Friday, 14 August 2020

Rabbi Tovia Singer on Christian Evangelists converting ignorant Jews to Christianity to trigger the Second Coming

SHOCK HORROR: Jews convert to Christianity. How could they?!

7:00  Cunning Christian tricks used to trick credulous Jews ignorant of their own traditions
8:00  Calling Jesus "Yeshua" and "Jesus-smuggling"
10:00  The human sacrifice of Jesus is against Judaism. Jews believe that each soul is accountable to God alone.
11:00  The absurd Trinity
12:00  Christian Cannibalism
14:00  Ritual cannibalism
15:00  Eat the body and drink the blood and become like God.
17:00  Empty churches in the West evidence that the Trinity is rejected by Post-Christian Westerners.
20:00  Judeo-Christian ideas are basically what Christians liked about the ideas of Judaism and culturally appropriated.
22:00  "Anything true in the New Testament isn't new, and anything new in the New Testament isn't true."
24:00  Judeo-Christian principles
25:00  Calvinist belief in total depravity
27:00  Predestination
29:00  Sola fidei/faith alone
30:00  Jewish joke about a Jew converting to the different denominations of Christianity
32:00  Great schism
35:00  Sola scriptura
36:00  Calvinism and TULIP
38:00  Capitalism is not part of Reform theology.
40:00  Prosperity theology
47:00  Evangelical Christians have made enormous inroads in Israel and are converting Jews to Christianity.
53:00  John Nelson Darby - replacement theology - pre-millennial dispensationalism
57:00  Alexander Hamilton
58:00  Cyrus Scofield
1:01:00  Apocalyptic eschatology
1:03:00  Christians paying for Jews to make aliyah.
1:06:00  Judaism is quite monolithic compared to truly schismatic Christianity.
1:07:00  Totalitarian Christianity being made up as Christians go along
1:09:00  The Torah makes the foolish wise.

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