Tuesday, 18 August 2020

An Islamic Union that includes Israel in the Middle East?

Greater Israel would only come about peacefully through Secular Koranism


  1. Very interesting. As long as the Muslims accept greater Israel and our rule over the temple mount, plus our right to demolish the golden dome and build the 3rd temple, I will gladly accept an "Abrahamic Union"

  2. The Al Aqsa Mosque is there to remind Jews that the Sadducees did not serve them well in the Ancient Kingdom of Israel.

  3. Nonsense: the mosque wasn't built until 600ad

  4. What has that to do with the parasitic priesthood that was the Sadducees?

  5. Saducees are extinct.

  6. I know. They were a failure.

    When Israel was a theocracy, the Sadducees were the priesthood, and you want to bring it back again like you don't have enough problems of your own already?

  7. We will try our best to avoid a repeat of history. The temple mount is ours, not the Ishmaelites

  8. I don't think you are ever meant to rebuild the Temple.

    To rebuild the Temple would only mean that you have learned nothing after so many centuries of exile.

    If you did you will be fighting over who gets to be priest and how the sacrifices are to be conducted.

    Better let sleeping dogs lie, eh?

  9. The third temple is a central part of our faith. We are commanded by God to build it

  10. Muslims believe in the Messiah too.


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