Wednesday, 23 September 2020

The Koran contains the commandment of consultation over lockdown

JOSH of Jerusalem joins.

3:00  Lockdown rules in Israel
4:00  Rhetorical questions from the Israeli police
5:00  Police picking on OAPs and children
6:00  Religious people of Israel wearing masks religiously
7:00  Bill Gates
8:00  Compulsory vaccination
9:00  China
10:00  Judaism on pestilence
13:00  This life solutions

The Koranic commandment for consultation

21:00  Suicide and depression
22:00  Control and morality
24:00  The price of smartphones in Israel
25:00  Israel has an oligarchal socialist economy
26:00  Would Israel benefit from a more Islamic economic policy?
27:00  Different kinds of Muslims and Jews
28:00  A Jewish democracy is a contradiction in terms. Israel is a post-modern liberal democracy with some Jewish symbolism thrown in. 
29:00  Not an Israeli Jew
30:00  Religious American Jews
31:00  Hegelian gender identity crisis and Orwellian doublethink 
32:00  The moral majority
34:00  A leader is needed.
35:00  The alt-right and the Dissident Right
35:00  Corrupt rabbis
36:00  Masks
37:00  OCD
40:00  Over-population
42:00  Modernity is feminism. 
43:00  Christianity was created to mock and punish Jews. 
44:00  Irrational atheists
47:00  Idolatry leads to self-worship.
48:00  Bill Gates, Soros, Kissinger
49:00  BBC
50:00  The Normans
51:00  Idolatry
52:00  A Witch
54:00  Satanism
55:00  Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump
56:00  Christianity is about worshipping a lie. 
57:00  Noahides
58:00  Choosing a religion
59:00  Noahide laws
1:02:00  Jews and Judaism
1:03:00  Status of Chosen People
1:04:00  The cure exists before the disease.
1:07:00  The role of religion
1:09:00  36 capital offences of Torah
1:10:00  Lions and their harem
1:12:00  Dogs
1:13:00  Pets
1:16:00  Rabbi Tovia Singer
1:17:00  Muslims respect rabbis. 
1:18:00  Rabbis ranking the gentile religions according to the Noahide laws
1:19:00  Islam
1:22:00  Hashkafa
1:23:00  The Singularity


1:25:00  Religion and beliefs
1:26:00  Single people and pets
1:27:00  Islam
1:29:00  Progressive revelation
1:30:00  Thomas Jefferson 
1:32:00  Shura/and consultation
1:33:00  The curse exists before the disease.
1:35:00  Christianity
1:36:00  The benefits of empire are travel and communications.
1:37:00  Ten Commandments and Seven Noahide laws
1:38:00  Westerners traumatised by Christianity.
1:39:00  Trinitarian and Arian
1:41:00  American Republic
1:42:00  Socinian heresy
1:43:00  Unitarianism
1:47:00  Liberalism is obsolete. 
1:48:00  Ed Dutton on Christianity

1:51:00  Bums on pews v Conformed Christians
1:52:00  Christian principles
1:53:00  Ed Dutton
1:54:00  War results in technological advancement.
2:17:00  Jews don't follow their own religious principles.
2:29:00  Alexander the Great
2:30:00  Imperialism
2:31:00  Book of Bargains as well as a Book of Rules
2:32:00  The original domino theory
2:34:00  Defending our principles, if any.
2:35:00  Liberal democracy and kaput Christianity
2:36:00  A divine prophet
2:37:00  The Council of Nicaea ratified idolatry and blasphemy.
2:39:00  The best available guide to humanity
2:40:00  My kingdom for a horse.
2:41:00  Consulting entrepreneurs and trade unionists under the Islamic principle of shura
2:43:00  The cure exists before the disease.
2:44:00  An easy to believe religion
2:47:00  Christian principles
2:48:00  God's practical joke
2:50:00  Sarah Dunant
2:51:00  The corrupt matriarchal media
2:52:00  Plebs cannot defeat the divine ethno-nationalism that is Judaism. 
2:53:00  Jews are ahead by millennia.  
2:54:00  Hitler
2:55:00  Patriotic Alternative v For Britain - North and South
2:56:00  A Torah theocracy in Israel
2:57:00  Islam Lite
2:58:00  Jefferson Bible 
2:59:00  The Jefferson Koran is Secular Koranism.
3:00:00  Equality before the law in American Republic. 
3:01:00  One-party state
3:02:00  The Culture War between Liberals and Nationalists
3:03:00  The Five Pillars of Liberalism are incorporated into the Five Pillars of Islam. 
3:04:00  The purpose of Christianity is to punish Jews. 
3:05:00  Christianity is the cause of Jewish suffering since the destruction of the Second Temple. 
3:06:00  Yom Kippur
3:07:00  The shituf and avodah zara of Christianity
3:08:00  Covid-19

3:10:00  The mindworm that is Secular Koranism
3:11:00  My interpretation of the Koran
3:12:00  Secular Koranism would allow individuals and governments to default on their debts .
3:14:00  Weighing up the moral and political considerations of choosing Secular Koranism
3:15:00  An examined life through our relationship with God

3:18:00  If you were a nationalist, you would want your nation to remain in existence and have a religion at least effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality ie ensuring that most parents in your society are married parents. 

3:19:00  The purpose of paternal and parental authority 

3:20:00  Teshuvah for Jews, Muslims and the Post-Christian

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Who are the 14 rabbis listed in Rabbi Mizrachi’s blacklist of non-kosher rabbis?

  Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, a controversial Haredi outreach speaker, along with his protégé Rabbi Yaron Reuven, publicized a "blacklist...