Sunday, 19 July 2020

What did God choose Jews to do?

4:00  Have I done this before?

5:00  Phoenicians
6:00  Lebanon
7:00  Greater Israel
8:00  Gentiles are not supposed to oppose what Jews have been chosen by God to do or there will be trouble.
9:00  What is the purpose of Islam? To replace the moral vacuum that is Christianity.
10:00  Jews have been chosen to civilise the world.
11:00  The purpose of Judaism
12:00  The harvesting of monotheism
13:00  Antisemitism
14:00  The idolatrous and blasphemous doctrine of the Trinity
15:00  Liberal Jews provoke antisemitism.
16:00  God punishes Liberal Jews and also punishes observant Jews for not stoning Liberal Jews to death if they are obviously guilty of the 36 capital punishments found in the Torah.
17:00  The Koran is the Holy Book of Hamas
19:00  Why Jews don't want to promote the Noahide laws and don't like talking about them
20:00  Christian Zionists
21:00  Muslim antisemitism
25:00  Shituf
39:00  The oneness of God/Tawhid
29:00  The late Rabbi Schneerson
31:00  Chosen for what?
32:00  Antisemitism was created by God to punish Jews when they don't do what they were chosen to do.
34:00  Melanie Phillips
35:00  Doctrine of the Trinity Act 1813
36:00  No believing Christian in the Western political classes.
38:00  Jews as the chosen people
44:00  What Jews could do to promote the Noahide laws
46:00  Secular Koranism is technically a theocracy.

49:00  The New Testament
50:00  Al Aqsa Mosque is there to remind Jews why Judaism didn't quite work out for them.
52:00  The Koran is the Holy Book of Hamas.
53:00  Nietzsche
54:00  Christianity is dead.
55:00  The Greek Pantheon
56:00  Worshipping the more powerful deity
57:00  Why worship something that you created yourself?

58:00  Try the best idea available that you have not yet tried to solve your political, moral and social  problems - Secular Koranism.

59:00  The Divine Plan of the Abrahamic God
1:00:00  Europe is Athens, America is Rome.
1:07:00  Borders of Israel defined in the Torah
1:11:00  Fooled by Randomness

1:13:00  My ideal journalistic assignment is to be employed by CGTN to present a political documentary explaining why the one-party state is superior to a multi-party system currently being operated by liberal democracy.

1:17:00  God created evil and also the antisemitism with which to punish Jews for not doing what He has chosen them to do.

1:21:00  Democracy doesn't work.

1:22:00  The Far Left and the Far Right have both had a one-party state.

1:25:00  Fascism is an ideology of national unity.

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