Tuesday, 29 September 2020

I give my diagnosis on the matriarchal malaise of the West and prescribe the cure


7:42:00  I join the stream.
7:43:00  Getting it out of our system.
7:44:00  Matriarchy

7:45:00  Men in senior politicians of political power won't admit that Christianity is kaput because we live in a matriarchy.

7:48:00  Jews not promoting the Noahide laws is the problem.

7:49:00  Jews are God's Chosen People.
7:50:00  Pogrom is not the way of dealing with the problems of the plebs.
7:51:00  Plebs haven't come up with a better solution than mine. 
7:52:00  Square wheel
7:53:00  Islam is waxing but Christianity is waning. 
7:54:00  Jay admits he cannot make Christianity work again.
7:55:00  Jay more or less admits it is impossible resurrect the corpse of Christianity.
7:56:00  I am not Muslim.

7:59:00  Jews are supposed to be promoting the Noahide laws. 

8:00:00  The Torah says Jews are God's Chosen People of God.
8:02:00  Jews would not exist without Judaism. 
8:03:00  Religion is important. 
8:04:00  Jews are part of the solution. 

8:05:00  Jews have been corrupted by liberalism. 

8:09:00  Jew are forbidden to enter churches because they are places of abomination where idolatry is practised but allowed to pray with Muslims in mosques. 

8:10:00  Following Judaism keeps Jews in existence.
8:12:00  Jews marrying out
8:13:00  Islam without sharia is a car without an engine.
8:15:00  Jay is not even Christian.  

8:17:00  Christianity is kaput because the religion of the West is now Political Correctness and Intersectional Feminism.

8:19:00  Muslim undergraduates supporting LGBT 

8:21:00  Islam contains the laws of God with God addressing the reader through the Koran, but the New Testament was not even by Jesus, just some guys called Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul etc. 

8:22:00  The difference between religion and politics is a distinction without a difference. 

8:25:00  The alt-right is always complaining about Jews and Muslims because they lack the protective wrapper of religion Jews and Muslims have.

8:26:00  Islamic principles of warfare
8:27:00  Terrorism is provoked by bad government policy.

8:28:00  The Koran has rules on how to treat prisoners of war.  

8:29:00  Patriarchy is marriage and family values.
8:30:00  Richard Spencer
8:34:00  Lesbos
8:41:00  Education in the West
8:44:00  Saudi Arabia
8:49:00  Wife-beating and wrist-slapping
9:03:00  "the real cuntiness of Claire" 
9:23:00  My flag and gun photos that made such an impression on OV

9:29:00  I rejoin the stream.
9:30:00  The West is a matriarchy because Christianity is kaput.
9:35:00  Civic nationalism
9:36:00  Ethno-nationalism
9:37:00  Representative democracy

9:38:00  Trump's Enabling Act
9:41:00  Once upon a time America was a one-party state.

The Federalist Party was the first political party in the United States. Under Alexander Hamilton, it dominated the national government from 1789 to 1801.

9:42:00  The one-party state of China
9:43:00  General Strike of 1925 and the Miners' Strike of 1974
9:44:00  California
9:45:00  Education and vocational training
9:47:00  Democracy is one of the many sacred cows.

9:48:00  The only party in the nation must have the stated principle of promoting the national interest.
9:49:00  Nationalism is government in the national interest. 
9:50:00  Belgium
9:51:00  Defining a country
9:52:00  Second class citizens
9:53:00  Restoring the patriarchy
9:54:00  The shape of a patriarchy and matriarchy

9:55:00  The oligarchy has marginalised white men in the West.

9:56:00  The Elephant and Donkey parties buy their votes by bribing different groups in America.

9:57:00  The political establishment conspire against the working man.

9:58:00  Employment protection legislation and the welfare state would tend to make workers less willing to work as well as they should.

9:59:00  Shaming unmarried parents
10:00:00  Demonising people who complain about immigration
10:01:00  The female bloc vote and the minority vote wins elections.
10:05:00  An aging nation
10:06:00  Technocrats
10:07:00  Population reduction agenda
10:08:00  Anti-trust laws
10:09:00  China, Ancient Athens, Republican Rome
10:10:00  Americans rejecting the divine right of kings
10:11:00  Moghul Empire 
10:12:00  The short-termism of parliamentary democracies that have to fight elections, always less than four years away.  
10:13:00  China probably doesn't know whether it wants Biden or Trump to win the presidency.
10:14:00  Collapsing empires are like collapsing stars.
10:15:00  BLM
10:16:00  Matriarchy
10:17:00  Lockdown
10:18:00  The Black Death
10:19:00  The West hoist by its own petard over its anti-China rhetoric.  
10:20:00  The rich have become poor. 
10:21:00  The economically unproductive are the ones who favour lockdown.

10:22:00  Destroying your economy over old people because you think they are more likely to vote for you in the next election is crazy stupid.

10:23:00  Democracy will be swept away after November 2020.
10:24:00  A one-party state that protects the rights of its members
10:25:00  Constitution of the Chinese Communist Party
Constitution of the Conservative Party

10:26:00  UKIP - 20+ years to fix a problem that is not even fixed yet.

10:27:00  Rivers of Blood speech of Enoch Powell

Howard Flight echoes Keith Joseph's 1974 warning that 'our human stock is threatened'
Tory peer's warning about discouraging middle class 'breeding' echoes speech which killed off leadership hopes of father of Thatcherism

10:28:00  Time for white men to acknowledge that the last time they knew any politician to speak the truth was in 1974.

10:31:00 Obamaphone

10:32:00  The average age of a nation dictates its national characteristic. 

10:33:00  An aging nation will take on the characteristic of a neurotic woman suffering from dementia.

10:35:00  Anti-feminist men are not interested in campaigning for no fault divorce. 

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