Monday, 13 July 2020

Is it the duty of observant Jews and dawah-extending Muslims to warn the non-Muslim gentile Westerner that Christianity is kaput?

The writers for The Conservative Woman, being Christians and Islamophobes, refuse to discuss whether Christianity is kaput. In view of all that has been happening, it really is not that hard that to put two and two together and conclude that the West is now as Christian as a human skeleton used to be human. Isn't it actually dangerous to proceed without one?

Do Jews and Muslims have a duty to warn Christians that their religion has failed? Do they have a duty to warn the mainly atheist and nihilistic Post-Christian Westerner that his society will collapse without a religion at least effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality? Britain is now a society of sluts and bastards with more unmarried parents than there are married parents.  A serial sirer of bastards is now Prime Minister of Britain and his bastard lives there with him. That the British are now indifferent to bastardy is a sign that it has become normalised. In this nation of sluts and bastards, even the Archbishop of Canterbury is a bastard.,%20absolute:true)/47

If Jews and Muslims either collectively or individually refuse to warn the non-Muslim Western gentile that Christianity is kaput, is cowardice, indifference or hatred their reason?

If the societies of their host nation collapse won't they also suffer?

Isn't the quickest way of warning the non-Muslim gentile Westerner to point out that Christianity was doomed to failure because of its idolatry and blasphemy?

What could be more idolatrous than to worship an executed revolutionary who claimed his papa was Allah Himself as His co-equal?

What could be more blasphemous to Jews than for gentiles to worship a man they had condemned to death for blasphemy as the co-equal of Hashem?

If you see someone about to consume noxious and toxic food and drink, do you not have a duty to warn them of its noxiousness and toxicity?

Or are Jews and Muslims just sitting back and enjoying the show after getting their kosher and halal popcorn ready to watch the world burn?

If that is what they are doing, do they not also deserve punishment?

Is it a sign of God's forbearance that He has not already destroyed the West?

Revenge is a dish best served cold. If God could be said to revenge Himself on His creatures, the sin is in itself the punishment. The punishment for practising an illegitimate, idolatrous, blasphemous and absurd religion is that the even more vacuous religion of BLM will move into the moral vacuum of Christianity.


  1. First of all, there is no such thing as 'islamaphobs' anymore than there are 'homophobes'. One cannot 'fear' people or beliefs that one can never respect, after all. The most one can feel is DISDAIN. It is muslims and jews who are often 'phobic' about Christians, not the other way around.
    As for me, I believe in Holy Matrimony. In fact, I think that when a man does not marry a woman by whom he desires to have children or by whom he already has children, he is as much a whore as the woman is. But are the children 'bastards' from the perspective of being 'non-acceptable'? FCK NO. Christianity is not 'kaput'. Christians are Washed clean in the Blood of the Lamb. Jesus is the Son of God. Christians have the Holy Spirit within them. Thusly, the desire to commit fornication or commit adultery. As a real Christian, one desires to have sex ONLY with one's marriage partner and that partner is NEVER OF THE SAME SEX AS SELF. Jews were called by God his "chosen people" but once they DENIED JESUS, they lost that special place. The only Jews who will be in Heaven are MESSIANIC JEWS--those who believe in Jesus and accept Him as their Lord and Savior. As for muslims, most muslims cannot even understand the koran, they only memorize verses. Allah is a false god invented by the younger husband of a successful businesswoman. A lazy a$$ man who desired to fck young girls, thus a PAEDOPHILE. He made up allah so that he could indulge his sick sexual fantasies by 'marrying' a NINE YEAR OLD GIRL and by ENSLAVING FEMALE HUMAN BEINGS. There is nothing for practicing muslims once this earthly life is done, but hell everlasting... being outside the Gates to Heaven and FOREVER AND EVER MORE DENIED ENTRANCE. God is Creator. He calls His Children to Him, through his Son, Jesus Christ. Allah is as fake a god as the 'extraterrestrials' described by L. Ron Hubbard for the religion he created: Scientology (actually 'Dyanetics' that was then turned into Scientology). Without Jesus, you will burn in hell eternally.
    Real Christians pray for muslims, for practicing homosexuals, for Roman Catholics (who worship idols like muslims & hindus do), for all members of the so-called LGBTQF, for agnostics, for atheists, for ALL those who do not answer God's Call when it comes.
    Prayer for unbelievers:
    Heavenly Father, it is sad to know that unbelievers have been blinded by satan. In 2 Corinthians 4:4 it says, “In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” How will unbelievers ever know You, Father, if they are blind? We pray that You will open their eyes so that they are able to see and appreciate the gospel by You working within them. I know God that You give them opportunities to see the light and glory of Jesus Christ. Bless them with the spiritual sight needed to break the influence that satan, through false teachings such as the Torah and the Koran has taken over them. In the Name of Your Son, Jesus, we Pray, Amen.

    1. The Koran would forbid extramarital sex with sharia law.

  2. Don't fret too much when you realize that I published my comment on all of my blogs with a link to your url prefaced by a prayer of protection to all who visit your site to keep them from becoming enthralled to your satanic verbiage. In the name of Jesus, Sela! and we all say AMEN.


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  Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, a controversial Haredi outreach speaker, along with his protégé Rabbi Yaron Reuven, publicized a "blacklist...