Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Thirty Questions for Muslims

1.  Doesn't enjoining good and forbidding evil as the Koran requires of Muslims include telling Christians that Christianity is kaput to as many honourable and influential religious and political leaders as possible before America falls into its Thucydides Trap and declares war on China, when Christians start yet another World War?

2.  Was Britain falling into its Thucydides Trap when it declared war on Germany in WW1?

3.  Was Britain falling into its Thucydides Trap again when it declared war on Germany in WW2?

4.  Did Britain hand over its global empire to the Americans on a platter when it lost its empire after "winning" WW2?

5.  Are the Americans grown up enough to run their global empire as effectively as China is currently governing itself?

6.  Are the Americans like a foolish young man who suddenly wins a large fortune and then proceeds to fritter it away on gambling?

7.  Was the real reason for Britain declaring war on Germany in WW1 the building of the Berlin to Baghdad Railway?

8.  Is the Belt and Road Drive causing America and its allies to fear China in the same way that the building of the Berlin and Baghdad Railway caused Britain to fear Germany and eventually declare war?

9.  Is there anything in the Koran to suggest that Britain declared war against Germany in WW1 and WW2 for good Islamic reasons?  

10.  Can any society function without a religion that at least maintains minimum standards of sexual morality ie ensuring that most parents in your society are married parents?

11.  What should Muslim activists like Hamza Tzortzis and Mohammed Hijab so if they live in a country that is marinating in the moral sewage of globohomo? 

12.  If Christianity is kaput, what is the unofficial religion of the West?

13.  If the unofficial religion of the West is liberalism, what are the principles of liberalism?

14.  If liberalism in the early 21st century West is no more than the globohomo, neoconservatism (a euphemism for dysfunctional and incompetent American imperialism) and the open borders of neo-liberalism which cause the hate and fear provoked by uncontrolled immigration, should Muslims join Putin in declaring liberalism "obsolete"? 

13.  Is liberalism the antithesis of Islamic values?

14.  Is masculinity a state of mind prepared to defend patriarchal moral values? 

15.  Do patriarchal moral values at least include treating unmarried parents as sex offenders - as requires - to avoid the degeneracy, chaos and criminality of widespread bastardy that Western governments are now too frightened to address because they don't want to alienate their voters?

16.  The perfect patriarchy - 100% married parents. The perfect matriarchy - 100% unmarried parents. What is the illegitimacy rate of the UK and how many illegitimate offspring has the current British Prime Minister now sired?

17.  Isn't the quickest and most effective way of dawah telling Westerners they need the rule of law contained in the Koran to protect themselves against their increasingly repressive and irrational government rather than trying to convince them to adopt the religion of the people these Westerners have regard as low status immigrants they have always despised and resented whom they don't think should even be in their country?

18.  Are Muslim activists like Hamza Tzortzis and Mohammed Hijab aware that many Westerners are Islamophobes and antisemites who see large numbers of Muslims dressed as Muslims in their country whom they are no longer allowed to complain about as a humiliation brought on them by Liberal Jews whom they believe deliberately supported uncontrolled immigration to subvert their society and civilisation?

19.  Wouldn't it be easier to tell Post-Christian Western politicians that their rule of law is indeed breaking down instead of talking to Islamophobic peasants who cannot be reasoned with and who would rather die than admit that there is anything wrong with their religion and political system that they themselves already reject?

20.  Is the Principle of Parliamentary Sovereignty obviously unIslamic? Instead of being governed by eternal and universal principles of the Abrahamic God, British politicians reserve for themselves the Woman's Prerogative to change her mind about anything for whatever reason and are now behaving like a neurotic and indecisive woman who cannot make up her mind about anything.  

21.  Aren't most Westerners militant atheists who think religion is stupid and evil as well as antisemites and Islamophobes too stubborn and stupid to acknowledge that the Jews and Muslims they hate, fear and envy have what they don't ie the protective wrapper of religion?

22.  Why don't Muslim activists ask Islamophobes if they know of any society that has existed for long without a religion that supports marriage and family values instead of wasting time and energy trying to prove God's existence to low status low education people who already hate them and cannot be reasoned with? 

23.  Islamophobes of the Tommy Robinson variety are mostly low education and low status people who lie to themselves, are obviously neurotic and cannot even define morality. Do Muslim activists like Mohammed Hijab really think these people can be reasoned with?

24.  Are Muslim activists like Hamza Tzortzis and Mohammed Hijab aware that traumatised atheist Islamophobes and antisemites who were mostly deprived of their fathers by their unmarried mother hate themselves because their ancestors  have been tricked or forced into worshipping a Jew on a stick as the co-equal of God? They also hate their ancestors which is why they topple the statues of their own ancestors. These people have nothing other than their hatred of Muslims and Jews as a way of defining themselves and identifying each other as their substitute for religion. 

25.  Do Muslim activists like Hamza Tzortzis and Mohammed Hijab think these Islamophobes will give up their identity and their associates in any significant numbers in their lifetime just to join Muslims in their mosque?

26.  Are you not aware that educated Islamophobes like Charles Moore and Douglas Murray think Islam is low status culture for low status immigrants from places Trump and his supporters would call "shithole countries"? 

27.  Wouldn't dawah be more effective as a political movement offering Islamophobes the bargain of better government under a theocracy in this life rather than making promises to them about their afterlife?

28.  Are Muslim YouTubers afraid of being identified as extremist and having their YouTube channels deactivated if they do what I suggest?

29.  If Muslims activists are afraid of doing what I suggest, wouldn't discussing Secular Koranism amongst themselves on their channels  be a safer way of making dawah to the Western political establishment at one remove? 

30:  If men who call themselves Muslim activists are too afraid to discuss Secular Koranism or challenge me about it, are they in fact wilfully blind cowards who have adopted the tactic of ignoring me? I know I cannot wake men who pretend to be asleep. 

The smugness and dullness of this self-congratulatory stream which was mostly about diet and exercise incensed me.

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