Monday, 28 September 2020

The retreat from Trinitarianism to Arianism is a sign of Christian repentance

More thoughtful Christians with whom I have discussed theology whom I know come from a Trinitarian background have shown a retreat into Arianism.

You are a Trinitarian if you are Catholic, Anglican, Protestant and an Orthodox Christian. Trinitarians are required to believe that Jesus is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe to be officially Christian. The absurdity of this belief is apparent after a reading of the Athanasian Creed. 

You are an Arian if you believe Jesus was divine but not of co-equal status to God. This belief is represented in modern times by Jehovah's Witnesses.   

While this retreat from the full-blown blasphemy and idolatry of Trinitarianism into the mere idolatry Arianism initially exasperated and infuriated me, I have now decided to see it as a good sign, and indeed a sign of certain Christians acknowledging the irresistible supremacy and oneness of God. They have after all retreated from being both idolatrous and blasphemous to being merely idolatrous, and this can only be seen as an improvement and a return to God.

If you take the Ten Commandments seriously, you would know Trinitarianism is blasphemy. If you were Jewish, you would know that the penalty for blasphemy and idolatry is death. What could be more blasphemous than worshipping a Jew convicted of blasphemy as the co-equal of the Abrahamic God that Jews themselves worship? 

Arianism in my view represents "mere idolatry" which is of course a lesser offence than both blasphemy and idolatry. Presumably these  people who call themselves Christians who do believe in God have an apprehension that if He exists, He would punish them less harshly for mere idolatry than for both idolatry and blasphemy.  

Because they have retreated from blasphemy to idolatry, perhaps it is not too much to hope for that it is only a matter of time before they approach and finally accept the position of God's oneness and the Koran as His guide for gentiles.  

There are many schools of sharia one of which is Secular Koranism. 

If people already believe in the Abrahamic God, it would be relatively easy to persuade them that the He first revealed the Torah to Jews, then secondly and finally the Koran for gentiles. 

While God allowed three Christian global empires to rise and fall, He did so for a purpose. Christianity is clearly a moral vacuum because the religion of the West is now Political Correctness, Intersectional Feminism and the globohomo of Transnational Progressivism. 

Once Trump wins the US Presidential elections by a landslide, he can quickly shoo off liberalism which is now tainted by Political Correctness and Intersectional Feminism. 

Once Trump establishes a one-party state and saddles the horse of the American nation, it would be the easiest thing in the world for Secular Koranism to ride into Capitol Hill.  

Once that happens, the rest of the West will follow suit, followed by Israel - who ought to be a theocracy anyway - and possibly China.

There have been three global Christian empires. When the third one falls, Islam will take over the world simply because there is nothing else around to do so that is fair enough and capable of doing the job of restoring the patriarchy, returning their society to sanity. 

All of us discussing this with as many people as possible would have the effect of shortening the period of chaos of the transition between being a degenerate matriarchy suffering from its chaos and criminality back to the good and rational government of patriarchy.

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