Saturday, 1 August 2020

The purpose of religion

The purpose of religion is to unite a people who have shared values that is beyond one's skin colour. That is why Jews come in four colours. The people who are always complaining about Jews are atheists, ex-Christians or pagans who also Islamophobes as well as antisemites. The reason they have fallen behind Jews is because they have no religion and their current substitute for religion now is hatred of Jews, Muslims, non-whites and of course their government who now have members coming from these minorities.

Low education and low status people tend to hate everyone above them. If these people knew their Bible, they would know that envy is considered a Deadly Sin. Their hatred of those who do better than they do is provoked by the indifference of their own political classes and the idea that Jews, Muslims and non-whites are doing better than they are in their own white majority country. In particular, they believe that they have in some way cheated and subverted the religion of their ancestors and their political system.

But if Christianity and democracy were so easy to subvert by a few minorities, then it is time to conclude that they have failed, whatever the reasons for their failure. If Christianity is your antivirus and your computer is infected, then your antivirus has failed.

The obvious solution when suffering from the double-whammy of a failed religion and failed political system would be a one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism. After ten years, these antisemites and Islamophobes have not thought of a better solution other than pogrom.

But you have to be in government first before you can conduct a pogrom.

They are about as likely to form a government as the Dalits are to be voted into office in India which operates a caste system. Dalits are of course bottom of the heap, with four castes above them.

The only viable option is to have a one party state capable of governing in the national interest and making the working classes work again, without losing office because of a general strike.

What is needed is a government of national unity which is a euphemism for a one party state. This is not really as heretical as it sounds, since there are three MPs to my knowledge who have proposed this solution: Frank Field, Nicky Morgan and Anna Soubry.

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