Thursday, 2 July 2020

Black Lives Matter being blamed on Chabad by mentally ill antisemite who cannot even explain himself

"07/01/2020 I joined Adam Green on Know More News to discuss the infiltration of the Noahide Laws into Black Lives Matters (here, here, & here), Noahide Law and Freemasonry (here & here), and the new laws I found in the USA recognizing the Noahide Law."

Claire Khaw
Can you explain how BLM are in any way Noahide, please?

Vincent Bruno
talk to Doooovid

Can you make any sense of the discussion between Doooovid and Vincent about the Noahide laws and Chabad?

Claire Khaw
Do you mean your discussion with him on WiR on the Noahide laws which was absolute shite? You can't even explain your own nonsense.
You should be careful, you know. He can get away with his crazy antisemitic shit, but you won't.

Vincent Bruno
Claire, did you notice it was not me but Doooovid and those other Jews from those articles/videos who were calling BLM or talking about Noahidizing them

Jews are 1`million times closer to Noahidizing BLM then you are at getting anyone to accept Secular Koranism let alone governments, you are jealous and powerless and are a toothless barking dog

Claire Khaw
You can't even answer a simple question.

Vincent Bruno
you didn't ask a question dummy, I am sick of debating with you, you are not only stupid but intellecutally immoral and are a nobody who will get no where, piss off

Claire Khaw
This is not even about Secular Koranism. I am asking you how BLM are Noahide, and you can't answer this question even though you are supposed to know what these laws are.

Vincent Bruno
you are so dumb, I didn't say BLM are Noahides, I reported on Jews who are trying to Noahidize BLM or use its violence as an excuse to suggest Noahide, you can't follow a conversation Claire and it makes it annoying and useless to debate with you

Claire Khaw
How are Jews trying to Noahidise BLM?
What evidence have you that Jews are Noahidising BLM?

Vincent Bruno
you watched the show so shut up, I am not responsible for your constant memory loss, go see a doctor

Claire Khaw
So you are rejecting the opportunity I am giving you of explaining yourself?

Vincent Bruno
no you fucking idiot, you already watched the show, I am not responsible for your senile dementia, go watch the show again and listen to Doooovid and the examples, leave me alone you are ugly

Claire Khaw
What has my being pretty or ugly to do with your inability to answer my questions?
I think your inability to answer my questions followed by your abuse for my daring to ask you any questions at all is evidence of the incoherence of your position. Your incoherence is clearly due to your generalised antisemitism exacerbated by paranoia.

Vincent Bruno
you back and review the video and articles here, I am not responsible for your inability to remember or understand simple sentences, the PROOF that jews are trying to Noahidize BLM comes from the fact that both Doooovid and the Jew in the article both see BLM street activism as a prelude to Noahide courts. Now please leave me alone you senile hag.

Claire Khaw
How is street activism a prelude to Noahide courts?

Vincent Bruno
asking me to explain THEIR positions Claire you immoral bitch

Claire Khaw
How am I immoral?

Vincent Bruno
you are a fucking liar Claire, no one was blaming BLM on Jews, JEWS THEMSELVES are reading Noahide Law into BLM, and don't ask me any stupid questions about it, if you want to know THEIR opinions on this watch THEIR video and read THEIR articles if you want to know what their opinions are on the BLM movement and Noahide Law. Stop lying

Claire Khaw
Link, please.

Vincent Bruno
here is the link to both the video and the articles, but are one moron. You wrote an article about the video you saw with Doooovid talking about how BLM might be Noahide, in which we discussed the other similar ideas presented by other Jews, you posted on it and then you are asking me for links, again, I am sick of your memory loss and general stupidity

Claire Khaw
It really isn't clear.

Vincent Bruno
you seem to be the only person who thinks so as I, Doooovid, Jen, the other Jew who wrote the other article, everyone I have shown this to... they all get it, you are the only one who can't because you are too stupid to understand simple logic and language

Claire Khaw
Why not just explain yourself?
Can't you just explain in your own words here why you think Jews are "reading the Noahide laws into BLM"?

Claire Khaw 
What's the status of Chabad among Jews, Vincent Bruno?

"Rabbis speak out against the movement and the dean has written essays claiming the movement is heretical."

Yeshiva apologizes for mocking Chabad

Chabad has not crossed the line

The Great (and Imperfect) Hope that is Chabad

Have you read the above, Vincent Bruno?

Have you grasped yet that Chabad are heretics?

If Chabad are heretics, then there is no need to listen to them.

Vincent Bruno
Claire, I am done speaking with you because you are an intellectually immoral person. First, you know very well Chabad are not the only people involved in Noahide. Chief Rabbis of Israel and the Israeli government are not Chabad yet they officially support books written on Noahidism and the Noahide World Center which has evangelist groups all around the world. Stop blaming all this on Chabad so as to exonerate the Israeli government, not to mention non-Chabad United with Israel and AIPAC. 2nd, Chabad are the people who got their Rabbi, Rabbi Schneerson, legally elevated to the leader of world Jewry. It is Chabad who got the USA to state the US is founded on Noahide Law. It was Chabad who got the UN to recognize the Noahide Laws. Chabad is much more powerful, influential and connected than any of these Jews who are criticising them so kindly shut up Claire. You are jealous that Chabad got government agreements and you did not with your pathetic Secular Koranism. And Claire, NON-CHABAD Rabbis also declared SK not Noahide compliant, we had letters from 4-5 Rabbis (not all Chabad) who said your allowance of idolatry and blasphemy under Noahide Law would exclude it from falling within the Noahide rubric. Though it was stupid to even go on that chase since OBVIOUSLY allowance of idolatry and blasphemy are not allowed. No one has, nor will anyone adopt your SK as a legitimate form of Noahidism. No Jews will ever take up your cause and it is 100% EVIDENT that the world has chosen Chabad and Noahide over you. Get away from me you ugly pathetic loser, you have no followers and no one wants to debate with you because you lie, change the goal post, pretend you can't remember important details, and repeat your own lies that have already been defeated. Chabad is 1 millions times more respected and closer to implementing Noahide Laws than you will ever be even at the end of your sad lonely unaccomplished life. Get out of here you jealous sanctimonious witch with no credibility. It is so laughable you thinks Jews will chose you over their own Noahide, it i laughable that there are thousands of Noahide convert and more to come, yet you think no one wants to be Noahide and the world will obviously choose your busted Secular Koranism which does not even abolish idolatry and blasphemy, so what good is it for anyone interested in the Noahide path. You will never have the charima or detail or knowledge or foundation or credibility or full and complete doctrine that the Rabbis have. I don't want to talk to you because you are a waste of time, you are getting now where, fading fast, and you will never get anywhere. Dealing with you i like dealing with a homeless 90 year old crack head who thinks they will become world dictator, it is sad and repulsive

Claire Khaw 
Which Chief Rabbis of Israel "officially support books written on Noahidism"?

Which books on Noahidism written by whom do these Chief Rabbis support?

Do you expect the Israeli government to ban the Noahide World Centre?

Vincent Bruno 
this is last link I am sending you, I don't want to deal with you anymore

Claire Khaw
Have you read The Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner? If so, what do you find objectionable about it?

I support you in your endeavour to have Chabad withdraw their declaration that America is a Noahide nation because it is my case that Chabad were wrong from the beginning in declaring any nation that considers itself Christian Noahide.

Where was the goal post and where did I move it to?

I have never expressed a desire to become dictator of any nation, let alone world dictator. I would be happy to be a government adviser on how to implement Secular Koranism though.


    Since color has become a language somehow, and anti Israel bigots distort, then let's remind, most Israelis are "brown," in terms of stats. You have also many Ethiopian Jews.

    No wonder the propagandists will never show democratic multiracial Israel in day to day lives.


    But of course Israeli security concerns are just that. Unrelated to any "color" or "race." Actually, speaking of racism, yes, Arab Muslim attackers target only Jews. Talk about real racism.


    True, hijacking of term 'it's racism," is as old as Palestine propaganda emerged by holocaust denier Issa Nakhleh who began in June-17-1949 the "like the Nazis and worse than nazis" line (and by Nov-14-1972 said all 6,000,000 were alive and Hitler "didn't" kill, and represented 'Muslim Congress' at Holocaust deniers convention in 1981), then picked up in 1960 by Nazi Tacuara saluter Ahmad Shukairy who by Oct-17-1961 added that garbage-touch apartheid slur too and questioned Catholic Uruguayan rep. Enrique Fabregat's loyalty, stating because he's (supposedly) a Jew. And both, of course were Hitler's ally ex-mufti Islamic leader al-Husseini avid fans. With Shukairy his aide.

    Speaking of ex Mufti's admirers... Sufi Abdul Hamid, infamous 'Black Hitler' in NY who called to drive out Italians and Jews in the 1929-30, was also his admirer.


    One might begin to argue there is such a thing as "pro Palestine", when Farrakhan linked Ilhan Omar / Linda Sarsour / Rashida Tlaib will have a routine of decrying Arab Muslim suffering when it's not in context of Israel (who has been facing existential threat ever since) but suffering when by Arab Muslim entities. One would then hear about a real en-masse massacre. Such as hundreds of thousands in Syria, current example. And if they begin to do anything along the line, then no lip service please. But with that same "passion" as in fake "sympathy" played at the 'other' case.

    The absentee reason is clear. Self explanatory. Because pro Palestine is a cover for anti Israel and often anti ALL Jews.

    A note re L Farrakhan, that guy with his "blue eyes are the devil," when he uttered his "termites" venom, his genocidal hint was clear under the veil. For more about Dehumanization in radical Islamic Arab or even mainstream racist "Palestinian" education and sermons, search for "apes and pigs, Palestinians". Or see PalWatch and MEMRI.

  2. '''Do Brown Black Lives matter...if they're Israelis'''?


    Since color has become a language somehow, and anti Israel bigots distort, then let's remind, most Israelis are "brown," in terms of stats. You have also many Ethiopian Jews.

    No wonder the propagandists will never show democratic multiracial Israel in day to day lives.


    But of course Israeli security concerns are just that. Unrelated to any "color" or "race." Actually, speaking of racism, yes, Arab Muslim attackers target only Jews. Talk about real racism.


    True, hijacking of term 'it's racism," is as old as Palestine propaganda emerged by holocaust denier Issa Nakhleh who began in June-17-1949 the "like the Nazis and worse than nazis" line (and by Nov-14-1972 said all 6,000,000 were alive and Hitler "didn't" kill, and represented 'Muslim Congress' at Holocaust deniers convention in 1981), then picked up in 1960 by Nazi Tacuara saluter Ahmad Shukairy who by Oct-17-1961 added that garbage-touch apartheid slur too and questioned Catholic Uruguayan rep. Enrique Fabregat's loyalty, stating because he's (supposedly) a Jew. And both, of course were Hitler's ally ex-mufti Islamic leader al-Husseini avid fans. With Shukairy his aide.

    Speaking of ex Mufti's admirers... Sufi Abdul Hamid, infamous 'Black Hitler' in NY who called to drive out Italians and Jews in the 1929-30, was also his admirer.


    One might begin to argue there is such a thing as "pro Palestine", when Farrakhan linked Ilhan Omar / Linda Sarsour / Rashida Tlaib will have a routine of decrying Arab Muslim suffering when it's not in context of Israel (who has been facing existential threat ever since) but suffering when by Arab Muslim entities. One would then hear about a real en-masse massacre. Such as hundreds of thousands in Syria, current example. And if they begin to do anything along the line, then no lip service please. But with that same "passion" as in fake "symparhy" played at the 'other' case.

    The absenty reason is clear. Self explanatory. Because pro Palestine is a cover for anti Israel and often anti ALL Jews.

    A note re L Farrakhan, that guy with his "blue eyes are the devil," when he uttered his "termites" venom, his genocidal hint was clear under the veil. For more about Dehumanization in radical Islamic Arab or even mainstream racist "Palestinian" education and sermons, search for "apes and pigs, Palestinians". Or see PalWatch and MEMRI.


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