Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Do Jews and Muslims repent of their omission?

If you believe in the Abrahamic God, you'd have to accept everything happens for a purpose. Orthodox Jews already accept that Muslims were sent by God to punish Jews. If God created evil, He must also have created antisemitism to punish Jews for not doing what He has chosen them to do: promote the Noahide laws. If they are not up to the job of promoting the Noahide laws to antisemitic gentiles who would reject the Noahide laws just because they are Jewish, Chief Rabbis of the world could at least rank the four gentile religions according to the Noahide laws and give us their ranking. 

My ranking is as follows:

1.  Islam as most Noahide because it has the same apprehension of the Abrahamic God as Judaism
2.  Buddhism as second most Noahide because it is atheist
3.  Hinduism as third most Noahide because it is idolatrous
4.  Christianity as least Noahide and bottom of the heap because it is both idolatrous and blasphemous for worshipping Jesus - convicted by Jews for blasphemy - as the co-equal of same Abrahamic God that Jews worship 

One could be forgiven for thinking that Christianity was cooked up by someone who was going out of his way to mock and punish Jews as well as blaspheme against their God. Indeed, Joseph Atwill in his book Caesar's Messiah, makes this point. The whole shebang of Christianity was cooked up Constantine when he called Christians bishops to Nicaea to cook up a story they could all agree on, but they couldn't even do that. 

Do you wonder why Jehovah's Witnesses have always been sneered at by the Trinitarian Catholics, Anglicans and Orthodox Christians? Because they are the latter day Arian heretics, whose idea came from Bishop Arius who said Jesus was a little bit divine, but not as divine as the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe.  

If Westerners feel as if they have been cursed by God, they might like to reflect on the reasons for this. 
The idolatry and blasphemy that they are already guilty of as Christians does not include their others sins too, of course.

Jews would be cursed for not telling Christians they are idolaters and blasphemers and in this way promoting the Noahide laws.

Muslims would be cursed for not obeying the command of 18:4 of the Koran telling them to admonish those who claim God has begotten a son.  

There are 2.2 billion Christians, 1.2 billion Muslims and 14 million Jews. That is quite a lot of people to punish.

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