Friday, 10 July 2020

How to tell the difference between an Israeli Arab and an Israeli Jew when they both grew up in Israel speaking Hebrew

25:00  How to tell the difference between an Arab and an Israeli even if the Arab was born in Israel and grew up speaking Hebrew
49:00  No more Jewish zealots
50:00  Muslims praised for their zeal.
51:00  Israeli police torture rabbi.
53:00  Liberal Jewsish media demonise religious Jews.
54:00  Liberal Jews are a mortal threat to Jews.
56:00  It was prophesied that the wicked would take over Israel.
57:00  Liberal Jews demonstrating for Hamas
58:00  Lot's wife
59:00  Lot was a liberal judge in Sodom and Gomorrah.
1:00:00  Liberal Jews who kiss up to the goyim
1:01:00  Liberal Jews should not be part of a minyan.
1:02:00  Feminism
1:03:00  Paedophilia
1:04:00  Insider dealing

1:05:00  No Jews are allowed to become lawyers in gentile nations that are not Noahide observant. Christianity falls foul of the Noahide laws because it is both idolatrous and blasphemous according to the Noahide laws.

Oh dear. Poor old Alan Dershowitz. He would be struck off my proposed Register of Jews.

1:06:00  Excommunication
1:08:00  No female soldiers and no female witnesses allowed in court under Jewish law.
1:09:00  Women are easily manipulated.
1:16:00  Rabbi Mizrachi in a hotel in China on Shabbat
1:19:00  Manna from heaven
1:22:00  Business is bad in Israel.
1:23:00  Patients being murdered in hospital.
1:25:00  American hospitals get $30,000 for every patient said to die of Covid-19. The punishment for Democrat-voting Jews will be eternal.
1:26:00  The ideology of the Democrats is evil.
1:28:00  What's on the mind of Orthodox Jews when they are praying
1:29:00  Jews who worship Mammon
1:33:00  An actor is more likely to become POTUS than a teacher in America.
1:34:00  The system is corrupt.
1:35:00  The inheritance laws of a gay marriage
1:36:00  Israeli soldiers and Chabad
1:38:00  The Israeli Army is not kosher.
1:40:00  Israeli Armed Forces brainwashed against Hashem.
1:42:00  Being an Israeli is not the same as being a Jew.
1:43:00  Moral corruption in the Israeli Armed Forces
1:47:00  Should you make aliyah?
1:52:00  If in doubt, do nothing.
1:53:00  Wanton destruction of luxury cars
2:03:00  Obama sicced the IRS on Republicans.
2:05:00  The benefits of charity to the giver
2:09:00  Bankruptcy of Israeli airline
2:11:00  Why some unobservant Jews wear the kippah
2:13:00  Making peace between enemies
2:15:00  The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
2:16:00  Saudi Arabia is now a better friend to Israel than the UK or America.
2:17:00  No POTUS has been more helpful to Jews, but still they suffer.
2:18:00  Who will be the next POTUS?
2:19:00  Making a mint from masks
2:22:00  The second wave of Covid-19 in Israel
2:23:00  No more middle class
2:24:00  Don't buy property in Israel that is not already built.
2:26:00  Hatred of  religious Jews in Israel
2:27:00  The politics between religious people
2:28:00  Israel is a complicated place.
2:28:00  The different neighbourhoods of Jerusalem
2:29:00  American wives have been known to commit suicide because they can no longer shop at Costco.
2:30:00  The liberal Jew that is the cancer of the world
2:31:00  If not now, when?
2:32:00  Make lemonade out of lemons.

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Who are the 14 rabbis listed in Rabbi Mizrachi’s blacklist of non-kosher rabbis?

  Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, a controversial Haredi outreach speaker, along with his protégé Rabbi Yaron Reuven, publicized a "blacklist...