Saturday, 15 August 2020

Would Nietzsche who hated Christianity have approved of Secular Koranism? [from 2:48:00]

6:00  Christian universalism
9:00  Bauer
11:00  Hegel
15:00  Is it possible to not have religion?
17:00  Workers' Paradise
18:00  China
19:00  Modernity
20:00  Religion is the opium of the people.
21:00  Marx meant well.
22:00  The distinction between religion and politics is a distinction without a difference.
23:00  Decadent empires break their own rules.
24:00  Marxism is a secular religion.
25:00  The End of History by Francis Fukuyama
26:00  A religion of nature
27:00  Greek states had the same gods but different states would make different deities their main gods.
29:00  Greek deities represented abstract ideas.
30:00  Stories and allegories
31:00  Ideal forms
32:00  Teleology
33:00  Scripture and Judaism
36:00  The rules
37:00  Usury for Jews , Christians, Calvin and negative interest rates
38:00  Why usury is wrong
39:00  Greek tragedy: Sophocles and Euripides had their own play of Electra
40:00  When the Furies become the Gracious Ones ie Eumenides
43:00  Usury
44:00  Noble lie
46:00  Catharsis
47:00  The purpose of tragedy is catharsis.
49:00  Jesus and Socrates sacrificed their lives to make a point.
52:00  Christianity
53:00  Mary impregnated by Zeus
54:00  The Stoicism of Christianity
55:00  Gnosticism and Alexandria
56:00  Marxism is more a process rather than a story.
58:00  The ideas of the French Revolution
59:00  Slavery
1:00:00  Not forbidden by God is slavery.
1:01:00  Access to credit
1:05:00  Money-printing
1:07:00  Thatcher's Britain is the home of neo-liberalism.
1:07:00  Blair dared not renationalise the utilities Thatcher privatised.
1:10:00  Fall of the Berlin Wall
1:11:00  Covid-19 a licence to print money.
1:13:00  The world's reserve currency
1:15:00  Modern warfare of getting slaves to come to your country after you have bombed their countries. Colour Revolutions
1:16:00  Installing Western puppets
1:17:00  Westland Affair
1:18:00  Jeremy Corbyn accuses Labour officials of sabotaging election campaign
Former leader and allies say alleged diversion of funds in 2017 could be fraud
1:19:00  Liberalism
1:20:00  Sex and race
1:21:00  Producing the next generation to stay in existence
1:22:00  Chauvinism and nationalism
1:23:00  Borderless nations
1:24:00  It is the job of the government to make the working classes work.
1:26:00  Humans don't want to be fungible.
1:33:00  A nation is big enough to matter but small enough to care.
1:34:00  Marriage and family
1:36:00  Orphans in orphanages
1:37:00  Brave New World
1:39:00  The most efficient, fairest, rational and natural way of doing things
1:40:00  Plato bossier than Aristotle.
1:44:00  Feminism and gender theory
1:45:00  Replacing nature
1:46:00  Religion
1:47:00  Feminism comes from egalitarianism.
1:48:00  Marxism does not have the clarity of the Koran.
1:50:00  Complementary gender roles
1:51:00  Patriarchy > Matriarchy
1:53:00  You can't have three Supreme Authorities.
1:54:00  Lebanon's troika
1:59:00  Politics of Malaysia
2:01:00  National identity
2:02:00  UK Citizenship test
2:03:00  The ship of Theseus
2:04:00  Qatar
Foreign workers amount to around 88% of the population, with Indians being the largest community numbering around 1,230,000.
2:08:00  To investigate a problem is to solve it.
2:10:00  No official handbook, no scripture.
2:11:00  Twelve Tables of Rome
2:12:00  The Doctrine of Parliamentary Sovereignty is the Woman's Prerogative to change her mind.,that%20future%20Parliaments%20cannot%20change.
2:13:00  The unwritten constitution of Britain
2:14:00  The Kavanaugh hearing
2:16:00  Deuteronomy 19:15
2:18:00  Zealotry
2:19:00  Self-righteousness is mob mentality.
2:20:00  Old Testament
2:21:00  The will to power
2:23:00  Slaves in Athens
2:26:00  Macedonia
2:27:00  The Normans
2:30:00  Jews as a managerial class
2:36:00  An administrative and capitalist class
2:38:00  The efficacy of Judaism in maintaining Jewish identity
2:41:00  Marx did not consider Islam.
2:42:00  Jewish emancipation
2:44:00  Nietzsche's view on Islam
2:48:00  Nietzsche's condemnation of Christianity
2:49:00  Nietzsche would probably validate Secular Koranism.
2:51:00  Aquinas and the Catholic Church
2:52:00  Lutheranism

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