Friday, 7 August 2020

Rabbi Mizrachi talks about antisemitism in Israel and how liberalism is a danger to Jews

4:00  Explosion in Beirut

9:00  Is God punishing the atheist Chinese too?

11:00  Liberal judges in Israel

12:00  Rigging the rules

13:00  Israel needs a constitution

15:00  Without the Torah, you get liberalism

16:00  The rule of law or the tyranny of the majority?

17:00  The Noahide laws

18:00  Incest

20:00  "Big lefty traitor criminals"

21:00  The Torah is toilet paper to liberal Jews.

22:00  Liberal Jews are more dangerous to Judaism than Hamas or Iran.

23:00  Liberal Jews are Messengers of Satan, according to Rabbi Mizrachi. 

24:00  Two wrongs don't make a right. 

26:00  To be murdered or to have one's soul destroyed?

27:00  To fear of Iran nuking them would probably make religious Jews more righteous.

28:00  Religious Jews only 20% of Jews. 

29:00  More religious Jews could mean extra 13-15 seats in the Knesset.

31:00  If only religious Jews could keep their children religious. 

33:00  Formerly religious Jews who become secular are the most dangerous to Judaism.

35:00  The formerly religious who want to revenge themselves on their own community eg Jews, Mormons, Amish 

37:00  Many haters of religion came from rabbinical families

38:00  The souls of the children are in danger when religious parents divorce.

41:00  The fat Jewish kid who was insulted at yeshiva

42:00  Who created the Universe?

43:00  Try this for one month to save your marriage.

47:00  When your children are about to marry out

48:00  Why people are contrary

50:00  Unconscious rebellion

52:00  Deliberate destruction of the children's souls by formerly religious Jewesses

54:00  The secular Israeli governments imports secular immigrants to prevent the religious from becoming the majority

55:00  Making aliyah

56:00 Who is a Jew?

1:05:00 Antisemitism in Israel

1:40:00 The plight of Jewish landlords in New York

1:42:00 Cheap foreign labour

1:51:00 Racism amongst Jews

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Who are the 14 rabbis listed in Rabbi Mizrachi’s blacklist of non-kosher rabbis?

  Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, a controversial Haredi outreach speaker, along with his protégé Rabbi Yaron Reuven, publicized a "blacklist...