Friday, 14 August 2020

The people who think religion is stupid

Why do so many people who complain about Jews and Muslims think religion is stupid when they are in fact envious of Jews and Muslims for doing better or being treated better than they are?

If they have not noticed that a Christian in the 21st century is just a liberal who thinks he is going to heaven, we must excuse them on the ground that antisemites and Islamophobes are not known for their ability to form logical conclusions using their powers of deduction. It is possible that they are in denial that Christianity has failed or do not think they even need religion at all because they are atheists. If that is the case, we can come to our own conclusions about the ability of these antisemites and Islamophobes who are atheists to come to sound conclusions using their powers of deduction.

There is a Darwinian struggle for survival even amongst religions and secular political ideologies. Religions last significantly longer than secular political ideologies with Judaism having been around for longest. Since Christianity is a deliberate mockery of Judaism with added antisemitism, idolatry and blasphemy incorporating superstition as well as the primitive and savage rituals of cannibalism, it should not be too difficult to make the prediction that the next Abrahamic religion of the West will be the most advanced version of monotheism beginning with the letter I in practice in a country also beginning with the letter I that has declared itself to be the enemy of Israel.

If Iran had remained under the Shah, it would not have been able to defy the collective might of America and its allies. Interestingly, America and its allies are suffering from a collective inability to keep out the immigrants both legal and illegal that its people have been complaining about for decades.

Since you can get a bullying America to back off if you have nuclear weapons, it is America's foreign policy that has caused nuclear proliferation.

But America and its allies cannot nuke the illegal immigrants their people are always complaining about much as they love talking about nuking anything or anyone they dislike because they would only end up nuking themselves

It seems beyond the capacity of Western governments to make their own working classes work after they have had their work ethic destroyed by the welfare state. It is also beyond the ability of Western governments to make their women have enough babies soon enough to produce a viable labour force without resorting to immigration. Because of representative democracy, Western governments fear telling women to marry before having children because that would alienate too many female voters. Western governments cannot provide a good enough state education to make enough of their citizens attractive employees, because they fear strikes by the teachers unions. Instead of worshipping God, Westerners worship their sacred cows of the welfare state, cheap women, easy money and short term solutions. 

We will soon see whether such people will do better than the Jews and Muslims they despise so heartily for being stupid enough to believe in a God whose existence these liberals deny. 

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