Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Rabbi Y Y Rubinstein accused me of defending Hitler and blocked me before I had a chance to defend myself


CK:  You seem to be calling for more censorship. Is this wise?

YYR:  I’m not sure what you mean can you clarify?

CK:  You said you would add your voice to that of Rabbi Mirvis who is complaining to Mark Zuckerberg that he is not exercising enough censorship.

YYR:  Well firstly he and I wrote from a UK perspective about a UK racist. The law in the UK makes hate speech illegal. I think that is a good idea in general and certainly if someone breaks the law he should not be given a platform by Twitter to do so.

CK:  It is curious how Jews don't seem to realise that stopping gentiles from complaining about them and being successful at it only leads to  more antisemitism.

Hate crime is thoughtcrime and only totalitarian societies have thoughtcrime legislation.

YYR:  Well I’m the anti Semites mind Jews are expected not to fight back.
Do you see the UK as a totalitarian society?

CK:  You won't stop them from hating you by taking away their free speech, and will only make them hate you more.
Damn right it is and so is America where you now live.
But you don't seem to have noticed. How curious.

YYR:  You can’t stop someone from hating you can stop them from spreading their thoughts by turning them into words and deeds.

CK:  If people have a complaint, shouldn't you address it?
Instead, you tell them to shut up.
That is inciting hatred in itself.

YYR:  Hitler has a complaint against Jews. How would you suggest i address it?

CK:  So anyone who complains about Jews is Hitler?
Most of these people are low status low education losers.
Scapegoating is a Jewish idea too, you know.

YYR:  No and I didn’t say that. Now answer the question I did ask.

CK:  Demand a right to reply, of course.
Why he had an issue with Jews would be the first thing you should ask rather than immediately assume that whoever complains must be silenced immediately.
So no Jews were misbehaving at all in Germany?

YYR:  So you are defending hitler. How sad

CK:  The Ultra Orthodox Jewish view is that the Reform Jews brought it on themselves by assimilating.


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