Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Analysing a conversation between two Jews (Paul Gottfried and Lawrence Auster) about white guilt

Lawrence Auster

Paul Gottfried


8:00  "a perversion of Christianity"

Why blame Christianity when affirmative action is obviously unfair whether you are Christian or not?

11:00  Who is a serious thinker these days?

13:00  "Boasian Envrionmentalism" creates white guilt.

16:00  Franz Boas

17:00  The identity crisis of Franz Boas
Historical Particularism

23:00  Gottfried thinks Christianity is the cause of self-abnegating white guilt. I disagree.

24:00  WASPs are doing it to themselves more than Catholics and Jews.


"The Jews, whose collective and individual psyche is not guilty under liberalism (since in the liberal world view Jews are victims and the champions of victims), have psychological power and self-confidence and thus are not true liberals."


"True liberals, who incarnate the Freudian death wish, yearn for the extinction of their ancestral group."

33:00  The imperial origins of white guilt

35:00  White guilt for nuking civilian non-combatants of Nagasaki and Hiroshima

36:00  Britain's loss of its global empire after one too many imperial wars was America's gain.

38:00  Demoblisiation - the British government softened up returned British soldiers with wine, women, song and the welfare state.

41:00  Young people are full of moronic whynottery,

47:00  Deval Patrick

53:00  Christians are not told not to marry non-Christians.

56:00  The moral superiority of liberals over racists

57:00  The changing principles of the parties of the Donkey and Elephant

58:00  A Theory of Justice by John Rawls

1:01:00  "Untrammelled liberalism"

1:06:00  Christianity is kaput and its replacement is obvious. 

1:11:00  Protestantism won the Wars of the Reformation.

1:12:00  Can any society do without a religion?

1:14:00  What is the purpose of religion?

1:15:00  No Christian will engage with me.

1:16:00  How would going to church when you didn't before or going to a different to church change the laws of your country? Changing the law is the essence of political activism.

1:17:00  Old men in their 80s are probably not interested in radical and fundamental change. The dishonourable are probably not about to admit any omission on their part.

1:18:00  Why isn't Gottfried capable of discussing the failure of Christianity with me or anyone?

1:19:00  Jay's answer to the nature and purpose of religion

1:20:00  Can any society do without a religion?

1:21:00  How do you know when your religion has failed?

1:22:00  Moral cowardice, intellectual dishonesty or deliberate suppression?

1:23:00  Christianity was meant to fail.  

1:24:00  Christianity suffers from having an obviously inferior scripture.  

1:25:00  Christianity has no rule of law. What  they keep thinking is Christian is in fact Jewish.  

1:26:00  Conservatives and Liberalism would be unable to agree an official handbook of either even if you locked them up in the Sistine Chapel and deprived them of food and drink until they do.

1:27:00  Jews won't tell Christians Christianity is kaput because they don't want to forfeit the support for Israel they would otherwise receive from Christian Zionists.

1:28:00  Jews should recommend Secular Koranism to Christians and Post-Christians because Islam is the most Noahide of all gentile religions and Christianity the least, being both idolatrous and blasphemous.

Q. Salaam Rabbi. Have you made any comment on the UAE- Israel deal? How do you feel about it?
A. Wa aleikum salaam wa...
Posted by Ben Abrahamson on Tuesday, 18 August 2020

1:29:00  The swamp of intellectual dishonesty and moral cowardice that goes from Left to Right, atheist to monotheist, young to old, men to women

1:32:00  Paul Gottfried should be able to talk about the nature and purpose of religion even if he cannot bring himself to discuss Secular Koranism, Islam or the failure of Christianity.

1:33:00  White American guilt is caused by the British inadvertently handing their global empire to the Americans on a platter after they "won" WW2. They are also probably feeling guilty about their incompetence and inability to administer it properly because of their immaturity. They are basically adolescents in arrested adolescence who have slipped into dementia without passing through adulthood. To get themselves on an even keel, they must replace their failed religion and their failed political system with a one-party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism and in this way be the shining city on the Islamic hill, finally fulfilling the destiny of American exceptionalism. 

Is that shining city on the hill in fact Muslim?

1:34:00  Paul Gottfried is shy of pointing out in no uncertain terms that Christianity is kaput but I am not. I would love to explain how and why, but Cotto-Gottfried have so far not invited me on their channel to challenge Secular Koranism. 

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