THE RADICALISED RABBI is a blog on Judaism and its very useful ideas and the blogger a Secular Koranist and a revolutionary. You don't have to be Jewish to find Jewish ideas very useful in tidying up your thinking and turbo-charging your powers of reasoning to the extent that you can even predict most events and disasters. The West is heading for disaster with its insane policy of Transnational Progressivism, turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah attracting the same punishment.
The Abrahamic faiths worship the Abrahamic God. Muslims are gentiles who worship the Abrahamic God without going against God's Commandments forbidding idolatry and blasphemy. Even Christians admit that Christ was convicted of blasphemy by the Sanhedrin. Indeed, their religious practice - that of worshipping an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe - affirms Christ's alleged blasphemy. Interestingly, the Koran denies that Christ died on the cross and this protects Jews against the usual antisemitic accusations of Jews being Christ-killers.
The Quran denies Jesus as a deity (god) in several verses, including one (Q.5:116) quoting And [beware the Day] when Allah will say, "O Jesus, Son of Mary, did you say to the people, 'Take me and my mother as deities besides Allah ?'" He will say, "Exalted are You! It was not for me to say that to which I have no right. If I had said it, You would have known it. You know what is within myself, and I do not know what is within Yourself. Indeed, it is You who is Knower of the unseen. According to the Quran, he was neither crucified nor raised from the dead, but rather was saved by God.
In fact, Jews are God's Chosen People chosen to Noahidise the world by encouraging gentiles to choose Islam and abandon the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity. For as long as they refuse to perform their religious duty, they will be punished. When they finally accomplish their mission of Noahidising the world, their reward will be to become Muslim and only then will it be safe for them to assimilate.
Jews are God's Chosen People whom He protects from extinction when antisemitic gentiles attempted to exterminate them many times in the past.
Therefore God exists.
Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy.
God has forbidden idolatry and blasphemy.
Therefore choose a new religion if you think your political system is failing because your religion has failed.
All religions forbid and punish extramarital sex.
Secular political ideologies do not forbid extramarital sex.
Therefore your religion has failed if your laws no longer forbid extramarital sex.
All religions and secular political ideologies are moral systems.
Religions last longer than secular political ideologies.
Therefore choose a religion rather than a secular political ideology if you want to permanently protect your society from harmful secular political ideologies like feminism and liberalism.
Judaism is the oldest of the Abrahamic faiths.
The effectiveness of a religion is measured by how long it has kept a group in existence and Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe.
Therefore gentiles should listen to rabbis when they rank the gentile religions according to the Noahide laws.
The people who are more protected from bad ideas like liberalism and feminism are Jews/Muslims.
The people who are less protected from bad ideas like liberalism are idolatrous Christians.
Therefore gentiles should choose the religion rabbis rank the most Noahide observant and abandon Christianity which is the least Noahide observant of all the gentile religions.
Patriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of married parents who want to properly parent their legitimate offspring.
Matriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of unmarried parents who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring.
For better parenting, choose patriarchy.
Blasphemy and idolatry have been forbidden by God in the Ten Commandments.
Christianity is a religion that worships an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe - which is both idolatrous and blasphemous.
Therefore Christians should repent of their idolatry and blasphemy by abandoning Christianity.
3:00 You can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink.
7:00 Someone honourable and influential would be Rabbi Sacks who would have a higher status than Western public intellectuals claiming to be Christian because to be Christian is to be morally compromised by their inability to justify the blasphemy, idolatry and absurdity of Christianity and their fear of losing the argument with me about the blasphemy, idolatry and absurdity of Christianity.
8:00 A Diaspora rabbi like Rabbi Sacks representing Diaspora Jews who don't want to live in Israel would have an interest in not being the victims of another pogrom. They would be most likely people to sound the alarm that Christianity is kaput, but may choose to stay silent because they are cowards in denial. Christians would just ignore each other anyway unless it was the Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury or a Patriarch of the Orthodox Church who announced the failure of Christianity. Muslims have absolutely no authority at all, but they should at least try. But it seems there is no white convert of sufficient gravitas or moral courage to obey the commandment in
12:00 The inability of grievances to be expressed, let alone addressed
13:00 Leaders unable to prioritise properly and only respond to the loudest voice shouting at them, the most immediate threat or the most seductive bribe
23:00 Why can't the Archbishop of Canterbury be more like Rabbi Sacks?
24:00 What to do if you are white and want to have legitimate offspring as soon as possible with another white person who is prepared to take his or her marriage vows seriously in order to properly parent your legitimate offspring ie stay married to you even when you get boring and irritating for the sake of the children
4:47:00 Judges, kings and prophets in a theocracy
4:48:00 Valley of bones
4:51:00 The wings of eagles
4:53:00 Great plague
4:55:00 Secular Jews and Servants of God
4:56:00 Heaven's going to come to earth.
4:58:00 Renewed and recreated
5:00:00 Book-burning in America
5:02:00 Israel will be a theocracy.
5:05:00 "When the babes are missing from their cribs"
5:07:00 The Revolutions of 1848
5:08:00 Lockdown is divine intervention
5:09:00 Sodom and Gomorrah
Mark 14:55–59 states that the chief priests had sought witness against Jesus to put him to death but did not find any, so they arranged false witnesses against him, but their witnesses did not agree together. Mark 14:61 states that the high priest then asked Jesus: "Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?" And Jesus said "I am", at which point the high priest tore his own robe in anger and accused Jesus of blasphemy. In Matthew 26:63, the high priest asks: "Tell us whether you are the Christ, the Son of God." Jesus responds "You have said it", prompting the High Priest to tear his own robe,[2][9][10] breaking Mosaic Law (Leviticus 21:10).
How many of the Ten Commandments have Christians broken? (They forbid idolatry and blasphemy.)
How many of the Seven Noahide laws have Christians broken? (They forbid idolatry and blasphemy.)
Even Christians cannot deny that the New Testament was written by mortal and fallible men. Christians do not claim that the New Testament was written by Christ, let alone God while Jews believe that the Torah was God's Word for Jews and Muslims believe that the Koran is God's Word for gentiles.
Could Christianity be a practical joke played on the credulous and intellectually dishonest?
After 2000 years of blasphemy and idolatry, when will the penny drop?
Did God send Jews and Muslims to the West to make Christians uncomfortable enough to examine the burned and bloody history of Christianity?
Surely the only people who have the right to call themselves Christians are those who have been confirmed?
Churches define the strength of Christianity with "bums on pews" rather than numbers of confirmed Christians because they are now so few that the Catholic Church no longer even releases these figures.
Christianity only managed to sustain itself through state intimidation because its doctrines are so absurd that only fear of execution and state persecution would stop people from questioning the Trinity. Once government lost the political will to do so, that was the beginning of the end of Christianity.
The fatal blow to Christianity was from the Americans when they separated the church from their state. Most of the Founding Fathers denied the Trinity, paving the way to Islam. After all, a righteous gentile who wishes to worship the Abrahamic God without being guilty of idolatry and blasphemy is closer to being Muslim than Christian. The Founding Fathers were really proto-Muslim.
Perhaps Jews in Spinoza's time were less concerned about Spinoza's heresy than about not wanting to find themselves being put in the position of having to say that Christian worship is in fact idolatry and blasphemy to Jews.
God who created evil therefore also created antisemitism to punish Jews when they do not do what they were specially chosen by God to do: civilise the gentiles with the rule of the Noahide laws.
Tisha B'Av
8:00 Jews are God's Chosen People chosen to be light unto the nations setting and upholding standards which they have been neglecting to do since the late Middle Ages when they said it was OK for Jews to do business with idolaters.
In the 16th Century, the terse comment is explained as follows by Moses Isserles, where it is seemingly expanded to allowing partnerships in the first place: Today, it is permitted [to form a partnership with Christians], because when they swear on their holy scriptures called the Evangelion, they do not hold it to be divine. Even though when they mention God they mean Jesus, they do not mention idolatry since they really mean the Creator of heaven and earth. Even though they mention jointly (shituf) God's name and another name, there is no prohibition to cause someone to jointly mention [or associate] (shituf) God with another... since this association is not forbidden to gentiles.
19:00 Jewish neocons
White Man's Burden
The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 neoconservative intellectuals, most of them Jewish, who are pushing President Bush to change the course of history. Two of them, journalists William Kristol and Charles Krauthammer, say it's possible.
45:00 The Wars of the Reformation were about whether European nations were to govern themselves or suffer themselves to be told what to do by the Pope in Rome. If European nations were already Muslim when Martin Luther wrote his 95 Theses, there would have been no need for him to write it, thereby not provoking the Wars of the Reformation which caused the death of 8 million Europeans.
Martin Luther published his 95 Theses precisely half a millennium ago. It’s tempting for libertarians to celebrate this day as a great victory for freedom of speech and freedom of religion, but the Reformation’s main fruit was over a century of horrifying warfare. The Thirty Years’ War, with a death toll around eight million, is the best known. The French Wars of Religion claimed yet another three million lives. These numbers are even more gruesome when you remember that Europe’s population was far lower back then: For 1500 AD, Angus Maddison assigns twelve million to Germany and fifteen million to France. For what did these millions die? The standard story, as far as I can tell, is that the Reformation helped free Christianity from the “corruption” of the Papacy. Priests stopped scalping tickets to heaven and supporting their mistresses with the proceeds. Is that supposed to be worth millions of lives?
50:00 Church of Entropy is the theocrat refuses to get "more involved in religion" than she has to.
52:00 Which imams say Islam needs a "reformation"?
57:00 Rabbi Sacks
58:00 CHURCH OF ENTROPY joins.
1:01:00 The people above us are no better. Giving up on political activism
1:02:00 Church of Entropy talks about her sacrifices.
1:04:00 Church of Entropy talks about being a "spiritual parent".
1:05:00 Three Gorges Dam
Anxiety grows as China’s Three Gorges dam hits highest level
Officials seek to reassure public after world’s largest hydro-electric dam nears capacity amid heavy floods
I believe the entire region should be an Islamic Union, with Israel as a full member. It should be modeled on the best aspects of the EU with open borders, free trade, and encouragement of Abrahamic (pbuh) faith. It should include Palestinians, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Iran, Turkey, etc. If the UAE-Israel agreement brings us closer to that, I think it is a positive development.
Palestinianism is the poster cause of Western progressives. It is no coincidence that the tactics being used in the culture war against the West turn out to be the same tactics used against Israel.
3:22:00 The cultural and genetic disadvantage of the illegitimate
3:24:00 The liberal media
3:26:00 Putin
3:28:00 Jordan Peterson
3:30:00 I just want a dialogue.
3:31:00 Church of Entropy and Jon Vance
"She's obviously nuts."
3:32:00 Mike Enoch
3:33:00 Talking about ideas
3:34:00 We must ask questions.
3:35:00 Men afraid of women.
3:36:00 Status
3:37:00 My flag and gun photos
3:38:00 Eric Striker
3:40:00 Why I had those gun and flag photos taken
3:41:00 Permanently identifying myself with nationalism
3:42:00 Defining nationalism as government in the national interest
3:43:00 How is feminism, liberalism, gay marriage, transgenderism etc in the national interest?
3:44:00 Scyth predicts that YouTube will close my account when I get to 10k subscribers.
3:45:00 More liberal Jews than there are religious Jews, more liberal gentiles than there are nationalist gentiles.
3:46:00 Jews cannot be blamed for liberalism.
3:47:00 Israel is full of liberal Jews.
3:48:00 Banning usury
3:49:00 Hitler and usury
"There is the widespread notion that Hitler was fighting the Money Power and that he was a problem for the Bankers because he created a Usury free economy. But there was no Usury free Third Reich economy. The German taxpayer continued to pay interest over the substantial national debt and commercial banking received interest for its fractional reserve banking based loans, which to a large extent financed the war."
Late Republican Senator Jesse Helms used to call Israel "America's aircraft carrier in the Middle East", when explaining why the United States viewed Israel as such a strategic ally, saying that the military foothold in the region offered by the Jewish State alone justified the military aid that the United States grants Israel every year. Currently, there are seven major non-NATO allies in the Greater Middle East.
Israel is becoming terrified of the U.S. empire’s decline
2:00 Invasion and consolidation
3:00 Maintenance, being caretaker, housework, paperwork
5:00 Scouts, linguists, ethnographers, anthropologists
6:00 Levite
8:00 Moses was a Constitutional Dictator.
9:00 A Caliph is a Constitutional Dictator.
10:00 Administrators
11:00 Fools and children
13:00 If the world is coming to an end ...
14:00 Housework, homework, paperwork
16:00 The attributes of a successful prophet
18:00 Kohanim
21:00 “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”
23:00 Rebuke
24:00 Muhammad the Messenger of God delivers the Koran to gentiles, Process Servers, Postmen and recorded delivery
26:00 Remonstration and rebuke
27:00 Receipt acknowledged
30:00 Gentiles
36:00 Rabbi Sacks on gay marriage
37:00 Multiple Truth Hypothesis
38:00 Agnostic
39:00 Only married parents wanting to parent their legitimate offspring properly would wish to support the patriarchy. Those who declare themselves against the idea of producing the next generation within wedlock and parenting legitimate offspring properly should be declared subversives and potential sex offenders.
40:00 Building on previous generations
42:00 Secular Koranism and Church of Entropy
43:00 Stable society
44:00 Liberty is what we ought to have after all the necessary laws are in place.
45:00 We already have the solutions to all our problems, but our sin blinds us to them.
35:00 Jews are now hated for being part of the liberal elite.
37:00 superordinate
39:00 Jews having an identity crisis give liberals an identity crisis too.
40:00 Going to Israel would not help the identity crisis of Jews if they are not a theocracy. Secular Koranism and my proposed register of Jews will help Jews resolve their identity crisis.
48:00 Jewish neurosis
50:00 A very complicated Venn Diagram representing varieties of self-hating Jews
1:01:00 Gentile non-Muslim Westerners of the 21st century are also suffering from a similar form of self-hatred.
1:08:00 Westerners will regain a healthy sense of self-esteem through restoring the patriarchy with Secular Koranism.
1:09:00 We hate ourselves because we have been marginalised.
1:10:00 Once we put the media under the control of a government governing in the national interest, we will stop hating ourselves and regain our self-esteem, self-respect and enjoy good mental health.
13:00 Love can become hate.
15:00 The wisdom to love and hate the right thing from the beginning.
16:00 Many teen suicides were caused by self-hatred.
17:00 Self-love
18:00 Growing pains
19:00 Growing into our skins with time
20:00 Hate is the price we pay for knowing love. Hate crime and hate speech
21:00 We hate being told whom we are allowed and not allowed to hate.
22:00 We hate injustice, especially to ourselves, and we hate incompetence and corruption.
23:00 We hate the matriarchy and the cult of youth, especially if we are victims of the matriarchy and no longer young and sexy.
24:00 Would we hate a patriarchy?
25:00 Hypocrisy is the tribute the vice pays to virtue.
27:00 People who don't know their own power: Jews and women?
Evan Davis is gay. Fearful heterosexual men are afraid to challenge senior women and are in any case not allowed to do so. Gay men are invested in the matriarchy, for the matriarchy distracts and bribes men with extramarital sex to subvert and destroy marriage with marriage substitutes. In a patriarchy, gay men would be treated as sex offenders.
44:00 Love and hate gives us the certainty we crave in an uncertain world.
45:00 Inciting hatred is always easier than making people love.
46:00 It is easy to make people hate an individual or a group by telling lies about them, particularly if these people are envious, stupid, ignorant, uneducated and dishonourable people who use words carelessly, often tell lies and even lie to themselves and are also suffering from mental illness. Such people prefer to blame others rather than think through their problems properly and tend to be unsuccessful, unmarriageable and low status. The people who presume to lead these people are also intellectually, morally and sexually corrupt. This is certainly the case in Britain when the political establishment is already a sexually corrupt matriarchy and the anti-immigration and anti-establishment political activists are also themselves intellectually, morally and sexually corrupt. Evidence of sexual corruption is the refusal to support restoring the patriarchy, which is practically everyone I have spoken to on the subject. Instead of worshipping God, they worship the slut in a society where extramarital sex is presumed to be their human right, where illegitimacy is now normalised.
47:00 Patriarchy and theocracy is the permanent solution to recurring human ills.
48:00 US Presidential elections 2020
49:00 Representative democracy should be ended as soon as possible.
50:00 National identity and having a government that governs in the national interest is linked to the self-esteem of the citizenry. If nationalism is government in the national interest, then we are all nationalists.
51:00 Baseless hatred for others is a crude way for crude people to raise their self-esteem.
52:00 Do plebs have the right to self-esteem? Only if they have a purpose and they would only have a purpose if they worked and they would only have access to gainful employment if their government educated and trained them properly to obviate the necessity of importing immigrant labour.
53:00 Purity spiralling in echo chambers.
54:00 Our atomised matriarchy
55:00 The matriarchy is easily offended and women are generally assumed to be more emotional than men. When feminism gives women more rights than men, men start claiming to have become women and to behave like women in order to claim equal status to women eg transgenderism.
56:00 White genocide is white people not wanting to marry each other to have legitimate children and properly parent them because they find the short term attraction of casual sex impossible to resist.
57:00 Unpleasant plebs no one cares about
58:00 The importance of status to even those of low status
59:00 Matriarchy will continue to deny these facts. Denial is a feminine vice. In a matriarchy, all men are lower in status than the unmarried mother, including POTUS, who will not be criticising unmarried mothers in a closely-fought election.
1:01:00 Liberal Jews is not a Jewish problem but a liberal problem. So abolish replace liberalism with a one-party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism. If you object, perhaps you will explain in what way are any of the principles of the Koran is inconsistent with your national identity.
The very fact that you use the Noahide Laws as your base brings God up. The first law is to acknowledge the existence of God. According to the Talmud, these laws form the basis of dozens of sublaws that come from the Torah, not Sharia. So to use the 7 laws, but then use Sharia for the sublaws actually subverts the Torah. Why do you need the rabbis consensus other than to subvert the Torah? You are mistaken that Judaism is just for Jews. There is no law against converts. Rabbis don't proselytize only because they were forced under Roman occupation and still follow the laws made in exile. You keep wanting the Jews to tell the gentiles to accept Noahide laws, yet at the same time want Jews to accept Sharia.
Deuteronomy 18:20 says: But any prophet who presumes to speak in My name an oracle that I did not command him to utter, or who speaks in the name of other gods—that prophet shall die.
This corresponds with all that is in the Koran that is not in the Torah. As for the stories from the Tanakh, There are gross inaccuracies such as mixing up the Mary (Merriam) Moses' sister with Mary mother of Jesus. Quran 19:27-34
As well as repeating Talmudic Midrashic stories that are totally made up from the rabbis and not Divine. It seriously calls into question the validity of Mohammed as a prophet.
As for brothels, from reading the comments from your post, even Muslims disagree with you. The Torah also forbids prostitution for Jews, but seems to allow Jewish men to use gentile prostitutes. If everyone were following the Jewish laws of purity, I feel that it wouldn't be an issue - meaning men wouldn't even have the want to use prostitutes. As someone who wants to get rid of the matriarchy, prostitution is seen as a liberal feminist idea. I don't really want to get into it It seems as if you want to use your own interpretation of the Koran. So maybe you should just call it 'Khawism'.
About slavery: again, I am not interested in getting too much into this. Judaism also had slavery in the way that Islam did. The question is whether going back to that would be more beneficial than what we have now. I do think it's worthy of debate. The rabbis would have to eventually tackle this subject as well. In Judaism slaves were allowed to go free every 7 years to release all debts.
As for wife beating: I don't see how you can manage this any better than Muslims do now, which is not very well. Abraham was not a wife beater to Sarah when she wanted to get rid of Hagar. He deferred to his wife's wishes. So again, this goes against Torah. Yet the Torah is a patriarchial system.
About greater Israel: Jews do not have a choice on whether to follow the Torah or Koran. I have explained various reasons why. They are not interchangeable. Otherwise, Jews would already be mass converting to Islam. Israel is not a colonial Outpost for America. That is not the reason for it's existence. You are spewing anti-Zionist propaganda. You keep claiming that the Jews have a higher standard, which is better in your eyes, yet want them to lower themselves why? To make Muslims happy? God gave the Jews this small portion of land. We do not wish to conquer or rule over another nation or people. The Muslims have a couple dozen countries where they can live peacefully. If they want to live in the our land, they need to live by Jewish law. If not, they can leave in peace. They need to take the example of Esau in Genesis 33:9 when Esau said to Jacob, "I have plenty. My brother, let what you have remain yours."
My final analysis: I feel you have been deliberately evasive in your goals. You are using taqiyah or kitman to get rabbis to say Islam is Noahide compliant which in effect annuls Judaism. You can't just declare a religion out of existence. Christianity will end when Jews build a Temple and their Messiah still won't show up. You should be helping the Jews in this endeavor. Instead, you are waging a covert political Jihad not only against Christianity and Western society, but also against Judaism. I'm surprised you don't have more Muslim support. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, but you crossed the line with the Jews. I think this discussion is over. Thank you for your time.
On Sunday, 16 August 2020, 14:19:41 BST, pure.judaism wrote:
The very fact that you use the Noahide Laws as your base brings God up. The first law is to acknowledge the existence of God. According to the Talmud, these laws form the basis of dozens of sublaws that come from the Torah, not Sharia. So to use the 7 laws, but then use Sharia for the sublaws actually subverts the Torah. Why do you need the rabbis consensus other than to subvert the Torah? You are mistaken that Judaism is just for Jews. There is no law against converts. Rabbis don't proselytize only because they were forced under Roman occupation and still follow the laws made in exile. You keep wanting the Jews to tell the gentiles to accept Noahide laws, yet at the same time want Jews to accept Sharia.
How am I subverting the Torah, as you claim? I am saying Jews are the people who are supposed to set and uphold standards. However, since Jews have not lived in a theocracy for 2000 years, it will be difficult for you. Sharia is at least Noahide, so you should try Secular Koranism as a starter theocracy before you go for a full-blown Torah theocracy.
Deuteronomy 18:20 says: But any prophet who presumes to speak in My name an oracle that I did not command him to utter, or who speaks in the name of other gods—that prophet shall die.
What has this to do with Secular Koranism?
This corresponds with all that is in the Koran that is not in the Torah. As for the stories from the Tanakh, There are gross inaccuracies such as mixing up the Mary (Merriam) Moses' sister with Mary mother of Jesus. Quran 19:27-34
Secular Koranism is not at all interested in the stories of either the Torah or the Koran, and is only only interested in what are identifiably rules that should be legally enforceable in the one-party theocracy that I propose.
As well as repeating Talmudic Midrashic stories that are totally made up from the rabbis and not Divine. It seriously calls into question the validity of Mohammed as a prophet.
Secular Koranism is indifferent as to whether you accept Muhammad as God's Final Prophet. in any case guarantees freedom of belief.
As for brothels, from reading the comments from your post, even Muslims disagree with you. The Torah also forbids prostitution for Jews, but seems to allow Jewish men to use gentile prostitutes. If everyone were following the Jewish laws of purity, I feel that it wouldn't be an issue - meaning men wouldn't even have the want to use prostitutes. As someone who wants to get rid of the matriarchy, prostitution is seen as a liberal feminist idea. I don't really want to get into it It seems as if you want to use your own interpretation of the Koran. So maybe you should just call it 'Khawism'.
I think you will find that feminists are the ones who are most keen on banning brothels since feminism operates through bribing men with fornication to distract them from the oppression of their matriarchy. Basically, feminists want unmarried women to be the main suppliers of sex, particular those who do not give the price of sex up front to men, but instead pretend it is free but load it with very costly hidden charges.
About slavery: again, I am not interested in getting too much into this. Judaism also had slavery in the way that Islam did. The question is whether going back to that would be more beneficial than what we have now. I do think it's worthy of debate. The rabbis would have to eventually tackle this subject as well. In Judaism slaves were allowed to go free every 7 years to release all debts.
As for wife beating: I don't see how you can manage this any better than Muslims do now, which is not very well. Abraham was not a wife beater to Sarah when she wanted to get rid of Hagar. He deferred to his wife's wishes. So again, this goes against Torah. Yet the Torah is a patriarchial system.
About greater Israel: Jews do not have a choice on whether to follow the Torah or Koran. I have explained various reasons why. They are not interchangeable. Otherwise, Jews would already be mass converting to Islam. Israel is not a colonial Outpost for America. That is not the reason for it's existence. You are spewing anti-Zionist propaganda. You keep claiming that the Jews have a higher standard, which is better in your eyes, yet want them to lower themselves why? To make Muslims happy? God gave the Jews this small portion of land. We do not wish to conquer or rule over another nation or people. The Muslims have a couple dozen countries where they can live peacefully. If they want to live in the our land, they need to live by Jewish law. If not, they can leave in peace. They need to take the example of Esau in Genesis 33:9 when Esau said to Jacob, "I have plenty. My brother, let what you have remain yours."
I am not quite sure why you are accusing me of "spewing anti-Zionist propaganda" when I have not once questioned Israel's existence and have been suggesting that Secular Koranism might even make Greater Israel more likely to be obtained peacefully. I say Jews are supposed to be the people setting and upholding standards, but have not done so for centuries. Since they themselves are now no longer Noahide, they should use Secular Koranism as a starter theocracy and a kind of refresher course in theocracy. This is nothing to do with making Muslims happy, but a Jew I know has acknowledged that Israelis adopting Secular Koranism would probably soften Arab hearts towards Israeli Jews.
My final analysis: I feel you have been deliberately evasive in your goals. You are using taqiyah or kitman to get rabbis to say Islam is Noahide compliant which in effect annuls Judaism. You can't just declare a religion out of existence. Christianity will end when Jews build a Temple and their Messiah still won't show up. You should be helping the Jews in this endeavor. Instead, you are waging a covert political Jihad not only against Christianity and Western society, but also against Judaism. I'm surprised you don't have more Muslim support. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, but you crossed the line with the Jews. I think this discussion is over. Thank you for your time.
I really do not see how getting rabbis to confirm that Islam is more Noahide-observant than Christanity "in effect annuls Judaism". I have not in any way proposed to "declare a religion out of existence". How do you propose that I help Jews in what endeavour? How is anything I have said or done in any way "covert" or against Western society? If Christianity is kaput, should this not be brought to the notice of Christians and Western governments who might otherwise think they have a functioning religion? Would you let gentiles consume food and drink that you know to be toxic without at least attempting to warn them of this? I consider Christianity to be toxic to the morality of Western society since the 21st century Christian is just a Liberal-Conservative who supported gay marriage who thinks he is going to heaven. How does anything I have proposed amount to an attack against Judaism? How have I "crossed the line"?