Saturday, 1 August 2020

A row amongst rabbis and the question they should answer about the Noahide laws

5:00  Rabbi Mizrachi is hated and feared by unprincipled "university rabbis" who over the centuries have cultivated a teaching and talking style more purposed towards pandering to gentile liberal conceit than on adherence to the principles of Judaism. He is of course very politically incorrect, but in a way that enrages liberals and "university rabbis" because they cannot formulate counter-arguments to his arguments. Instead, they are merely left with the sledge-hammer of denouncing him as "vile" and "not our style" in the way liberals denounce social conservatives who want to promote marriage and family values as well as argue against uncontrolled immigration, whether they be Jew or gentile.We must not forget that liberalism is now the ideology of the matriarchy and matriarchy is a society that practices sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting AKA globohomo. That is why the West is now falling behind China and thinking of nuking it as a way of escaping the moral imperative of curing themselves of this disease and implementing my solution of Secular Koranism as a one party theocracy.

Distinguishing authentic Orthodox Judaism from Reform Judaism is crucial to preserving the good of Jewish identity and keeping observant Jews safe from antisemitism.

6:00  The Jewish attitude to suffering
7:00  Antisemitism
8:00  Jews must be divided between observant Jews and Liberal Jews. 
9:00  What is kosher is halal but what is halal is not kosher.
11:00  Rabbi Natan Slifkin
13:00  Rabbi Mizrachi's list of 14 non-kosher rabbis
14:00  Chief Rabbi publishes first LGBT guide for orthodox schools
15:00  Muslims want sharia to protect their children, grandchildren and descendants from globohomo
18:00  Former Beth Din head says Charedi Jews should 'give up' their lives rather than bow to school LGBT requirements

19:00  The Noahide laws

The late Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the last leader of Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidism, wrote:

We must do everything possible to ensure that the seven Noahide laws are observed. If this can be accomplished through force or through other kinder and more peaceful means through explaining to non-Jews that they should accept God’s wishes [we should do so]…Anyone who is able to influence a non-Jew in any way to keep the seven commandments is obligated to do so, since that is what God commanded Moses our teacher (“Sheva Mitzvot Shel Benai Noach,” Hapardes 59:9 7-11, 5745)

20:00  The alleged heresy of Rabbi Sacks

21:00  Jews were chosen by God to perform certain religious obligations for gentiles ie promote the Noahide laws. If they are meant to be the aristocracy of humanity, they should be the ones setting and enforcing standards. What would Liberal Jews do if the Aztecs were still around to be assimilated with?

22:00  Jews and Aztecs

24:00  Rabbi Sacks only thinks his role is to warn the gentile, but this does not extend to making sure that his message is properly received and understood because he doesn't want to upset his neocon buddies at the AEI. 

Only 8218 views at 1233 BST 1 August 2020

27:00  What rabbis should be doing for gentiles which they have neglected to do since the late Middle Ages

Just as the Archbishop of Canterbury used to be the conscience of the English monarch, Rabbi Sacks is now the conscience of Western leaders

29:00  Rabbinical unity

30:00  Rabbis should safeguard the government and mental health of the goyim because they will get it in the neck when things go wrong. The least they can do is discuss whether Secular Koranism is more Noahide than Christianity, but they are afraid of stoking the furnace of antisemitism because they goyim have been so badly parented after so many generations of matriarchy - which officially began in 1974 - that they cannot accept correction with humility and have taken on the practice of shooting the bearer of bad news. 

32:00  Israel of all places should be a theocracy.

33:00  Rabbi Mizrachi is the antidote to antisemitism.

34:00  Rabbi Sacks, the Neocon Rabbi

Rabbi Sacks tells us of how he !hitched a lift" with Prince Charles from RAF Northold from 18:00

35:00  Rabbi Sacks flatters the goyim by being a Cambridge graduate in philosophy. It is just as well he became a rabbi. One shudders to think of his immortal soul if he had become a Jew promoting the nonsense of Western philosophy like Foucault, Sartre, Hegel etc. Another Jew is already making a very nice living out of doing precisely this - Alain de Botton who even praises Spinoza. De Botton is so assimilated that he cannot pronounce "herem" correctly, which is like saying "shametz" when you mean hametz. 


36:00 Would Rabbi Sacks care to say whether Christianity is more kosher than Secular Koranism? Or will he be too afraid of offend the Christian Zionists of America by saying Christianity is kaput because it is both blasphemous and idolatrous?  

42:00  The heresy of Rabbi Dweck   

44:00  Rabbi Mizrachi is not popular with the rabbis of the Western establishment. 

45:00  and 49:00  Erev rav

50:00  Herem

My idea of a Register of Jews is to keep up the quality of its membership by striking heretical and non-observant Jews off the Register if they have been convicted of the 36 capital offences of the Old Testament. It would be better to make these heretical Jews dead to Judaism rather than actually dead. 

In total, the Old Testament specifies 36 capital offences including crimes such as idolatry, magic and blasphemy, as well as murder.

51:00  Rabbis could be useful to the goyim by declaring Secular Koranism more kosher than Christianity.

53:00  Rabbis should be concerned that they live in a degenerate matriarchy in which most of the next generation are brought up in fatherless homes suffering from personality disorders caused by bad parenting or child abuse through the neglect of their unmarried mother. These people cannot be reasoned with and their politicians do not even bother, preferring to silence them by demonising them as racists, antisemites and Islamophobes. God made Jews His Chosen People to improve the government of the goyim. However, because Jews have been neglecting this religious obligation for so many centuries since the  late Middle Ages in fact, they are going to get it in the neck when the balloon goes up, which may happen very soon. 

55:00  Rabbi Mizrachi is a principled fundamentalist.  

56:00  Jews are not meant to be like Aztecs with no duty of care to non-Aztecs.

57:00  Secular Koranism is more Noahide than Christianity because it does not command idolatry and blasphemy as Christianity does.

58:00  Jews will only be allowed to assimilate with gentiles once they have made their moral environment Noahide safe which means enjoining theocracy, being Muslim or Muslim-adjacent. 

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Who are the 14 rabbis listed in Rabbi Mizrachi’s blacklist of non-kosher rabbis?

  Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, a controversial Haredi outreach speaker, along with his protégé Rabbi Yaron Reuven, publicized a "blacklist...