Sunday, 16 August 2020

Discussing the Noahide laws with "Pure Judaism" 4


The very fact that you use the Noahide Laws as your base brings God up. The first law is to acknowledge the existence of God. According to the Talmud, these laws form the basis of dozens of sublaws that come from the Torah, not Sharia. So to use the 7 laws, but then use Sharia for the sublaws actually subverts the Torah. Why do you need the rabbis consensus other than to subvert the Torah? You are mistaken that Judaism is just for Jews. There is no law against converts. Rabbis don't proselytize only because they were forced under Roman occupation and still follow the laws made in exile. You keep wanting the Jews to tell the gentiles to accept Noahide laws, yet at the same time want Jews to accept Sharia.

Deuteronomy 18:20 says: But any prophet who presumes to speak in My name an oracle that I did not command him to utter, or who speaks in the name of other gods—that prophet shall die.

This corresponds with all that is in the Koran that is not in the Torah. As for the stories from the Tanakh, There are gross inaccuracies such as mixing up the Mary (Merriam) Moses' sister with Mary mother of Jesus. Quran 19:27-34

As well as repeating Talmudic Midrashic stories that are totally made up from the rabbis and not Divine. It seriously calls into question the validity of Mohammed as a prophet.

As for brothels, from reading the comments from your post, even Muslims disagree with you. The Torah also forbids prostitution for Jews, but seems to allow Jewish men to use gentile prostitutes. If everyone were following the Jewish laws of purity, I feel that it wouldn't be an issue - meaning men wouldn't even have the want to use prostitutes. As someone who wants to get rid of the matriarchy, prostitution is seen as a liberal feminist idea. I don't really want to get into it  It seems as if you want to use your own interpretation of the Koran. So maybe you should just call it 'Khawism'.

About slavery: again, I am not interested in getting too much into this. Judaism also had slavery in the way that Islam did. The question is whether going back to that would be more beneficial than what we have now. I do think it's worthy of debate. The rabbis would have to eventually tackle this subject as well. In Judaism slaves were allowed to go free every 7 years to release all debts.

As for wife beating: I don't see how you can manage this any better than Muslims do now, which is not very well. Abraham was not a wife beater to Sarah when she wanted to get rid of Hagar. He deferred to his wife's wishes. So again, this goes against Torah. Yet the Torah is a patriarchial system.

About greater Israel: Jews do not have a choice on whether to follow the Torah or Koran. I have explained various reasons why. They are not interchangeable. Otherwise, Jews would already be mass converting to Islam. Israel is not a colonial Outpost for America. That is not the reason for it's existence. You are spewing anti-Zionist propaganda. You keep claiming that the Jews have a higher standard, which is better in your eyes, yet want them to lower themselves why? To make Muslims happy? God gave the Jews this small portion of land. We do not wish to conquer or rule over another nation or people. The Muslims have a couple dozen countries where they can live peacefully. If they want to live in the our land, they need to live by Jewish law. If not, they can leave in peace. They need to take the example of Esau in Genesis 33:9 when Esau said to Jacob, "I have plenty. My brother, let what you have remain yours."

My final analysis: I feel you have been deliberately evasive in your goals. You are using taqiyah or kitman to get rabbis to say Islam is Noahide compliant which in effect annuls Judaism. You can't just declare a religion out of existence. Christianity will end when Jews build a Temple and their Messiah still won't show up. You should be helping the Jews in this endeavor. Instead, you are waging a covert political Jihad not only against Christianity and Western society, but also against Judaism. I'm surprised you don't have more Muslim support. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, but you crossed the line with the Jews. I think this discussion is over. Thank you for your time.


 On Sunday, 16 August 2020, 14:19:41 BST, pure.judaism wrote:

The very fact that you use the Noahide Laws as your base brings God up. The first law is to acknowledge the existence of God. According to the Talmud, these laws form the basis of dozens of sublaws that come from the Torah, not Sharia. So to use the 7 laws, but then use Sharia for the sublaws actually subverts the Torah. Why do you need the rabbis consensus other than to subvert the Torah? You are mistaken that Judaism is just for Jews. There is no law against converts. Rabbis don't proselytize only because they were forced under Roman occupation and still follow the laws made in exile. You keep wanting the Jews to tell the gentiles to accept Noahide laws, yet at the same time want Jews to accept Sharia.

How am I subverting the Torah, as you claim? I am saying Jews are the people who are supposed to set and uphold standards. However, since Jews have not lived in a theocracy for 2000 years, it will be difficult for you. Sharia is at least Noahide, so you should try Secular Koranism as a starter theocracy before you go for a full-blown Torah theocracy.

Deuteronomy 18:20 says: But any prophet who presumes to speak in My name an oracle that I did not command him to utter, or who speaks in the name of other gods—that prophet shall die.

What has this to do with Secular Koranism?

This corresponds with all that is in the Koran that is not in the Torah. As for the stories from the Tanakh, There are gross inaccuracies such as mixing up the Mary (Merriam) Moses' sister with Mary mother of Jesus. Quran 19:27-34

Secular Koranism is not at all interested in the stories of either the Torah or the Koran, and is only only interested in what are identifiably rules that should be legally enforceable in the one-party theocracy that I propose.

As well as repeating Talmudic Midrashic stories that are totally made up from the rabbis and not Divine. It seriously calls into question the validity of Mohammed as a prophet.

Secular Koranism is indifferent as to whether you accept Muhammad as God's Final Prophet. in any case guarantees freedom of belief.

As for brothels, from reading the comments from your post, even Muslims disagree with you. The Torah also forbids prostitution for Jews, but seems to allow Jewish men to use gentile prostitutes. If everyone were following the Jewish laws of purity, I feel that it wouldn't be an issue - meaning men wouldn't even have the want to use prostitutes. As someone who wants to get rid of the matriarchy, prostitution is seen as a liberal feminist idea. I don't really want to get into it  It seems as if you want to use your own interpretation of the Koran. So maybe you should just call it 'Khawism'.

I think you will find that feminists are the ones who are most keen on banning brothels since feminism operates through bribing men with fornication to distract them from the oppression of their matriarchy. Basically, feminists want unmarried women to be the main suppliers of sex, particular those who do not give the price of sex up front to men, but instead pretend it is free but load it with very costly hidden charges.  

About slavery: again, I am not interested in getting too much into this. Judaism also had slavery in the way that Islam did. The question is whether going back to that would be more beneficial than what we have now. I do think it's worthy of debate. The rabbis would have to eventually tackle this subject as well. In Judaism slaves were allowed to go free every 7 years to release all debts.
As for wife beating: I don't see how you can manage this any better than Muslims do now, which is not very well. Abraham was not a wife beater to Sarah when she wanted to get rid of Hagar. He deferred to his wife's wishes. So again, this goes against Torah. Yet the Torah is a patriarchial system.

I was expecting you to congratulate me for not interpreting the verse out of existence while also interpreting it literally!  Perhaps you did not in fact read

About greater Israel: Jews do not have a choice on whether to follow the Torah or Koran. I have explained various reasons why. They are not interchangeable. Otherwise, Jews would already be mass converting to Islam. Israel is not a colonial Outpost for America. That is not the reason for it's existence. You are spewing anti-Zionist propaganda. You keep claiming that the Jews have a higher standard, which is better in your eyes, yet want them to lower themselves why? To make Muslims happy? God gave the Jews this small portion of land. We do not wish to conquer or rule over another nation or people. The Muslims have a couple dozen countries where they can live peacefully. If they want to live in the our land, they need to live by Jewish law. If not, they can leave in peace. They need to take the example of Esau in Genesis 33:9 when Esau said to Jacob, "I have plenty. My brother, let what you have remain yours."

I am not quite sure why you are accusing me of "spewing anti-Zionist propaganda" when I have not once questioned Israel's existence and have been suggesting that Secular Koranism might even make Greater Israel more likely to be obtained peacefully.

I say Jews are supposed to be the people setting and upholding standards, but have not done so for centuries. Since they themselves are now no longer Noahide, they should use Secular Koranism as a starter theocracy and a kind of refresher course in theocracy. This is nothing to do with making Muslims happy, but a Jew I know has acknowledged that Israelis adopting Secular Koranism would probably soften Arab hearts towards Israeli Jews. 

My final analysis: I feel you have been deliberately evasive in your goals. You are using taqiyah or kitman to get rabbis to say Islam is Noahide compliant which in effect annuls Judaism. You can't just declare a religion out of existence. Christianity will end when Jews build a Temple and their Messiah still won't show up. You should be helping the Jews in this endeavor. Instead, you are waging a covert political Jihad not only against Christianity and Western society, but also against Judaism. I'm surprised you don't have more Muslim support. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, but you crossed the line with the Jews. I think this discussion is over. Thank you for your time.

I really do not see how getting rabbis to confirm that Islam is more Noahide-observant than Christanity "in effect annuls Judaism". I have not in any way proposed to "declare a religion out of existence".

How do you propose that I help Jews in what endeavour?

How is anything I have said or done in any way "covert" or against Western society?

If Christianity is kaput, should this not be brought to the notice of Christians and Western governments who might otherwise think they have a functioning religion?

Would you let gentiles consume food and drink that you know to be toxic without at least attempting to warn them of this? I consider Christianity to be toxic to the morality of Western society since the 21st century Christian is just a Liberal-Conservative who supported gay marriage who thinks he is going to heaven.

How does anything I have proposed amount to an attack against Judaism?

How have I "crossed the line"?


  1. Claire, I like you a lot, but purejudaism has won the argument

    The Torah, not the quran, must be kept in Israel

    We are living in the end of days anyway

    On that day, universal truth will become obvious to all


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