Friday, 28 February 2020

Why Gay Hindu Vincent Bruno wants the Noahide laws repealed

3:00  The Noahide laws are a universal minimum standard of morality
4:00  The biggest empires of the world are Christian and Islamic. China had the Mandate of Heaven which is arguably an Ancient Chinese apprehension of the Abrahamic God to whom emperors must eventually answer to.
5:00  The Thucydides Trap of Britain and America
6:00  The rule of law accompanies all great empires and civilisations.
7:00  If you are interested in maintaining your empire as Constantine the Great did, you would have to adapt to new circumstances and change your religion and identity in order to survive.
8;00  Gay Hindu Vincent Bruno would obviously not relish being executed as a sodomite under the Noahide laws, but those would only apply to him if he were living in Israel and convicted of sodomy. Israel is very far from becoming a sodomite-executing theocracy.
9:00  Being Noahide is a universal seal of appeal.
10:00  Some Hindus want the Noahide seal of approval others do not. Some rabbis think Hinduism should get their seal of approval, others don't. My point is that Islam is the most proximate religion to this standard, closer than Buddhism, Hinduism or Christianity.
13:00  Why do Jews always boast about their wonderful religion with laws that they never follow while claiming superiority over you?
14:00  I speculate on the reason why the Koran has lighter and fewer punishments than the Torah.
21:00  Maimonides
22:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
24:00  Deuteronomy 12:3
25:00  Abraham
26:00  This injunction only applies to the defined borders of Israel.
31:00  Outsourcing the job of Noahidising the world to Muslims
32:00  There will be no global Jewish jihad against idols.
33:00  Jews are meant to be back in Israel.
35:00  Vincent Bruno
37:00  Israel has to be a Torah theocracy first for gentiles to be executed for idolatry and sodomy.
39:00  Illegal to proselytise Christianity in Israel.
40:00  Greater Israel
42:00  National Religious Party
43:00  Idolatry is a Jewish idea.
44:00  Ticklist of the Noahide laws
45:00  Islam or rabbinically-administered Noahidism for gentiles?
46:00 on Trinitarianism
49:00  Christianity
50:00  Noahidism
56:00  Islam
57:00  Religious community
59:00  Regular place of worship
1:00:00  Noahides tend to be ex-Catholics, Texans or Canadians
1:01:00  Noahides are basically neglected by rabbis who care more about their own fellow Jews than Noahides.
1:02:00  Bishop Williamson
1:03:00  European architecture
1:04:00  Analogy
1:05:00  Boiler
1:06:00  Richard Spencer's views on Islam
1:10:00  Christianity
1:11:00  Blasphemy laws, Michael Servetus, John Calvin
1:13:00  Restoring the patriarchy
1:14:00  The rearing of the next generation
1:17:00  VINCENT BRUNO joins.
1:18:00  Noahides
1:19:00  What constitutes religiosity
1:25:00  Noahidism began in the 1960s
1:26:00  Scary Muslims
1:27:00  Secular Koranism
1:28:00  What Vincent is trying to achieve
1:29:00  Using Vincent's homosexuality against him
1:30:00  Idolatry and Steven Anderson
1:34:00  Hidden idolatry
1:39:00  The Vatican
1:40:00  Babies in purgatory
1:41:00  Infant baptism
1:43:00  Lip service
1:44:00  National Day of Prayer
1:46:00  Jews would lose their chosen status if everyone became Jews
1:47:00  Judaism is an exclusive club, Islam a political party in a one party state.
1:48:00  Jews are held to a higher standard.

Church of Entropy, who has blocked me on Hangouts again, deleted my comment which said:

The Noahide laws are a universal moral minimum containing the 7 tick boxes you need to check before you can declare yourself to be Noahide-observant. Vincent could only tick 4, while Secular Koranism ticks all 7.

China should apologise to the world for overreacting so people can keep calm and carry on

1:00  Richard Spencer on Islam
2:00  The HardKhaw Prawn
4:00   Cause and effect
5:00   Rabbi Mizrachi
A list of 13 non-kosher rabbis to avoid

The possibility of a 14th rabbi being added to the list of 13 non-kosher rabbis

6:00  God
7:00  God stamping His foot
8:00  Atheism
9:00  As Ministrix of Truth for the Chinese and Western governments, I would say ....
11:00  The Chinese are a nation of one-child parents and this must have exacerbated their panic.
12:00  Emunah and Bitachon  -  The difference between Emunah and Bitachon: When Job's wife said "Curse God and die," she was displaying emunah but not bitachon.
13:00  "[Atheist] Chinese people pray for a bright future for Wuhan"
14:00  Chinese social conditions and demographics
15:00  Biological arms race and musical chairs
17:00  The Chinese government should apologise for their overreaction so all governments who similarly overreacted will just tell everyone to calm down and carry on.
18:00  Trump bounced into overreaction too.
19:00  19:00  Is the Coronavirus a blessing in disguise that will destroy the matriarchy of the West?

Thursday, 27 February 2020

The possibility of a 14th rabbi being added to the list of 13 non-kosher rabbis

2:00  Perhaps the Messiah is not arriving just yet. Could the Chinese secretly be in the course of developing a secret biological weapon and panicked when it escaped? Rabbi Mizrachi retreats somewhat from his previous apocalyptic predictions. Hashem is being kind and taking away people who are about to go anyway ie the elderly and sickly, as a gentler waning in the hope that we will mend our ways after this hint.

7:00  Is God punishing the Chinese for their atheism? The Chinese are terrible worshipers of Mammon, much worse than Jews, apparently. SHOCK HORROR

8:00  There is a synagogue in Hongkong.

9:00  There was a bit of an altercation with a money-grubbing taxi-driver over the fare after he had been paid for driving them all the way from Hongkong to Shenzen which is like paying a taxi to take you from New York to the Hamptons. The taxi-driver refused to take them a short distance of a few blocks amounting to a 4 minutes' walk without being paid extra. Tsk tsk.

21:00  Jews should only sell their chametz to righteous gentiles. This is why Jews have to promote morality in gentiles through the Noahide laws. Imagine a situation where there are no righteous gentiles for Jews to sell their chametz to! Life would be simply intolerable.

28:00  Air-kissing the mezuzah. tefillin and Torah

46:00  A rumour that Trump might fund yeshivas

49:00  Silly horses

51:00 Shortcuts and superstition

1:37:00  Rich Jew, Poor Jew and the law of property

1:41:00  How to make a quarreling secular couple want to be together

1:43:00  How to avoid speeding tickets and jump queues

1:45:00  When porn gets hold of the adolescent Jew

1:49:00  Gentile women of South Carolina

2:03:00  The Talmud is Jewish philosophy.

2:13:00  A rabbi who says there is no hell who could be added to the list of 13 Wrong Rabbis

2:24:00  Oderint dum metuant or the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom

A list of 13 non-kosher rabbis to avoid

16:00 Big Brother in Israel is now so disgusting that God must be barely containing his urge to press the button to nuke us all.

23:00 Rabbi Mizrachi is surprised Jews have not yet been accused of creating the Coronavirus.

29:00 80% of Jews are already lost.

36:00 Eating kosher. You are what you eat.

1:06:00 The abomination parades of Tel Aviv

1:12:00 Women marry their dogs in America in their wedding gowns.

1:48:00 Rabbi contracts allows bad rabbis to keep their jobs. By this he means rabbis who preach heresy eg the kind of rabbis who say hell does not exist.

1:52:00 Rabbi Mizrachi has a Little List.

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Chabad and I compete to offer the Post-Christian Westerner a Noahide moral system

11:00  Noahide laws set minimum moral standards are for gentiles not required to abide by the rigorous standards of full-blown Judaism.
13:00  Noahide laws listed.
14:00  Chabad want to control the interpretation of rabbinically-guided Noahidism for gentiles and I am saying Secular Koranism offers gentiles a better deal.
15:00  Vincent asks why I am not against the Noahide laws.

Because even if Chabad won't declare either Islam or Secular Koranism Noahide-observant, I know there will be other rabbis who will. My cunning plan is simply to get Muslims to donate a large cash prize for my rabbi-only essay writing competition on why Secular Koranism is Noahide-observant.

Islam is either above this line, on it or below it.  
Even if Koran-based Islam/Secular Koranism does not satisfy it, it is still the nearest thing to it. 

16:00  1.2 billion Muslims who are arguably Noahides already v c 20,000 gentiles currently submitting to rabbinically-guided Noahidism
17:00  Jews adopting Secular Koranism would be the quickest way for Jews to Noahidise the world and get Greater Israel peacefully in the process!
18:00  What is kosher is halal, but what is halal is not kosher. Judaism is more restrictive than Islam. Islam is "Judaism Lite".
20:00  Chabad and I are competing for the same market, which is why I do not expect Chabad to endorse Secular Koranism.
21:00  Noahide Evangelism
22:00  Noahidism has the agenda of leading the gentile away from idolatry.
22:30  GANDALF spergs.
28:00  I point out that because the standard of Judaism are so impossibly high, in practice most Jews ignore it. There should therefore be a more realistic standard of "Judaism Lite" for both Jews and gentiles.
29:00  I point out that Judaism has more punishments and restrictions than Islam.
30:00  Noahides are allowed to eat pork and practise usury.
32:00  Jews and gentiles who have a problem with Muslims have the happy medium and Goldilocks Islam of Secular Koranism.
33:00  I repeat what I hope rabbis will do which is to declare Secular Koranism as more Noahide-observant than Christianity, thereby raising its status.
34:00  Secular Koranism is for Israeli Jews so they can one day acquire Greater Israel peacefully.
35:00  Jews in Israel are not even Noahide because of gay parades in Tel Aviv.
Israelis are hardly even Jewish now.

This is in keeping with the Koranic prophecy in

35:00  Only the Noahide parts of the Koran will be applied to non-Muslim gentiles eg the punishment for sexual immorality, homicide and theft will be similarly applied to them, but practices that do not infringe the Noahide laws eg eating pork, Islamic inheritance rules will not be enforced against them because guarantees their right not to be Muslims.

36:00  The position of Islam and Secular Koranism on idolatry
41:00  Noahide laws are motherhood and apple pie.
41:30  Hidden idolatry


45:00  My policy reasons for my official position of agnosticism
46:00  If you see the wisdom of God's laws, then you would incline to belief in order to better obey them and make others better obey them.
47:00  Our actions are dictated by our beliefs.
48:00  Our beliefs are the algorithms that programme us.
49:00  Scapegoating Jews for the failure of Christianity
50:00  Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe because of Judaism.
51:00  Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism.
52:00  There is no time to create a new religion.
53:00  There are none so blind as those who will not see.
54:00  Only two religions with divine scripture: Torah/Judaism for Jews, Koran/Islam for gentiles
55:00  Hindu and Buddhist scripture are not even claimed to be divine.
56:00  Shintoism and Buddhism
57:00  Chinese political philosophers
58:00  The stable and just society a one party theocracy - whose laws don't keep changing - would provide
59:00  The rule of law is the basis of any great empire and civilisation
1:00:00  The aristocracy of humanity
1:01:00  Islam is the most advanced version of monotheism.
1:02:00  Submitting to Truth, Logic and Morality

Israel is the jewel in America's crown

All great empires seek to administer Israel. Administering Israel is like a billionaire owning a yacht, or a football team.

Before America administered Israel, it was Britain. Before Britain did, it was the Ottoman Empire.

Empires also have status symbols and The Holy Land of Israel is the ultimate status symbol.

If Israel were anything more than an American Protectorate, it would be a theocracy, as it was meant to be, but it is not. Israel is a liberal democracy promoting neoconservatism, neoliberalism, feminism and globohomo.

If Israel were anything other than an American Protectorate, it would not be forced to be a liberal democracy, like the rest of the American Empire.

Late Republican Senator Jesse Helms used to call Israel "America's aircraft carrier in the Middle East", when explaining why the United States viewed Israel as such a strategic ally, saying that the military foothold in the region offered by the Jewish State alone justified the military aid that the United States grants Israel every year.

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

The unprincipled Post-Christian Western Man cannot defeat the matriarchy without the help of Jews and Muslims

The strongest principles we have are religious principles.

Western Man is politically inert because he is Post-Christian. The Post Christian no longer believes in having principles, preferring to be bribed or threatened in the way beasts of burden are motivated by carrot or stick.

Western Man, formerly Christian Man, is unprincipled because the most important principle of Christianity is a patent absurdity, for a Christian is defined as one who worships an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God.

It has been said that Christianity and Hypocrisy march hand in hand. What could be more hypocritical than claiming to believe in the Abrahamic God while practising the idolatry of worshipping an executed revolutionary as His co-equal?

What could be more blasphemous than to claim to worship God who has forbidden idolatry than to be guilty of the Supreme Blasphemy and Ultimate Idolatry of claiming that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of Hashem/Allah?

Once it became legal to deny the Trinity in 1813, the lifeblood of the lies that made up Christianity drained away. 200 years later, Christian faith is now so drained away that it was discovered that the Archbishop of Canterbury himself forgot that he was supposed to believe in that absurdity. He was heard to be declaring that while he sometimes doubted the existence of God, he was sure Christ definitely existed.

When Christians took their faith seriously, they would burn other Christians at the stake for heresy, which was defined as denying the Trinity. Michael Servetus was burned at the stake for this in 1553, but most Christians are not aware of the bloody and totalitarian history of Christianity.

His execution was at the behest of John Calvin who promoted usury which has now ended in negative interest rates to punish savers.

When you point out the idolatry of Christianity to Christians, they would look at you with blank incomprehension or claim they don't care that they are idolatrous, unmindful of the fact that the Abrahamic God that they claim to believe in expressly and specifically forbade idolatry from the time of Moses. Later, God also sent a warner against idolatry in the form of Muhammad, but because no violence was done to them, they thought they had escaped the consequences of their lies. But have they? God if He exists would be infinitely patient and has all of eternity to wait for the lying idolatrous hypocritical blaspheming Christian to suffer the consequences of the sin of idolatry, which is its own punishment.

The chief harm of idolatry is that it leads ineluctably to self-worship and the self-destruction of Narcissus.

The idolater would be so focused on his idolatry that he will ignore Truth, Logic and Morality itself while claiming to support it, so hypocritical is he.

Western Man is politically inert because he has no principles

The Principle of the Thing

How Israel can fulfill its destiny?

If Israel wants to fulfill its destiny, it would have to declare independence from America because it is currently an American Protectorate. I am saying Greater Israel is its future if it wants to declare independence from America. America regards Israel as its colonial outpost, smack in the middle of the Middle East. That's why its Muslim neighbours get so triggered about it - the fact that there is an American colonial outpost right on their doorstep.

The best way of Israel declaring independence from America is for it to say:

"We now reject liberal democracy and globohomo and are going to be a one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism, whether you like it or not, US of A. We know US funding will dry up, but we'll take our chances with our fellow Semites. The fact that we will be a Koran-based theocracy will make them think a little differently about us, when we are no longer associated with the moral sewage of feminism, neoliberalism, neoconservatism and, worst of all, globohomo."

Monday, 24 February 2020

The purpose of suffering

If you accept the Abrahamic narrative of God and His attributes, you would have to accept that everything necessarily and logically happens for a reason.

If we believe this, then our suffering has meaning, even if our fallen civilisation is but a warning to future generations.

The attributes of God are omnipotence, omniscience, supremacy, uniqueness and omnibenevolence who knows our hearts and minds and occasionally answers prayers. If we trust in God, we will believe that whatever injustice we suffer in this life will be made good in the next.

Suffering therefore has meaning even if we cannot quite work out just yet why we are being punished.

Jews and Muslims understand this well enough, but dumb ex-Christians seem to think that this testing ground is already heaven and when things go wrong, regard this as licence to break God's laws assuming He has left the building and is never coming back.


Three religious questions

The laws of physics and the laws of morality

Perhaps the law of the morality is the same as the law of physics and just as predictable, but with cause taking longer to take effect. Instead of an apple falling from the tree and on to the head of a scientist, we have historians arguing over when exactly the civilisation tripped over what when it was not looking, and when exactly it hit the ground and never got up again.  

Secular Koranism after Jon Vance remains unchanged

1:00  Facebook
2:00  Analysing ideas through the written medium
3:00  The loneliness of the political activist with a revolutionary idea operating in a civilisation already degenerate, decadent, suffering from dementia and in decline
5:00  The cost of belonging
7:00  You don't have to be Muslim to support Secular Koranism.
10:00  Adopting Secular \Koranism would give you the First Amendment.
11:00  Muslims are afraid to discuss Secular Koranism.
13:00  The exchange Adassamad Clarke and Claire Khaw had on Secular Koranism
Abdassamad Clarke the Muslim scholar blocks Claire Khaw from his Facebook page
14:00  Manuel

15:00  Zakir Naik

15:00  Jon accuses me of being so naive that I think I will find a magic rabbi who will care about gentiles and confirm that the Islam is more Noahide than Christianity. Of course not. I know they would have to be incentivised to say the right thing.  

17:00  Jon's accusation of me wanting to "fuse Judaism with Islam" without even having read the Torah. I honestly don't know what he is accusing me of or what he means.

18:00  Sexual offences under Secular Koranism

19:00  Religion and Recreational Sex: sharia-compliant threesomes and mini-orgies?

20:00  Verse in Koran implicitly accepts the existence of brothels

22:00  My Strategy

27:00  Philosophical discussion

28:00  Doooovid's category error that Secular Koranism is a sect of Islam. It is a New School of Sharia.

29:00  Secular Koranism alarms ordinary Muslims.

30:00  You don't have to be Muslim to support Secular Koranism. 

31:00  Matriarchy

35:00  Facebook
Theological abstractions are not worth worrying about. In my experience they are a sort of placeholder for something real that is never discussed.

38:00  Christians always won the debate against Jews and Muslims with violence and state intimidation eg blasphemy laws, when they were of course the ones most guilty of blasphemy because Christians are supposed to affirm that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God. Saying this is not only Supreme Blasphemy, it is Ultimate Idolatry - worshipping a heap of lies that you created and, worst of all, forcing others with violence to believe in all that Trinitarian shit.

39:00  The corrupt bargain between Christians and their corrupt church

41:00  Having principles

42:00  Idolatry

43:00  Abusing the meaning of words

45:00  The principle of the thing

46:00  Jewish joke about God

49:00  Am I Jewish?

51:00  The nature of faith

52:00  Matriarchy

53:00  Patriarchy

54:00  Sexual corruption leads to moral corruption.

55:00  The Bubonic Plague

56:00  The atheist Chinese with only one child

57:00  Demographics is destiny.

58:00  Pestilence

59:00  Dietary restrictions

1:00:00  Global Secular Koranism

1:01:00  Islamic rules of warfare

1:02:00  Christianity is the odd one out of the Abrahamic faiths.

1:03:00  New Testament

1:04:00  The corruptible priesthood

1:05:00  Jews and Muslims should jointly declare Christianity kaput. 
Proposed joint letter from Jews and Muslims to Christians warning them of the abomination of idolatry


Jewish views, as codified in Jewish law, are split between those who see Christianity as outright idolatry and those who see Christianity as shituf. While Christians view their worship of a trinity as monotheistic, Judaism generally rejects this view.

The Talmud warns against causing an idolater to take oaths. The commentators living in Christian Germany in the 12th century, called Tosafists, permitted Jews to bring a Christian partner to court in partnership during a breakup even though the Christian would take an oath by God, which to Christians would include Jesus, by saying that so long as another deity is not mentioned explicitly, there is no forbidden oath taking place, but only an association. Although all of the Tosafists agreed that partnerships that may lead to such an oath may not be entered into originally, they disagree as to once such a partnership exists whether or not one may go to court in order to not to lose his portion of the partnership and even though such an oath is a side-effect. In a terse comment, they wrote:

It is permissible to [cause a gentile's oath through litigation with one's non-Jewish partner because] today all swear in the name of the saints to whom no divinity is ascribed. Even though they also mention God's name and have in mind another thing, in any event no idolatrous name is actually said, and they also have the Creator of the world in mind. Even though they associate (shituf) God's name with "something else", we do not find that it is forbidden to cause others to associate (shituf), and there is no issue of placing a stumbling block before the blind (see Leviticus 19:14) [by entering into litigation with the non-Jewish business partner, thereby causing him to take an oath] because Noachides were not warned about it.

In the 16th Century, the terse comment is explained as follows by Moses Isserles, where it is seemingly expanded to allowing partnerships in the first place:

Today, it is permitted [to form a partnership with Christians], because when they swear on their holy scriptures called the Evangelion, they do not hold it to be divine. Even though when they mention God they mean Jesus, they do not mention idolatry since they really mean the Creator of heaven and earth.

Even though they mention jointly (shituf) God's name and another name, there is no prohibition to cause someone to jointly mention [or associate] (shituf) God with another... since this association is not forbidden to gentiles.

1:08:00  Would it be permissible for a Jew to go to the top of Florence Duomo

1:09:00  The Ten Commandments do forbid idolatry.


When I bumped into the Archbishop of Canterbury wearing a blue red and white checked shirt on the London Underground

Really, the quickest way to destroy the very foundation of Christianity is for me to ask the Archbishop of Canterbury a few pointed questions. I suppose it is just too much to expect him join me in a stream on my YouTube channel. He is the most important Christian leader in English-speaking Christendom and I once saw him on the London Underground wearing the checked shirt below. His friends, family and in particular his wife should be able to confirm this.

I intend to ask him about the Trinity, and by that I mean the requirement for Christians to worship an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God or else be regarded as heretics. It is not enough to say Christ is divine, you have to affirm his co-equal status with God and the Holy Spirit. If there were any justice in the world, I would already have my own talk show called THE GRAND INQUISITRIX and this would have been scheduled years ago.

I would be asking him questions about and the Sermon on the Mount. 

Sunday, 23 February 2020

The two purposes of religion: law and spirituality

Religion has a public and private purpose. I concentrate entirely on its public purpose leaving matters of spirituality to others. Spirituality is after all the reward we get when we know we are following the laws of God correctly. If the rules are not clear, then they wouldn't be followed properly or at all. We owe it to ourselves to choose a Book of Rules with the highest authority and the clearest rules capable of establishing, protecting and restoring the patriarchy. That would be the Koran.

Antisemitism is a measure of how God thinks Jews are doing their job of promoting the Noahide laws

God may have used antisemitism as a barometer of how well or badly His Chosen People the Jews are doing their job of being light unto the nations. It does appear that antisemitism rises in proportion to how little Jews perform their religious duty to the gentile of promoting the Noahide laws.

Dealing with Islamophobes who reject Secular Koranism

There is nothing in the Koran that says Muslims are to kill non-Muslims because they are non-Muslims.

Any verse in the Koran that talks about killing non-Muslims are battle orders.

Those who most object to war verses of the Koran are invariably citizens of NATO member states and these nations are infamous for their imperialism and militarism, having participated in two World Wars ending in the nuking of non-combatants in two different Japanese cities.

Prior to that there were the Wars of National Unification in Europe after the 1848 Revolutions which were primarily based on the rejection of absolute monarchs after the French Revolution.

Prior to that were the European Wars of Religion which was about European nations trying to leave the Catholic Empire of Europe in rather the same way Britain tried for three years to leave the EU. Let us hope it will not take as long for the situation to stabilise as it took for the Protestant succession to become secure - about 141 years from the death of Henry VIII to the Glorious Revolution in 1688.

Europeans who became Americans to escape Christian on Christian religious persecution pursued their religious persecution against each other in the New World with the non-denominational Puritans and the non-denominational Quakers persecuting and killing each other.

Then the Americans waged a civil war on each other, which was really an American War of Unification, which was its first baby step towards global domination.

Yet it is always US and UK citizens that seem to regard a few battle orders in the Koran with condemnation and horror, as if they had never heard such a thing as killing your enemies in battle. If they could forbid Muslims from killing their enemies in battle, they would, while reserving their right to take all measures, proportionate and disproportionate to deal with their enemies eg the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, which would have found no verse in the Koran justifying it.

It has been said that Christianity and Hypocrisy march hand in hand, presumably because Christians have for centuries been practising Supreme Idolatry while condemning it in others.

Now, in the 21st century, Westerners have begun to notice that Christianity and Liberalism (and the sexual liberation it promotes from the rules of marriage and patriarchy) are now indistinguishable. Since the New Testament says nothing clearly, Christians are excused this chief defect of their religion.

On the question of idolatry, there is a strange silence. It seems Christians are now so invested in their idolatry and chauvinism they think they have no duty to answer questions on the idolatry of worshipping an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God which they should know from the Ten Commandments has been specifically and explicitly forbidden.

On the question of the purpose of religion, political activists who call themselves nationalists refuse to answer my question at all. Perhaps they can be excused for not being theologians, philosophers or intellectuals of any standing. Perhaps they are at heart united by nothing more than their common ancestral hatreds of anyone who is above them even if they are of the same race, or of a different race to them, especially if they are Jews and Muslims. To call them nationalists is to dignify their thinking too much, since they are not interested in discussing the national interest, only complaining about foreigners and Muslims whom they think the Jews let in.

In their minds, Christianity and liberal democracy were perfect and working perfectly, until the Jews arrived and ruined everything.

Their history only goes back to living memory of how things were in the 1950s before the immigrants arrived.

They seen to know nothing about history beyond that, certainly nothing about the European Wars of Religion. They are mostly ignorant of the extent and nature of the British Empire. This collective ignorance or loss of memory is to be pitied and condemned because it prevents the problems of the present from being understood as the actions of the past.

Anything wrong with their government now is entirely the fault of Jews and Muslims whom they perceive to be treated better than they - the now redundant formerly working classes - who are the entitled claimants of the welfare state. They seem surprised that they are being warehoused for extinction since they are no longer perceived as for the purpose of working by their government.

It is impossible to get anyone at all to engage honestly and rationally as well as discuss matters in good faith, because they are mostly low status, low education and low income, with a myriad of personal problems and a corridor of locked rooms and cupboards full of skeletons they prefer not to talk about.

Anyone who has a different view will not be engaged with and effectively boycotted as I am boycotted by Mark Collett and Millennial Woes. Their echo chamber will not endure the presence of anyone asking a simple question they cannot answer honestly and clearly without giving up their racist, antisemitic and Islamophobic position: what is religion for and will just their magic white skin protect them from bad government?

When I recommend my holistic solution of Secular Koranism, they will say Muslims do not follow the Koran. But the same could be said of Jews who do not follow the Torah. As for the New Testament, I think Christians are excused from following the New Testament properly because nothing is said clearly in it.

The obvious solution to Muslims not following the Koran properly is to follow the Koran properly.

The solution to Christians not having a scripture with clear instructions is to replace the defective scripture of their failed religion with one that does have clear instructions meant for gentiles who wish to worship the Abrahamic God without falling foul of the prohibition against idolatry.

Being dishonest and unprincipled men who were never impressed on the necessity in gentlemen to have a strict regard for truth and upholding codes of honour, they will not be admitting the truth, submitting to reason or engaging in the discussion of any moral or political question in good faith.

Their most immediate short term objective is to go to their graves with their incoherent and paranoid beliefs intact, because they only see things in the short term, being mostly atheists and nihilists who do not care what happens to their society after they are dead and feel no duty to posterity, even if some of them have managed to have legitimate offspring.

Their most immediate objective is therefore not to be seen to lose the argument to me and the best tactic to avoid losing to me is not to engage at all or answer my question, which they pretend not to hear: what is religion for?

Saturday, 22 February 2020

Greater Israel would only come about peacefully through Secular Koranism

If all that is required for Israeli Jews to be in good standing with God is to establish a theocracy based on an Abrahamic faith based on divinely-revealed scripture - and that can only mean the Torah or the Koran - then why not do it?

If God gave scripture to both Jew and Gentile, then the Torah and the Koran must be complementary, in that one is for Jews and the other for gentiles, because God has divided humanity between Jews and gentiles.

However if the borders of Israel are defined in the Torah, then it means that God intends for Israel to one day expand to its full defined extent. For this to happen with God's blessing, it would have to be a Koran-based theocracy ie sharia which could also be Secular Koranism, a New School of Sharia.

If Jews are supposed to set standards, then their own morals must be higher than that of gentiles and the very least their nation must be is Noahide. However, since Israel is but a colonial outpost of the American Empire that promotes gay marriage all over the world, Israeli Jews must at least be seen to be Noahide and this they can only convincingly demonstrate by establishing a theocracy based on the Koran.

Only the Deadly Sin of Pride prevents them from doing so. A Koran-based theocracy would be far easier on Jews with fewer capital crimes and help them get Greater Israel.

Imagine how successful Muslims will feel if they can give dawah to the Israelis by selling them Secular Koranism and Greater Israel!

Imagine how quickly the rest of the world would Islamicise itself if Greater Israel is a success!

What I need now is for wealthy Muslims to donate for my dawah to bribe rabbis to declare

1) Islam/Secular Koranism Noahide-observant and therefore to be adopted by Western governments

2) Christianity kaput because it is cursed by God and therefore to be discontinued

This is further explained below.
How my rabbi-only essay writing competition on Secular Koranism would "Noahidise" the world quicker than Chabad

The Arab-Israeli dialogue that would lead to peace in the Middle East

This idea is not really so far-fetched when you think of how European nations who fought two World Wars with each other pooled their sovereignty to become the EU. It is showing some signs of wear and tear after 50 years, but perhaps under an Islamic European Union things will go better after Britain rejoins. 

Monday, 17 February 2020

Secular Koranism, Greater Israel, Larping Muslims, halal slaughter, Thucydides Trap [from 19:00]

20:00  My rabbinical communications
21:00  Ranking the four world religions in accordance to their Noahide-observance
22:00  Maimonides
23:00  Jews 0.02% of the world population
24:00  Not even Jews would claim Maimonides was not infallible.
25:00  Islamophobic Noahides
26:00  Islamophobes
28:00  Islam is Judaism Lite.
29:00  Jews have a religious obligation to gentiles.
30:00  Jews of all the peoples in the world are not allowed to acquire empire.
31:00  Greater Israel
32:00  Jews should decare Islam more Noahide than Christianity.

33:00  Greater Israel would have to be a theocracy. Assuming God is not fussy over whether it is a Torah theocracy or a Koranic theocracy, it would be rational to choose "Theocracy Lite" in the form of Secular Koranism.

34:00  Lebanon, Egypt, Turkey, Saudi and Jordan could pool their sovereignty as the European nations did after two World Wars in what is now the EU.
36:00  Most people don't care who they are governed by as long as they feel that they are getting the best possible government with crime and taxes low.
37:00  Tolstoy's War and Peace
39:00  Secular Koranism is technically a theocracy.
40:00  How Muslims can incentivise rabbis into performing their religious obligations to the gentile
41:00  The supreme blasphemy of idolatrous of Christianity
43:00  The Post-Christian West whose religion is kaput
45:00  Allah is a Zionist.
46:00  Dr Abdul Wahid of Hizb-ut Tahrir said the Caliphate would have no borders.
47:00  Futile missions
48:00  Jews have a duty to exterminate the Amalek.
49:00  America is not a Noahide nation despite Education and Sharing Day.
51:00  Chabad have to point out that America is not a Noahide nation and the quickest way for them to remedy this problem is to adopt Secular Koranism top Noahidise itself.
52:00  Charity begins at home and the home of Chabad is Brooklyn, USA.
53:00  Christianity's extreme idolatry and supreme blasphemy
54:00  Dr Abdul Wahid of HT
56:00  Obscuring the truth

1:00:00  Coronavirus

1:01:00  CONOPS joins.
1:02:00  Hizb-ut Tahrir
1:04:00  The Koran acknowledges tribes and nations.
1:06:00  Torah theocracy and the Al Aqsa Mosque
1:07:00  William Tyndale
1:08:00  Establishing legal traditions
1:10:00  Libertarianism
1:11:00  Why did the Ottoman Empire decline?
1:12:00  Closing the Gate of Interpretation
1:13:00  Isolationism
1:14:00  The Japanese were not too proud to modernise their military.
1:15:00  The Chinese were a stiff-necked people.
1:16:00  The Chinese experience finally discredited the system of monarchy
1:17:00  The career ladder of Chinese leaders
1:18:00  How to Make Leaders (How Leaders are made) - Viral Chinese propaganda video [English]
1:19:00  Coronavirus
1:21:00  Keep calm on carry on.
1:22:00  The Bubonic Plague
1:23:00  Stalin
1:29:00  Methods of slaughter
1:31:00  Harakiri and Bushido
1:36:00  Millennial Woes
1:40:00  Muslim larping
1:40:30  Brutus the British/Saxon/'Insane
1:42:00  Poland was always Germany's backyard
1:44:00  The cause of British bellicosity Belgian neutrality or the Berlin to Baghdad Railway?
1:45:00  Thucydides Trap
1:48:00  Thalassocracy
1:49:00  Dreadnoughts
1:50:00  Europe destroyed itself the way the Greeks did
1:55:00  I roleplay the low countries.
1:56:00  I roleplay what Hitler would say if he could be interviewed about his most regrettable mistake.
1:57:00  Spheres of influence
1:58:00  The Koran allows only defensive wars.
1:59:00  The welfare state was to keep the returning soldiers quiescent.
2:02:00  Antisemitism
2:03:00  Antisemitism rises in proportion to how little Jews perform their religious obligation to gentiles in promoting the Noahide laws.
2:04:00 Scapegoating is a Jewish idea.
2:05:00  Antisemitism is the sin of envy.
2:06:00  Where you are on the food chain
2:07:00  Psychology
2:09:00  Self-fulling prophecies. Skin colour is the only unifying factor in the alt-right
2:11:00  The problem is status
2:12:00  Slavery
2:14:00  The perceived black problem is really a social/law and order problem.
2:15:00  Marriage is for legitimate children.
2:16:00  David Starkey claims 'the whites have become black'
2:18:00  Organised crime and crime families
2:21:00  Disorganised and organised crime
2:23:00  Offspring of married parents more likely to enjoy male solidarity.


Muhammad's children

Saturday, 15 February 2020

Why believing in God is always a political choice

There is no point debating whether God is Deist or Theist, since His very existence is disputed. What is not in dispute is that the concept of God exists. If God was a creation of Man, conjured into existence and then conscripted to serve Man's government, law and politics, then He was created for the purpose of establishing, protecting and restoring the patriarchy.

All advanced civilisations are patriarchies.

All primitive, declining, extinct and soon to be extinct societies are matriarchies.

Patriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers who want to properly parent their legitimate offspring.

Matriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of unmarried mothers indifferent to the parenting of their casually conceived and casually parented illegitimate offspring.

We are more likely to obey a rule if it is legally enforceable.

We are more likely to obey a law if it is perceived to be a moral and law.

We are more likely to obey a law for longer if its both perceived to be moral and to have come from God Himself.

There will never be sufficient evidence to prove conclusively one way or another God's existence or non-existence. Therefore deciding to believe in Him will always be a political choice made by those who see the wisdom of obeying His laws. Once we decide that we want to obey God's laws for our own good, we would incline to belief knowing belief would make us more likely to obey them for longer. However, if we decide not to obey them, we would incline to disbelief because it makes no sense to believe in God, flout His laws and then be in in fear of eternal damnation.

The debate should now be whether government should govern according to God's laws as found in the Koran, however much those who have become accustomed to flouthing His laws howl and cry in protest.

Those who object would mostly be unmarriageable bachelors and spinsters with no hope or intention of becoming married parents, or those who pander to the underclass in the hope of acquiring power and influence.

Why should the decision on how best to rear the next generation and decide on the national interest be left to the morally compromised who

1) have no intention or prospect of becoming married parents

2) have already had illegitimate offspring

3) plan to have illegitimate offspring

4) expect their legitimate offspring to have illegitimate offspring

5) cannot even defend marriage as an institution because they have never defended a principle in their life, don't know how to and don't want to even try because they are too terrified of alienating their wife, their wife's friends, their daughter and their daughter's friends, their granddaughter and their granddaughter's friends

If the marriageable cannot get it together to win the argument for restoring the patriarchy against the unmarriageable who have a vested interest in the status quo that is the matriarchy, then they do not deserve to live in an advanced civilisation and very soon won't.

Noahide ranking of the four gentile religions

  1. Islam - most Noahide because of its strict monotheism
  2. Buddhism - not as Noahide because it is an atheist philosophy
  3. Hinduism - actually idolatrous because it does have a pantheon of deities
  4. Christianity - most offensive to God who has forbidden idolatry and blasphemy because Christians are required by the Doctrine of the Trinity to be idolaters committing the Supreme Blasphemy of worshipping an executed revolutionary convicted of blasphemy as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah

Wednesday, 12 February 2020

YouTube should apply Koranic principles of Free Speech and punish malicious accusers of hate speech

1)  YouTube are inciting hatred against Jews by forbidding discussion of Jews and punishing YouTubers for discussing Jews in an environment of rising antisemitism.

2)  At no time did I or either of my guests express hatred towards Jews or anyone else on my video that has attracted a strike. Indeed, we were very careful not to do so.

3) While I was listening to the stream to time-stamp it afterwards, nothing I heard made me uneasy about getting a hate speech strike.

4)  YouTube should realise that forbidding even the discussion of Jews by punishing YouTubers who discuss them will only confirm in the minds of antisemites that there is a Jewish conspiracy, which will provoke even more antisemitism.

5)  YouTube should already know that forbidding someone from doing anything including hating anything or anyone will only make them hate more.

6)  YouTube could give its users even better service by allowing a transparent appeal process against hate speech strikes by

a) telling them exactly what they said at which point that was alleged to be hate speech

b) allowing users to appeal against this decision publicly in a stream conducted by a YouTube Judge

c) creating a points system for users based on the following:
i)  a point for every video made that has a like or dislike
ii)  2 points for every like
iii) 1 point for every dislike

d) ignoring anonymous accusations

e) treating seriously all serious complaints (which cannot be made anonymously) giving a reason for their complaint

f) allowing the appeal if what was said is true, logical and morally defensible

g) defining "morally defensible" as anything commanded or forbidden contained in any arguably morally defensible political ideology including the scripture of the five world religions

h) allowing a discussion on the nature and purpose of morality

7) Punish complainants for making vexatious complaints.  The Koran punishes those who falsely accuse chaste women of sexual immorality with 80 lashes because if convicted, the falsely accused woman would have received 100 lashes. The rule is that the false accuser should be punished with 80% of what the accused would have received, if convicted.

I have more ideas which I am happy to develop, but what users want is due process, not the impression that certain views cannot be expressed even if they break no law and certain topics just cannot be discussed.

My advice and plea to YouTube is RESPECT AND ABIDE BY THE FIRST AMENDMENT (which was derived from!

2:00  Get a transcript of every stream?
Because I discuss politics and politics is controversial, I am being maliciously reported or those who appear on my channel are being maliciously reported. At no point did I incite or express hatred for any group or notice either of my guests expressing hatred. AT WHICH POINT WAS HATRED EXPRESSED?

Vincent Bruno, Gandalf and I discuss partner selection, the eugenics of marriage and family values

2:00 Noahide laws 3:00 Antisemites 5:00 Jewish ideas 9:00 Henry Ford 10:00 Six Day War 11:00 Pogroms on Jews 13:00 Coronavirus Rising | KMN LIVE feat. Christopher Jon Bjerknes 13:30 Scapegoat 14:00 Jews and how they acquired Israel 15:00 Moses 17:00 Jericho 18:00 Getting their country back after 2000 years 19:00 A Register of Jews 20:00 King Solomon and his 300 concubines and 700 wives 21:00 Assimilation and antisemitism 25:00 Herem and Jewish emancipation 26:00 Man is a political animal. 27:00 Fussing over their food 29:00 Shallowness 30:00 The Untouchables 31:00 Status 32:00 Is the American Fascist Party (((controlled opposition))) 34:00 Nazi persecution got Jews Israel 35:00 Madagascar Plan 37:00 Russian Jews 38:00 Register of Jews kept by a Registrar Rabbi 40:00 Death penalties under Judaism 42:00 Israel is not even Noahide. 43:00 Morality 44:00 The Normans 45:00 Religion 46:00 Safety in numbers 47:00 Christianity 48:00 Religion, law, morality 50:00 Monsters of victimhood 51:00 Warehousing the white working class for extinction 52:00 Henry Ford 53:00 Jay 59:00 Is liberalism obsolete? 1:01:00 Rabbi: Jews Should Choose Death Over Allowing LGBTQ Lessons in School 1:04:00 1:05:00 1:07:00 A life of just going with the flow 1:08:00 The birth rate 1:11:00 Social engineering 1:12:00 The next generation of employees 1:13:00 Making a marriage a good bargain again 1:15:00 The joint enterprise of rearing the next generation 1:17:00 Senior male politicians afraid of wives 1:18:00 Eve 1:19:00 "We'd rather die than marry each other!"' 1:21:00 Jokes about marriage 1:22:00 Birth control 1:24:00 War causes technological advancement. 1:25:00 Marriageable men 1:26:00 Degenerates of the alt-right 1:27:00 Echo chamber 1:28:00 Star Trek 1:29:00 Marriage and family values 1:29:30 Utopia 1:30:00 The narrative of the Abrahamic faiths 1:31:00 Secular argument 1:33:00 Unwanted pregnancy 1:34:00 Vincent's Brave New World 1:37:00 Choose your sex partner carefully! 1:38:00 1:38:30 Artificial wombs 1:39:00 The economic environment must allow most men to support their wife and family on one income. 1:40:00 The Equality Act 2010 v 1:41:00 Contraception 1:43:00 Greg Johnson 1:47:00 "Lower class trash" 1:48:00 Reintroducing slavery 1:49:00 Old people could be living exhibits. 1:54:00 GANDALF joins me for tea, crumpets and Koran. 2:02:00 Geisha in tea houses

6:00  Appeal in 300 characters
7:00  The rules of natural justice
8:00  Charge people to use YouTube.
9:00  Talking about Jews
10:00  Are YouTube inciting hatred against Jews?
11:00  Adam Green on Know More News
12:00  Further and better particulars of claim
13:00  Vexatious complaints
14:00  Hate speech
15:00  Forbidding the discussion of certain topics
16:00  Anonymous complaints should not be entertained.
17:00  Are we not allowed to discuss Jews at all?
18:00  Reverse psychology
19:00  Hate speech is speech the person complaining hates?
20:00  Ignorant American alt-right YouTubers who don't value the First Amendment
21:00  YouTube could prevent the fall of Western civilisation by standing up for free speech and the principles of natural  justice.
22:00  The political views of complainants must be taken into account
23:00  False malicious and vexatious accusers should get 80% of the punishment the accused would have received if the accusation had led to a conviction.
24:00  YouTube should operate a transparent process of appeal.
25:00  YouTube should not be afraid of standing up for the First Amendment, which it is their constitutional right to do and prefer sound arguments to anonymous and unspecified accusations of hate speech.
26:00  Can Jews incite hatred against themselves? Should one be prevented from inciting hatred against oneself? We should be allowed to hate anyone for whatever reason as long as we do not incite crimes against them. If we express our hatred for any individual or group, they must be allowed to defend themselves.
27:00  Jews who incite hatred against Jews whether intentionally or unintentionally should be struck off the Register of Jews that I propose in order to protect

1) Jews from members of their tribe who bring their community into disrepute
2) Jews from antisemitic gentiles who deliberately conflate atheist liberal assimilated non-observant Jews who flout the Noahide laws with observant Jews who observe the Noahide laws
3) gentiles from Jews who commit Chillul Hashem

Marginalised Jews say crazy things and are happy to be the object of hatred for the alt-right just to enjoy the attention this gives them, and the alt-right love to hate them.

28:00  Herem
29:00  Just as there are more liberal gentiles than there are socially conservatives gentiles, there are more Liberal assimilated Jews than there are observant Jews. Rising antisemitism is ultimately a failure of liberalism and this must be discussed as soon as possible by public intellectuals facilitated by mainstream media.
30:00  A YouTube points system

Monday, 10 February 2020

WHITE NATIONALISTS ASK THEMSELVES THE WRONG QUESTION: "Is race an important reality or fiction?"


1)  Is Secular Koranism the only way of restoring the patriarchy?

2)  Is it only patriarchy that would produce enough good strong men capable of defending the national interest?

3)  Should nationalism be defined as "government in the national interest"?

4)  Is Claire Khaw the Confucius of White People?

5)  Is Claire Khaw a great moral and political philosopher?

6)  Should Claire Khaw be hailed as a prophetess for White People because she cares about White People and is clearly more intelligent and effective than any of these morally morally compromised white men who are currently considered the leading lights of White Nationalism?

7)  Should Secular Koranism be discussed at Zagreb instead of that silly question White Nationalists have asked themselves?

8)  Wouldn't it be quicker and cheaper for White Nationalists to stream with me about Secular Koranism than waste time, energy and money flying to Zagreb, the blind leading the blind?

9)  Should White Nationalists be asking their leaders about the viability of Secular Koranism?

It is so sad that white nationalists don't even know their own history and how white people fought each other, even when everyone in Europe was Catholic and white. Then they became Protestant and white but  still fought each other. Then they started, not one, but two World Wars after going to America and fighting the American War of Independence, the Mexican-American War and then the American Civil War before they went on to fight WW1 and WW2. Crazily, they think that after kicking out Jews, Muslims and non-whites their lives will miraculously get better after they regress into polytheism ie the religion Ancient Britons had before the Romans civilised them with their more sophisticated pantheon that they abstracted from the Greeks - a civilisation that fell from an excess of war and democracy.

After Rome fell, Europe was Catholicised under the Holy Roman Empire until that too fell after the Wars of the Reformation ie the European Wars of Religion.

If it's not one thing, it's another, innit?

These things are sent to try us, but with these White Nationalists with no religion, it is always the Jews, the Jews ...

If they would only read the Koran, they would know that it allows only defensive wars. Once America adopts Secular Koranism, we really will have world peace. I just need the Israelis to adopt it first so they can technically be light unto the nations showing the rest of us the way etc. Once they do that, they probably will get Greater Israel, because they will be in such good standing with Hashem.

Taylor whom I have met and won't discuss feminism says "Let's unite around under the power and glory of our magic white skin and our magic white IQ."  E Michael Jones, on the other hand, says "Race is not enough. White people need a religion so let's re-Catholicise the West, conduct another Inquisition, forcibly convert the Jews and even the Protestants, and then wage a Crusade later when we really get our act together. We're gonna have so much fun!"

Does that sound like a good plan to you, Dear Reader?

Not if you have more than two brain cells to rub together.

You already know that Secular Koranism is the answer for *both* ethno-nationalists and civic nationalists but you are all running around like headless chickens in denial going through the Five Stages of Grief: DABDA ie


Hurry up, already.

You can discuss what I have said above with each other when you gather at Zagreb on 2 May 2020. Details are at

I have spoken to Greg Johnson and you can hear us at

Frodi Midjord - Scandza Forum

1:00  When your government obviously doesn't care about you
2:00  Matriarchy and the existential anxiety it provokes
3:00  Jew-blaming and feminism
4:00  Nationalists should really be people with a broad education like me interested in political and moral philosophy capable of discussing what constitutes the national interest capable of analysing abstract ideas.  Calling proletarian antisemites, Islamophobes and racists who are basically just itching to kill and kick people out "nationalists" is really dignifying them too much.  What they really have in mind is a peasants' revolt.
5:00  Ask a silly question, get a silly answer.
6:00  Civic Nationalism v Ethno-nationalism
7:00  Racism = the ideology of judging a book by its cover
8:00  Murder statistics
10:00  Western masculinity
12:00  Religion, morality, social cohesion, group and male solidarity
13:00  Not knowing your own history
14:00  Collective amnesia
17:00  Uighurs in China
18:00  Hui people who are Muslim
21:00  The inevitable question: are Ashkenazi Jews white?
23:00  Three groups of White Nationalists after they kick out the Jews, Muslims and non-whites
25:00  Why I am a white nationalist even though I am not white
E Michael Jones says he would become Muslim if he thought Islam provided the solution
E Michael Jones on St Augustine, Aquinas, sharia in Iran and the logos of theocracy
26:00 What would happen if E Michael Jones became Pope
27:00  WASP
28:00  Damaged ex-Catholics
33:00  The free exchange of ideas and information is necessary to solve and avoid problems and this is what the neurotic matriarchy now forbids.
35:00  Take me to your leader!
37:00  Chabad
38:00  The supreme idolatry of Christianity
40:00  Quicker for Jews to Noahidise the world saying the Koran and Secular Koranism is Noahide-compliant.  I also have a plan to get Muslims to bribe rabbis to say this. 
How my rabbi-only essay writing competition on Secular Koranism would "Noahidise" the world quicker than Chabad
42:00  Proposed joint letter from Jews and Muslims to Christians warning them of the abomination of idolatry
43:00  Chabad
44:00  Rabbi Schneerson and Rabbi David Bar-Hayim   
45:00  Which Jews are more authentic? Surely the observant Jew is more authentic  than the atheist and liberal Jew.
47:00  Chabad seem to prefer numbers (they count anyone technically a Jew even if they are riddled with tattoos, don't keep kosher or observe the Sabbath ) more than whether they are observant. They treat converts badly and put all sorts of obstacles in their way, deliberately.
49:00 Jews have no supreme authority over each other, not even theoretically, unlike Catholics with their Pope who is said to be infallible on matters of Catholic doctrine. 
51:00  Who has authority in Judaism?
52:00  The Greater Jihad is the struggle with oneself.
54:00  Jew or gentile, a beta male will never accept the authority of another beta male. 
55:00  John Major
56:00  A house divided cannot stand.
58:00  Less than 2% of Jews are Chabad.
1:00:00  pozzed
1:01:00  Leadership problems
1:03:00  The hierarchy of a patriarchy
1:04:00  The infantilism of Western politicians
1:05:00  Nancy Pelosi
1:06:00  Thatcher
1:07:00  Theresa May the Maybot
1:08:00  Trump
1:09:00  The alpha male Trump has changed the chemistry of politics
1:10:00  John McCain
1:11:00  Sarah Palin
1:15:00  Boris
1:16:00  Coronavirus
1:17:00  The Coronavirus - Sign of The Coming of the Messianic Era
1:19:00  Coronavirus: Australian scientists first to recreate virus outside China
Legendary actor Jackie Chan offers Dh500,000 reward for coronavirus antidote
1:23:00  The Bubonic Plague
1:24:00  The right kind of elite
1:25:00  Dump democracy
1:26:00  The Chinese eat anything with four legs apart from tables.
1:27:00  Famine and cannibalism
1:28:00  Shintoism
1:29:00  Cutting an animal's throat is the quickest and therefore the most humane way to kill it. 
If you had to be executed and could only choose one of these methods, which would it be?
1:32:00  Vegetarian rabbis
1:35:00  The Mandate of Heaven
1:37:00  Teshuva
1:39:00  Constructive criticism
1:41:00  A nagging wife is showing that she cares.

Sunday, 9 February 2020

Should gentiles apologise to Jews for corrupting their morals with liberalism?


With the new rules, liability now lies with tech giants to ensure their platforms aren’t open to copyright breaches. Detractors have said this would lead to controversial pre-filter systems, where everything from memes to GIFs are blocked from online platforms.

3:00  Brutalised 9, Daughter of Albion, Nietzsche

8:00  Church of Entropy  and I were not to be.
9:00  Some people enjoy being frightened.
10:00  Necrotising fasciitis
11:00  The Bubonic Plague
12:00  Kevin Grace
15:00  Thai gunman
16:00  Running amok
17:00  Bad government leads to spree killing by Muslims and non-Muslims
18:00  Buddhism
19:00  Christianity is kaput.
20:00  Should gentiles apologise to Jews for corrupting their morals with liberalism?
21:00  The Liberal Gentile is responsible for the Liberal Jew.
23:00  There are far more Liberal Gentiles than Liberal Jews.
24:00  Yin and Yang
25:00  Religion, patriarchy, good parenting, the prevention of degeneracy and the enemy within
26:00  Should kaput Christianity be replaced with Secular Koranism?
27:00  Corruption has spread to all major institutions of state.

28:00  Christianity cannot be fixed because no rational and moral person can be made to believe in the absurdity of worshipping an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God without state intimidation. Western governments no longer have the stomach to conduct another Inquisition, Crusade or burn heretics at the stake, which was was what Westerns governments used to do to keep Westerners Christian. If they tried to fix Christianity by removing the requirement to affirm the Trinity, they would actually find themselves Muslim.

32:00  White people are like sick children who won't take their medicine.

33:00  Historia Civilis

34:00  It was Kevin Grace who convinced me how Catholicism is definitely kaput.

35:00  No point talking to degenerates who don't know their own minds from one moment to the next.  They do this because they are neurotic or intoxicated, but it doesn't matter because the result is the same: confusion, neurosis, psychosis, dementia, catatonia.

38:00  Philip Schofield

38:30  Gay idolater Vincent Bruno wants me to say Secular Koranism would execute sodomites and idolaters, but I refuse.

39:00 If Islam based on the Koran is Noahide-compliant, then so should Secular Koranism be regarded as Noahide-compliant because it is also based on the Koran. Chabad do not regard even Islam as Noahide-compliant, but this explains why they are pushing their Jew-administered Noahide religion for gentiles.

40:00  The percentage of the population in the world that is Jewish is 0.02%.  Even with Greater Israel which is estimated to have a population of 100 million in 2050, it cannot be governed as a Torah theocracy, only a Koran-based theocracy ie sharia.

41:00  Greater Israel

42:00  Al Aqsa Mosque and the Third Temple

43:00  Temple Judaism didn't do the Jews much good.  Were the Sadducees God-fearing priests or were they rather like the hopelessly corrupt sodomidical Catholic catamites that now constitute Catholic clergy having sex parties in the Vatican?

45:00  The Al Aqsa Mosque is there to remind Jews that they should at least live as Noahides in Israel and it would only be possible to do so in Israel if it followed sharia.  The most Noahide-compliant religion currently available is Islam which is based on the Koran. If Jews disagree that the Koran is Noahide-compliant, then they are obliged to cite which verse in the Koran offends against the Noahide laws.

47:00  It has been suggested that the reason their exile was as long as 2000 years was because of the terrible terrible sin of Lashon Hara which they were guilty of against each other.


49:00  Racist white people

50:00  The bloody disgraceful shameful history of Christianity

52:00  Why the church had to be quarantined from the American State

53:00  Religion

54:00  Why Islam is the moral and rational choice

55:00  The really shocking thing about Philip Schofield is not that he had sex with a man while being a married father

56:00  The Ummah

57:00  Skin colour is not enough to bind a group.

58:00  Khavian accelerationism from feminism to theocracy for a smoother transition from degeneracy to the moral regeneration of the West and the world

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...