Saturday, 12 September 2020

The irrationality of antisemitism

 Jews are being blamed for the failure of Christianity and Liberalism. Christianity is a religion of gentiles who worship a Jew who was convicted by other Jews of blasphemy for saying his papa was the Abrahamic God. The practice of Christianity for the last 2000 years is confirmation of this idolatry and blasphemy.  

Liberalism is an ideology with its origins in the French Revolution which rejected the ideas and control of the Catholic Church. 

Antisemites ignorant of their own history ignore the mistakes of their own ancestors and blame Jews for the failure of their idolatrous and blasphemous religion. 

Liberal Jews are hated because Liberalism is hated, and the antisemite does not distinguish between secular and religious Jews. It is too bad that the media are unable to discuss this, not even after Putin has pronounced Liberalism "obsolete".  

Christians are understandably unable to have a discussion about whether Christianity has failed, and atheists and non-Christians - who are now the majority - do not care that Christianity has failed. 

Do Jews, as God's Chosen People, have a duty to warn gentiles about the failure of their religion and political ideology? 

Why will no rabbi rank the four gentile religions according to their compliance with the Noahide laws? If they were to do so, they would find themselves having to rank Islam as the most Noahide observant and Christianity the least. It appears to be cowardice that prevents from conducting this exercise and informing Western governments that they have a problem if their religion has failed because it is cursed by God and/or because it no longer maintains minimum standards of sexual morality and has allowed degeneracy to become general and widespread. 

It cannot be denied that men and women are now less marriageable than in previous generations, which is a sign of degeneracy. Not only are they less marriageable, they actually have no desire to marry because there are now so many marriage substitutes.

Since the West is a matriarchy and it is the purpose of matriarchy to prevent the patriarchy from ever asserting itself again, it is the intention of the matriarchy to keep married fathers lower in status than the unmarried mother. President Trump would not dare to criticise unmarried mothers in a closely fought presidential election and will in fact be confirming my diagnosis.  

Aren't Jews supposed to be the people who set and uphold standards? To even ask this question is to be racist, and for this reason God is to be dismissed, demonised, marginalised and then ignored by atheist feminist progressives.

To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise.

Even President Trump will be too afraid of criticising the unmarried mother and her badly parented illegitimate offspring who tend to become NEETs or the next generation of criminals.

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