Sunday, 26 July 2020

Whether we believe the Universe was created or uncreated is in fact a moral choice

There are basically two competing theories about the Universe: one is that the Universe was created by the Abrahamic God, and the other is that the Universe is eternal and uncreated was always there.

If the Universe was created by the Abrahamic God, then God is the Uncaused First Cause. This is called the cosmological argument.

If the Universe was uncreated and indifferent to us then we are here for no particular reason.

If the Universe was created by a Creator who is the Abrahamic God, then we were created for a reason.

Since it cannot be denied that we simply choose to believe or not believe in something, what makes us believe or deny God is merely a lifestyle choice based on our particular preference on whether we want to obey God's laws or not.

If we chose to obey God's laws, we would incline to belief and monotheism.

If we chose to disobey them, then would incline to disbelief and atheism.

It really is that simple.

But the wisdom of God's laws can easily be explained since Jews who are the practitioners of Judaism are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe still in existence despite numerous attempts by empires and nations both ancient and modern to exterminate them.

The narrative is that the Abrahamic God divided humanity into Jew and gentile. Having first revealed the Torah to Jews, He completed His revelation to humanity with the Koran whose originator is believed to be God Himself rather than the mortal and fallible men who wrote the New Testament.

Why would anyone choose to believe that we exist for no particular reason? It is of course because they would rather disobey God's laws than obey them and disbelief assists them in the flouting of God's laws.

People who choose to obey God's laws would be people who have decided that it is on the whole better for their society to obey God's laws than disobey them because patriarchal moral values tend to promote the longevity of one's civilisation.

It can therefore be concluded that those who choose not to obey because of their lifestyle choice tend to be atheists and nihilists who do not care what happens to their society after they are dead.

It is easy to choose whose views to be guided by if you care about the longevity of your civilisation.

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