Tuesday, 15 September 2020

God and the rule of divine law

 1) Our laws should be in harmony with our moral system. 

2)  Our moral system should be the best available guide to humanity and the clearest book of rules with better features and a better track record than the religion that failed us.  

3) A society should have shared values ie an awareness of what the rules are and the moral system that underpins these rules.  

4) A rule is more likely to be obeyed if it is legally enforceable.  

5) A law is more likely to be willingly obeyed if it is perceived to be fair enough. 

6) A law that is fair enough and believed to be from God is more likely to be willingly obeyed by more people for longer from generation to generation if there is a general belief in God.  

7) The Seven Nohide laws and the Ten Commandments are easy to remember and are likely to be perceived as fair enough by most people who want to be considered honest, rational and moral.

8) Jews who received the Ten Commandments produced the Noahide laws.  

9)  Gentile religions ranked according to the Noahide laws will produce this order of Noahide observance: 

i)  Islam as most Noahide-observant because it is neither idolatrous nor blasphemous

ii)  Buddhism comes after Islam although atheist is not technically idolatrous nor blasphemous.

iii)  Hinduism is obviously idolatrous.

iv) Christianity is both idolatrous and blasphemous and is for this reason the least Noahide-observant of all. 

10)  Those who reject the Ten Commandments are atheists.  

11) Those who reject the Seven Noahide because they are Jewish laws are antisemites.

12) Those who reject the Koran because it is the holy book of Muslims even when they have no better moral system they can all agree on are Islamophobes.

13) The Koran best serves the rule of law.  

14)  Atheists who are always complaining about Jews and Muslims without acknowledging that Jews and Muslims have the protector wrapper of a religion while they do not are in denial and wilfully blind about the nature and purpose of religion because they think they are too cool for rules.  

15) Those who claim to be Christian without really believing in the Doctrine of the Trinity are liars.

16) Those who claim to believe in God and Christian but are unmoved when you point out that the Doctrine of the Trinity is idolatrous and blasphemous to the Abrahamic God - which Jews and Muslims would confirm - are clearly more invested in their idolatry and blasphemy than the correct worship of God, and are only lying that they believe in God since they would fear God's punishment for idolatry and blasphemy if they did believe in God.  

17) Christianity is therefore the religion of atheists, idolaters and blasphemers who lie to themselves about the efficacy of their religion. They blindly and chauvinistically follow the religion of their ancestors who were forcibly converted to Christianity and intimidated by the state to remain Christian until the Doctrine of the Trinity Act 1813 was passed and until the Americans quarantined the church from their state with the First Amendment.

18) Once Western Man is prepared to discuss this rationally and honestly, he will see that there is only one rational and moral choice: Secular Koranism.

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