving as groups have a certain utility. Members of atomised leaderless groups would be predictably shunned and ignored as being inconsequential.

38:00  YouTube doesn't want either Jews or gentiles to talk about Jewish identity.

39:00  We want more educated antisemites rather than plebeian ones.

40:00  Nigel Farage

41:00  Adam Walker and Nick Griffin

43:00  Gerard Batten


In the Brexit referendum that took place in the United Kingdom on June 23, 2016, 55 percent of men voted to leave the European Union, compared with 49 percent of women. The referendum itself was won by the leave side, after they won 51.9 percent of the vote overall.

48:00  Dennis Prager

49:00  Jews were not responsible for Liberalism because they were not responsible for the French Revolution, however much antisemites want to blame them for that too.

51:00  Neoconservatism

White Man's Burden
The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 neoconservative intellectuals, most of them Jewish, who are pushing President Bush to change the course of history. Two of them, journalists William Kristol and Charles Krauthammer, say it's possible. But another journalist, Thomas Friedman (not part of the group), is skeptical

55:00  Jews and their identity crisis caused by Jewish emancipation

56:00  Napoleon

57:00  Noahide laws

59:00  Christianity is the least Noahide of all the four gentile world religions.

1:01:00  Martyrdom and Kiddush Hashem

1:02:00  Disputation of Paris


1:04:00  Thirty Questions for Muslims

1:07:00  Rabbi Sacks

1:06:00  Kant and Hegel


1:12:00  The Virtue of Nationalism by Yoram Hazony

1:13:00  Tax collectors and traffic wardens

1:15:00  The omnivorousness of the Chinese

1:18:00  Jews should question liberalism. Melanie Phillips does.

1:19:00  Marie van der Zyl v Rebecca Long-Bailey

1:35:00  Nationalism is government in the national interest.

1:36:00  Jewish excuses.

1:37:00  Shituf

1:50:00  Noahide ranking of gentile religions

1:52:00  When will it be safe for Jews to assimilate?

1:53:00  Secular Koranism is a new school of sharia that is technically a theocracy.

Thirty Questions for Muslims

1.  Doesn't enjoining good and forbidding evil as the Koran requires of Muslims include telling Christians that Christianity is kaput to as many honourable and influential religious and political leaders as possible before America falls into its Thucydides Trap and declares war on China, when Christians start yet another World War?

2.  Was Britain falling into its Thucydides Trap when it declared war on Germany in WW1?

3.  Was Britain falling into its Thucydides Trap again when it declared war on Germany in WW2?

4.  Did Britain hand over its global empire to the Americans on a platter when it lost its empire after "winning" WW2?

5.  Are the Americans grown up enough to run their global empire as effectively as China is currently governing itself?

6.  Are the Americans like a foolish young man who suddenly wins a large fortune and then proceeds to fritter it away on gambling?

7.  Was the real reason for Britain declaring war on Germany in WW1 the building of the Berlin to Baghdad Railway?

8.  Is the Belt and Road Drive causing America and its allies to fear China in the same way that the building of the Berlin and Baghdad Railway caused Britain to fear Germany and eventually declare war?

9.  Is there anything in the Koran to suggest that Britain declared war against Germany in WW1 and WW2 for good Islamic reasons?  

10.  Can any society function without a religion that at least maintains minimum standards of sexual morality ie ensuring that most parents in your society are married parents?

11.  What should Muslim activists like Hamza Tzortzis and Mohammed Hijab so if they live in a country that is marinating in the moral sewage of globohomo? 

12.  If Christianity is kaput, what is the unofficial religion of the West?

13.  If the unofficial religion of the West is liberalism, what are the principles of liberalism?

14.  If liberalism in the early 21st century West is no more than the globohomo, neoconservatism (a euphemism for dysfunctional and incompetent American imperialism) and the open borders of neo-liberalism which cause the hate and fear provoked by uncontrolled immigration, should Muslims join Putin in declaring liberalism "obsolete"? 

13.  Is liberalism the antithesis of Islamic values?

14.  Is masculinity a state of mind prepared to defend patriarchal moral values? 

15.  Do patriarchal moral values at least include treating unmarried parents as sex offenders - as requires - to avoid the degeneracy, chaos and criminality of widespread bastardy that Western governments are now too frightened to address because they don't want to alienate their voters?

16.  The perfect patriarchy - 100% married parents. The perfect matriarchy - 100% unmarried parents. What is the illegitimacy rate of the UK and how many illegitimate offspring has the current British Prime Minister now sired?

17.  Isn't the quickest and most effective way of dawah telling Westerners they need the rule of law contained in the Koran to protect themselves against their increasingly repressive and irrational government rather than trying to convince them to adopt the religion of the people these Westerners have regard as low status immigrants they have always despised and resented whom they don't think should even be in their country?

18.  Are Muslim activists like Hamza Tzortzis and Mohammed Hijab aware that many Westerners are Islamophobes and antisemites who see large numbers of Muslims dressed as Muslims in their country whom they are no longer allowed to complain about as a humiliation brought on them by Liberal Jews whom they believe deliberately supported uncontrolled immigration to subvert their society and civilisation?

19.  Wouldn't it be easier to tell Post-Christian Western politicians that their rule of law is indeed breaking down instead of talking to Islamophobic peasants who cannot be reasoned with and who would rather die than admit that there is anything wrong with their religion and political system that they themselves already reject?

20.  Is the Principle of Parliamentary Sovereignty obviously unIslamic? Instead of being governed by eternal and universal principles of the Abrahamic God, British politicians reserve for themselves the Woman's Prerogative to change her mind about anything for whatever reason and are now behaving like a neurotic and indecisive woman who cannot make up her mind about anything.  

21.  Aren't most Westerners militant atheists who think religion is stupid and evil as well as antisemites and Islamophobes too stubborn and stupid to acknowledge that the Jews and Muslims they hate, fear and envy have what they don't ie the protective wrapper of religion?

22.  Why don't Muslim activists ask Islamophobes if they know of any society that has existed for long without a religion that supports marriage and family values instead of wasting time and energy trying to prove God's existence to low status low education people who already hate them and cannot be reasoned with? 

23.  Islamophobes of the Tommy Robinson variety are mostly low education and low status people who lie to themselves, are obviously neurotic and cannot even define morality. Do Muslim activists like Mohammed Hijab really think these people can be reasoned with?

24.  Are Muslim activists like Hamza Tzortzis and Mohammed Hijab aware that traumatised atheist Islamophobes and antisemites who were mostly deprived of their fathers by their unmarried mother hate themselves because their ancestors  have been tricked or forced into worshipping a Jew on a stick as the co-equal of God? They also hate their ancestors which is why they topple the statues of their own ancestors. These people have nothing other than their hatred of Muslims and Jews as a way of defining themselves and identifying each other as their substitute for religion. 

25.  Do Muslim activists like Hamza Tzortzis and Mohammed Hijab think these Islamophobes will give up their identity and their associates in any significant numbers in their lifetime just to join Muslims in their mosque?

26.  Are you not aware that educated Islamophobes like Charles Moore and Douglas Murray think Islam is low status culture for low status immigrants from places Trump and his supporters would call "shithole countries"? 

27.  Wouldn't dawah be more effective as a political movement offering Islamophobes the bargain of better government under a theocracy in this life rather than making promises to them about their afterlife?

28.  Are Muslim YouTubers afraid of being identified as extremist and having their YouTube channels deactivated if they do what I suggest?

29.  If Muslims activists are afraid of doing what I suggest, wouldn't discussing Secular Koranism amongst themselves on their channels  be a safer way of making dawah to the Western political establishment at one remove? 

30:  If men who call themselves Muslim activists are too afraid to discuss Secular Koranism or challenge me about it, are they in fact wilfully blind cowards who have adopted the tactic of ignoring me? I know I cannot wake men who pretend to be asleep. 

The smugness and dullness of this self-congratulatory stream which was mostly about diet and exercise incensed me.

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Questions I would like to ask Wiley on his hate speech

11:00  "Hold some corn" = "Take the flak"?

14:00  Will Wiley appear on my channel? I am better than Emma Barnett.

17:00  Forbidding people from hating you provokes hatred.

19:00  Jews forbidding gentiles from hating them provokes more antisemitisim.

22:00  Hate speech

23:00  Speech that incites violence and crime must of course be forbidden.

25:00  Contest of virtue-signalling between Tories and Labour to virtue signal   

28:00  Thought police

33:00  Rabbi Y Y Rubinstein accused me of defending Hitler and blocked me before I had a chance to defend myself

35:00  Chief Rabbi Mirvis letter to Twitter and Facebook

36:00  Should it be a crime for Jews to incite antisemitism?

38:00  The crime of suicide

41:00  Tisha B'Av

42:00  Scapegoating is a Jewish idea.

43:00  Distressed, anxious, angry and confused gentiles

44:00  Jews are too confusing for gentiles.

46:00  Rabbi Y Y Rubinstein accused me of defending Hitler and blocked me before I had a chance to defend myself

Rabbi Y Y Rubinstein accused me of defending Hitler and blocked me before I had a chance to defend myself

CK:  You seem to be calling for more censorship. Is this wise?

YYR:  I’m not sure what you mean can you clarify?

CK:  You said you would add your voice to that of Rabbi Mirvis who is complaining to Mark Zuckerberg that he is not exercising enough censorship.

YYR:  Well firstly he and I wrote from a UK perspective about a UK racist. The law in the UK makes hate speech illegal. I think that is a good idea in general and certainly if someone breaks the law he should not be given a platform by Twitter to do so.

CK:  It is curious how Jews don't seem to realise that stopping gentiles from complaining about them and being successful at it only leads to  more antisemitism.

Hate crime is thoughtcrime and only totalitarian societies have thoughtcrime legislation.

YYR:  Well I’m the anti Semites mind Jews are expected not to fight back.
Do you see the UK as a totalitarian society?

CK:  You won't stop them from hating you by taking away their free speech, and will only make them hate you more.
Damn right it is and so is America where you now live.
But you don't seem to have noticed. How curious.

YYR:  You can’t stop someone from hating you can stop them from spreading their thoughts by turning them into words and deeds.

CK:  If people have a complaint, shouldn't you address it?
Instead, you tell them to shut up.
That is inciting hatred in itself.

YYR:  Hitler has a complaint against Jews. How would you suggest i address it?

CK:  So anyone who complains about Jews is Hitler?
Most of these people are low status low education losers.
Scapegoating is a Jewish idea too, you know.

YYR:  No and I didn’t say that. Now answer the question I did ask.

CK:  Demand a right to reply, of course.
Why he had an issue with Jews would be the first thing you should ask rather than immediately assume that whoever complains must be silenced immediately.
So no Jews were misbehaving at all in Germany?

YYR:  So you are defending hitler. How sad

CK:  The Ultra Orthodox Jewish view is that the Reform Jews brought it on themselves by assimilating.


Monday, 27 July 2020

Allah commands Muslims to admonish Christians for claiming He has begotten a son

It is necessary for Western governments to acknowledge that Christianity is an illegitimate, idolatrous, blasphemous and absurd religion before they will replace it with a better one.

Christianity is now indistinguishable from globohomo feminist neocon neo-liberalism. Liberalism in the 21st century only means sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting. The church is now a Creature of the Neo-Liberal and Neocon State and it is time to question this arrangement of affairs in the Western political system.

Sunday, 26 July 2020

Proof of God's existence

If there exists a Supreme Being, it would have to be the Uncaused First Cause. Because everything else was caused - including the Universe which was caused by the Big Bang - then such a Supreme Being would logically and necessarily be the exception to that rule ie of being uncreated. If you accept this chain of logic, you would have to accept that the Big Bang was caused by a Supreme Being that was uncreated.

Since we are here, there must have been a Creation.

Since there was a Creation, there must have been a Creator.

Since there was a Creator, that Creator must have been the Abrahamic God, the most powerful being conceivable by Man.

If you believe that the Universe has always been there and was uncreated, you are refusing to attribute the Universe to a Supreme Being, because you wish to avoid having to follow the laws of the Supreme Being for your own selfish reasons.

Whether we believe the Universe was created or uncreated is in fact a moral choice

There are basically two competing theories about the Universe: one is that the Universe was created by the Abrahamic God, and the other is that the Universe is eternal and uncreated was always there.

If the Universe was created by the Abrahamic God, then God is the Uncaused First Cause. This is called the cosmological argument.

If the Universe was uncreated and indifferent to us then we are here for no particular reason.

If the Universe was created by a Creator who is the Abrahamic God, then we were created for a reason.

Since it cannot be denied that we simply choose to believe or not believe in something, what makes us believe or deny God is merely a lifestyle choice based on our particular preference on whether we want to obey God's laws or not.

If we chose to obey God's laws, we would incline to belief and monotheism.

If we chose to disobey them, then would incline to disbelief and atheism.

It really is that simple.

But the wisdom of God's laws can easily be explained since Jews who are the practitioners of Judaism are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe still in existence despite numerous attempts by empires and nations both ancient and modern to exterminate them.

The narrative is that the Abrahamic God divided humanity into Jew and gentile. Having first revealed the Torah to Jews, He completed His revelation to humanity with the Koran whose originator is believed to be God Himself rather than the mortal and fallible men who wrote the New Testament.

Why would anyone choose to believe that we exist for no particular reason? It is of course because they would rather disobey God's laws than obey them and disbelief assists them in the flouting of God's laws.

People who choose to obey God's laws would be people who have decided that it is on the whole better for their society to obey God's laws than disobey them because patriarchal moral values tend to promote the longevity of one's civilisation.

It can therefore be concluded that those who choose not to obey because of their lifestyle choice tend to be atheists and nihilists who do not care what happens to their society after they are dead.

It is easy to choose whose views to be guided by if you care about the longevity of your civilisation.

What is the purpose of the Koran denying Christ's execution?

3:00  Scapegoating is a Jewish idea.
4:00  Envy is a deadly sin.
5:00  We are aggrieved when we see someone else get something we want that we do not think they deserve.
6:00  Antisemitism in the New Testament
42:00  Why the Koranic narrative of Christ not dying on the cross is helpful to Jews

43:00  Jews have not been promoting the Noahide laws since the late Middle Ages.

44:00  The Koran does not have anything like as many capital crimes as the Torah - 36.

45:00  Secular Koranism is a starter theocracy for both Jews and gentiles.
46:00  The Holy Book of Hamas
47:00  Islam: References to Jews in the Koran

48:00  Is usury allowed for Christians?

49:00  Christians don't even claim that the men who wrote the New Testament were immortal or infallible, or that Christ wrote it, let alone God. On the other hand, Jews and Muslims believe that their scripture came from God Himself which makes their scripture conceptually superior.

50:00  The Koranic narrative that Christ didn't die on the cross and because of that they didn't kill him should be helpful to Jews in addressing some of the antisemitism they face.

51:00  Christian practice over two millennia have merely affirmed the alleged blasphemy of Christ. 

52:00  Christians who want to worship the Abrahamic God should have a care about what He might do to them after so many centuries of sin. Probably, most of them are really atheists more invested in their idolatry and self-worship than the correct worship of God. That is presumably why they do not fear God, which is the beginning of wisdom. People who claim to believe in the absurdity, idolatry and blasphemy of the Trinity are liars or fools who should be ignored.    

 53:00  Islam can solve the debt problems of individuals and governments of the West by allowing them to default on their debts, after their Islamic Revolution. 

54:00  Secular Koranism would result in the moral regeneration of the West through the reintroduction of slut-shaming restoring the patriarchy and government to good moral order.

55:00  Adopt Secular Koranism to prevent the West from becoming a series of failed states.  

56:00  Chabad should ask the US government to suspend the commemoration of Education and Sharing Day until America adopts Secular Koranism. This would represent an attempt to make up for the sin of idolatrously worshipping their late Holy Rabbi Schneerson.

The Four Steps of AtonementIn Jewish tradition, the process of atonement has four clearly defined stages: 
Step 1, Regret. Realize the extent of the damage and inwardly adopt of feeling sincere regret.Step 2, Ceasing.  Immediately stop the harmful action.Step 3, Confession and restitution. Verbalize the mistake and ask for forgiveness, either from God or from the wronged party. If possible, the wrong must be righted through compensation. If the sin is against God, acts of charity may be considered as restitution. Step 4, Resolution. Make a firm commitment not to repeat the sin in the future.

Restitution by Chabad should take the form of promoting Secular Koranism to gentiles instead of their rabbinically-guided Noahidism which would only be taken up by Islamophobic ex-Christians anyway.  

58:00  Western nations should be one party theocracies governed by the principles of Secular Koranism if they want to restore their patrriarchy.

59:00  Diaspora Jews should be promoting Secular Koranism because living in a patriarchy protected by Secular Koranism would allow them to be better Jews than living in a matriarchy swirling with the sewage of globohomo.

1:00:00  If Jews are now no longer up to living in a Torah theocracy, they should at least aspire to live in my proposed starter theocracy of Secular Koranism, if they cared at all about Hashem and their immortal soul. 

Democracy or theocracy?

Isn't a democracy inherently unstable and isn't a theocracy that comes with The Rule of Law from the Abrahamic God who created laws for humanity inherently stable? It seems the world is about to learn how much it craves stability now that it is about to be torn from them.

We are here and the Universe exists. If the Universe exists, there must have been a Creation. If there was a Creation, there must have been Creator and that Creator was the Abrahamic God believed to be immortal, supreme, omnipotent, omniscient and perfectly moral.

If He exists, we should believe in Him. 

If He does not, we would like Him to exist.  

By an act of will and a leap of faith, we could start to believe and by this belief bring Him into existence.  

When we believe, we will obey His laws, and when we do, we will return the world to stability.  

Or, we could simply believe that the world would be better run governed by the wisdom of His laws, and opt to obey these wiser laws that will bring us stability instead of being thrust hither and thither by the whims of our political classes who presume to govern us increasingly uncertainly now unable or unwilling to discuss the meaning of important words.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Hachnosas Sefer Torah - Raleigh Hotel | הכנסת ספר תורה לביהמ"ד במלון 'רא...

A rather quaint Jewish ceremony with lots of dancing Jews in funny furry hats.

The completion of the Torah scroll is a cause for great celebration, and honoured guests of the individual who commissioned the Torah are invited to a celebration wherein each of the honoured guests is given the opportunity to write one of the final letters. It is a great honour to be chosen for this.

I don't think you are being completely authentic if you and your group don't do something that others find completely odd.

Confusion, fear, uncertainty, and a world in stress

3:00 The unimaginable indebtedness of the average US citizen

4:00 Everything happens for a reason.

5:00 Another Holocaust, WW3 or the end of the world?

6:00 How did SARS just disappear?

7:00 How long is lockdown?

8:00 A run on the banks?

9:00 China and US wiping each other out with nukes?

10:00 Iran wants to go nuclear to stop the Americans from ever messing with them ever again.

11:00 Corrupt practice of attributing every death to Covid-19

12:00 Antisemitism in and outside Israel

13:00 Clowns about to become leaders of Israel and America.

16:00 Never Trumpers

17:00 What will Democrats do to America?

20:00 Jews and gentiles paralysed by uncertainty

21:00 Suicides

22:00 El Al in crisis

23:00 Bankrupt airlines making flights significantly dearer.

24:00 Spectatorless spectator sports

25:00 Gog and Magog. The pandemic was predicted.

26:00 Haman was worse than Hitler.

27:00 Covid-19 will kill Jews more effectively than any human.

28:00 Israelis cannot buy bread because they Israel cannot print money the way America can.

33:00  15 days of darkness

36:00  Jewish learning app

1:53:00  Should Jews stay where they are or go to Israel?

1:55:00  Palestinian Arabs are the sharpest Arabs of all.

2:29:00  Jews will not be corrected.

2:31:00  Warning the wicked

Sunday, 19 July 2020

What did God choose Jews to do?

4:00  Have I done this before?

5:00  Phoenicians
6:00  Lebanon
7:00  Greater Israel
8:00  Gentiles are not supposed to oppose what Jews have been chosen by God to do or there will be trouble.
9:00  What is the purpose of Islam? To replace the moral vacuum that is Christianity.
10:00  Jews have been chosen to civilise the world.
11:00  The purpose of Judaism
12:00  The harvesting of monotheism
13:00  Antisemitism
14:00  The idolatrous and blasphemous doctrine of the Trinity
15:00  Liberal Jews provoke antisemitism.
16:00  God punishes Liberal Jews and also punishes observant Jews for not stoning Liberal Jews to death if they are obviously guilty of the 36 capital punishments found in the Torah.
17:00  The Koran is the Holy Book of Hamas
19:00  Why Jews don't want to promote the Noahide laws and don't like talking about them
20:00  Christian Zionists
21:00  Muslim antisemitism
25:00  Shituf
39:00  The oneness of God/Tawhid
29:00  The late Rabbi Schneerson
31:00  Chosen for what?
32:00  Antisemitism was created by God to punish Jews when they don't do what they were chosen to do.
34:00  Melanie Phillips
35:00  Doctrine of the Trinity Act 1813
36:00  No believing Christian in the Western political classes.
38:00  Jews as the chosen people
44:00  What Jews could do to promote the Noahide laws
46:00  Secular Koranism is technically a theocracy.

49:00  The New Testament
50:00  Al Aqsa Mosque is there to remind Jews why Judaism didn't quite work out for them.
52:00  The Koran is the Holy Book of Hamas.
53:00  Nietzsche
54:00  Christianity is dead.
55:00  The Greek Pantheon
56:00  Worshipping the more powerful deity
57:00  Why worship something that you created yourself?

58:00  Try the best idea available that you have not yet tried to solve your political, moral and social  problems - Secular Koranism.

59:00  The Divine Plan of the Abrahamic God
1:00:00  Europe is Athens, America is Rome.
1:07:00  Borders of Israel defined in the Torah
1:11:00  Fooled by Randomness

1:13:00  My ideal journalistic assignment is to be employed by CGTN to present a political documentary explaining why the one-party state is superior to a multi-party system currently being operated by liberal democracy.

1:17:00  God created evil and also the antisemitism with which to punish Jews for not doing what He has chosen them to do.

1:21:00  Democracy doesn't work.

1:22:00  The Far Left and the Far Right have both had a one-party state.

1:25:00  Fascism is an ideology of national unity.

Friday, 17 July 2020

The harvesting of monotheism

1) The Jewish diaspora was the ploughing of the field when Jews headed West.

2) Christianity was the planting of the seeds in three global Christian empires.

3) Islam would be the global harvest.

Belief in God is really a lifestyle choice

For those who believe the Universe was created by the Abrahamic God and those who believe that the Universe always existed and was uncreated, the difference is that that they attribute their existence to a different entity on a linked chain of creation, but they are adjacent, in any case.

Those who prefer to believe that the Universe is uncreated are atheists and nihilists. They choose this belief because they wish to deny the existence of the Abrahamic God and ignore His laws. They tend to be feminists who believe in sexual liberation and are content to live in a matriarchy, ignorant of or indifferent to the implications of living in such a society.

Those who prefer to believe that the Universe was created by the Abrahamic God who is the most powerful being conceivable have chosen to submit to Him and His laws as a guide to their behaviour in this life. They tend to be social conservatives who reject the degeneracy of matriarchy and see social conservatism as a means to achieving the society they want to live in.

We can see that choosing which to believe is not just a question of what people actually believe in, but a lifestyle choice, which is in effect a moral and political choice.

The people who reject the laws of God do not wish to become married parents, and the people who choose to submit to God's laws are the ones who wish to become married parents properly parenting their offspring or at least support those who have this aspiration or have already undertaken this joint partnership to rear the next generation in optimum conditions.

The fact that the entire Western political establishment and the media refuse to have this discussion is a sign of how astray liberalism is as a viable political ideology. If liberalism were a building, it would be condemned for demolition now, if there were anyone competent and honest who is in charge. The fact that there is no one in charge should give us cause for alarm.

Thursday, 16 July 2020

What Jews should have been doing but were too afraid to do for about 2000 years

Jews are between Scylla and Charybdis. What should they do to be true to themselves and live authentically as Jews, as Heidegger urged people to do? 
The authentic Jew is surely the observant Jew, but they are now in the minority. We all know most Jews are liberal. 

Should Jews

a) supplicate idolaters and blasphemers who to this day worship a man their Sanhedrin convicted of blasphemy for saying that his papa was Hashem

b) rely on the Holy Book of Hamas to protect their rights

Which do you think God would prefer them to do?

I am sure there are enough good Jewish lawyers to accomplish the task of protecting Jewish rights using the Koran. After all, Islam is considered by Jews to be the most Noahide of all gentile religions and Jews who have read the Koran have reluctantly admitted that there is nothing in its commandments and prohibitions that violate the Noahide laws, which was what Jews were chosen by God to promote, according to the Talmud.  

Have Jews been doing this? Aren't most Jews liberal? Isn't liberalism atheism and isn't atheism the nihilism of globohomo? If Jews won't apologise to gentiles for having failed them, will they apologise to God for failing to carry out what He had chosen them to do at the earliest opportunity now that Tisha B'Av is coming up?  

It is most unlikely that Western Christians are now going to persecute Jews for pointing out the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity. It is even quite likely that Christians would be the first to admit Christianity is kaput and will immediately put up their hands in surrender if asked to justify the Trinity which has been violating God's Commandments against blasphemy and idolatry for 2000 years.  

There is only one moral and rational choice of a religion to replace Christianity, is there not?

The Harvesting of Monotheism:

1) The Jewish diaspora was the ploughing of the field.

2) Christianity is the planting of the seeds.

3) Islam would be the harvest.

Monday, 13 July 2020

Identifying and dividing the enemy in the pandemic

You are either in favour of lockdown or you are not.

If you want it to end now, were you ever in favour of it?

Who are the people in favour of lockdown?

  1. the elderly
  2. the risk-averse female
  3. the welfare-dependent
  4. the economically unproductive
  5. the atheist
  6. the feminist far removed from common sense
  7. the liberal
  8. the never-Trumper
  9. the unprincipled
  10. the parasitic
Who are the people who never wanted lockdown?

  1. the robust
  2. the economically active and productive taxpayer
  3. Trump supporters
  4. Brexiteers
  5. the religious
  6. the principled
  7. the young
  8. the morally courageous
  9. the enterprising male
  10. the social conservative in touch with common sense

The men who pander to immoral and parasitical women should be ignored as feminised, infantilised, irresponsible and of weak character. Only masculine principled men who are married fathers eg Lord Sumption are only fit to have their views heard since they are men who are invested in properly parenting their legitimate offspring. This is how it should be put to people who wish to organise themselves against lockdown totalitarianism. There is no danger of the human race dying out because of the pandemic. It tends to be the parasites, atheists, nihilists and the welfare-dependent who demand to be protected from the virus at all costs. Nihilists tend not to be married parents nor do they care about what happens to their society after they are dead. 

Is it a sin for Jews to omit promoting the Noahide laws?

Rabbis generally refuse to discuss the Noahide laws because they want to avoid being in the position of arguing themselves into insulting the religion of their Protector America and commending the religion of their sworn enemies the Arabs.

Rabbis have been in a state of neurotic suspension on this matter for centuries.

It would appear that God if He exists has linked the intensity of antisemitism directly with how little Jews promote the Noahide laws to the gentile. The link is so direct that it might as well be a law of physics, as predictable as night following day.

If it was Jews that God made His Chosen People to civilise the world, then their failure to do so by failing to promote the Noahide laws to gentiles would provoke antisemitism. Perhaps it is God expressing His displeasure through gentiles, created for the purpose of punishing Jews. Predictably, misgoverned gentiles would blame Jews for not preventing their suffering by reminding their governments of the Noahide laws or believe Jews deliberately subverted their religion and political system causing them to suffer.

It is now time for Jews to bite the bullet, grasp the nettle and take the bull of antisemitism by its horns. After all, only Jews can end antisemitism through repenting of their sins of omission.

Non-Chabad rabbis should condemn Chabad rabbis for pretending that America is a Noahide nation just because they managed to persuade the US government to establish Education and Sharing Day to commemorate their rabbi, the late Rabbi Schneerson. Nor is it the place of Chabad rabbis to make up a religion for gentiles when God has already completed His revelation for humanity through the Koran.

The first revelation was of course the Torah. The Koran is the other side of the coin of this dual revelation. Christianity drops out of the picture because its major defects - its idolatry and blasphemy - can now be articulated.

When did this sin begin? When rabbis declared Christianity to be a Noahide religion when they said Trinitarianism is OK for Trinitarians, or some such rubbish, when shituf was conceived to distinguish the idolatry of Christians from the idolatry of non-Christians. Shituf has been regarded as not as bad as avodah zara, when in fact it is much much worse. What could be worse than idolatry? I would suggest that it is the idolatry of claiming that the idol being worshipped is the co-equal of Hashem, Or worse, that the mother of the executed revolutionary in question is the Mother of God.

If you want to blame someone, blame Moses Mendelssohn, the German Jewish philosopher who lived during the German Enlightenment who, as the British imperialists would say, "went native".

Is it the duty of observant Jews and dawah-extending Muslims to warn the non-Muslim gentile Westerner that Christianity is kaput?

The writers for The Conservative Woman, being Christians and Islamophobes, refuse to discuss whether Christianity is kaput. In view of all that has been happening, it really is not that hard that to put two and two together and conclude that the West is now as Christian as a human skeleton used to be human. Isn't it actually dangerous to proceed without one?

Do Jews and Muslims have a duty to warn Christians that their religion has failed? Do they have a duty to warn the mainly atheist and nihilistic Post-Christian Westerner that his society will collapse without a religion at least effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality? Britain is now a society of sluts and bastards with more unmarried parents than there are married parents.  A serial sirer of bastards is now Prime Minister of Britain and his bastard lives there with him. That the British are now indifferent to bastardy is a sign that it has become normalised. In this nation of sluts and bastards, even the Archbishop of Canterbury is a bastard.,%20absolute:true)/47

If Jews and Muslims either collectively or individually refuse to warn the non-Muslim Western gentile that Christianity is kaput, is cowardice, indifference or hatred their reason?

If the societies of their host nation collapse won't they also suffer?

Isn't the quickest way of warning the non-Muslim gentile Westerner to point out that Christianity was doomed to failure because of its idolatry and blasphemy?

What could be more idolatrous than to worship an executed revolutionary who claimed his papa was Allah Himself as His co-equal?

What could be more blasphemous to Jews than for gentiles to worship a man they had condemned to death for blasphemy as the co-equal of Hashem?

If you see someone about to consume noxious and toxic food and drink, do you not have a duty to warn them of its noxiousness and toxicity?

Or are Jews and Muslims just sitting back and enjoying the show after getting their kosher and halal popcorn ready to watch the world burn?

If that is what they are doing, do they not also deserve punishment?

Is it a sign of God's forbearance that He has not already destroyed the West?

Revenge is a dish best served cold. If God could be said to revenge Himself on His creatures, the sin is in itself the punishment. The punishment for practising an illegitimate, idolatrous, blasphemous and absurd religion is that the even more vacuous religion of BLM will move into the moral vacuum of Christianity.

Sunday, 12 July 2020

Theocratic Jew likes the idea of Secular Koranism as a starter theocracy for Israel

2:00  Rabbi Mizrachi

3:00  Israel is an anti-religious police state.

4:00  Israel is required from suffering.

6:00  If Israel were a Noahide theocracy, Muslims would leave it alone.

7:00  The Noahide laws trigger secular Jews the same way it trigger White Nationalists.

8:00  Curt Doolittle, the blood libel

9:00  Edom

10:00  The Enlightenment did not accept Islam.

11:00  Isaac Newton was not Christian.

12:00  Post-Modern Liberalism

13:00  White Nationalists will fight each other after they kick everyone else out.

14:00  Christianity would not exist without Judaism. Ditto Islam.

15:00  Caesar's Messiah

16:00  Two Jesuses in the Talmud

17:00  Christianity created by Romans.

18:00  On the one hand Christ needed to die to save mankind, on the other they blame Jews for being Christ-killers.

19:00  According to the Koran, Christ only appeared to die, therefore his death could not be blamed on Jews.

20:00  Love-hate relationship between Jews and Muslims

21:00  If Israel became a theocracy

22:00  Gentiles are not allowed to make up a religion.

24:00  Greater Israel

25:00  Jews infected by Liberalism.

26:00  European Ashkenazi Jews do not understand Arab mentality.

27:00  Land for peace deals, hatred for Orthodox by secular Jews, the Israeli Army is full of promiscuous women

28:00  The IDF has masochistic and suicidal protocols, Netanyahu is now Dictator of Israel, Israeli policemen and face masks

29:00  Bill Gates

30:00  Netanyahu, police state

31:00  Fauci

32:00  Liberalism and atheism

33:00  Never leave your house

34:00  China and North Korea

35:00  The rest of the world following in China's wake when they cannot afford to

36:00  Sweden

37:00  Science is the new religion.

38:00  The Black Death

39:00  Feminised and infantilisation

40:00  No reason to wear a mask.

41:00  The 1% want to control the other 99%.

42:00  Agenda 21

43:00  My views on Islam are confusing.

44:00  Ethno-nationalism

45:00  Liberalism, atheism and nihilism

46:00  The Koran synthesises the Tanakh and New Testament.

47:00  Religion

48:00  Non-aggression principle

49:00  Universal religion

50:00  Messiah

51:00  STEM

57:00  Science, synchronicity, quantum mechanics, vibrations, energy

1:01:00  I rejoin the stream.

1:05:00  Science proves the existence of God

1:06:00  The Universe is the balloon. We are in the balloon. God is outside the Universe.

1:07:00  The Holy Spirit, quantum fluctuations

1:08:00  Judaism is mass revelation.

1:09:00  After the revelation on Mount Sinai


1:12:00  The different religious obligations of women
1:14:00  Bevis Marks
1:15:00  German synagogue
1:16:00  Hardcore cantor and 150 synagogues in London
1:17:00  Arc: boat or cupboard?
1:18:00  Why do we only have three forefathers?
1:19:00  There is only one Severn Bridge
There are only three Forth Bridges.

Boarding school
1:21:00  Being Orthodox
1:22:00  Russian Jews not Jewish.
1:23:00  Nuremberg laws
1:24:00  Kuwait
1:25:00  The typical Israeli
1:26:00  The right to bear arms in Israel
1:27:00  A Torah theocracy
1:28:00  "Purity of arms"
1:29:00  No non-Muslims allowed in Mecca.
1:30:00  Rabbi Kahane was assassinated by Mossad?
1:32:00  Muslims thought Rabbi Kahane was a good guy.
1:33:00  Jews cannot use the Biblical claim to Israel if they are not a theocracy.
1:34:00  The punishment for breaking the Sabbath
1:36:00  Stone Sabbath breakers outside the city gates.
1:37:00  Pregnancy is an unwanted side effect of recreational sex.
1:38:00  Marriage licence
1:39:00  "The mental scars of promiscuity"
1:40:00  Jordan Peterson
1:41:00  Noahide laws
1:42:00  Gentiles are not allowed to culturally appropriate the Sabbath.
1:43:00  Japan
1:45:00  The Chinese and Taiwanese
1:46:00  Departments of Jewish Studies in Chinese universities
1:47:00  White privilege is imperial privilege.
1:48:00  The failure of Christianity


1:52:00  "Secular Israelis are gentiles who speak Hebrew."

The brutalism of Tel Aviv

1:53:00  The purpose of art

1:54:00  Nihilists

1:56:00  Abortion

1:57:00  Stefan Molyneux and theocracy


2:01:00  Holocaust denial
2:02:00  Edom hates Jacob.
2:03:00  Property prices in Israel
2:04:00  Only secular Ashkenazim wanted in Israel.
2:05:00  Secular government have been indoctrinating Jews against Judaism for decades.
2:06:00  Orthodox Judaism
2:07:00  Simple Biblical law
2:08:00  We are not going to be like the Amish.
2:09:00  Yoram Hazony is a civic nationalist. Greater Israel
2:12:00  Israel is not an empire.
2:13:00  If only Orthodox Jews ran the world
2:14:00  Andrew Anglin
2:15:00  Rabbi Mirvis, the Chief Rabbi of the British Commonwealth, published first LGBT Handbook for Orthodox schools
2:16:00  Vegetarianism
2:17:00  Obesity in Orthodox Jews
2:18:00  Israel has a fitness culture
2:19:00  Josh likes the idea of Secular Koranism as a starter theocracy for Israel.
2:20:00  Liberating to obey commands so you don't have to work things out for yourself all the time.
2:22:00  Reasoning by analogy
2:23:00  Siamese twins
2:24:00  London Beth Din
2:26:00  Judicial creativity
2:27:00  Trump
2:30:00  One party state
2:31:00  Balkanisation
2:32:00  China
2:33:00  Internal passports
2:34:00  Ancient Chinese philosophy
2:35:00  Marxism
2:36:00  Government policy
2:37:00  100% sales tax in Israel on a car
2:38:00  The middle class
2:40:00  The weather in Israel
2:41:00  Israel is a miniature America. Theocracy
2:42:00  Democracy
2:44:00  Sanhedrin
2:45:00  Edom and Jacob
2:45:00  Rudy Rochman

2:46:00  Rabbi Mizrachi

Why envy is a deadly sin

23:00 Rich Arabs, poor Jews.

24:00 Mocking Judaism, respecting Islam

25:00 The crooked practices of biased Israeli media

30:00  Religious Jews should fight harder to defend their religion.

33:00  Changing workplace practice means lower property prices in cities because most people will be working from home.

37:00  Fix people's homes from your own home.

38:00 Muslim members of the Knesset refused to vote for a law allowing gay couples to adopt children.

40:00  Which is worse for an observant Jew? a) An Arab terrorist who will not support any law that goes against God's laws in the Knesset  b) A Liberal Jew voting to pass satanic laws in the Knesset

42:00  Israeli police persecution of religious Jewish girl of 10

45:00 Israeli dog owners who don't use pooper scoopers

46:00  No Frenchwoman in the whole of France was prepared to model the bikini in 1946

53:00  There is nothing about Judaism in the Israeli Armed Forces. 

1:00:00  The state of toilets in Israel

1:06:00  More blacks murdered by blacks than by white policemen.

1:22:00  Spiritual Holocaust of the Jews caused by Santa Claus and the Clowns from London

1:23:00 Ignorant Jews who will believe any rubbish

1:56:00  How Israelis go to the synagogue

2:00:00  Misery loves company. 

2:04:00  Envy is a deadly sin.

Friday, 10 July 2020

Judaism is the starting gun, Christianity the Hare and Islam the Tortoise.

The heap of hooey that is Christian apologetics

Western Man is traumatised by the failure of Christianity.

Worse than the trauma of his religion failing is the realisation that he has been the victim of a 2000 year old confidence trick or practical joke.

Do even confirmed Christians really believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God?

There are hardly any confirmed Christians now.

Only around 6 million confirmed Anglicans in the UK

When was the soonest Western Man should have realised this?

a) when the Koran was revealed
b) when BLM is about to replace the moral vacuum that is Christianity

It is time the Post-Christian non-Muslim Westerner realised that Christianity is illegitimate, idolatrous and blasphemous and Jews and Muslims should regard it as their bounden duty to point this out again and again until the penny drops.

Jews and Muslims actually agree that Christianity is illegitimate, idolatrous and blasphemous but have been too afraid to say so because of so many centuries of being the victims of Christian wars, persecution and imperialism.

Jews and Muslims owe a duty to humanity to point out to Westerners that Christianity is kaput. Just as it would be our duty to point out that food and drink is poisoned to any person about to consume it, it is the duty of Jews and Muslims as good citizens of the world to point out that Christianity is kaput, so that Westerners do not further delude themselves that they have anything resembling a functioning religion capable of even maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality ie ensuring that most parents in your society are married parents.

If this error is not corrected soon, BLM will soon be the religion of the West. When the global American empire collapses, it will suck everything around into its vortex as it sinks.

Nature abhors a vacuum, and Christianity is now a moral vacuum. Its replacement should be clear and obvious because there is only one rational and moral choice.

How to tell the difference between an Israeli Arab and an Israeli Jew when they both grew up in Israel speaking Hebrew

25:00  How to tell the difference between an Arab and an Israeli even if the Arab was born in Israel and grew up speaking Hebrew
49:00  No more Jewish zealots
50:00  Muslims praised for their zeal.
51:00  Israeli police torture rabbi.
53:00  Liberal Jewsish media demonise religious Jews.
54:00  Liberal Jews are a mortal threat to Jews.
56:00  It was prophesied that the wicked would take over Israel.
57:00  Liberal Jews demonstrating for Hamas
58:00  Lot's wife
59:00  Lot was a liberal judge in Sodom and Gomorrah.
1:00:00  Liberal Jews who kiss up to the goyim
1:01:00  Liberal Jews should not be part of a minyan.
1:02:00  Feminism
1:03:00  Paedophilia
1:04:00  Insider dealing

1:05:00  No Jews are allowed to become lawyers in gentile nations that are not Noahide observant. Christianity falls foul of the Noahide laws because it is both idolatrous and blasphemous according to the Noahide laws.

Oh dear. Poor old Alan Dershowitz. He would be struck off my proposed Register of Jews.

1:06:00  Excommunication
1:08:00  No female soldiers and no female witnesses allowed in court under Jewish law.
1:09:00  Women are easily manipulated.
1:16:00  Rabbi Mizrachi in a hotel in China on Shabbat
1:19:00  Manna from heaven
1:22:00  Business is bad in Israel.
1:23:00  Patients being murdered in hospital.
1:25:00  American hospitals get $30,000 for every patient said to die of Covid-19. The punishment for Democrat-voting Jews will be eternal.
1:26:00  The ideology of the Democrats is evil.
1:28:00  What's on the mind of Orthodox Jews when they are praying
1:29:00  Jews who worship Mammon
1:33:00  An actor is more likely to become POTUS than a teacher in America.
1:34:00  The system is corrupt.
1:35:00  The inheritance laws of a gay marriage
1:36:00  Israeli soldiers and Chabad
1:38:00  The Israeli Army is not kosher.
1:40:00  Israeli Armed Forces brainwashed against Hashem.
1:42:00  Being an Israeli is not the same as being a Jew.
1:43:00  Moral corruption in the Israeli Armed Forces
1:47:00  Should you make aliyah?
1:52:00  If in doubt, do nothing.
1:53:00  Wanton destruction of luxury cars
2:03:00  Obama sicced the IRS on Republicans.
2:05:00  The benefits of charity to the giver
2:09:00  Bankruptcy of Israeli airline
2:11:00  Why some unobservant Jews wear the kippah
2:13:00  Making peace between enemies
2:15:00  The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
2:16:00  Saudi Arabia is now a better friend to Israel than the UK or America.
2:17:00  No POTUS has been more helpful to Jews, but still they suffer.
2:18:00  Who will be the next POTUS?
2:19:00  Making a mint from masks
2:22:00  The second wave of Covid-19 in Israel
2:23:00  No more middle class
2:24:00  Don't buy property in Israel that is not already built.
2:26:00  Hatred of  religious Jews in Israel
2:27:00  The politics between religious people
2:28:00  Israel is a complicated place.
2:28:00  The different neighbourhoods of Jerusalem
2:29:00  American wives have been known to commit suicide because they can no longer shop at Costco.
2:30:00  The liberal Jew that is the cancer of the world
2:31:00  If not now, when?
2:32:00  Make lemonade out of lemons.

The duty of Jews and Muslims to Christians

Jews and Muslims actually agree that Christianity is illegitimate, idolatrous and blasphemous but have been too afraid to say so because of so many centuries of being the victims of Christian wars, persecution and imperialism.

Jews and Muslims owe a duty to humanity to point out to Westerners that Christianity is kaput. Just as it would be our duty to point out that food and drink is poisoned to any person about to consume it, it is the duty of Jews and Muslims as good citizens of the world to point out that Christianity is kaput, so that Westerners do not further delude themselves that they have anything resembling a functioning religion capable of even maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality ie ensuring that most parents in your society are married parents.

If this error is not corrected soon, BLM will soon be the religion of the West. When the global American empire collapses, it will suck everything around into its vortex as it sinks.

Nature abhors a vacuum, and Christianity is now a moral vacuum. Its replacement should be clear and obvious because there is only one rational and moral choice.

Monday, 6 July 2020

"Why I left the left" Melanie Phillips on why she left the Guardian

Melanie Phillips:

"They said I was a right winger, then that was an ultra right winger, then I was a fascist and I was a Nazi that I was insane and then I was a fascist Nazi insane Zionist war mongering Jew."

33:00  Israel generated antisemitism

37:00  "Jews run capitalism."

39:00  Karl Marx was a self-hating Jew.

40:00  Holocaust memorials

42:00  Relativising the Holocaust

45:00  Nationalism, Nazism, madness and derangement

Sunday, 5 July 2020

Rabbi Tovia Singer: Jesus will not save you

Rabbi Singer's speaking style leaves much to be desired, but what he says should be of great interest to Christians: Christianity is idolatry. Muslims would agree with him. If Judaism is monotheism for Jews and Islam monotheism for gentiles, what is Christianity then? We know they couldn't even agree with each other on the Doctrine of the Trinity at the Council of Nicaea, called by a Roman Emperor who was not even Christian. We know the New Testament was not by Christ, let alone God. We know that the Koran lets Jews off as Christ-killers because it says Christ was not in fact crucified, it only appeared that he had been. Unfortunately, the Christian narrative is that Christ became the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God and Christian practice has been to worship Christ as the co-equal of God knowing full well that the Abrahamic God had specifically and explicitly forbidden idolatry and blasphemy. It is undeniably supreme blasphemy to worship someone convicted of blasphemy as the co-equal of God, is it not? If Christianity no longer works in the West and the religion of the West is about to become BLM, perhaps this is a way of God punishing blasphemers and idolaters for neither worshipping Him correctly nor obeying His laws for 2000 years.

0:30  How can you defy the world of the prophets and hope to be saved? 4:39  Deuteronomy

2:00  Isaiah 46:9 is not proclaimed in churches.

Deuteronomy 4:15

3:00  There is nothing resembling the Trinity in the Tanakh.

6:00  The idolatry of Christianity

7:00  Rabbi Singer confirms that he is indeed comparing Jesus to crack.

The ritual cannibalism of Christianity

 8:00  Rabbi Singer's message to Christians who were told as children by grandma that "Jesus loves you"

Saturday, 4 July 2020

British Muslims are ten years behind American Muslims

12:00  "The Compassionate Imam" is the Islamic equivalent of the Trendy Vicar

1:00:00  Free speech and the right not to hire sex offenders

1:20:00  Woman in counter-terrorism feminising American Islam

1:22:00  Ilhan Omar - agent provocateur

1:31:00 -  when you like the wrong post as a Muslim

1:33:00  The intimidation of being blacklisted

1:34:00  Haqiqatjou is Marmite.

1:36:00  "Intellectual apostasy"

1:53:00  Free speech

1:57:00  A rigged game and Jonathan Brown

2:02:00  Hijaz qualification held by heretics calling themselves muftis and a compassionate imam

2:06:00  Ignorant and confused Muslims

2:19:00  Academic philosophy

2:20:00  Antisemitic hadith

2:21:00  Confrontational approach

2:25:00  Battered wives and their reaction of feminism

2:26:00  Feminism is a cure that is worse than the disease.

2:29:00  Muslim women indoctrinated by feminist ideology

2:33:00  Restoring the balance

2:34:00  British Muslims more resistant to the pozz than American Muslims. British Muslims are ten years behind the pozz.

Friday, 3 July 2020

Rudy Rochman on the legitimacy of Israel

3:00  Ollie and Rudy are Levites.

19:00  On being indigenous

The movie Avatar

Collective governing body to identify as indigenous

23:00  Being white depends on origins and status

37:00  The Koran

39:00  The Balfour Declaration

40:00  Possession is nine points of the law v "We were here first."

41:00  The Torah gave Jews the right to Israel.

52:00  "Are you French Jews or are you Jews living in France?"

53:00  Divided loyalties

55:00  Jews could diffusing antisemitism by acknowledging that they are Jews who belong in Israel.

56:00  When Jews assimilate, antisemitism rises.

58:00  If Jews are the aristocracy of humanity, they should not be partying with the peasants and expecting the peasants to respect them.  It is the religious obligations of Jews to promote the Noahide laws, but Jews have been instructed not to ever discuss this with the gentile.

59:00  Israel is an American Protectorate and the America Empire is hated.

1:00:00  American money to Israel comes with strings attached.

1:06:00  The battered wife

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...